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Topic subject(DELETED) [EMPIRE] Faolai Achk'thil the Hand of the Unseen, Bandit King of Hamsah Mu'tazz, Imperial Shadow Lord
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=97372
97372, (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Faolai Achk'thil the Hand of the Unseen, Bandit King of Hamsah Mu'tazz, Imperial Shadow Lord
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Feb 6 21:25:59 2011

At 11 o'clock AM, Day of the Moon, 7th of the Month of the Frost Giant
on the Theran calendar Faolai perished, never to return.
Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
97375, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Faolai Achk'thil the Hand of the Unseen, Bandit King of Hamsah Mu'tazz, Imperial Shadow Lord
Posted by Nathuel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Never would have guessed it was you Twist, still had some fun battles with this char and my other, hope to fight you again soon.
97374, So yeah.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There wasn't much else for this char to accomplish aside from Emperor. And it was looking like I had a good shot at it. But then I kinda thought "Eh. Let someone else have a chance at it maybe?"

We'll see when/if I roll another Imperial if I stick around long enough with that one for another Emperor.


Gvantulak - thanks for the shot and stuff. I was glad to see you using a lot of the stuff I showed you when I played Hanord. :P

Zasowski - good running with you. Sorry no more runs to that place. Heh.

Pandol - good times. Thanks for the words the other night.

Sivyh - hope you get Shadow Lord, good luck. :)

Jharazoul - honestly, I would have voted for you if A: eavesdrop hadn't essentially told me that Zasowski and Pandol weren't going to and B: you'd maybe actually have shown up after asking for the Vote? Bleh to that. Super, uber bleh.

Liosthen - where'd you go? I was enjoying our "Hah! Crom laughs at your four winds. He laughs from his mountain!" type debates.

Grigor - hopefully you've learned a valuable lesson about flying. :)

Various arials I included in my role and notes - I hope you enjoyed what I tried to do - I wanted to make something that was large-scale and involved a lot of other players, but I didn't want to roleplay AT people, and I didn't want something that totally went against the multitude of roles you all had, so I cooked up this thing that you could either "believe in" or choose to totally ignore. Most chose ignore, but a few seemed to dig it and play along. Hope y'all enjoyed.

Various other enemies - I tried *very* hard to get away from my roots, which are generally Woldrun-type chars - feeling like I need to play fair, come defend at all times, not gang, and so on. I succeeded on the ganking (Faolai was a gankwhore and relatively proud of it) mostly (still took down my fair share of solo foes), succeeded on being a coward (SO many times I could have backstabbed or knifed someone but was pretty sure they'd smoke me), and so on.

But massive FAIL on my intention to make people complain to me about losing gear. The initial start to the role was going to be that I was going to make people acknowledge their Greed (sphere greed thief, I know so original right?). But I just can't do it - I took more stuff than I did with past chars, but I still ended up leaving corpses untouched quite often. Ah well. Worse things to fail at.

On to the next!
97377, I got the feeling about the greed.
Posted by yitzua on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When we had our exchange after you annhilated me in the forest of Barovia. I doubt you recall that exchange long ago, but I do.
97380, Always good to be in Twists pocket.
Posted by Norington on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I wanted to ask you so many more questions IC, but now I don't think I'll be able to :(

97387, Should have known
Posted by Allysia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You thieving bastard! And I mean that in the nice well done way since overall I did not mind this thief as much as some others from the past. I just laughed one time when I did an inventory check after a raid and realized you stole like 7 or 8 things from me without my noticing and told me it was my penalty for coming to the imperial lands. I even complimented the empress on your skills after you stole my sword somewhere in our last fight. Do hope my suggestion to give it to the fellow who got lowbie fulled was heard, that would make the sting a lot less of losing my favorite weapon.

Thieves don't need corpses to make people bitch about losing shinies btw, trying to think how many times you stole the staff of wonders from me. You even taunted me about a flask you stole. That's hitting below the belt, stealing a bard's booze.

Now make woldrun 2.0! I want to get my nexus ass whipped by him.
97388, RE: So yeah.
Posted by Thwrerrorip on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heheh I wish I had seen the death thread before you posted. Knowing
it was twist takes a little wind out of the sails. :) I'll try to
stick with what I meant to say anyway. This was one of my favorite
enemies. We didn't talk much later on, but I got into the earlier
banter. The memory that sticks is : there was some scuffle on the
volcano with various people involved. We got the assassin, can't
remember who it was, and you guys got me. I was totally not worried
until I tried to flee. :) When I got cut off I was sitting there
at the keyboard muttering to myself. You actually gave some of my
stuff back and I was confused for bit, and we had a conversation that
set the tone of my dealings with many other characters after that.
I thought of you as the 'cool' enemy. Sorry I kind of backslid on
my talking to my enemies for a while, I got kind of focused on other
things. I'd wish you good luck with your next, but really... who am
I kidding?
Glad you still have fun with the game.
97391, RE: So yeah.
Posted by Doban on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We spoke a few times and I thought it was cool you asked me some questions about Doban that you probably already knew the answers to. I hope I didn't disappoint! I also thought it was cool that you passed some gear on to me.

As for the ganking, I don't think we fought. But, I was expecting you to jump in when I fought Pandol on eastern. I don't think you two were together when the fight started and my theory is that you tried to save his unholy instead of jump in. Was that what happened?
97392, Yep.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My first thing I was trying was to get a scroll of boroughs out of my container and recite it at him but I was too slow.

Then I grabbed his weapon.

Then Flaaayin knocked me out and stole that (and only that). :P
97393, RE: So yeah.
Posted by Sivyh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Disappointing. Liked Faolai, obviously. I remember one time when you looted some weapon from a fort guy and left it in the sect hall for me, then, when it disappeared shortly after, you asked me about it. Yeah, I totally lied. I had taken it and given it back to the guy you looted it from. But I can do that (i.e. lie to my leader) because I'm eeeeeevvilllll.
97396, Har.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As long as it wasn't Thunderbolt or Thunderlance, I probably wouldn't have cared. :P
97397, Ohh, fun.
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't have a clue this was you. And considering the trips you went on as gurgthock with istendil, you hid the fact really well that you had ever been in group that killed Baalzebub before :P You probably knew what that breastplate did already lol but you played it off well.

I figured faoloi was just a seasoned vet that knew a little about hell, but wanted to see more. I wouldnt have guessed you were twist in a million years. Its way off your playstyle. We had some very interesting tricks i was trying to play out, a shame a couple of those locks I tried to get you to pick were no nos, but it was great fun to have a locksmith to try for all of it. I have a good idea what might be behind some of those doors/chests. Some of the hell trips were only possible timewise because you had a dozen or more seeds in your sack, which was awesomeness good sir.

Well, you went on most of the bigger trips where we downed/found the cool stuff. How was the experience for you? I had a blast.
97401, It was very well done on your part.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I felt it showed that you could, indeed, lead a Hell trip w/o any OOC coordination.

It was a little obvious who you were because you were very much the same with both chars you lead Hell trips with - the necro and the warrior - to the point that your "rules" speech seemed like it was identical(?).

I had no idea what the breastplate did. I limited these items well over 10 years ago. I only remember a few (other than the obvious items that I've gotten with mortals). There was one in particular that I remember that I coveted pretty highly but I could only push so hard to go for the mob that held it, since Faolai had no idea.

But yeah it was pretty fun to just let you lead and do what I was told, essentially, after having been one to lead those trips I know what it can take out of someone. You did a good job.
97402, Yep, need to work on that.
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The rules speech did kinda out me, but it really wasnt meant to. Part of trying to run the trips with what you have in game to work with is trying to get the point across to people that one little mess up here can blow a 7 hour investment :P I think im comfortable enough now that I can probably work without it I hope.

Eventually when I have the time it takes to dedicate to a solid hero again, I would like to get back into the mix of heavy exploring again. Or maybe even hero and nudge some other char to try and run a trip so I can just go and enjoy.

As for the item you wanted, if its the item I am thinking of it has not seen the surface in a long long time, and with a thug thief it would be just naaaaaaasty. Of course, actually managing the fight in the first place would have been a whole other story, but with a smallerish group I would have been willing to try.

Glad you had fun, hopefully we got to see some things that you hadn't seen before.
97418, Sorry to burst a bubble here but...
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I felt it showed that you could, indeed, lead a Hell trip w/o
>any OOC coordination.

Heh...funny ;)
97421, I led a Hell trip with no OOC coordination.
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I couldn't find Hell.
97423, Sure I can
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its easier with a group of friends, but I can do it with whoevers online as long as theres a healer and bard, like I imagine anyone who has done it can.
97429, Bleh
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Eh #### it, people think I'm causing a problem here so I'll leave it be. The level of purity between IC and OOC for Hell trips like this just seems relative (but within the bounds of acceptable).
97430, Only ever been on one Hell trip
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
and that was the rager one and even then I loged in after we broke up, after 10 hour stint, at the seventh circle? (the foresty one, whichever it is). I was then plagued by real life stuff so when I logged back in, late, all the ragers had been twatted by an Imm switching into a mob because the did not like Dhaevor's whirlwind style of rushing through Hell, which I can see now, took away a bit of mystery from my trip. I was in top get Mel-kartha but it never happened but have always wanted to go back. The only issue is that the hours required to do Hell trips are huge compared to the time I have and the playing times never mesh with the Gapelmos, Toraks and Twists who know Hell well enough to lead a trip.

It is just an annoying 'out of reach' prize and I envy all who get to put themselves up against the devils!

97403, RE: So yeah.
Posted by Igsoeh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Big fan as Kyrilos. I wish I wouldn't have sucked so bad, or at least been less suicidal. Glad you succeeded. Always enjoy my interactions with you, both your morts and as Twist. The time you dropped in as Twist and said "Damn straight!" as I was giving a history lesson was pretty awesome. Although Kyrilos would be disappointed to know you were going to support the priest... In any case, good job and good luck with your next. *cough*Villager*cough*.
97407, We didnt interact too too much...
Posted by Balta on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But man I sure was looking for you the moment you stepped out the shadows.. I really only recall couple little skirmishes in Galadon, one I think you stole my weapon, the next a guard broke my shield? but I thought you took it because I was blind at the time..

another time was on the Hamash river after I killed the drow... I was pretty hurt and you pounced on me... but it was a full moon and I had some killer herbs so I sunrayed your once to gushing.. and you took off before I could get the next one in...

anyways like always a good twist char..


97409, Awesome
Posted by Ebele on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was very surprised to see that note from you. Initially, I put it as junk mail. Then interacted with you. I tried to put some work on it, but lost interest. I really wanted to get in touch with you about how to expand my religious horizons.

It was awesome to RP with you.

Yo Twist, you read through my role and stuff. Can I please get some feedback on it? Email me: smusabkhalil@gmail.com

97415, I had a feeling it was you.
Posted by Cid on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just they way you actually interacted with other players be them friend or foe made me think "hey, this guy actually cares about this mud" and after fighting you and seeing logs of you I got the feeling you really know exactly what you were doing. We all almost had you a number of times but I never saw you fall. Awesome character man. Keep 'em commin.

97481, RE: So yeah.
Posted by Hral on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Exploring the sea together was a lot of fun. Thank you for hanging out with me that night. It was all new stuff for me too, so thanks for not spoiling the learning at all :P. You were a great enemy and I thought fairly classy. I never did find out what was up with that humansunder though. Strange!

And I wanted to kill you soooooo badly. So, so, so badly. Never got you though so well done on your part.
97484, Close...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That maneuver in the room in Veran very nearly had me. Shadowdisappear FTW. Sorry Lam! :P

As for Humansunder, I did some research. There's a mob you fought in an area explore that does stuff that did that to Humansunder.
97373, Beastly fun
Posted by Yitzua on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked out exchanges, except the one time you chased me for half an hour real time. I was so bored and tired of having to run away.