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Forum Name Twist / Gurgthock
Topic subjectTwist's New Crusade
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=44&topic_id=137&mesg_id=137
137, Twist's New Crusade
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was inspired by Baerinika's Fort Purge to post an opinion here. Take it or leave it, it's just my two cents. I've seen others post in the past with the same viewpoint, but only after I have tried it with several chars can I say that I think it's the way to go.

Play one (mortal) character. Pick something. Anything. Dark-elf Necro Scion? You go! Storm Paladin Fortress? Yeehaw! But stick to it.

I'm a *terrible* person for doing stuff like coming up with an interesting (at least to me) role idea and, after having one rough day with my current char, I just "roll up the lowbie" for my new idea. ALWAYS with the intent of "just practicing skills (or getting empowered) and getting out of the low levels".

The problem (sort of a problem, anyways) is that I inevitably make that big score. The axe-spec wannabe cloud giant that stumbles on a pk on eastern road and scores a noremove two-headed pickaxe with diamonds. The outlander shaman that finds a really good group and gets to level 25 in 10 hours.

Then I'm hooked. My "main char" is no longer very interesting. The new guy is definitely the one that, when I get home from work and have settled down, I want to play. The thought of playing the (old) "main char" makes me go bleh.

People, don't do it. You might have 2, 3, 4 bad days in a row with your "main char". If it's so bad, just delete. Then start that new char. Don't punk out on your cabalmates who keep wondering when you're going to show up to help them.

I'm not advocating mass deletions. No, what I'm advocating is playing one character at a time. Ideally, your current "main char" will be so fun that you don't *want* to delete him/her. Yes, this means playing through the rough patches when your Imperial Hero thief has 3 scions, 2 outlanders (that he can see), and 5 Maran/Acolytes in range without any Imperials on. It also means that (hopefully) those same Fort players, Scion players, Outlander players, etc. are all playing THEIR *only* char, as opposed to being that Imperial bard that you USED to be able to count on as competant backup but hasn't shown up in 2 weeks.

When I was playing Meagara, there were times I'd literally be shaking before I even logged in, because the way things had been, I *knew* that Zilopza and the Scion gang were going to be on, have my item, and I'd probably have to try hit-and-run tactics all night. There were times I thought about just playing a lowbie instead. It'd be easier, and maybe I could play Meagara when Fort's numbers were back on the upswing.

I said screw that, showed up each night (when I could), and ended up becoming Marshall after a while. Then I started interviewing whenever I could (with or without the Orb - when the odds became something that wasn't completely ridiculous, I'd take a stab at retrieval), and inducting the worthy (or so it seemed) applicants.

Before you know it, people were complaining on Dio's about too many Fort people.

I think a big part of this is the whole "help the underdog" mentality. That's fine and all, but if less people jumped ship and swam to another ship, there would be less underdog crap in general.

Just my take. Feel free to disregard!