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Forum Name "What Does RL Stand For?"
Topic subjectRE: A short introduction.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=43&topic_id=1226&mesg_id=1249
1249, RE: A short introduction.
Posted by Lyeden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Unless someone is waiting right at your pit, you should be
>able to recall and duck into your guild before they notice
>you're there and attack. That is, assuming you're able to
>enter the guild without having to wait for you adrenaline to

Or if they've killed the guard and show up right on your tail :P

>In general, no. Some ideas:
>1. If you're a healer, then in your guild. An enemy healer
>can come in and attack you, but healers don't have much to
>fear from other solo healers.
>2. In the Inn of the Eternal Star. You can't be stalked
>there, and the bouncers will attack anyone who attacks you.
>That said, the bouncers aren't a huge deterrent for characters
>at higher levels.

Doesn't seem to be much of a deterrent to those that are 30+ and know what they're doing. Ditto to the guild.

>3. In a protected city when there's a visible Tribunal on duty
>in that city. This will dissuade many people from attacking
>you, but not all.

It's those one or two that don't care that I'm worried about. Call me paranoid, but it's happened already.

>4. In the middle of nowhere. It's the old "security through
>obscurity" concept. If someone can't find you then he can't
>attack you.

Works, only you still need to be vigilant in case someone does happen to find you.

>5. Areas with restricted entrance. Maybe the only way into an
>area (or into a particular part of an area) is with a certain
>key, and you have the only instance of that key. There are a
>couple of places like this. Since you can locate objects, you
>can tell who else has an instance of the key needed to reach
>your location. (The chess board is like this.)

Hmm. Abilities that allow one to pass through doors?

>6. In your deity's shrine. Especially if you get tatoo'd and
>gain access to the inner sanctum. Though, realize that your
>deity will almost surely frown on you using the shrine as a
>place to hide from enemies.

Not inclined to upset her, and it's in the middle of nowhere anyway :P

>When you're out you're out, short of being given extra CON or
>practices by an imm. There's a quest that's rumored to give
>extra trains, but my limited experience suggests it's
>ridiculously hard to figure out.
>The best way to maintain high constitution is to not die very
>often and to save all your "extra" trains for the purpose of
>boosting CON instead of HP or another stat.

Been saving them just for that purpose. Now I just need to figure out how to survive those one or two people that can kill me...