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Forum Name Twist / Gurgthock
Topic subjectRE: Nostalgia!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=44&topic_id=38&mesg_id=299
299, RE: Nostalgia!
Posted by Snek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know if any of you guys are still around or not.

I remember inductiong Pico into Entropy.

Me and I believe an alt of Loki's, not sure of the name, met him on the road outside of Midgaard. I was playing Snek, delf assassin in entropy (ended up getting pked by human base classes 11 levs higher over and over).

Me and Loki were actually sitting next to each other in a lab, so when we spoke to him we both aid the same things at the same time. Pico was amazed. We told him it was throught the might of Chaos that we had this ability.

It was either Saher or Nighthawk who was the leader we got to draft him in after grouping with him for a while.

I also played a Dwarven Warrior named Grikthoran who got deleted for equipping an alt. He was an arbiter. The only player who ever managed to kill him was Hammer the guy with 8 million zombies. Hammer got me twice, once was with one of his zombies, which doomed me to xp penalty hell, as dying to an npc sucked bad at that time, not ure if it still does.
I was a bit of a dirty Arbiter, known to take a bribe from time to time, and willing to draft Shadow members (Grunk comes to mind) into hunting posses when I was lower level in order to take down the higher level criminals.
Master and Shadow were allies, which was irritating because whenever we would try to raid shadow, Masters would tesseract in and really spoil the party.
So I got up with a couple of Rager friends of mine, Fenan, I think Matarmas was there, a few others. I said " I can clear out the Masters for you, so you can strip away their power.
The ragers moved into position. Me and the Arbiters hit the Shadow cabal, 5 masters rolled in to assist in the fighting. Once they were engaged, the ragers hit their HQ and took the item. We retreated frm the fight. I think this may have been one of the times Hammer killed me, not sure.
Later, we reorganized and succesfully raided Shadow.

Before then, a Giant warrior named Krollos had talked me into helping him kill a Paladin, who unbeknownst to me was a Master. The fallout from that was The other time I died to Hammer, fortunately from his acid blast as I was running around and he couldnt bring his army. That char never did get along well with Masters.

I also remember, the firt guy I recall being a heavy pker was named Cade.