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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [None] Hralpelk Junnatin the Legend of the Battlefield, Anathema to the Empire
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=97047
97047, (CON LOSS) [None] Hralpelk Junnatin the Legend of the Battlefield, Anathema to the Empire
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Jan 16 22:01:57 2011

At 12 o'clock AM, Day of Thunder, 10th of the Month of the Great Evil
on the Theran calendar Hralpelk perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
97048, So it ends
Posted by Hralpelk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ultimately this character was an exercise in frustration. Prepped to the gills I could run head to head with most groups, but the ganks caught up to me and after losing the fourth or fifth absolutely absurdly nice set I had gathered, I was running out of steam.
I chose to go anathema because I wanted to see if it could be done with any kind of success and Empire was ####ing ginormous. I did not realize the impact that I would suffer without some sort of cabal foundation, let alone blade powers.

To Chemarcan: I'm sorry about burning through that con, I wasn't trying to but ate a string of rough deaths trying to regear. Dern can be a tricky bitch. I was ready for the stressful ride to end and was actually kind of sad when the sands started ticking back up. Every interaction you did with me was 100% certified awesome, especially since I was just some warrior your priest talked to.(Thank you, Liosthen, for actually preaching your God and enforcing it. That was well done.)

To the Undaerkthe Drow: I loved you all and our interactions. I wanted to see what you would have done once I reported back to you with news that I killed the Empress, but the character wasn't fun anymore. I hope whatever happens happens. The interactions were great. I know there's some bitterness due to the fact that you're actively fighting people and sometimes they die to you. I'm sorry it's like that as I personally would have no issue dying to imms/npcs. Especially if I did something that warranted it like mouthing off to them. (Hi Nnaeshuk!)

To Empire: Some of you were cool, some of you I liked, some of you I disliked. I do think Empire has a lot of fair weather playing in it that is borderline disgusting. IE: I've never seen the Dread Lord without the Empress around, and I've never seen the Empress around on her own either. Not that this is a fault of hers, per se, but more that I think people see she's on and log off their alts and onto their Imperials. A side reason I left the blade sect was because I felt like an Imperial Blade should be strong, independent, and prideful. Kind of like berserker warriors almost, though not as honor bound. I didn't see anything that suggested such except for a few I gave notion to IC. Some of the gangs of you that came after me were absolute overkill. Having said that I realize that I was an anathema and as such gank bait.

To Rager: All of you I had some command of respect for. Holy ####balls did Flaaayin get on my nerves when we were at ends with the stealing. That really, really got to me. Luckily he wasn't too afraid to mix it up and I was able to kill him a few times.

To Scion: Case by case basis, but all of you were cool. Disori you and I had some epic showdowns. Mharlndarn, killing you solo was honestly one of my most satisfying moments.

To Outlander: Good fights with all of you, special shout out to Balta for being tres cool and always funny.

To Fortress: I'm planning on playing into your cabal next because you all desperately need some life. Some of your lowbies were fun to interact with. (Sollin, Athioles) and Vourecourl was what I expected a paladin to be though I saw him regrettably only a few times. Some of you I liked. (Drayden, Kinloch) Some of you I had little respect for.

Cabals as a whole: I have never, ever been involved with raiding to such an extent where defenders just plain out wouldn't show. (Rager is excluded from this.) Sometimes granted, it was a large raiding party and I understand why two or three fort guys dont want to show up to the 8 man empire parade. But other times it would be...me and one other, or two others. And you could hear crickets chirping in the halls, despite two or three defenders. I had people tell me they weren't going to bother defending because there was no point. I feel like if you aren't willing to make a token defense, especially if you aren't grossly outnumbered, then you should be booted from the cabal.

To general imms: Thror and Nnaeshuk were the two I had passing interactions with. Both of you were classy, when Nnaeshuk one-shotted me I laughed out loud. When Thror started yelling as I took it to the Village I could really imagine a pissed off, brawling dwarf and I thought it was really immersive. Nnaeshuk, if you had a religion I would roll a follower so fast your head would spin.

On the build and anathema: I envisioned a duergar sword spec, decked to the teeth with full dern and badass weapons doing absolutely monstrous amounts of damage while having enough saves to shrug off even the most decked of magi. It worked out pretty well. I suspect that chilling embrace does more than just damroll, but I do not know what exactly. When I was in Empire(and had powers) plus I had my suit I was doing significantly more damage than equally decked fire giant sword specs. I think pound for pound, duergar is better than fire as far as sword spec goes. Being an anathema is rough. No friends, at all. I tried to abstain from being an archtypical scion bitch, but I did lend myself to buddying up with trib because 1) Empire ganks would come at me in town 7-8 man deep. And 2) Hralpelk was still all about darkness and order. I'm fairly certain I slew more criminals then most tribs. :P

All in all, thank you to everyone. I enjoyed this character.
97051, Dude you were sick.
Posted by Thwrerrorip on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First time I ran across you I thought Anathema, hehe easy pickin's.
No powers, probably been beat on and has a crappy set... and Bam!
You tooled me. Next time I ran into you (arial city) I was a little
better prepped and had the bard songs, but I will never look at an
anath that doesn't immediately delete as an easy target EVER again.

:) Best of luck with the next.

P.S. I never tried to sell you on the light like I do
most people because I was actually scared that if I
stopped too long to talk I was already dead. Hehehe.

97057, RE: Dude you were sick.
Posted by Hral on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks, you were a good sport and a good fighter. Props to you for sticking around in Arial City. Drayden kept me on my toes so for a brief instant I thought you might have me when he cried in.
97052, The only good duergar is a dead duergar.
Posted by Ghrim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
An' yer dead as ####e lad!

I enjoyed our banter.

That time in Akan was hilarious. Really wish I could have got to battle you at least one time, but it wasn't meant to be.

Huge props for going Anathema with those huge Empire numbers.
97058, RE: The only good duergar is a dead duergar.
Posted by Hral on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Akan was great. I wanted a go at you too, and it was me who put the bounty on your head. I also(when I was an elite) offered a promotion to anyone who could bring me your head. Because the only good dwarf is a dead dwarf. ;)

Good luck with beating ass and taking names, but go back to war with Empire!!
97053, I really liked this character!
Posted by Nnaeshuk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great job, just absolutely wonderfully done. I loved our interactions and the little chats we'd have. The way you handled that one shot was pure class. Absolutely everything I saw with this character was 100% great. I really was cheering for you, even when you were actually in Empire, and the fact that you decided to go the Anathema route made me cheer even harder. thumbsup!

97059, RE: I really liked this character!
Posted by Hral on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think you're fantastic in every aspect of interacting. You didn't take my ####, but you didn't completely shun or ignore me either. Thank you for being an outstanding immortal and good luck with whatever imm duties you have. But please, get a religion soon. }(
97055, That's the disadvantage of having great gear
Posted by Thuorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's bound to get taken from you sooner or later. And I didn't even take all that much.

So I thought you rushing to get your things back, and yourself killed in the process, was a bit sad (oocly).

When you did get me back, I expected it, sadly it was a 2 + 2 vs 1 situation, which kinda sucked, but whatever.

I don't think anyone ever hit me as hard through sanctuary as you did. GLWYN.
97056, RE: That's the disadvantage of having great gear
Posted by Hral on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did strike out a bit boldly and rashly against you, but that was namely me underestimating you and overestimating how tough I was out of partial regear combined with the want for revenge. I'm still kicking myself over dying to you period. I should have prioritized the transmuter but due to some IC interactions had told the tribbies I'd prioritize you. Stupid, stupid tactics. That said, I can't see any reason for a paladin needing *that* many high end swords. Giving away to your buddies? I would have understood. But nailing you later and finding everything you took from me in your corpse made me think poorly of you. I didn't see much of you. From what I did see, you struck me overall as fairly cowardly and a good part of the reason why I dislike paladins. Once again that is only from a few brief interactions so take it as you will.
97084, That had two simple reasons
Posted by Thuorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> Giving away to your buddies? I would have understood. But nailing you later and finding everything you took from me in your corpse made me think poorly of you.

The primary one being that I just wanted to ID them, 'cause I didn't have them on my list. And, since I suck at lore, I need Alduk for that, which meant it took a while to get done.

And secondary, since it was clear that you were going to come for me anyway, there was no need to send a "You'll find your things at X" tell, which is typically what I do.

> I didn't see much of you. From what I did see, you struck me overall as fairly cowardly and a good part of the reason why I dislike paladins.

Well, not being in your league (by a long shot) has to do with that. I don't think I'm cowardly, but no, I am not going to let you ruin my day if I can help it.

> Once again that is only from a few brief interactions so take it as you will.

Yeah, no harm done ... I hope?
97063, You made my char far more fun
Posted by Liosthen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was so upset when you went anathema.

You had amazing roleplay and I knew if I saw you on I would have fun.

Was really cool plowing through hordes of villagers and scions at the once that one time. We had a nice synergy going as well.

Hope we meet again.
97064, Salute
Posted by Omork on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved the char. Good rp, good duergar presence to him. We ranked as low as the teens together, and you play a very skilled warrior. Even though I took part in some of those gangs (imperial rp, hard not to when the empress says bring his head), I had a high amount of respect for the character. You made me remember why never ever to reduce while wearing a 2 handed sword as a giant lol. Your build pretty much beat my build, super rare hell items aside. (the one item I had the day you went anathema was just beyond unfair). If I was going to lose those gauntlets to anyone I'm glad they went to you. Very well played. Just wish we had more time on the same side.
97067, Scary duergar
Posted by Allysia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked this character. Shame dark and order almost always tipped when you were around, I was not sure I could justify grouping with you in that situation, even if it was to fight imperials. I just tried to stay out of your way and let you roll along and help in little ways when I could.

Can't wait to see what you do in the fort if you do go that route.
97069, So if gangs and losing sets got you down to delete
Posted by Kezawk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why did you, after hours of fun back and forth fighting with the fort, A: Loot stuff you did not need or could use from me and B: Allow lowbie imperial looters to take their fill from my corpse also?

Talk abut zero respect for your enemies. I am kind of glad the same was shown to you later.

That left a bad taste after what was a really fun 2-3 hours of fighting.

97088, I'm in a bit of a rush, but
Posted by Hral on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I took two or three items from your corpse, and grabbed some things for Liosthen to use because he had just taken a nasty looting. The wing guards or was it boots? I took were to trade with faolai for a sword. He had just recently led a group to go get something similar and I was making an association.

The loots I took were different, and I didn't complain (much) about them. I was decked out in humansunder/swordmasters gauntlets/every high end fighting class gear. And it wasn't two or three things, it was generally most of it. Not out of spite, but because people could use it. For you to freak out and whine like you did over what was a partial loot at best was pathetic. I don't try to full people, but I always take what I need and leave the rest. That's the point of the looting system.
97108, Maybe I am as guilty of this
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
but I always find it funny when people refer to their complaints as minor or not much yet base everyone elses as whining. I merely stated that you did me a diservice and that if you expected the thrill of battle again then think again. If you knew how hard it was to get those scintillating ribbons and the fact that I think there is only maybe two of them then you might understand. The fact again that I could not have a hope of killing back to get them because it was on a lowbie, was also pretty ####. I was down 12 items when I returned to my corpse, that is slightly more than partial. I didn't freak out either, I kept all communications in character while I decided IRL to just delete rather than face the same wanky behaviour again from the Imperials.

Anyway, thanks again.

97071, RE: So it ends
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To put it bluntly, the RP was amazing. Part of this "quest" that is going on was meant to be a way to interact with and involve low-level players to the game.

I think if we can start immteraction early, they will find their characters more worthwhile. My immediate interactions had you leaping at the opportunity to RP and you brought a tremendous amount of flavor, depth and comedy to the interactions.

This was a GREAT character and you should applaud yourself for it. My only regret is that you ate through the con so quickly! I've been trying to reward some of the more influential members of the quests with something other than immxp. This is hit or miss if I'm not online witha higher level immortal, thus you burned through your con quicker than you could recieve a reward!

That suicide streak was reminiscent of Arlettien. If that's the case, try to temper yourself because some of the best results come from a little patience.

Otherwise, great job and looking forward to seeing your next.
97075, Loved it!
Posted by Brender on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From day one I had a good time with you. You were real tough! You definitely had/have me brainstorming duergar sword spec ideas. Never caught a ton of RP from you - but we had our little interactions back and for that were enjoyable.

The last fight on the edge of Galadon is one of my most crushing moments. I think I hit you for a ***demo*** after you were already convulsing! I had jab;get humansunder corpse;get gauntlets corpse in my buffer, but alas - Karak came and bashed, Miyatzi casted, and you got away. DOH! Did you also play Faeghn?

I do have to point out - and you KNOW where I'm going with this - I was the last to kill you, and that's what counts. Brender wins!!
97078, Whoops. Wrong spot. Sorry Hral. nt
Posted by Brender on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
97083, See you later
Posted by Balta on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And thanks for the compliment.. Even though we
Were enemies, that is no reason for me to be a #### to
you so yeah we had some interesting talks..

Your flurries were beastl and I was glad to see you stick
it out as an anathema.. But you were easier to fight
without your blade powers..

Great char..
97093, RE: So it ends
Posted by Mundin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You forgot the little man.
Good luck with your next.
97095, RE: So it ends
Posted by miyatzi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really debated getting involved in your drama, I knew that siding with you effectively ruin my relations with most of the empire. Just couldn't stand by and see you smashed around by 6-8 man ganks. In any case, you are a beast at best all I did was give you a little dam redux.
Was hoping to have some more interactions but oh well

97098, RE: So it ends
Posted by Vourecourl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Had some great fights with you, and you were so decked I had to prep more than usual and be very careful. I was hoping to fight you more often as well but I think we play at different times. I'm hitting about 330 hours atm but only skirmished you no more than 4 or 5 times I think. GLWYN.
97102, *clink*
Posted by Adekar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One of my favorite characters I've interacted with in the past couple of months. I wish your title hadn't kept getting stripped away.

You were fun to watch, even if it was frustrating how little you seemed to value self-preservation. Have fun with your next!

97112, In the beginning
Posted by Taffer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I fought you a couple of times before you had your 'badass weapons and full dern suit'and those fights were pretty easy and even while fighting you while you were teamed up with Jediel was fairly doable. And then, that one time in Arkham, what a beating. That was what, two rounds and a flurry? Brutal, really brutal. Anyways, good luck man. Join me in the Fort :).