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Topic subject(RAGE DELETE) [FORTRESS] Vintianarii the Master of Weapons
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=98423
98423, (RAGE DELETE) [FORTRESS] Vintianarii the Master of Weapons
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Apr 7 21:35:14 2011

At 3 o'clock AM, Day of the Great Gods, 26th of the Month of Nature
on the Theran calendar Vintianarii perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
98454, RE: (RAGE DELETE) [FORTRESS] Vintianarii the Master of ...
Posted by Sollin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I must admit I enjoyed those brief interactions, I was getting excited about watching your character develop!

Goodluck with your next.

98425, What happened?
Posted by Cadeyrn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was looking forward to some more ranking with you. Just catch a streak of bad luck or what?
98428, Nah, just wasn't feeling it.
Posted by TripHitNdip on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a really fun role and was really really looking forward to the spec/legacy combo... I just SUCK at goodies. This is the first goodie I've ever had over level 30 in the eight years I've played. Learning request gear and what I need to look out for just wasn't what I wanted to deal with after being away for the past year. Was still shaking off the rust.

Not the mention the ridiculous amount of Volkov inspired invokers. Hero with some preps and snagging some non-metal spear/staff/daggers, and I'd be fine, they are way too much to handle at level 40 though. But I wanted to get all my dagger stuff up, and I logged in 3 nights in a row trying to practice and was fighting level 49 duergar warriors, drow warriors, decked out invokers, scarab thieves, and I was like man... I really miss being evil lol.

Either way, hope you get going. It's just hard to come back to CF anymore, not the same game it used to be. I wish people would settle down on the full looting and douchebaggery and try and preserve the players.
98429, Seconded on that last line.
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Cf hardly needs full looting or douchebaggery these days.

I believe it is entirely possible to enjoy CF and at the same time allow for everyone else to enjoy playing it too. Looting is fine when you have a need. Fulling just to full is gay, as is being a douchebag. Douchebag RP is fine, so long as you can do it as strictly RP which is a fine line not many can pull off.

And evil does not equal douchebag and it not an appropriate justification to play like one.
98434, I think if truth came out...
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All these people crying and bitching about full looting, most of them weren't full looted. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. I'm not even saying I never do it. But 8-10 times, people crying about a full loot got less than a quarter than their stuff taken, and just can't stand that someone took 4-6 pieces from their corpse, especially if they can't use it. The REAL full loots are generally reserved for griefer characters....most of the time, if you eat a full loot, you had it coming.

Say I am playing a warrior. And I kill a mage. And that mage has the cube of force, or stoneskin orb, or any multitude of sick high end things. If I know someone in my cabal can use it, or even if I think I can barter/sell it, i'm taking it. Not only because someone can use it, but partially because I might just think you're a little too powerful with it, and if I can knock you down a rung on the ladder and make my life easier, I will. Why should I leave all your legendary #### so you can unghost and come nuke me with it?

A few really nice pieces is not a full loot. Some people cannot seem to grasp this.
98435, +10 internets. Completely agree. NT
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
98445, I missed the part where I was crying or bitching.
Posted by TripHitNdip on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I only died twice and never lost one piece of gear.

I watched 3 lowbies almost delete because they got fulled by evils, and they went OOC and I tried to stay IC and give them a helping hand and show them a regear set. Just seeing how pissed off and offended they were is what made me say that. I also personally saw two evils get full looted, and the other say without the shift key "have fun gathering things for the next elven hour arseface"

But thanks for the irrelevant rant going off on tangents I wasn't even talking about. =)
98446, I never said anything about you.
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was talking about in general. Read the post next time, it had nothing to do with you.
98449, Nope, just on my death thread responding to a statement I made.
Posted by TripHitNdip on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry for being so damn foolish and forgetting you randomly decided to go on a rant on my death thread about it and not know you skimmed over the part about full looting and not mean me included in the "all the people crying and bitching about full looting"

98450, Seriously?
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Are you on your period or something? I don't have an issue with you whatsoever. I KNOW you don't bitch about full looting.

I did not even respond to you. Read what lasentia wrote. My thread is a direct response to that statement, and a fair one at that.

Dont get your panties in such a god damn knot, not everything is about you.
98452, you are so goddamn annoying
Posted by Gaspar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you bring a game topic up in a thread and people discuss. you can read, but you cannot comprehend. Not like this death thread is important to your short lived and crappy character. Or your reason for NOT deleting?

How did you get your GED?
98477, RE: I missed the part where I was crying or bitching.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I watched 3 lowbies almost delete because they got fulled by
>evils, and they went OOC and I tried to stay IC and give them
>a helping hand and show them a regear set.

What he'e saying is that they probably weren't actually full looted, and in general if maybe not in those specific case, he's correct.

I see at least 10 people bitch about being full looted for each person who actually was. The ratio's probably a lot worse than that.

(There's also people who will actually get back to their corpse, get a piece of gear back, wear it, and then start bitching to their killer about taking it. I think we have a lot more overreactors than full looters.)
98492, Semi-guilty.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't bitch about it, but I did think that Ahtieli had full looted Woldrun at one point. When she said she didn't, I told her one of her lowbies did. I started re-gearing. Then I looked at my scrollback.

I did get all corpse, saw "There is nothing in the corpse."

...Of the zombie that died in the room after me.

Ran back (we're now at like 10 ticks after dying) and it was all still there. I was really glad I didn't have a meltdown at her. I did tell her I felt like an idiot, though. :P
98500, Honestly, I'd be more worried if people _didn't_ freak out
Posted by MoetEtChandon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
on occassion. It's a competitive, high intensity game, where losing often means a lot of wasted time/potential. It's only natural that people don't like that.

It's how you handle it afterwards, that matters (ie, don't go looking for revenge).
98502, Revenge is fine.
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really anything is fine, as long as it stays in character. I just hate taking 1 or two items from someone, then I get the tells after "Prepare to be stripped to the bones in the future". I'm all for the after kill RP, but threatening a guy that just trashed you while youre protected as a ghost doesnt seem like great rp to me.

I usually laugh and move on, because those people totally should be playing call of duty or WOW where theres no sense of lost. Gotta say though. If I kill you, and only take a couple things, you probably shouldn't spam tell me how you'll catch and full me later. Because more likely than not, I'm going to catch you again and take a lot more, this time on principle alone to give them something to really complain about.

Cf is not for the weak. And the people that don't complain about losing stuff usually have nicer sets, because they suck it up, get back on the bike, and regear/start killing their way to another set when they should be complaining

On that note, usually anytime I die, I expect a full loot. I usually deserve it by the time it happens, and you would be surprised how little it actually bothers me.
98505, Yeah, think I phrased that poorly
Posted by MoetEtChandon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What I suppose I am trying to say is, don't be a bad loser, but don't be a bad winner either.

Allow each other (as players) a little leeway. You can't expect anyone to simply shrug off a situation that sucks.
98507, This is fair. I can +1 this nt
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
98509, Brom had a guy tell him...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"You better not flag me, pal, or I'll strip you every time I can."

I decided to pretend that I assumed that "pal" was short for "Paladin". And I really wished there had been evidence to flag him. There wasn't. But then I flagged him about 15 minutes later for attacking someone while I was in town. :P
98514, Stripping a defiance paladin..
Posted by Gaspar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
who also has 2 hummingbird pendants, high damage, no vuln...

Who did they think they were... Cabdru?
98515, RE: Brom had a guy tell him...
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hope you full'd him if he died. That would be poetry.
98430, RE: Nah, just wasn't feeling it.
Posted by Rhone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a strong feeling you were a "vet." Non-giant Fortie warrior in hero range is HARD. Especially compared to the kinds of success those race/class combos have in other cabals like Battle or Empire. I admire players that can make the non-giant Fortie warrior sing at hero.

That said, can we get some giant warriors in Fort before Rhone croaks???

Good luck with your next.
98431, You OoZe "I'm a bad ass"
Posted by TripHitNdip on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have a feeling who you are, and you were very tough, and you backed it up with words & actions. I wish for the life of me I could handle goodies, because I could have powered to hero and really kicked some ass I think. Was shooting for spear/dagger and whirlwind/striking or flow. I think hurl leg, impale, and hamstring with those progging maran daggers would be just plain nuts.

I never used preps at all for fights, and even then I made some people look silly. I only died twice and both to Volker; second one was on purpose, first I got quicksand/dispelled and bent over lol. Elves really aren't all that hard to play, you just really need to focus on coins for healers and strong tactics. Then hero get your aura, shield, stoneskin and I bet a vet could make that combo I was brewing go nuts.

Either way, back to team evil. No more warm blessings of the light upon you =P

Good luck Rhone
98432, BAH!
Posted by Nnaeshuk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I dug this character from day one and hoped to interact with you more than just those first few times. Le frown. Best of luck on whatever is next, this character had real potential.

98433, Lol
Posted by TripHitNdip on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I only rolled this character with the pure hope that you'd let me follow you as an Avatar and not expect anything in return.

Considering how much I love talking to you on all my characters, I should probably simmer down or you'll start realizing it's me every time =P.
98438, Sorry about that last kill on you
Posted by Volker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It gets a lot better once you hero and get geared up and use misdirect, which no invoker shield can block. For what it's worth, Volker was rolled up before Volkov was...

I noticed you just gave up on getting away at the last fight, so it wasn't a deserved kill. I wouldn't have looted anything from your corpse given the circumstances of that kill.

Also, it's not _that_ easy to be a PK monster as an invoker (: Try it sometime!
98444, I did and I rocked out =P
Posted by TripHitNdip on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had a ridiculous abs set as well and always had three of each, it was fun.

And yeah, I didn't mean you specifically. There's usually only 1 if any tough invokers around though, and there's like five right now, it's silly.

But yeah, that wasn't a potshot about you or anything. I thought you were really creepy and cool, especially after outside the brass dragon. I was so sad pushkevich jumped me with you though, that was my first death, and my blood was pumping when I died to you the second time and I was just trying to delete but you kept raiding so I was like whatever, I'll give him a free one.

Good luck with the character though, Scion finally looks like it got some loving.
98468, I'm curious if that staff helped you...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...I found it fairly useful the few times I've played spear/staff chars, but I've also ended up getting it weaponbroke a few times.

Did it ever do anything that a run-of-the-mill staff wouldn't have done during a pk situation for you?
98486, Yeah for sure man.
Posted by TripHitNdip on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That staff is awesome to use on thieves. The arcing lighting progs keep thieves and rangers vis which saved me a couple times. Thanks again. I kept it until I deleted, so it got put to good use.