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Forum Name Twist / Gurgthock
Topic subjectBecause things change minute-to-minute, for one...
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=44&topic_id=137&mesg_id=143
143, Because things change minute-to-minute, for one...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Basically I see it as poor roleplay. You intended to be on as your hero Outlander (for example). You log on, see that your whole pk-range is nothing but Outlanders and uncaballeds that you have no real RP reason to hunt. You have the scales, the codex, and any other cabal items that Outlander is currently about taking.

So nothing to do, might as well logout, right?

Sure, except there are plenty of things to do.

Organize that big ol' Outlander hero-range, and go take down some big anti-outlanderish mob (demon in arboria if you want simple, something in an area explore if you want something more challenging).

Go preach in/around the towns of the world about how reliance on the enslaving coins is making them weak. Or, if you're a priest, preach about the greatness of your god/the ancients/whatever.

Good/Neutral - go help lowbies/newbies in naturish areas, and preach to them while you help about how civilization is a Bad Thing (tm).

Evil - go torment lowbie goodies out leveling somewhere (don't be a jackass and steal their kills etc...just RP with them about how they should turn from their lightwalking ways).

Gather preps. Got all the preps you need? Ask your cabalmates if they need anything (as Meagara, I would go gather sacks of 25 black roots each, for the various warriors within the Fort, if I had "nothing better to do.")

Talk to cabal applicants.

Help out lower-level cabalmates.

There's plenty of stuff I didn't list. The point is, be your character.

Granted, the above things are *not* why some people play CF. Many play solely for the pvp combat. And that's fine. I just don't consider those chars to be wonderfully roleplayed. Which is where a lot of the extra-perk-type-stuff comes into play. Hence my statement that I, personally, would vote "no" on it.

Need another reason to stick around? People tend to, currently, login/off at varying times. Maybe the Outlander hero in the above example has only 8 people in pk, and 5 of them are Outlanders. Then a lich/mummy/badass AP char logs in. Sorta changes things instantly, doesn't it? Now (if you logged off immediately) you're playing a lowbie while your 4-5 cabalmates could REALLY have used you against this fearsome foe.

Now I understand, people get bored. That's fine. I'm just saying if you're playing CF and have a char that you truly enjoy playing, you should try to get enjoyment out of every aspect of that char.

Just my $.02.