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Topic subject(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Pyogyor the Champion of the Virtues
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97969, (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Pyogyor the Champion of the Virtues
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Mar 20 09:06:37 2011

At 7 o'clock AM, Day of the Moon, 7th of the Month of the Frost Giant
on the Theran calendar Pyogyor perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
98005, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Pyogyor the Champion of the Virtues
Posted by Pyogyor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had fun as Pyogyor. I'm unbelievably lazy, so I didn't really explore what two handers can do, and templarsdefense mid spin and all the variations was just too much for me too remember and type. That being said, there's a lot of great skills there, if I had any brains, I would have used them.

Thror - We only interacted twice, but both times were memorable, your roleplay is as I recalled it, outstanding. And yes, that's why I didn't want protections from magi, or to group with magi unless we were raiding. I figured Thror wouldn't do it, so how could I, as his priest do it?

Fortress - Yeah, I wanted to raid Nexus and take their item. To me, it made absolute sense IC. The IC responses I got from most players (Drasdan excepted) were just sad. Nobody wanted to even really discuss it, they just wanted to quote something written on a wall and move on. God forbid the Fortress didn't have an overwhelming advantage in numbers against their enemies for a fraction of a second. There's a newbie, ganging element to some in the Fort, and that's fine, everyone needs to cut their teeth somewhere, and it balances out Empire in that regard. But some people seemed really addicted to have a big advantage, or their just wouldn't act. That said, Fortress was pretty cool, better roleplay than I remembered.

Enemies - I ran into a lot of fights without a superior plan or preparation, mainly because I like the little adrenaline rush and couldn't wait for it. That made me die way more than I should have, but I don't regret it. Most of the enemies I fought were great, and roleplayed very well, especially evil villagers.

98006, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Pyogyor the Champion of the Virtues
Posted by Drasdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Drasdan had a real hard time with Pyogyor. When he asked for an interview and got denied because i was a mage, it made him kind of wary around you.... The RP was interesting, and the whole deal around nexus was a great debate, the player in me was saying Heck Ya, but Drasdan just couldn't bring himself to go that way. It was a very interesting dynamic that day when Thuorn woke and you guys had the conversation over CB. I hope you had fun, and yeah, there is a bit of a newbie gang feeling to fort, but one of the Maran powers screams Gang me.... So meh.

98007, Fort raiding Nexus
Posted by Allysia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you really think fortress should raid nexus, and your RP demands it, step up and do it yourself. If fort people want to be dismissive and not really discuss it, force them into the situation by acting. I do not think you would be instantly booted for it, though you may have some explaining to do and the Nexuns would get pissed.

I'm not sure where you are going with the numbers thing you said though. Did you want them to go with you to raid the Island and they would not cause they did not have a huge advantage? They have their own RP to follow, and if you really believed Nexuns needed to be raided, you would have done it, numbers or no. Not saying you should be suicidal of course, but the second you began consistently raiding us I would have marked you as an enemy of the Island to be hunted at all times unless darkness swayed. Which was what happened with the imperials. They were pretty much kill on sight for a while cause the Empress decided she wanted to start raiding us all the time (which is fine, it's the empire after all) Of course, at the time they had the numbers to be quite a pain to fight, which is not the case any more.

Storm pallies are insane as two handers btw, I would have hated fighting you if it had come to that, but it would have been some interesting RP. Sorry it did not come to pass, I like when people do unexpected things.

See you out in the fields.
98008, RE: Fort raiding Nexus
Posted by Pyogyor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I get what you're saying, but none of it is really relevant to my situation. Doing it myself wasn't the point. Good character by the way, even though bards and rhinos just tick me off.
98012, Without wanting to say too much or completely redo the discussion
Posted by Thuorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actively going after Nexus members is not open for debate because it goes against everything the Fortress stands for as a whole. That has absolutely nothing to do with fearing to lose an advantage, or with being too chicken to take on a challenge. It's just not something anyone within the Fortress should be doing, because it's totally irrelevant to the Light vs Dark dynamic. If fighting Nexus makes sense to you, I am interested to know how, because it completely baffles me.

It's just not a 'should we do this?' question, ít's a question you shouldn't even be asking.

Beyond this topic, which I will not say anything more about, I do mean my well played statement.
98013, Nexus kills goodies
Posted by CuriousNoob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is it Fortress Policy that they only kill evils period?

What if Nexus had the Fortress item?

98014, what fort does
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fort kills evil and protects goodies.

If the nexan is not CURRENTLY in the act of harming goodies then the fort should not be attacking them.

You might make an argument that you should attack them as a fort if they are right about to harm a goodie but that is the extent of the gray area.

If you log on see a nexun sitting in market square and go smash their head in as a member of fort then you shouldn't be a member of fort period.

Having that extra moral decision is really the only thing that seperates "good" from "neutral"
98017, Good post.
Posted by Allysia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know it is annoying for people to deal with nexuns because lots of times you don't know where they stand (most people never ask). I've been killed in balanced states by fort people since they can easily forget that the balance shifts all the time. So literally in the span of two game hours nexuns may stop having reason to harm goodies, and I may know that, but they do not. But it's also silly to assume if I say all is balanced fort will just now lay off me when five seconds ago I attacked them. So I chalk it up to until I tell the fort things are balanced and stay away long enough to prove it, fort people act on my lastest action with them and they might PK me. (Which has happened to me- and probably every other nexun once)

But if a nexun tells them balance is in order, most of the fort respect that, if not a little begrudgingly, and leave them be, even if they raided the fort not long ago.

That said, I did not really know the paladin, I did fight him a few times, usually helping imperials get the codex, but I see something like a fort guy wanting to bring it to the nexuns and I get curious since it sounds interesting. All part of CF, to have a little RP dynamic to everything, and I like hearing that he tried something new.
98018, People put too much emphasis on the gray aura.
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hi, my name is (Gray Aura) Joe. I commit 3/4 of my salary to charity, spend all my time at the homeless shelter helping out, and regularly go overseas to help build schools in third world nations.

But every once in awhile I sexually molest, kill, and cannibalize orphan children.

You should never considering killing me, Mr. Fort Guy, because you dont kill neutrals!

Edit for stupidity.
97980, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Pyogyor the Champion of the Virtues
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I dug this guy even though uncle chirp would shake his head occasionally. :)
Best of luck with your next. I hope you had fun with what you
DID do though.
97977, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Pyogyor the Champion of the Virtues
Posted by Rhone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am not sure what was up with the nomagic - whether it was a distaste of magic in general or Pyogyor's personal honor, but it was unusual and I'm sure presented a challenge to you.

With regard to the Nexus thing, I found it hilarious. You were going out on such a thin, rotting limb, drawing fire from literally every direction, and would not back down. In fact, all the adversity only made you more persistent. I mean, yes, if you want to do "by the book" Fortress RP, your take was clearly the wrong call. But imagine how boring Fortress would be without people like you willing to risk promotion/rewards/etc. to stir things up and pursue a fringe opinion (in essence, you were giving other Forties the opportunity to hold up "look at me" signs by speaking out against you). It definitely made things interesting and I really enjoyed your persistence throughout it.

Fortress is going to be awfully lonely with your (and other) deletion(s).
97996, Funny you should say that
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The "look at me" sign-holding is one of the things that discourages me each time I play a fortress. Not everyone does it, but it seems to have a prevalence of them.

I found scion was the same in some ways. When an imm took control of the archmage to say something, all scions would start talking tough even if they were the biggest wimps ever.

Meant to say: Wasn't Pyogyor a Thror priest? So presumably it is something to do with not relying on others?
97971, Well played
Posted by Thuorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thought you did the Squire Paladin thing well, always ready to step up to the plate. The Nexus thing was, well, out of the question, I hope you understand that OOC.

Good luck with the next.