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Forum Name Twist / Gurgthock
Topic subjectRE: Nostalgia!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=44&topic_id=38&mesg_id=104
104, RE: Nostalgia!
Posted by Master Cleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nice to see such a old mofo return to the game Twist;

A few oldies for you to cringe at or smile at.

12 hour long raid & counter raids between masters and battle.

Battle were the brute force forwards with no brains but enough muscle to make most things work.

Masters were the quaterbacks, quick on their feet and tactics their only real tool to utalize.

Masters cabal was in the Galaxy, (then the most dangerous place for battle due to the combination of fleeing in a zone riddled with no-exit rooms normally heavily affected by masters scourge (blind/poison/weakness/fireball)).

Battle cabal Had just been moved to Arkham, at the time believed to hinder lower level battles from being wanted 24/7 (guard central and at sub level 30 fairly nasty).

With a few nice tess mobs in Arkham masters were always lightning fast in and out with attacks and strikes. Thirsting ragers would spill out from the destructor after the last master fled (that is after all the "open altar, get all altar" spam to get the mage's head cleared from the mouse spam buffer) thirsting their way sometimes in packs of 10-15 in 1 quick dash clearing a path through every mob and player in Arkahm, ocean, eastern, galadon, grove, galaxy & then slam into the masters tower.

Muters (which had charm back then and gate(which brought their charmies with them)), paladins, clerics, a-ps, vokers, necro's would all be spam hurling scourge on the pack of thirsting ragers. Thirst of course back then didnt spellbane against area spells (the one true weakness of battle back in the day).

The "old school" ragers knew how to run their way room to room blind from the masters cabal all the way back to the destructor. The rest learned via mistake & being killed in those noexits by the masters.

Back then of course their was no dual wield so it was all single weapon damage and to deal a regular hit that was a "MANGLE" and wasnt hitting a vuln was scary , only a few people were laying out straight DEMO*'s and that was the ticket that led to a early death.

Corpses on these raids stacked higher than any era since. The enforced policy(normally by the leader of the cabal and the elders) was to take trophy pieces and return the rest. This allowed the skilled to build a set piece by piece, and those less skilled but participants to dable in glorious equipment for brief moments. Hand'me'downs were a must as there wasnt enough equipment to go around and the early cf motto of "you have to kill you neighbour for that nice sword" held true.