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Forum Name Twist / Gurgthock
Topic subjectA couple of MASTER memories... good times
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=44&topic_id=38&mesg_id=76
76, A couple of MASTER memories... good times
Posted by Sebeok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1 - Maybe some others remember the specifics better, it was so long ago and I may have killed these brain cells... I remember after master was purged, there was a big quest for like four or five of us - Iswan (me, felar a-p), Jandor (necro), Hermitos?(or was it Godot..I think it was the player of Godot), and two others I can't remember.. Hammer maybe? Dylan maybe? Anyway we finish up the first few (easier) parts of the quest and the last part involves us having to get the staff of the handmaiden. I'm like level 40, Jandor's like 42 and the others are heros I think. We spent hours trying to come up with crazy strategies to make it work... well it didn't. We failed miserably. But the point of the exercise was for all of us to work together, you didn't think we had any chance to succeed at all (you were right, we needed an awful lot of luck) but you wanted to see the teamwork. We all got reinducted. That was one helluva fun time.

2 - I was playing Master leader Crkvenac (or was it some other master leader of mine... I'm pretty sure it was Crkvenac) and Dylan as a level 53 IMM started going on and on and on on cabal channel how she never once in her life ever left Thera without retrieving the Orb, etc, etc, etc. I played Masters when Dylan was a mortal, and she was useless at best. During these times I was pretty much a raging egomaniac (way way worse than now, even) so I figured I'd teach this liar a lesson. I bitched her out and uninducted her. I naturally got punished but goddamn I thought that was hilarious and I thought I was hot stuff for doing that. Heh.

Good times. Thinking about stuff like this makes me want to start playing again.