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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(OVARIES DROPPED) [EPIC FAIL] Imrahiest the Hand of the Unseen
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=99652
99652, (OVARIES DROPPED) [EPIC FAIL] Imrahiest the Hand of the Unseen
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri May 27 21:30:09 2011

At 12 o'clock AM, Day of the Sun, 6th of the Month of the Winter Wolf
on the Theran calendar Imrahiest perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
99674, RE: (OVARIES DROPPED) [EPIC FAIL] Imrahiest the Hand of the Unseen
Posted by Drasdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man did you ever have it bad against the Tiger. I don't know if there was anyone that I pounced more than you. Sorry Drasdan wasn't much for RP with his enemies...

99670, RE: (OVARIES DROPPED) [EPIC FAIL] Imrahiest the Hand of the Unseen
Posted by The Zaan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bloody bastard stole my booze and my cookie! You also made me realize even if I can see a thief, trying to time my lullaby before you can knock me out is never going to happen. You more then Flaaayin was the reason I started wearing my girdle all the time.
99668, I had such a hard time getting your name right! ;)
Posted by Zun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There were a few times people asked me to get you to speak to them and I'd do it but I couldn't see you to make sure I got your name right and ended up seriously butchering it. Sorry! There is also some sort of personal resolution and humor in this because I was wondering to myself just last week if you ever played Villager morts anymore. And there you were! I wonder what you'll be up to next?
99660, RE: (CON LOSS) [EPIC FAIL] Imrahiest the Hand of the Unseen
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
An absolute FLOP.

This character started out fun. I soon realized I was completely out of my league with not only knowledge of ingredients but I also miscalculated my paths. I ended up all trapper, minus pepper dust (stupid, stupid, me) and partial binder.

I did quite a bit exploring but never gained enough to aquire devious versatility. I was a crippled thief! A mere ass-hair to the greatness that is Flaaayin.

With that being said, I was able to watch a lot in the shadows. I was almost booted for lack of 'killer instinct' by Flaaayin. I got a stern talk and was fortunate to land 2-3 kills before our next one. Chalk that up to Flaaayin teaching me some basic ingredient spots to, at the very least, impact raids/counter raids.

Honorable mentions go to the following:

Norington, Faeshu, Allysia, Chulun (Damn you!), Multiple members of Nexus, Keller, Ghrimriddor, Hyu, Gurz and Flaaayin. Each of you made a complete impact on this character and I appreciate it.

I should have deleted back at level 42, when I realized I hated this character but I have such a hard time throwing away significant hours invested in anything.

Let's try to beat Flaaayin's thread folks! Mwaha!
99662, Now I have to say it
Posted by Allysia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am even more surprised by some of the things you did, mainly the swords. And you talking about the lords of battle would not like you being so reckless with your life charging the Island all the time, and it's Thror. I wonder what Thror would have thought of this char actually.

I wouldn't say you were a flop. You were not as deadly as Flaaayin, that's true, but there are more ways to measure success of a char than PKs. Not sure how you did PKwise, but in most other ways I think this char did very well. I think most people respected your char at the least. I know I did, as you were one of the few villagers that never complained about pretty much anything, and you got the bad end of a lot of things.
99663, RE: Now I have to say it
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My thread about sportsmanship compromising RP fits in perfectly here. I felt myself on the sportsmanship side of things and I was absolutely conflicted.

As a God watching myself in that instance, I would have come down hard on me. On the flip side of this, it was intentially a means for me to get you to come after me. I had a well designed plan to take you out but my online time was running incredibly short.

Le sigh!

99665, I wouldn't say you were a FLOP 'ol buddy 'ol pal
Posted by Norington on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Trust me, over Empire CB if I told them you were awake they ran to water or hamsah outskirts(as far as the non-duergar bash spec flurry monsters go)

So you had the fear aspect, which is very nice!

All in all you were a great 'cousin'

99669, I feel betrayed! My god was playing a filthy duergar!
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was a fan of this character (and Trunlak too!) because of the witty dwarf/duergar banter that went on often between us. Plus, you seemed relatively competant (backhanded compliment of the year).

You sonova :( Glad to see you playing your cabal though! And con-dying! YAY!
99684, Devious Versatility
Posted by Kirslamix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With my thief Roland, I was forced to hit 2000 IMM exp to get devious. I'm not sure if that is because there is a threshold for the edge that is 2000 or it just gave me the right amount of edge points to take it. But I had a lot of edges available before I hit 2000, and then I got a 400 exp for an update which took me just over 2000 and thats when devious became available.
99687, RE: Devious Versatility
Posted by Old vet on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You definately need to hit a certain imm exp amount before you get the edge.
99688, Oy!
Posted by Chulun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Who would have thought Imrahiest was played by Thror himself.. there was definitely something else about Imrahiest that make me wonder.. a slightly different feel than most of Chulun's enemies.. and now ah know why! Oy! even though you did steal a bunch of mah things throughout Imrahiest's life... ah must thanks ye for not taking everything! you sure did have plenty of opportunities and capabilities ta take 'em...also, is quite funny when ye even planted some back into mah inventory without Chulun's having any inkling what's goin on after all de dusts had settled. Interesting char, even though you didn't get what ye were after as a thief... we had some good rumbles and am lookin forward to ye next!
99689, I hope our talks were enjoyable.
Posted by Keller Tel-len on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We didn't get to talk often. And rather than brag about killing Thror, I would hope I can keep you interested when you inevitably snoop even if/when my own frustration quite clearly bleeds through my laid-back RP. Things are escalating in terms of sportsmanship in ways I would really not prefer they did, but I am going to stick with the RP. I think just fighting me once and having played Imrahiest will shine new light on both sides of the war regarding hiding classes in general.

I cannot and will not say much, because I am intentionally saying less than I normally do as a player overall, but suffice to say that now that I know your build I would rather have fought you with you as a thug because it's possible though unlikely that incident would repeat itself.

I will say though, that you probably experienced in that instance what people felt against Flaaayin, only worse, and others in the Village seem to feel the same and act accordingly. It's tricky knowing I'm probably doing my job right and still having no discernable impact on events and you probably felt that way as well with your build.
99711, RE: (CON LOSS) [EPIC FAIL] Imrahiest the Hand of the Unseen
Posted by Hyu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Well I dont consider this a failure except for us ending up being so buddy buddy. All those trips to Dern were so off-rp but what can ya do. Still it all instigated some good rp moments with Ghrim so its all good.
99659, Fun Times, do it again! nt
Posted by Running Buddy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
99656, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Imrahiest the Hand of the Unseen
Posted by Gurzgred on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wish we could have 'tussled' more but I understand why a thief isn't exactly seeking to fight a vuln-exploiting warrior. It's a testament to your slipperiness that I only managed to get you once. Between you and Ghurn's stealing, you all had me pulling my hair out more than once.
99655, About the only rager Faeshu didn't hate.
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Never was going to blackball you from the guild, evil or not. Playing by the rules was my take on sphere justice, so I tried to give you a fair chance to stay. Especially since Norington treated me about the same way when he led Blackclaw guild.

I'm not sure if your IC respect for me was genuine or your character secretly hated me, but I noticed you generally only caused trouble when I wasn't around =)

I hope you enjoyed playing this one, good luck with your next.
99653, One of the rare thieves I really liked.
Posted by Allysia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You played a pretty classy character, especially for a duergar thief in the village. Don't how you dealt with others, but with me I always liked our encounters, with any outcome. You were probably a lot tougher than you got credit for, and you never shied away from anything, even when maybe discretion would have saved you a lot of deaths.

As a whole I have to say well done. I liked your char, and you certainly surprised me more than once.

And you should have backstabbed me in the graveyard, or something. Not sure you would have won that fight, but no harm in trying. She just wanted you to know she wasn't always soft and nice. Only 90% of the time or so. :)