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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Hyu Strongarm the Legend of the Battlefield, Veteran of the Great Siege
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=98960
98960, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Hyu Strongarm the Legend of the Battlefield, Veteran of the Great Siege
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon May 2 21:32:25 2011

At 1 o'clock PM, Day of Deception, 16th of the Month of the Spring
on the Theran calendar Hyu perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
98976, Great Job Soloing Flaaayin and all of us in the rites.
Posted by wikataw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was nuts. I slew you with Kubolza I think, but never got to interact with you untill Wikataw. Fun dwarf. Heard you on the eastern
road yelling "Its my skull!", hah. Thanks for the fun.
98968, Goodbyes
Posted by Hyu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well this was a fun ride. I lived pretty long so im bound to miss people, d'ont take it personal just hit me up and I'll reply.

First off (axe/hands fires/whispers) - good combo, whispers is GREAT on a dwarf, think if I do it again ill try it as a defender because when I got patched plus whispers it was like from convulsing to perfect health in about one tic with over 1300 hp at least when i still had a decent amount of con, i think my health regen slowed a bit as i neared con death.



Grimmriddor: The funny thing was I was a villager just before the Prophecy began, in fact the Imms shouted me out as a part of the start of the Prophecy (I was Knievo) so I had mixed feelings about you when I started cause I had 'grown up' with Vilagers who had fought and died and you got to get Commander without what I thought was 'being tested'. That plus the ease I got in kinda made me wonder what things were going to be like but by the end I was glad you were Commander. I've heard the complaints but personally I've been playing villagers for a LONG time now and you single-handedly are responsible for the current success of the Village and I cant say anything but kudos. The Village hasnt been this strong in recent memory.

Flaaayin: Hands down the best Drillmaster I believe ive ever served under. I've always believed a good Drillmaster should be able to strike fear in enemies as well as be tough on the Villagers in a manner that earned respect of those under him. The Drillmaster should also stand out, even moreso than the Commander at times. You do that well in my opinion. When all the enemies are hatin on you and all the people in your cabal are praisin you that means job well done.

Karkarrak: Man we had some big disagreements, but I think we managed to respect each other. I was pissed/saddened when I heard you went over to the Empire.

Jikahl: We started off on the wrong foot, but as with Kark...I think we managed to respect each other.

Imrahiest: My favorite duergar buddy, wish we coulda got a chance to fight side by side one more time.

Kolsad: Was always a pleasure when you were about, wish we coulda finished that talk about Honor in regards to when we came across Kjaz and Throm fighting.

Eck: We didnt get to interact alot but I think you would have made a great Drillmaster. Didnt realize you were so low on con when you went. Great character and I loved all the notes.

Syther: Good luck Commander, we didnt interact a whole lot but I hope you do well in your role.

Phoalex: Man that sucked, glad you got back in before I died.

Thror: Thanks for the titles and such. Glad to see you are so active in the Village. Some asswhoppings need to be handed down every now and then and you whoopass good. I was kinda miffed I didnt get to the Test of Wits, I figured for sure I would...do you use a point system or did I screw up somehow?

There are other Villagers galore but id be at this all night so for everyone else...holla.


Allysia: My favorite enemy hands down though it was so frustrating trying to fight you. Every class has its OP abilities but you bards just have so many ways to screw me over. But even then I could take most bards but not you...except once. I even used edge points to make it harder for you to distort me...btw Imms....that ####e dont work for ####e....didnt notice any difference in my ability to resist distortion. Glad we could have a few drinks at the Inn together on neutral ground.

Mundin - You talk SO damn much :P But you are also the most consistent RPer I saw over the course of TWO characters who fought you on a regular basis (I was also Grigor)

Mharlandarn - Wish I could have gotten you once. Very classy character though. Only thing peeved me was how when you posted one fight of us on Dio's you didnt include the entire fight and cut alot of parts out where I actually made you run twice before you came back and killed me.

Volkov: Taught Hyu how to fight invokers. After you damn near every invoker I fought was like a mini version of you just not nearly as tough to fight and I never had problems either running off or killing invokers after you. Thanks.

Sivyh: Didn't interact much but your another classy player. Just wanted to mention that.

Kjaz: Once we got to hero like I said...i had no fear of shamans. But you did have a talent for catching me at the worst times. But I outlived you! HA! You were a cool classy enemy to have and we had alot of good fights. I was SO gratified when I got you in the underdark that time.

Again I could be at this all night so im done with the shout outs.

Last commants:

Axe spec rocks but overhead could use some utility of some sort - between overhead and pincer....in most cases the only reason to use overhead was because i was using a shield which 99% of the time I wasnt or I was down an axe. However 'whirl' does good damage and is more reliable...so again...why overhead?

Hook - utterly useless ability that doesn't really distinguish itself much from disarm. If you could hook while blind...then it would be cool. Just a suggestion. Could build it in or make an edge for it.

Well its almost 1am and im starting to fall asleep so ill reply and post more goodbyes as stuff comes back to mind. CYA

98969, Just to clarify
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You know "overcome distortion" edge isn't meant to help you resist it, as far as I know. It makes the effects less severe after you've been hit with the song.

For example, fewer of your attacks will miss because of it. But lots still will miss.

I found it did may a considerable difference when I've taken it. How can I tell? Because before I took it, I couldn't beat down the regenerating displacer beast (as an ap) whereas after I took it, I could every time.
98985, Spot on. nt
Posted by wikataw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
98975, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Kariya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One of the ragers who didn't consistently try to gang me after they realised none of them could get me 1v1. (: I like.
98980, Great Villager
Posted by Trunlak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When Trunlak first started in the village, you and Ghrim were both complete dwarven assholes. Over time, Hyu warmed to Trunlak (I think) and we got along fairly well. Ghrim was still an ass, but then that was his RP.

I blame myself for your not getting to the test of Wits, but I Hyu's think low con may have played a factor. Honestly, Trunlak shouldn't have been there, but I (the player) succeeded in my goal for Trunlak being involved, so all worked out just fine for me, but I wish you could have taken Trunlak's place.

Trunlak may be on his way to auto'ing, but Hyu was a true villager in every sense of the word. Best of luck with your next.
98988, Yeah, I was a total #### to duergar :)
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Even Elgroth. And I love Marcus!

I was a fan of Trunlak (don't auto!) because even though I gave you ####, you always had proper duergar responses. And that's awesome. Plus, I loved your induction (it was one of my fav's). You almost killed me at level 26 (of course I wasn't wearing any gear or any weapons, but still)!

PS You can blame me for Hyu being an asshole to duergar :) I chewed him out and took him to the circle for killing Dern with Imrahiest (or maybe he killed Dern with Elgroth...I can't remember).
98991, Thanks nt
Posted by Moligant on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
98993, RE: Great Villager
Posted by Hyu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks, your combo was a beast, you were the only one I think in the Rites who beat me in a fight.

98987, You did great man.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always got the sense that Hyu was a vet who either didn't know "everything" or was roleplaying that way. Seeing as how you were Moligant, that makes perfect sense.

I have to admit, I was harder on you (and a couple of the other dwarves) than anyone in the village except for the duergar scum :) Ghrim really wanted strong dwarves in the village, as he was all about the dwarven pride. That's why I often gave you crap about being too friendly with duergar's. Now obviously, the fact Ghrim was a goodie also played into that, but yeah.

When you kicked my ass in the circle that really told me you had started to come into your own, combat wise. A couple PK fights I got to observe earlier in your life made me think you weren't used to the combo, but later in your life you were a rolling ball of toughness and destruction.

Great job, the only thing I didn't really like from this character (as a player) was that you were super-interested in getting gear all the time. Albeit, gear for warriors, especially for ragers, IS super important, so I never really held it against you. It was funny when we went and got you Earthquake that you didn't think we had a chance against that mob. It was great for me the player and Ghrim the character to prove you wrong ;)

You should be proud of this effort. I hope I see you around with my next and your next.
98992, RE: You did great man.
Posted by Hyu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks :)

It had been a long time since I played a hand spec or axe spec so it took some getting used to. Especially hands. Knowing when was a good time to use hands vs axes and such. I culdnt help but be friendly with anyone in the village even duergar thats just 'my' personality coming through. One day im going to try and test my RP and roll up a real #### of a char (tried a few times already) but I end up feelin like an asshole and can never pull it off.

Yeah, I was real suprised we were able to take the king, was able to solo it after you showed me it could be done. Thanks :)
98995, You had some bad luck with the RNG
Posted by Uhariz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I still chuckle about this

Hyu tells you 'spellbane magic resistance, dwarven heritage and derns gear equals ####e'
99015, Man I hated you
Posted by Oringus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked how we got into a fair number of skirmishes, but I always seemed to walk away from our exchanges with all of my weapons broken :P

It's a great skill and I've loved using it as my axe specs too, but I think that if you want to win a fight it's probably not a good tactic to use since the person usually bails after it happens, but I suppose since you were axe/hand and I was pole/hand, it was really your only option to be able to do a lot of damage against me.

Anyways, good luck with your next.
99318, I thought you could hook while blind...
Posted by awarrior on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Or am I thinking of entrap?
98967, Your name made me chuckle
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Every damn time.
I guess it's funny to anyone who speaks russian and has a dirty mind =)

EDIT ADD: The fact that it can be read nearly the same as 'You' in english didn't help either.

Anyway, with Faeshu I never spoke to you because of RP reasons, and you were the only neutral I stole from. But from what I've seen, you seemed quite active and always bred conflict just as villagers are supposed to. Congrats.
98994, Whats it mean in russian?
Posted by Hyu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
98996, RE: Whats it mean in russian?
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Huy means ####.

EDIT: lol, the profanity filter won't allow me.
98966, Damn blood thirsting axe spec! :)
Posted by Allysia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nah, just kidding. Hyu was great. A good villager I thought, one that held the lines even in tough times and you certainly pulled out a few surprises over the many fights we had.

I thoroughly enjoyed Hyu and our fights and that you were one of the few ragers that never struck me in the Inn when you were in there with me. Since Allysia is not always about killing villagers, and we fought so many damned times, I really wanted to have more RP with you and less fights by the end. And you became far tougher to handle as you grew and you certainly ran me off your fair share of times.

A well played good character. I wish I could have been there for the end, I would have had some kind words for you IC. Allysia certainly respected you. And sorry about the bracelet, but I could not resist. Of course I lost it to a villager almost immediately. :)

I think you made a fine villager, and a fine dwarf as well.

Hope to see you out in the fields with another.

98964, Excellent Village Dwarf
Posted by Eck on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Loved everything about Hyu.

A great Village moment was when you told me that you were going to kill Volkov by bashing his head in with a rock. I wish it could have happened.

98962, Loved your character
Posted by Veritaz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pachy/croc is awesome for fighting villagers, so I totally went after a fight with you whenever I could. I knew I couldnt kill you, of course, but I felt safe in not dying as well with my forms. A LOT of back and forth with me and you, and I thought you played a good villager.

Good luck with the next.
98961, ole gingerbeard
Posted by Kharvud on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
great char loved every interaction!