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Forum Name Twist / Gurgthock
Topic subjectTrouble and Cador rumble
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=44&topic_id=38&mesg_id=85
85, Trouble and Cador rumble
Posted by Trouble on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I recall a time late in the second incarnation of Trouble when Twist and Cador were IMPs and I was a creator (59). Cador had a mortal in Battle (that I didn't know about) and my main role at the time was to try to encourage/enforce role-playing. I had been snooping around and noticed a whole pile of Villagers chasing and ganging one lone un-caballed thief in Galadon. This was expressly against the parity rules of the Village so I started tossing them out of Battle right and left (there were about 5 of them I think).

Almost immediately Cador comes online and starts asking what the heck was going on because his mortal was among those I had tossed out. It seems that the thief, though currently uncaballed, had been Shadow and the Village laws allowed ganging of Shadow (they were at perpetual war at the time). The thief had been tossed from Shadow but the Villagers didn't seem to know or care even after I warned them (could've been the bloodlust). I was going on the letter of the Village law while Cador argued it was the spirit that mattered and it was his cabal and for me to butt out. Did I mention he also outranked me?

Anyway, the problem was I hadn't been spending enough time at the game to know the thief had been Shadow (had never seen the thief before) and acted on what I saw rather than on the whole context. It made me realize that Imms need to spend a lot of time in the game, time I didn't have as post-doc with 80-100 hour weeks at work. So I deleted Trouble for the second and last time. Never had any hard feelings with Cador over it, the argument just pointed out a failing on my part in time in the game.