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Forum Name "What Does RL Stand For?"
Topic subjectChristmas is overpowered...!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=43&topic_id=610
610, Christmas is overpowered...!
Posted by Saith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Am I the only one who thinks there should be a law that says its illegal to advertise/decorate or otherwise celebrate one holiday before the previous one has ended?

The whole, its Christmas before Halloween #### is for the birds. I feel sorry for Thanksgiving, poor little guy. Its not a matter of forgetting its there, people just seem to straight up ignore it!

If I wasn't so lazy, I'd protest! I'd make signs, I'd get lots of people, and we chant stuff. Catchy stuff like "Down with Christmas" or "Thanksgiving Rules" or "Leave the little holidays alone you giant, money grubbing, corporate asshole only in it for the profit and probably invented Valentine's Day for the card money..."

Anyway. Christmas is overpowered. Your thoughts?
645, RE: Christmas is overpowered...!
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maybe so. However, if there are not enough people to celebrate both holidays, you could abolish Thanksgiving so that there would be more people to celebrate the merry Christmas. :P
647, You sir... are evil!...nt
Posted by Saith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just... plain... evil...
649, I am not evil.
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can you not see Santa Claus endorsing my post? :P
632, Just do your xmas shopping like any sane person in this day and age....
Posted by Pendragon_Surtr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
On the internet. That way, instead of listening to xmas music, you can be listening to whatever is on your playlist. You can even do it while spamming your invoker spells. Now instead of bumping elbows with people in a store, you are competing for bandwidth with everyone else on your ISP. Merry Xmas to all and to all a good byte!
621, Times change.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don’t like knee jerk laws. Laws restrict freedoms and I’m not for adding more unnecessarily. What I am for is responsible consumerism.

You stated that you are too lazy to protest. It’s the same thing as being to lazy to vote. If you aren’t willing to invest time and effort into something then your opinions have little to no weight in the matter.

Going back to laws. I think they are the lazy man’s answer to so much. How much easier for an overworked cop to deal with a situation than for a person to develop interpersonal (Intrapersonal?) skills and attempt mitigate the situation on a personal level.

All that said, I agree with your sentiment about the holidays. Christmas is what used to be known as Autumn and I think it’s in the cards for it to take the moniker of “Winter” here with stores having after even sales as well.

Like Kastellyn I see it as a time for family more than anything, and I feel more than a little disenchanted over the whole thing as well.

The fix however is not a Law. it’s a change in how we as consumers consume. Things you can do are, send letters to retailers who’s methods you don’t like and inform them of this. Conversely praise in writing those retailers who you appreciate. Your news rag has an opinion’s section so opine.

There are temporary boycotts that we can do as individuals as well. Tell the chains that you will not shop there until .

A lot of people are victims of their buying habits. Wal-Mart is appealing because they are so convenient. For all the rhetoric, people in large measure want Wal-Mart so they shop with them and complain little (Or complain while they are picking up a car battery and some eggs.) because of the “privilege”. Just remember Wal-Mart wants people too!

All those catchy slogans colors and even the way the floors are laid out after exhaustive studies of the behaviors and preferences of shoppers. They have one thing in mind, making you happy so you’ll buy their product. I personally don’t see anything wrong with their methods or our desire to shop there.

Like it or not though our Modern Christmas is a result of Marketeers identifying what it is the majority of the people want and giving it to them.

You and I may not like what we see, but most people do, or are content to let it be as it is. Finding no moral or ethical dilemmas I can’t see any reason for imposing a law that would in the end be anathema to the will of the people at large.

You get the government and society you deserve.

631, Not sure you got it...
Posted by Saith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I don’t like knee jerk laws. Laws restrict freedoms and I’m
>not for adding more unnecessarily. What I am for is
>responsible consumerism.

Point A: But in this day and age, the only real way to get something done -is- to make a law of it.

>You stated that you are too lazy to protest. It’s the same
>thing as being to lazy to vote. If you aren’t willing to
>invest time and effort into something then your opinions have
>little to no weight in the matter.

Point B: That actually was a joke. It helped to build the "whatever jokes are made of" that allowed the "more of whatever jokes are made of" to be funny. (i.e.* all that "catchy" stuff I would yell -if- I weren't so lazy)

>Going back to laws. I think they are the lazy man’s answer to
>so much. How much easier for an overworked cop to deal with a
>situation than for a person to develop interpersonal
>(Intrapersonal?) skills and attempt mitigate the situation on
>a personal level.

Here I'll point you back to Point A.

>All that said, I agree with your sentiment about the holidays.
>Christmas is what used to be known as Autumn and I think it’s
>in the cards for it to take the moniker of “Winter” here with
>stores having after even sales as well.

Yes. Yes I -am- right!

>Like Kastellyn I see it as a time for family more than
>anything, and I feel more than a little disenchanted over the
>whole thing as well.

Yes. Yes he -is- right!

>The fix however is not a Law. it’s a change in how we as
>consumers consume. Things you can do are, send letters to
>retailers who’s methods you don’t like and inform them of
>this. Conversely praise in writing those retailers who you
>appreciate. Your news rag has an opinion’s section so opine.

Point A.

>There are temporary boycotts that we can do as individuals as
>well. Tell the chains that you will not shop there until

Once again, Point A!

>A lot of people are victims of their buying habits. Wal-Mart
>is appealing because they are so convenient. For all the
>rhetoric, people in large measure want Wal-Mart so they shop
>with them and complain little (Or complain while they are
>picking up a car battery and some eggs.) because of the
>“privilege”. Just remember Wal-Mart wants people too!

People, are idiots! They need someone like -me- to tell them the -right- way, to keep them from continously being victums of their own stupidity! To keep them from world dominating monsters... like Farging Wal-Mart!!

Sir Wal-Mart... you -are- the devil!

>All those catchy slogans colors and even the way the floors
>are laid out after exhaustive studies of the behaviors and
>preferences of shoppers. They have one thing in mind, making
>you happy so you’ll buy their product. I personally don’t see
>anything wrong with their methods or our desire to shop

Yeah w-well -I've- got catchy slogans too!

>Like it or not though our Modern Christmas is a result of
>Marketeers identifying what it is the majority of the people
>want and giving it to them.


>You and I may not like what we see, but most people do, or are
>content to let it be as it is. Finding no moral or ethical
>dilemmas I can’t see any reason for imposing a law that would
>in the end be anathema to the will of the people at large.

No! They just farging think they do because of (and I quote) -
"All those catchy slogans, colors, and even the way the floors
are laid out after exhaustive studies of the behaviors and
preferences of shoppers. They have one thing in mind, making
you happy so you’ll buy their product."

We don't -want- to shop there. We don't -want- to buy your farging products. But -you- create "slogans" and "colors" and "floor plans" that -make- us shop, and buy. Its all subliminal(sp).

And finally, if -you- don't (and again I quote) -
"personally don’t see anything wrong with their methods or our desire to shop there."

Then you are of THEM! How dare... I said How Dare You!

>You get the government and society you deserve.

Pfff! I derserve the best bitch! And nothing but the best.

* - I have no idea what i.e. means. so hopefully I at least used it correctly.

Post Script: (yeah that's right I know what PS stands for)
The majority of this post of chopped full of "that stuff jokes are made of", so do be careful, and have a craptastic day!!
634, Laws are not the only way to get things done.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The fewer the better.

I want freedoms, not restrictions. If you are unable to conduct yourself successfully in any particular forum in life, well that life.

Why should I have to suffer under the yoke of a law because of your inadequacies?

If you want to file along in one direction that’s your choice. I don’t think it’s the choice of most self actualized people, or people with a higher internal locus.

643, RE: Laws are not the only way to get things done.
Posted by Saith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I want freedoms, not restrictions. If you are unable to
>conduct yourself successfully in any particular forum in life,
>well that life.

>Why should I have to suffer under the yoke of a law because of
>your inadequacies?

>If you want to file along in one direction that’s your choice.
>I don’t think it’s the choice of most self actualized people,
>or people with a higher internal locus.

Well that is all kind of my point. If I understand what you're -trying- to say through your colorful use of the english language, then we are in agreement.

I'm tired of the people as a whole just "filing along in one direction" every time this time of year comes around. It's no longer a "celebrate if you want to holiday", its become a "join in our celebration or die" kind of holiday. To be "that person" that is against christmas, now a days, is like being a witch in Salem.

But then again, if we were all the same I suppose the world would be a boring place. Unless everyone was like me, then it'd be a beautiful world indeed!
644, RE: Times Change
Posted by BigJ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's called the American Dream, or some call it capitalism. You take something, anything, abuse it/exploit it, then like some fatback grossero you try and make a profit from said exploitation. But really you did it to yourselves so at least you are the ones coming up with solutions to it. Next it will be, Ladies and Gentlemen of the United States, today we declare war on Wal-Mart, too long have they ruined the values and moral fibre of our "great" nation....bla bla bla
618, I Endorse This Post
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hate that I can't go anywhere after October 1st and not be bombarded with Christmas music, decorations and reminders to start my Christmas shopping now! It wasn't always this bad, was it? When I was growing up, I don't remember them starting the full court Christmas press until mid-November or so. The whole thing has really made both my wife and myself jaded towards the holiday in general. Not being a particularly religious individual, I've always viewed Christmas more as an excuse to get together with family than a celebration of a particular religious event. The continuous press of corporate America to "BUY BUY BUY!" has finally tarnished even that simplistic view of the holiday.

So, this year, my wife and I have decided to "stick it to the man", and not exchange gifts for Christmas...with anyone. Not with each other, not with family, not with friends. We'll still celebrate the season with family (and each other), but it won't involve the pressure, worry and expense of bending to corporate America's vision of the holiday.

Fight the power!

Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends
619, I Endorse THIS Post
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Unfortunately the majority of the nation are consumers born and bred. Much in the same way that cows are genetically engineered to be dumber and fatter, people in this country have been socially engineered to have much the same end.
620, It wasn't -always- this bad... no...
Posted by Saith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I actually remember a time (growing up) when Thanksgiving was the next holiday in line. Of course I was in school then so it was probably mandatory(sp) for us to make those hand turkeys and stuff, but still, there was a time!

Anyhow. I think I'll join you in your "stick it to the man" this year campagne(sp). I hardly ever buy anyone a gift during the "holiday season". (stupid phrase) Except myself, of course... I'm just that special and I deserve a little self-lovin' every once in a while.

Unfortunetly I've already decide to buy the entire kitchen staff the most awesomely groovy gift ever created. A BOOBY MUG! It's this coffee mug in the shape of a single tit, its even got a nipple! It awesome.

Anyhow. I forgot where I was headed with this so I'll just end on a high note.

650, Cheap Bastard!
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just kidding Kasty, nothin but love!
615, RE: Christmas is overpowered...!
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At our house the girlfriend decorates for halloween early, and the stuff stays up until january... the christmas decorations just kind of go up around the halloween stuff. Well the gravestones in the yard have to come down.. it seems to upset the neighbors for some reason around mid november or so. They all love it until then.
I'm not leaving the fog machine going outside for days this time though. (2500 cu ft per minute if it's cranked all the way... woo hoo!) I need to build a bigger better chiller though.. and.. and.. and.. and gilder to frame for it.

Damn I just reminded myself of all the crap I have to do. *groan*
So wait what was the post about? Christmas.. that's the one with the tree right?
611, FNCR. nt
Posted by GinGa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hee hee.
612, My Hero!...nt
Posted by Saith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
613, Just don't expect it before world reboots. nt
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
614, Adjunct to that law
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You have to take down the damned porch flags that seem mandatory nowadays within two weeks after the holiday.