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Forum Name Twist / Gurgthock
Topic subjectTwist gets uninducted v.2
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=44&topic_id=38&mesg_id=60
60, Twist gets uninducted v.2
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's referred to below. I login one day, I'm like level 49. I really REALLY want to get to level 50 (and 51). I ask my buds, Saher and Nighthawk, if they will level with me, since there are no Masters on. They say sure, but first they are going to duel Loki. If I help, it'll go faster, they say.

Um ok.

So there I am, ready to duel Loki. With Saher and Nighthawk, two chaotics. Meanwhile Loki uses the "at" command to put up spellbane without us seeing it.

So I start spamming 'c acid' over and over. I ANNIHILATE myself 4 times and die.

Rahvin transfers me, says something over cb to the effect of "Obviously I have been lax in my discipline." and ungrants me, then uninducts me. He takes my leaderweapon from my corpse and eats it.

A tick later, the head of Twist decomposes. Rahvin says 'how appropriate.' and goes away.

Saher Nighthawk and Loki are all very sorry of course. I try for a while to get back into Master and fail. So, I roleplay that I have gone mad and need to lash out at anything, group with Tenfan and Dru, and level to 51 which automatically Heroimmed you back then. Morgath makes me 53 (which happened frequently back then), and 2 days later Rahvin forces me to 'title the Violet Spider', inducts me into Master, says "You're the God of Magic now. I have to go to work. Later." and quits.