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Forum Name Twist / Gurgthock
Topic subjectNewbTwist v.1
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=44&topic_id=38&mesg_id=39
39, NewbTwist v.1
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I first started CF, I rolled up a mage, got to level 2 (TWO!) and was rockin' the mud school. Even got my diploma. I didn't realize that the wimpy aggro mudschool monster was tracking me until he attacked. I fled with 4 hp left, and slept next to the Adept of Derit. The desc. on the mob (a healer mob in the center of mud school) said something to the effect of The Adept of Derit is here, protecting you.

So naturally I figured he'd kick that wimpy aggro mudschool monster's ass if it chased me.

When I died and woke up at the pit, I said "This sucks. I'm going to find a ShadowRun MUD." Deleted, and went looking. The two SR muds I found were ... well ... not good. One was like a hundred million colors, and the other one was confusing as all hell.

Went back to CF, rolled up another Twist, and the story went on from there.