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Forum Name Twist / Gurgthock
Topic subjectPlease transfer to Twist board
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=44&topic_id=287
287, Please transfer to Twist board
Posted by Behemoth priest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is Gurgthock an active imm? You have a helpfile but he isn't on the pantheon. I dont want to waste more time than what I already have if empowerment isn't an option. It is not my intent to be an ass, I asked ingame and an immortal pointed me here.
293, To spell it out as clearly as I can:
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Following Gurgthock is really following the mob at the bottom of the Inferno.

Getting empowered is (almost ridiculously) easy. But only to a level that gives you some nice stuff, but definitely not the full skill set. For a healer, for instance, I'd give them empowerment up to sanc and mass heal, but no rejuv. So it's possible for them to get through Hell, but highly unlikely.

In short, it's not a route I'd recommend. It does have it's viable avenues, however. Murdershaman, for instance. If you don't mind not having wither and rot.

All of the above said, if you've been praying for Gurg and I've missed it, I'm sorry, that's my bad.
296, Addendum, after doing some checking:
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Looking for me for 2 days and then posting a thread like this is a bit premature, in my opinion.

Also, complaining about trying to follow me and not finding me when you aren't even one of the spheres listed in my helpfile is a bit silly. Also in my opinion.

Praying OOC to ask if I really exist after only one day of looking for me is also a bit premature. Still, just my opinion.
297, This was not a knock on you nor was it a complaint.
Posted by behemothpriest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Others hijacked my topic. One, I realized I made a mistake with the sphere. Two, I didn't see you on the pantheon or wizlist so I asked on the newbie channel if still had the persona. That imm was unsure and told me to ask on the forums. Three, I put about 20 hours in those three days. When I decide to play cf I play a lot until it is no longer fun. I didn't think it was offensive for me to ask if you were still around since imms and their personas change all the time.
Just for clarification, how long should one play without knowing if there god is around? I remember one of the imms saying Torak was foolish for following an imm that wasn't around and he got what he deserved. Not to mention I’ve been on the receiving end of your imm dropping off the face of Thera for rl and it isn’t fun.
Anyway sorry if you felt I was taking a shot at you. In all seriousness,s what kind of dude turns down a whore and a beer?
298, Cool.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I just didn't play much this weekend (mostly mortal) - weekends are tough for me because it's family time. I usually play my imm chars from work.

As for praying whether I still existed, I've actually been vis as Gurgthock a fair amount recently, which is why I thought the prayer/forum post was a bit odd. I'm not sure why an Imm told you to post - that's an internal issue to the staff I suppose.
288, You might want to read the helpfile.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Specifically this part:

Those who seek empowerment should be warned
that Gurgthock has only so much of his own power to give - the rest would very
likely require a trip to the bottom of the Inferno to receive full empowerment
from the Dark Lord himself.
289, This imm is a waste
Posted by CD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Seriously, Twist, you should actually have a religion and stuff.
290, No offense
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But the point is lost on you.
291, Pretty sure it's lost on me too.
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Care to explain, for the ignorant masses?
292, Third (text enclosed)
Posted by Behemoth priest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm really kind of lost. Now I have the option of deleting a character I have 20 hours, a role, and a description because I'm obviously an idiot. The other option is trying to figure out a way to work it out ic?
294, It's the point of having created the bugger
Posted by sleepy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He wanted a way to IC-ly punish and reward and in general watch over the Empire, so he created a pseudo-imm for it instead of having to always talk through the council members. I think he wrote this somewhere before.
295, Yup
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If Twist wanted to run an extra religion where he'd be doing a lot of empowerments and all that kind of stuff, he'd have written one. It's not a mistake that it is the way it is.