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Forum Name Twist / Gurgthock
Topic subjectRE: You still around?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=44&topic_id=107&mesg_id=108
108, RE: You still around?
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm around. My imm-time tends to be semi-limited at times depending how busy work is, sadly. Also depending, to be quite honest, on how fun any current mortal of mine might be.* If you're looking for Twist for something IC, a note to me might be your best bet (or an email to twist@carrionfields.com)...then I can try to look for you when I do have time/desire to be on as Twist.

*I actually justify this by the need for numbers in the playerbase - sure, I could be on as Twist, YOU DARE?!!?!!???!-ing someone or running a quest or tattooing someone, or I could be on as that honorbound rager assassin/gossip-monger bard/dragon-inhabited shokshaman/etc. and helping the overall player count and providing a solid groupmate/roleplay partner/etc.