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Forum Name Twist / Gurgthock
Topic subjectA couple things
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=44&topic_id=137&mesg_id=144
144, A couple things
Posted by Drag0nSt0rm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I seem to have this addiction to playing the underdog, some have pointed out I'll have two opposite cabaled chars,
and largly I end up trying to play the underdog character,
Why you wonder would I do that? Generally I find a couple things atleast 30% of this horde of "friends" are said bandwagon people on for the ride, not only are they generally a hazard to you in pk but if there are enough of them, they will go off and do their own private thing with 1 or two other Fortress or Outlander* members.
I also find myself absolutly hating to be absolute 1 against 12
4 Marans 4 ragers 4 outlanders 1 Scion < Me but I'd rather face those odds and hope for that one other scion who might log on who can turn the tide against atleast a few people and we can generally both enjoy our log in by having someone to talk to. As bandwagon hordes are generally in mass poor Rpers especially if your the enemy.
So I can't say I agree, and as for going and slaying huge mobs after getting all the cabal items, eh usually people don't have that kinda time, or don't know the area these days.
I don't feel as though my roleplay is hampered much by me not playing my character consistantly, unless I end up as a leader then definatly delete if boredom sets in.
And lastly no I won't log into a huge range my of my fellows and log out, but I will log out fairly quickly if I log in solo and my entire cabal logs in 15 minutes later. Ug. Usually I find the range will quickly empty out as well blerg.

Sorry you had to read that long rant, but I dunno for some reason I guess I am strongly pvp oriented but I can't say I don't enjoy me some RP? And I fail to see how huge hordes of your allies can be fun.