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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Thwrerrorip Brightcrest the Legend of the Battlefield, Seeker of Clarity, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=97965
97965, (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Thwrerrorip Brightcrest the Legend of the Battlefield, Seeker of Clarity, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Mar 20 00:09:14 2011

At 8 o'clock PM, Day of Freedom, 32nd of the Month of Winter
on the Theran calendar Thwrerrorip perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
98010, I enjoyed you
Posted by Serelyia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

We did not travel as much as I do with some others of the Fortress but you were felt almost like an Acolyte sibling to me. Except you were the Acolyte -- haha. I hope this was a rewarding character and sorry you bailed out on age. Sometimes it is hard to play that many hours under a single char. Ive only done it twice.

I hope to see you in another form despite my often strangled schedule. Best of wishes!

98015, awwww.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were awesome, loved that character!!!
My norm is about 450 hours though. :0 and con death, like
almost exclusively con death.

I'll give examples:

Chirikaw- arial thief imperial con dead
Volubryotr-dwarf 2-h pally baer follower maran con dead
Dimion-elf Shield pally con dead
Daelen- elf ranger (kinda pathetic, and no con death)
Feichin- maran shifter con dead
Vanadulin- elf muter squire con dead
Nimelerion -elf war maran con dead ohhh soooo con dead.
Glilanthis -1/2elf shifter squire con dead
Dalgorin - human shifter nexun con dead
Lerrik- human war no cabal con dead
Truhukk- neuntral orc con dead
Dremkal- svirf war battle con dead

It was just RL that came at me hard, so I didn't see
any real option after being very active for so much
of the characters life and suddenly having to log out
shortly after logging in it was just time to go.
If you know any of those above you'll know what I go
through and keep going like the energizer bunny rabbit.
So it is actually hard for me to choose to delete, I
almost can't. Hehe. It seems I *CAN* but I really HAVE to
before I can make myself do it. Hehe. I'll be back though

97990, I'll miss you.
Posted by Athioles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a good friend ic. Definitely one of my favorite characters in Athioles' life. Good luck with whatever comes next.
97993, RE: I'll miss you.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ath was fun as hell. It was one of those friendships where
"okay man, I might not agree, but I got your back anyway"
seemed to be the way of it. :)
It was never boring hanging out with you, if it was downtime
we'd just talk, which was always enjoyable. My only real regret
I think was not calling you on that one talk with a potential
squire, but really you were marshall, it was your pervue and
I was in shock, and just expressed disagreement.
Other than that I hope you make it back into your place you can
really rally the troops man. Good luck.
97984, Don't know why people dislike the name
Posted by Faeshu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never had trouble typing 'Thwrerrorip'. And it's funny.

You seemed not too serious overall, never grim, and I liked it. I understand how difficult it is to keep that up for 300+ hours, so can't really blame you for deleting.

You had some quirks that added to the character without diminishing his 'niceness factor', so to say. Mine are much worse.

See you in the fields someday again.
97994, RE: Don't know why people dislike the name
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fae was great to have around, and not just you could see into the
shadows for us. Thanks for the compliments on the character.
I tried the tweaky arial thing more after I got a little 'older'
and was experimenting with certain character traits.

I think the name was about the w, it's placement in the word
is unnatural for most americans and when typing it is too close
to 'the' on the keyboard so the hand would lean to typing thewer
You see? :)

Keep pluggin' away man, you have a good character there.
97983, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Thwrerrorip Brightcrest the Legend of the Battlefield, Seeker of Clarity, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
Posted by Sivyh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had limited interaction, but I generally had a positive impression of Thwrerrorip. That said, I'm not a fan of the way you went out. Going around picking fights with people while wearing nothing but a practice staff seems a little out of character for an Acolyte.
97985, He did that?!
Posted by Faeshu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
97988, RE: He did that?!
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yep sure did. :)
97987, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Thwrerrorip Brightcrest the Legend of the Battlefield, Seeker of Clarity, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes well, I faced different people with different things, you can
only use outfit every so often. :) I was dying too fast to get outfit
gear again, so you got the staff. :) And no it was no way for an
acolyte to go out at all, but I was about to delete delete anyway
also not a way to go especially with sphere dedication.
What's wrong with having a little fun? I kept up that persona for
over 300 hours, I broke it at the end just for a blast.
*I* had fun and it was my character, maybe he went a little crazy...
(Which is kinda what happened though it had been happening for a
while.) Hehe.

Shhh... I actually kinda liked sivyh (sp?)
I was offering fights to the people I thought
deserved a go at it, or just thought were kinda
neat for one reason or another. Every time I was
about to go ahead and delete Another would wake up.
I couldn't get word to you so I tried knocking.
Hehe. Other than my breaking role at the end, I enjoyed
every little interaction with you. Keep on truckin'

97978, Buh-byes
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After Truhukk, I rolled a wanna be maran, and then we were showing the grandkids old movies and I watched harvey again, and I decided to see exactly HOW nice I could be. Elwood P. Dowd as a non-drinker and no pooka friend basically. So I deleted that guy and rolled a copy of him only nicey nice.
I took everything I learned from talking with the acolytes as Truhukk and
expanded it a little.
I tried, I came close, I failed. :)

I'd like to do an acolyte again, it was new for me but I dig the concept.
Whenever I played a maran, when they started to get old I always
tended to act like this anyway, so maybe I've been playing them for
years. Hahaha.

The newness though, about 75% of everything Chirp did was made
up on the spot. Someone asked a question or said something that
opened up a philosophical discussion and it was all Er.. Ummm..
Duh... *Make something up* Hrm that was well recieved, keep going
or That didn't work out well, change direction!
Which brings me to goodbyes.

Corr: What can I say that paragraph above was 100% our talks.
I didn't have a clue, still don't really, but I got a little hint of where I
would need to go if I ever make another follower of yours. My next one
will do better. Fun talking to you though. I don't think I really get your
version of 'clarity' though, and that's okay. I was already at a point
where I couldn't 'grow' anymore as a character by the time we met
and I'm sorry for that, I basically rp'd myself into a corner. Hehe. I
knew it and I'm pretty sure you did too. I was overreaching myself
because I figure that's the best way to learn. (at least when you aren't
going to die IRL if you screw up.)

Padwei: I always think of the 'argument' way back in the day of a maran
and an acolyte slowly starving to death next to the rot ent and neither
of us would suicide because of beliefs, and at the last you called altruism
on me. Grrrr... Always a pleasure though :)
You've come a long way, go you!

Nnaeshuk: As always nice work with the pats on the back and little things
that end up meaning a great deal to one character or another. Seriously
keep it up!!!

Sollin: Well you should probably be in the fort part, but what can I say...
It at least makes sense now: All the times I kept trying to shove you under
the leadership bus and you adamantly turned everything back on me. Hehe.
Still... A lot of fun times there man. I know you tried to get me back on track
and give me something to focus on to keep the character going when you saw
I was out of steam, but really it was just too late, it WAS the perfect thing
so don't think you should have done something different. Had I had anything
left for the character your little quest for me could not have been better suited
to revive a failing character. Remember that, and keep it in mind for future
'faders' :)

Twist: Meat shield indeed, Harumpf! Hehehehe. Always a pleasure, but
I love your morts more. :) You really make people kick up thier game a notch.

Anyone else, I either didn't interact much or don't remember it. My bad.

Let's see:
There are too many and for right now I'll keep it general instead of

Other than ONE time I never intended to kill anyone. Not once. The one time was Ath helped me out and when I asked how I could repay him he insisted on the blood of a dark walker, I tried to talk my way around it, I really did. So sorry
necromancer I don't remember the name of but I was fairly sure was newbish
You were a guy I knew I could run across quickly, and get my debt cleared.
Anyone else who died to me it was pretty much accidental or I was helping
someone else out and they asked that I trip or entwine or whatever needed doing. I might go looking for a fight, but that was the player being bored and
I was ready to flee if it looked like I was going to actually land a kill, once in
a GREAT while I'd screw this up.

General population:
I tried to keep good relations with anyone who was not directly an enemy.
(Those who were direct enemies I tried to keep some open line of communication anyway. )
I thought I was pretty good about it.

I had a great time! There were some issues I have about the current crop of
Maran, but that seemed to have gotten worked out somewhere down the line
it just got darker and darker and I was like WTF?!?! I haven't been in fort in a
LONG time so I thought I was just missing something and it had gotten to where the maran were a hairsbreath from villagers on the violence outlook.
So I tried to keep my mouth shut but really. Some of those conversations,
Had I been more comfortable with what I've missed and more comfortable
with being an acolyte I'd have been verbally in people's faces nagging them
like an ex-wife looking for a check. I kept that smile plastered on my face
and tried to hint at other directions, but that was about all I felt I could do.
So many of the players seemed so SURE they should be like that, that I let
it go, thinking *I* was the one missing something. Hehehe.
Other than that bit I have to say, there are many times I wanted to jump in
to certain things and "go to town" so-to-speak. And I'd be thinking no no
I should be against this, or I should express X, and begrudgingly go along.

I REAAAAAALLLY wanted to go on that hell trip, and finish off tiamat though.
I had already pushed past what Chirp would do when I went into the first circle
doing a lame role thingy about trying to succor the lightwalking spirits home.
Yes he did try, but yes it was also just an excuse. There was just no way
I could justify going where you guys were going without tossing away everything
that was Thwer ya know?
Oddly enough, the people who irked me the most about going too far as maran
were the ones I had the most fun hanging out with (on the brigade side of things anyway.)

I think I ran across a crop of people (friends and enemies alike) who have the fun stick firmly in mind while they are playing. Avoiding sucking the fun out of
other people's enjoyment even though thier character was out to destroy them
or whatever. Kudos to everyone on that! Even though I count this character as
one of my failures this was the most fun I've had as a 'failure' at this game.
No one was there to rub it in, or grief you just to be an ass, or anything like
that. I was proud of being a part of this community, though really you should
take more things when you kill a fella, I could get used to this and get all pissy
when someone finally full loots me. Hehehe. A handful of things is good.
Enough to say 'it costs to die, don't do it unless you need to' and not so much
that it makes you sad irl. Let us keep our newbie breadz plz.

I think had things out in the world been a little different, I'd have been a little
different and enjoyed myself the way I usually do and run the guy into con death.

KK Enough BS from me. If I get a chance I'll do individual thingys later or I'll
just pop in and answer anyone who wants to hear what I have to say about them.
97982, The good ole days! But I think you're mistaken.
Posted by Padwei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Padwei: I always think of the 'argument' way back in the day
>of a maran
>and an acolyte slowly starving to death next to the rot ent
>and neither
>of us would suicide because of beliefs, and at the last you
>called altruism
> on me. Grrrr... Always a pleasure though :)
>You've come a long way, go you!

<127hp 343m 236mv 21600tnl> 6 AM
Volubryotr scratches himself.
Volubryotr is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Volubryotr's thirst injures him.
Volubryotr is DEAD!!
A clump of Volubryotr's hair is ripped from his head.
You are hungry.
You are starving!
You are thirsty.
You are dying of thirst!
You shiver and suffer.
Your alcohol poisoning MUTILATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Your thirst injures you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Your hunger injures you.
You sure are BLEEDING!

<64hp 317m 210mv 21600tnl> 7 AM
Padwei's group:
<51 Pal> Volubryotr 0% hp 0% mana 24% mv 631300 xp
<51 Shf> Padwei 5% hp 29% mana 27% mv 438900 xp

<64hp 317m 210mv 21600tnl> 7 AM
A Clearing in the Dark Wood
Wandering into this dim clearing you cry out as the briars and vines lash
out at you, tangling your arms, legs - holding you tight and tugging you
roughly to the ground. Gasping in horror and fearing for your life its all
you can do to stare wide-eyed at the twisted trees that shamble around the
clearing, drawing closer to glare at you with smoldering cavernous eyes.
Its then that you notice the collection of bones scattered across the

The corpse of Volubryotr is lying here.
A bloody clump of hair from Volubryotr lies here.
Bones lie scattered through the mass of brambles.

<64hp 317m 210mv 21600tnl> 7 AM
Padwei sits quickly beside the corpse, and places a few drops of water on its forehead.

<64hp 317m 210mv 21600tnl> 7 AM
You whisper to the corpse of Volubryotr 'Blessed water, see this spirit safely home.'

<64hp 317m 210mv 21600tnl> 7 AM
You are hungry.
You are starving!
You are thirsty.
You are dying of thirst!
You shiver and suffer.
Your alcohol poisoning MUTILATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Your thirst injures you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Your hunger injures you.
You sure are BLEEDING!

<1hp 291m 184mv 21600tnl> 8 AM
Padwei closes her eyes and prays for her own soul.

<1hp 291m 184mv 21600tnl> 8 AM
You pray to the heavens for help!

<1hp 291m 184mv 21600tnl> 8 AM
A mischevious force's spell fizzles out and fails.

<1hp 291m 184mv 21600tnl> 8 AM

<1hp 291m 184mv 21600tnl> 8 AM
A Clearing in the Dark Wood
Wandering into this dim clearing you cry out as the briars and vines lash
out at you, tangling your arms, legs - holding you tight and tugging you
roughly to the ground. Gasping in horror and fearing for your life its all
you can do to stare wide-eyed at the twisted trees that shamble around the
clearing, drawing closer to glare at you with smoldering cavernous eyes.
Its then that you notice the collection of bones scattered across the

The corpse of Volubryotr is lying here.
A bloody clump of hair from Volubryotr lies here.
Bones lie scattered through the mass of brambles.

<1hp 291m 184mv 21600tnl> 8 AM
You are hungry.
You are starving!
You are thirsty.
You are dying of thirst!
You shiver and suffer.
Your alcohol poisoning MUTILATES you!
You have been KILLED!!

You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!

Hope you had fun on the goody two shoes side of things for a change.

97986, RE: The good ole days! But I think you're mistaken.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehehe before that we were going on about something and I thought
you would die before me and you alt'd me. :) I had healed you earlier
but was out of mana by then.
:) I like seeing it from the other side there. The blessed water
thing, even long after it means alot, THANKS!

And yes I like the goody two-shoes side, I'll definitely do
another Dawnie. Might even do a you follower. Hehe.
97991, Thwrerrorrrierroerip...
Posted by Sollin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Hey man!

I got your note the other day and tried to respond but I guess it was already too late. I enjoyed spending time with you, I was hoping to get in contact with you too, if it's possible, got a few questions and random things I wanted to ask you about!

Anyhow, good luck with everything and I hope you come back soon to get amongst it all. Thanks for all the fun...


P.S For the record, I didn't actually mind the name.
97992, RE: Thwrerrorrrierroerip...
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe I'll be back, I always come back.
Like bill murray in what about bob.
I need I need I need... gimme gimme gimme.

As for questions, I dunno, depends on what you want to ask.
Lemme think a bit. K?

Good luck up there.
98016, RE: Buh-byes
Posted by Nnaeshuk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked ole Uncle Chirp and how he took on the cool "uncle" role helping people out and always being a wise source of knowledge.

If I could give one piece of advice, I'd say the whole thing about 'the harpie' and whatnot came off as very out of character to me. Maybe something to give some thought in the future.

98072, RE: Buh-byes
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehehe Will do, I was just so pissed at the wife nagging at me, and insisting i do something stupid and wasteful RIGHT now, that it came
through as the harpy. I know they aren't in CF anymore, but it was
a pretty close idea of how she was suddenly acting, she has some hormone stuff now so maybe... maybe it'll ease up some.
97976, Cool character.
Posted by Rhone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very well done, Man. There's no way I could play a character with Thwrerrorip's personality for so long - you were always so cheerful and pleasant and just a good all around Acolyte. Even though you could obviously hold your own in a PK, it came across that it wasn't your first choice to approach a situation, as well (most of the time :P).

The only annoying part of the character for me was the DAMNED NAME! I could never, ever spell your name right - it's almost as bad as Flaaaaaaaaaaayin's. Which was so annoying when trying to buff you!

Anyway, thanks for the fun times and good luck with your next.
97979, Hehehe
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry about the name it was semi-random.
I was clicking a randomzer and thought
"Hey that's kind of a bird-like sound
we'll add rip at the end, sure that'll do"
Even I had trouble spelling it and later
I thought man that was a bad idea. Hehehe.

I'll admit sometimes the player was gritting
his teeth and pounding out S M I L E
or something while muttering curses under his
breath. :)
"miffed at X" was Chirp code for:
F-that F'in peice of
@#%@#$#^$^@^%$%^$# F'in' this and that and the other

Or something like that. Hehehe. I can't even print
random characers to cover what Irked meant. *gasp*

99% of the time though it was exactly as represented,
I have a kind of easy going personality by nature anyway
so it wasn't too hard, just had to turn off the give a crap
button. :) I think thwer would have come off easier for ME
to play had fort been the underdog, but that's just me, I
don't really do well unless whatever cabal I'm involved in
is in trouble. Well from my perspective anyway.
97970, Only kinda fun?
Posted by Thuorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not sure I believe that, unless ... ??

Our times didn't always fully overlap, but I sure knew fun stuff was about to happen when they did.

I think we all sort of agreed that you would not, really, enjoy being Prophet so I guess it's all for the best ... Think you would have done a fine job anyway. You'd have to slow things down though, you're just so jitterish, even for an Arial :P

That harpy thing was funny, gave me the mental picture of one sitting on the snow ledge, gazing down, waiting to snatch you away. I hope she didn't give you too much of a hard time, hehe.

See you with the next, I'll miss Chirp (easier than the real one :D).
97974, RE: Only kinda fun?
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe Yeah I was Sooooooo not up for any sort of leader thingy.
I mean it was nice to be considered and if it hadn't been for
RL stuff that I knew was coming at me just then, sure I'd have
loved it (Though I'd have acted pretty close to the same in
that conversation just less "Nooooo. Anyone but me!") Hehe :)

As for the harpy thing, wellllll, I don't really know what prompted
her sudden need for stopping me from whatever I was doing (not just
cf stuff) for piddly things, I was really thinking it was a vengeance
thing over a slight I don't understand, like squeezing the toothpaste
tube in the middle or something. I dunno really, but that combined
with RL coming at me in full force just made it harder and harder and
in the end playing Chirp became more work and less fun.
I had also hit a wall, RP-wise, there was nowhere else I could really
go. The last hundred hours basically was a stagnant pool of icky mess
that few saw but me, since it was from my perspective. :)
(Though if the harpy was willing to play I'd push for her to be scion.)
It was like she was sending texts to people or something, I'd go to
the bathroom, No one on where, no reason to think anyone was near
that was in pk range and there would be a scion finishing me off when
I got back. So in the time it took to take a wiz, a guildguard down
and me done for. Or she'd ask for help with some little thing, a few
moments away from the comp, and bam same thing. after about the 8th
time I started making jokes about it, and you know how long THAT went

As for the kinda fun, yeah kinda, sorry. It got old for me early on
I kept dragging it out because much like my 3 deaths in a day time
to log out rule. When the character gets old you hold out for another
hundred hours, if you get no inspiration, delete. (I have rarely
failed to bring life back into a character with that rule) And I
honestly did that twice with Chirp. When I got the acolyte and seeker
thing I was already done, but I "counted" it as a reset for the 100
hour timer, and then pushed a little farther, but at LEAST 200 hours
of this was played with "I'm already done, just delete already" in mind.

I loved the PEOPLE, and I'm sure it was frustraton at home that made
me where I couldn't stand it anymore. I wanted to go on a killing
spree and randomly attack people and be mean to let off some steam
but no way was chirp gonna do that. (At the end I DID go on a death
spree though. Just for fun, and it was. I know I'm retarded that way.)

Thuorn though shoulda been cardinal. :) It was kinda sick the way
we worked together though. If we had been blood thirsty, ohhhh my!
Chirp just didn't want to kill anyone. hehe :)
Well back to the grind. *wave*
97975, RE: Only kinda fun?
Posted by Thuorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> As for the harpy thing, ...

Family should always come first, especially compared to a stupid game (no matter how amazingly fun and rewarding it is :P), so I guess you're taking the sensible response.

> As for the kinda fun, yeah kinda, sorry.

Well I AM happy you 'dragged' it along as long as you did. Thuorn considered you his best friend, despite the silly name (hehe).

> Thuorn though shoulda been cardinal. :) It was kinda sick the way
we worked together though. If we had been blood thirsty, ohhhh my!

Yeah, let's save that for our next incarnations, Thera, hide your wifes, kids and the number zero.

It was a pleasure.