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Forum Name Twist / Gurgthock
Topic subjectRE: Nostalgia! Part 1.5 players
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=44&topic_id=38&mesg_id=105
105, RE: Nostalgia! Part 1.5 players
Posted by Master Cleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A few flickering memories around these times.

Assassins casting cure critical and hurling demon fire, dualing healing weapons from knights cabal after failed assassinates.

Nep raising his gnome during the days when raising a race that had a damage type vuln was unheard of. Either that or everyone just REALLY hate gnomes. 70% of npc's punched pounded or smashed. Ranger's bears also pounded (very lethal).

I vividly remember ambushing him with a ranger staff for a erad through sanc and then hitting him for straight demo**'s through sanc - hard times were had by any gnome back in those days.

Dwarf's were able to playe mages and int had little to no affect on spells. Twelve hundred hp invokers and transmuters pre transform and equipment was common.

With the fall of the shadow cabal the ability for warriors to have fade was lost for good. Grunk and Ravenlok combinations wouldnt be seen again.

A few cornerstone names that might jingle a few memories;

Kay - Cloud giant ranger probably one of the early game masters who knew every room and item and had enough skill to utalise it all.

Dwarf cleric masters;


Clerics with 2 attacks, tess, scourge, haste, sanc & healing whilst wearing a set of pwent. Need I say more ?

Crekvenac - Fire a-p masters, I think he managed to cleave a solid dozen ragers back when cleave NEVER landed.
Sirrion - fire warrior rager (renounded for wielding armaggeddon) Was a rarity due to the fact that there was no prot cold back in the day and yes frosties were in the game *cringe*.

Trilvain - another fire warrior - just a evil bastid but.
Devorak - first warrior rager to really step into a set of darkened and hold onto it for a dam long time.

Gilgamesh - Elf paladin master, idiot always used his AOE just to bless himself, regardless of the fact that it probably kill him a good 30% of the time.

Hammer - I think hammer will go down in cf history as the prime example of the destructor charmie bug. He and his army of zombies was a rariety during that time - but he managed to die in 1 round even with 2500hp to the big D when it got a round of attacks for each and every groupie hammer had. I along with half the battle cabale lost link in that single round of spam only to reconnect in a room with his corpse in it, laughter did ensure.

*.* Insert all level 30 cloud giant rangers here:
Cloud giants at the time had no vulns, rangers could see hidden/camo/invis with their own abilities and could call 2 nasty bears that had upward of 900hp at level 30 and would hit for evis's twice a round each. They would also do nice things like trip and bash for you. You could also order your bears to brew potions for you and pick locks, or do nifty things like steal. The best however was ordering them to fade whilst you were camo'ed.

Duke - human ranger arbiter , a bit imature and cried blue murder when he lost his unicorn pendants to a pk loot. Any way you looked at it however guards + 2 bears + healing shield + healing ranger staff + 2 healing pendants was a near unbeatable combination.

Rincewind - dwarf invoker arbiter. Probably started the seed of corruption in arbiter/tribunal with his blatent tells and bribe schemes, hell if you payed him enough he would meet you outside of town to give you sanc and ams before you headed into town to pk someone. I think he was the only person to actually successfully land manacles on a wanter person (which was charm person back then).

With the introduction mortorn during his corrupted rein there was a mass exodus of unseen players and hero's from their cracks in the woodwork as they logged on with their rare and elite equipment to tackle the new and ubber scary zone. Berrated by the immortals over the cabal channel that he was doing nothing to all these wanted people who were amassing before mortorn he bit the bullet and managed to pop out 2 mass erad/annihilates (not enough to kill anyone back then) before the group of 30+ heros' tore him to shreds.

The demon in mortorn however made his efforts look trivial when his first breathe wiped out all of the explorers. Perhaps that group needed Rincewinds, the then only invoker, ams ?

With castable chainlightning, crushing hand, cone of cold , sanc, and AMS invokers had nothing on todays vokers.

*.* Insert here all the multi doppled stacked entropic's;
Wow, where do I start - by far the most powerfull and disgusting combination cabal powers of all time. The list of entropic's if they can be named strech way to far back. That being said however I remember one that fell directly under your line of sight.

Guntur - gnome invoker (after the new invokers came into play), Entropic and yet tattoo'ed by you. Your tattoo allowed him and others with your tattoo to perm spells that they had up. Obviously he permed his shield spells. A tripple doppled, improved invis, 1600hp gnome invokder with enough hell gear and damage reduction was borderline unkillable. The then new tribunal didnt know what to do as the guards couldnt see him as they were all to low level. Two or three pillars was enough to kill any group, 7 pillars was normally enough to kill a storm giant, and it was a 1 round cast. His rein was short lived however as the immortals moved against him during a quest. Raising the level of his hometown guards from 41 to 42 (man-at-arms) ment they could see through his improved invis. The quest mob not only maledicted him with every know spell, but then also stacked the same using skills and communes. Even lasting long enough to teleport out his cockyness brought him back yelling "Is that all you have ? This is my town I own it!". I think the last I remember of him was him bleating endlessly over gtell hat the lord of perdition had all of his shinies! hahahahaha.

Jarmel - Fire giant a-p, Well what can I say but near perfection? If I recall you became tired of that spammy echo of him recasing irongrip so you gave him another perm on his tattoo just so he didnt have to recast it. To this day I think I have only seen two players that had come close to solo cleaning house as much as he did.

I know there must be dozens more that fell under your religion and were tattoo'ed but there are two that I could remember.