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Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Uhariz the Master of the Undead
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=99617
99617, (DELETED) [None] Uhariz the Master of the Undead
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu May 26 12:40:41 2011

At 7 o'clock PM, Day of Deception, 16th of the Month of the Shadows
on the Theran calendar Uhariz perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
99618, options
Posted by Scarabaeus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's a shame; with your seeking out of other avenues for Becoming I was curious where you were going to go at 47.
99621, Thanks for the interactions. You are my favorite RP imm.
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At the end of the day I just don't care for the CF playerbase. I'd rather play something else. The worst mistake I ever made was finally making a qhcf account because you couldn't access the diku site without one. It made me realize that after all these years it wasn't the immortals, the code or anything else that was my problem with CF. It was the playerbase. I don't mean to say its all bad but there is a vast majority of CF's playerbase that are pathetic as players and worse yet pathetic as people.

Dios allowed other players to speculate repeatedly about who I played and I even had to send Gabe a log of my character Dhuril to prove I wasn't Ghrimriddor. Imagine if a new player had to endure that. How long would they play here?

I was (that I recall) killing every goddamned villager I came across as Uhariz, one time I said "good rager log" on Ghrimriddor's log, and then Jalim decided I was Ghrimriddor. We all know Jalim is friendly with certain CF imms and the next thing you know his legion of OOC followers start in on this "Oldril is a serial villager", "Oldril is Ghrimriddor", "Oldril is Flaaayin", etc etc trolling me every single post on Dios. Apparently the newest one is that I am eric prothero.

I played alone. No one on CF knows the active chars I was playing. It is already tough enough to compete as an uncaballed necro without his barrier wand against the people who talk on IRC/Skype/IM etc and can get their pals to roll up support chars or come rescue them when they are slept etc. that I shouldn't have to endure non-stop #### talking and speculation about who I am playing on an OOC forum.

Players I enjoyed:


Athioles - You pretty much owned me and were the only char other than Drayden and Rhone I dreaded seeing. It was always odd you would gang me when 1v1 you beat me down but Maran destroy evil and IC I hated it but totally understood OOC.

Drayden - I hated you so much and you basically owned me so many times. Thanks for not full looting me when Athioles and you got me those two times.

Rhone - Shows how much I know about cf anymore when I died after getting lagged by a cone of cold. I thought you were classy and tough and wish you well.


Flaaayin - Thanks for not jumping in when I had Gurzgred slept. I never saw the unfailing ko poison from you and in fact I 100% resisted it. To some degree you also made me want to leave CF because if this is how people treat a successful char then I don't want to play here. #### the haters man your char was badass.

Ghrimriddor - Man I never in my life hated another char due to OOC but you made me close to since everyone said I was you. I never really got to fight you much after I got you in Hamsah that time but just like I said to Flaaayin, #### the haters man I thought your char was badass also.

Zaahir - As a player I felt terrible about full looting you and I think you were the only one I did. IC you were on every single day and beating ass and Uhariz couldn't have you running around decked out so you could kill me. I thought your char was awesome too.

Hyu - When you sent me all those tells in frustration after I got you I agreed with you for what its worth. It must have sucked total ass to have a character that is basically designed to not get hit with spells get raped with them like that. I also liked your char.


Sivyh - I would have taken the oath if it had worked out like we discussed. Uhariz wasn't lying. Good luck with your cabal you seem like a good RP'ed char.

Zasowski - Uhariz never once lied to you. I would have taken the oath if I could have had Empire assistance to Mummy. Mostly because I saw that Tavlin had entered the Chasm and two necros going for unlife is too much for one cabal imo.


Tavlin - I wish you well I enjoyed our interactions and I know the tough road you walk as well as any. Strong char and it was fun helping you with Uhariz when I knew you'd try (and succeed!)with using anything I helped with to kill me as Kharvud :) My char would have loved to have delved deeper in our talks re: the greater nightwalkers etc.

Mharlndarn - Only player that is easier to spot than Jikahl. Great PK'er, but doesn't seem to even know how to spell RP. I would have considered going Scion if you weren't such a glorious prick.


Davarrah - Thanks so much for injecting some amazing fun into a char that was starting to get a bit stale. Thats the stuff that keeps players coming back for more.

Eye in the darkness - Maybe I should have asked more questions, all things considered :) Thanks for the interactions they were great :)

Thanks immortals also for the role contest rewards I thought they were a bit odd and I really never used any of the stuff but it was great to be recognized and helped me keep going despite getting a bit down late in the chars life.

Immortals have done a great job making this game and I am surprised there are any left given the larger number of assholes that seem to make up the playerbase.

last and surely least are the Dios VIP's who may be the biggest conglomeration of eunuchs on earth. The only ones who seemed remotely fair or competent were The Forsaken and Daurwyn. The rest of you are so ####ing pathetic it makes me sick. Your inaction regarding your wanna-be \b\ tard posting base is 100% the reason I am quitting CF. Not that any of you give a #### but maybe you will in a few years.

So there you have it, the trolls win. What did they win? One less player to fight and RP with.
99623, You really need to get perspective
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, there were people trolling you. Yes, I had been doing something about it when I had evidence. Jalim, for example, got a warning (when it wasn't obvious to me that his posted warranted your reaction but I agreed that it seemed suspect that he mentioned your name with no obvious reason) and then a short ban (when he appeared to do the same again). Had he done it yet again after that, he would have had a longer ban.

Your accusation that I wouldn't ban Stevers because I was "afraid of the mob" is laughable given that one the front page of the Enforcement board alone Stevers has 8 days of bans from me.

The fact is, you completely overreacted to a post because it mentioned your name. The fact is, any one of a number of people would have got that same response had they made that same post. It was clearly not serious and it was clearly not offensive.

I've thought you were a great player over the years but you've really got to be less sensitive when it comes to the forums, because you are reacting in extreme fashion to some fairly innocuous posts.

I really hope you calm down and stay with the game. My advice would be to stay away from both the forums though, because it clearly isn't healthy for you given your personality.
99624, Bummer dude. Uhariz was mean.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Probably the only necro I was actually worried about in Ghrim's entire existence.

God damn wall of putrid flesh. I can't believe I straight n00bed out on you.

Felt bad for the all the hate you got on Dio's. It happens. There's a small vocal group of the playerbase that honestly probably gets more satisfaction ruining other people's days then they get making people's days. If that makes sense.

Hope to see you back eventually. Dhuril and Uhariz were pretty cool.
99625, Yea, I think Dios page is a curse to cf. nt
Posted by wikataw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
99627, My dear friend
Posted by Mharlndarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You don't like the speculations about your chars but you do the same in your farewells.

As for your char, I was waiting you at hero for varios reasons.I don't know what do you expect from the "glorious prick" aka Chancellor, the dark elf, the priest of Zurcon - when you talk with him in the way you did.
99629, Not speculating
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your char was a prick, I didn't say the player was. I didn't speculate or I would have said your name of who I think you are. Other players were saying me, by name as a player, was playing chars I was killing. There are still posts on dios to this effect. I didn't say who your player was or even who I thought it was.
99628, Why participate in the community?
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you hate Dio's so much, why do you read/post there? Why sweat what people say OOC about you? What does it matter if people are trolling you or whatever? There's nothing obligatory about posting there, here or anywhere else. Engaging in any community-based activities is entirely optional and if you don't like the community parts, then just don't participate.

If you like the game, play the game and don't worry about what people are doing on skype/irc/whatever. I've played off and on for 15 years or so and have never made real OOC contacts* and honestly just don't think about what ooc cheating rings people do. If I did, it would piss me off and make me not want to play, but if I just focus on what actually happens in the game I'm pretty satisfied.

Why not try just forgetting that there is anything outside the IC game?

*I did have (and probably still do because I never bothered to delete them) a bunch of AIM contacts from 8 years ago when I heroimmed and magically (suspiciously) became everybody's instant best friend, but I never talked to those people much then and certainly haven't kept in touch.
99630, Exactly. n/t
Posted by Stunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
99631, yeah, valkenar doesn't talk to me at all
Posted by Scrimbul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
what an ahole

Just kidding, bro.
99642, Back then
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were the only non-imm I ever actually talked to.

Some of those guys may have been worth talking to, but at the time they mostly seemed like they were just to make Imm friends. I fooled them though by being a total failure.

Nowadays I don't even use AIM, just gchat with my actual friends.
99632, Actually it was Batman's fault.
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He mentioned something about you being Ghrim, and the fuse he lit went up like a glorious firework of anger and juvenile ranting. I really don't have a problem with you or the characters you play, and even trolled Sam the same way when he went all HULK SMASH on the forums after Ghrim (and I like that guy).

Basically it takes two to troll, and no matter where you go if you end up with anger inside and demonstrate it outside because you can't control it people are going to play you like a drum for their own amusement. This is in life, on forums, at work, anywhere. At the end of the day its funny (albeit ####ish) to sit there and envision you with the angry eyes and snot bubbles and red face because someone mentioned on Dios that you defend ragers a lot or that you may or not be playing X.

All that being said, this was a good character. I interacted you with 2 people and both times felt a good sense of evil creepy RP. You even had the opportunity to pk me once but opted not to because we weren't enemies and you didn't know me IC yet.