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Forum Name Twist / Gurgthock
Topic subjectZulg's demotion spree seems to show this....
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=44&topic_id=137&mesg_id=141
141, Zulg's demotion spree seems to show this....
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While I know that not *every* char that got demoted is off playing something else, I bet a good percentage of them are. I don't think all of those people played a char to a decent level, got inducted into a cabal/empowered/etc. and then all suddenly lost internet access for weeks, or stopped playing CF completely. Some? Sure. But not all.

I'm going to reiterate my plea - pick one char and play it until it's dead! Maybe death by age. Death by con loss. Death by "this char isn't fun anymore."

But be sure the char isn't fun anymore.

Oh, one other thing on this topic. I don't speak for the Immstaff (or anyone but myself) here, but if I, personally, see a player login as one char, see that things aren't good*, and logout to play a different char...well, that's not a rules violation, but I personally have a problem with it, and so if there is ever a situation where "benefit of the doubt" or "maybe/maybe not for rp reward/quest form/skill/etc." you'll always end up on the "no" end for my vote. Just how I see it. Other imms may not have a problem with it, though!

* "Things aren't good" can mean you are outnumbered, or you are overly-numbered, or you can't find a group, or you located a pickaxe that your other char who happens to be an anti-paladin needs/wants, so-on and so-on.