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Topic subject(RAGE DELETE) [None] Thanos the Guardian of Truth, Deckhand
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=99204
99204, (RAGE DELETE) [None] Thanos the Guardian of Truth, Deckhand
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat May 14 11:17:06 2011

At 12 o'clock PM, Day of the Bull, 1st of the Month of the Sun
on the Theran calendar Thanos perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
99219, RE: (RAGE DELETE) [None] Thanos the Guardian of Truth, Deckhand
Posted by Thanos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry Neltouda, you were freaking awesome but this had to be the weakest charachters ive ever played. Despite having some of the best gear possible I never got one PK, and got owned at every turn, just couldnt take it anymore.
99220, Odd.
Posted by Ragerelf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Like you said, you always had nice gear and seemed very knowledgeable. You were great to powerrank with (when I actually had the time to play, sigh).

I hope I don't autodelete...

99229, Dude.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I mean. C'mon. At least be an evil Fire Giant if you're going to steal Thanos.
99247, RE: Dude.
Posted by Darkmage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, sadly I dont often Google names before I choose them, and undoubtedly im not the only one who had never heard of that particular comic book charachter or else it would have been changed by the Imms. Slipped one through the cracks I guess.
99233, You were a horrible excuse for a paladin, neltouda empowers retards.
Posted by Vinq on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"We were in PK and you took my sword when I got disarmed, I'm going to full loot you every chance I get!"

That is you.

You sound like a jackass.

99246, RE: You were a horrible excuse for a paladin, neltouda empowers retards.
Posted by Thanos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow man, selective memory loss hit you much? I was in PK with two Blades which you were auraing, while out of my PK range, and you kept grabbing my swords when I was disarmed, about ten of them I think, so yes I had every intention of fulling you if I had ever managed to kill you.
99259, Erm...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think his point was more about the way you said what you said, rather than your intentions.

Something along the lines of "You will pay for your meddling - I will see your remains stripped whenever possible." might have been a better choice.

As for the actual choice to threaten and such? Meh. Not my playstyle, especially as a paladin, but I don't think it's necessarily the wrong choice.
99279, RE: Erm...
Posted by Darkmage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Couldnt have been that, cause I didnt say it in the way he posted, what I said was, "When you grow and fall to me, do not bother to return" which is pretty much my standard response to douchebags like this.
99281, So you're saying your Paladin had 10 swords and threatened full saccing but he had the poor RP? n/t
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
99282, RE: So you're saying your Paladin had 10 swords and threatened full saccing but he had the poor RP? n/t
Posted by Thanos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didnt say anything about his RP period, but yes my paladin had quite a few two handers, which he stood around out of PK range and picked up everytime I was disarmed. And yes, I was going to full sac him, nothing more than what he deserved. Douchebag was for the fact of his out of range PK interference, nothing at all to do with RP, nor is it out of paladin RP to seek vengeance for an injustice, go troll someone elses thread.
99283, Calm down Kov, the meth is in the freezer where you left it.
Posted by CrazyPolice on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
your forum responses are how you talked IC too, just for reference.
99286, RE: Calm down Kov, the meth is in the freezer where you left it.
Posted by Thanos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My posts are calm and reasonable, yours however is pure idiocy, perhaps you do hide your meth in the freezer?
99284, Ever healed the maran against an out of range?
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
By your standards, that makes you a douchebag too. Out of range interference. Its part of the game dude, its YOUR fault you lost weapons. You could have either A-Got a cursed weapon. There are TONS of them, and plenty of hero range help to get you one. Or B-Used weapons you didn't want picked up after the first one got disarmed. C-Picked your battles better. Or D-Not wear a weapon, and wrath spam them down. I didnt interact with you, but werent you a shield dedicant with temperance? You dont even NEED a weapon, you can whip their asses with your fists and a shield.

I've played a very successful shield ded before. Weapons are like, unnessacery. If you lost like 10 weapons, as a shield ded....well, you should have not worn a weapon when you went back out. You would still have been very viable in a fight.
99285, RE: Ever healed the maran against an out of range?
Posted by Thanos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Uhm, no I was a two hand dedicant, and wrath spamming with a storm giant is lmao, so your post is in effect meaningless. And yes, I have healed the maran against out of PK range, its really not the same since it doesnt really affect the characther. Standing around grabbing a paladins weapons as they are disarmed is more along the lines of haunting Eastern to loot hero corpses, which is the height of douchey if you ask me.

Also, uhmmm I think you might want to look again, cause there are very very few cursed two handers that a storm paladin can use. I can think of about four, three of which are impossible to get until your a Hero.

Your advice on tactics here is just bad advice, wrath spamming two Blades, with an out of range healer with them, while trying to defend the Maran is just uhmmm, not gonna work. It was a situation where I was the only applicant around that could harm the two Blades, and so was kinda mandatory to come fight them, which I had no problem with, the healer grabbing my weapons when I was already fighting 3 on 1 odds was just douchey, no other way to look at it.
99287, How long have you been playing cf?
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
EVERY character of mine hunts for hero corpses to loot. Thats like, the foundation of cf dude. Out of range looting. CF was BUILT on getting sick loot from corpses higher than yours. Only since the corpseguard command went in (Which imo has done nothing but cater to the whiny bitches that cry about being looted, in turn making it ok to whine if anything gets looted now. I wish that stupid command was never invented, I think from now on Im going to start turning it off on all my characters) has that habit changed for some people because its not as effective as before. I think new players are just too soft, before corpseguard went in you didnt even return to your corpse, it wasn't worth the walk. And the people that had to live through those days, are the LAST people you usually see complaining about a loot nowadays. They learned how to get up, dust off, and get back on the horse faster.

And you can say what you want, but if people were raiding the maran, got dirt kicked in their eyes, and you were out of range healing it, and they got disarmed....you KNOW you would pick up the weapon too. You're just pissed that it happened to you, all they were doing is trying to make reraiding for their item a little easier on themselves. You probably could have went and gotten a new set of weapons in 5 minutes, especially as a paladin. You can't win every fight, the disarm skill was put in the game for a reason. Because its a tactically wise choice.

edited to add-You sound like you wanted a fair fight, as a paladin in the midranks, against a bunch of evils. You wanna fight fair fine, but not everyone is going to throw themselves at you 1 on 1 so you can have a chance to kill them.
99288, RE: How long have you been playing cf?
Posted by Thanos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ive probably been playing this game longer than you have, and looting Hero corpses has ALWAYS been considered a douchebag move by the good players of this game. And then there is you....and those like you, who look for any easy way to get gear. If those Blades had killed me and looted me, I wouldnt have cared, the healer standing there at no risk picking up my sword is a douche move. As for gathering new weapons in five minutes, I am sure I could have grabbed a weapon in five minutes sure, but thats not going to replace the hours and effort I put into grabbing good weapons, *gasp* actually going and getting them and *gasp* doing the work myself, instead of standing around waiting to loot them from some heroes corpse.
99290, RE: How long have you been playing cf?
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Keep trucking Thanos just pick a better name

Not everyone is a loot-whore like Tweedster
99293, Eh, amusing point you're trying to make.
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Are you implying I can't get good gear on my own? You do know with past characters i've been known to lead 10 hour or longer hell trips to go get armor yeah? Don't talk to me about gathering gear yourself buddy, I know the costs of the time better than you probably. I've probably invested twice the time in my past characters getting armor, then you did, by having fort members give you hand me downs.
99298, RE: Eh, amusing point you're trying to make.
Posted by Thanos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ive been as deep into Hell as anyone I can think of, hardly relevant to the discussion at hand. Your own words were that you actively seek out hero corpses to loot, means your a worthless douchebag and one of the reasons that I often take long breaks from this game, I could care less if you went to hell and got T-bagged by Satan himself. And in all truth I was not even a Squire of the Fortress, since I never managed to get a single PK on this charachter for some reason, and so I never got a singple piece of gear from them at all, imagine that, you, wrong again, who would ever have thought it.
99302, He would have to be wrong to be "wrong again"
Posted by Gaspar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm suspecting you are just a liar and piss poor player. Having a pissing contest over who went deeper in an explore area is irrelevant when you can't get ONE pk?
99316, My point was...
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That I am plenty capable of gearing myself. But even if Im a hero, and a mid range chump makes the mistake of dying in front of me, and he has a piece I want, its MINE. Guess im "bad for cf" in some peoples eyes, but I would think that those people just dont know me that well. Am I an asshole on the forums? Sure. I can be pretty abrasive sometimes, sorry that I dont have a care bare attidude. Anyone thats truly interacted with me in depth know that I'm pretty nice, and I'm pretty fair, and I havent typed get all corpse in years. (thats a lie, I fulled one guy with my current character, but he earned it, and it was maybe half his gear, at most, not all of it) And I try damn hard to make sure my cabal/groupmates/in game alliances have as much fun as possible. I go out of my way to make people have fun, if theyre worth the effort.

Some people have this utpoia idea of what CF is supposed to be to them. Sorry to piss in your cheerios, but a lot of people play cf for a lot of different reasons. I gave up on that master idea of a perfect cf years ago. I play for me, to enjoy the Rp and company of well thought out players, to explore places I havent been, and for Phat lootz. If other people don't like the way I play, they can do one of two things. Kill me, or avoid me. I won't lose sleep over it.

I'm done with this thread. This guy assassinated himself more than I could have ever wished to with my best words. Even his own imm didn't have great things to say about him.
99334, Wait. . what? You lead groups to hell? Oh thats right.
Posted by Ghuljun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How could anyone one forget, as you constantly remind everyone.
99289, RE: How long have you been playing cf?
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>EVERY character of mine hunts for hero corpses to loot. Thats
>like, the foundation of cf dude. Out of range looting.

I think we all have stumbled on a loot or two but actively hunting out of range corpses to loot, with every char, no matter their role/rp, and you are at least a 10+ year vet? That is one of the most pathetic gaming admissions I've ever heard.
99291, RE: How long have you been playing cf?
Posted by Thanos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
99292, Awww, sand in the vajayjay cause you got looted?
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its ok. Not everyone can have quick fingers to hit the get all corpse macro like me. You dont wanna get looted? Don't die. Simple as that. You wanna play balls to the wall? You risk your ####. Its as easy as that. I'm not the only vet that takes loot from out of range corpses pal, don't kid yourself. Every day people loot from hero corpses. Every single day.

And for you two, that claim to be ten year plus vets....you two do an awful lot of bitching and whining for vets. Sense of entitlement much? Please, its like a broken record. Awww, someone looted me. Boo hoo, theyre out of range. Whaaaa, I earned that armor.

Go play a ####ing game without looting or a sense of loss if you can't handle it. CF Is not for pussies or the faint of heart.
99294, Sweet melt, hansel
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I pretty much think you are pathetic on every level as a player.

nothing else really needs to be said because you aren't worth the time
99333, Not for nothing...
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...but I remember about a year ago you whining quite a bit after Torak's Hell OOC group all got the boom stick dropped on them.

Not that Oldril isn't full of #### 95% of the time (here, especially) but you really should have perspective before you make blanket statements.

Brought to you by a man stuck in the computer lab typing a research paper.
99295, Holier than thou
Posted by Gaspar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you sir, are pathetic.
99315, RE: How long have you been playing cf?
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Please, there are PLENTY of vets if they see a big rumble about to happen will follow with their lowbie and loot. There is a reason why these uber PKers are decked from level 11. Yes I'm sure they kill for a bunch, but they hero loot too.
99317, RE: How long have you been playing cf?
Posted by Thanos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh, I am well aware of that fact, and its the main reason why so, so many of the great people who made this MUD great no longer even log onto the forums, much less play the game.
99332, It's one thing to...
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...be walking in Galadon, or Eastern, and see a big hero battle and loot the piss out of the guy,

It's a complete other thing to level like a demon to 11, and then for 3-5 hrs hunt for hero corpses to loot.

One of those is fine, and one is just sad and pathetic. I'm assuming Tweedster is the first, because I like him, and hope he isn't the second.

Anyone remember that lowbie felar assassin who had a hilarious title for searching for heroes to loot?
99313, RE: Erm...
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There's almost no way to say that that doesn't sound borderline OOC, and I don't think there's any way at all to say that that doesn't make you sound like a tool.
99314, RE: Erm...
Posted by Thanos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Guess its a good thing I learned years ago to not give a damn what you think eh Daev?

Guess your response to that scenario would have been a hearty thank you and a slap on the back to the out of range healer stealing all your weapons right? Not hardly.
99321, RE: Erm...
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey, if you think making a threat to be a douchebag in the future, a threat you probably won't ever be able to back up impresses anyone or in any way makes them less likely to continue doing whatever it is that's pissing you off, go nuts.
99323, Thanks for editing the post and outing yourself.
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was curious who was talking so tough behind an Anonymous handle. I like it when people edit posts when they are hiding behind an Anonymous handle, especially when its clear they are doing it because they were acting/talking in a way that they know people will look down on and didn't want their forum handle tarnished by their prone to meltdown characters.

Good luck with the next Darkmage, hopefully you learn to calm your storm and take constructive criticism.
99296, RE: (RAGE DELETE) [None] Thanos the Guardian of Truth, Deckhand
Posted by Neltouda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Our interactions were easy and comfortable, something always marked by someone who has experience. I appreciate that you didn't come to me ranting about inspiration and/or a wide array of nautical/storm metaphors (even if I tend to use them myself). Temp isn't the best virtue for a storm giant, but it's not bad either. I think if you had given it time to work out some kinks, you could have sealed a few kills. Also, you and I both know I caught you ranting about gear. It was not the first nor the last time I caught you behaving poorly. While what I saw from you wasn't breaking roleplay, it is always something I frown upon. I've only had two followers with full tattoo power... I hold all of them to high standards. Your ranting would put you below that standard.
99297, RE: (RAGE DELETE) [None] Thanos the Guardian of Truth, Deckhand
Posted by Thanos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ranting about gear? Not sure I remember that encounter, unless your talking about my interaction with Vinq, its about the only time I can remember getting frustrated enough to even make a threat, much less 'rant'. Not saying it didnt happen, as I find myself getting more and more frustrated with the influx of asshats to this game, just dont remember it.

Or perhaps when I got the five man Imperial gank on Eastern, then the full loot? I think I may have blessed out a Village dwarf at that point too, though it was more because he was trying to tell me that I interfered in his fight than about gear. One dwarf, and me, versus five Imperials inluding two healers didnt constitute a break in parity, but the Villager left me to die and get full looted then
sent me tells about parity or something, I think I kinda lost my cool then as well.

Maybe time for another year break from the game, its getting to be more of a chore than a pleasure again.