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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Menelin the Weaponsmaster, Magistrate of Ga
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=9662
9662, (DEL) Menelin the Weaponsmaster, Magistrate of Ga
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Oct 13 21:28:31 2002

2 o''clock PM, Day of Deception, 16th of the Month of the Long Shadows on the Theran calendar Menelin perished, never to return.

Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal
PK Ratio:44% (closer to 100% is better)

9663, Short Goodbyes
Posted by Menelin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well.. I deleted. I probably should have done it some time ago but I never got around to it..

First, I'd like to say I loved the char at first. Being an arial helped a lot to learn skills, and I had Parry and Flouritine perferted very soon which helped a lot in taking hits even while poorly equiped. My second spec was whip/flails, but I never happened to use it a lot. Don't ask why... For my legacies, I chose Dance upon the southern wind, which was nice. It was an addition to my already good tanking. The second was Place of the raging river, but I never got waylayed or slept or things like that AT ALL after I chose that legacy so I can't say if it work or whatever.

I started to loose interest a little after dying all loosing all my things, but I said "Bah, f*ck the EQ.. I'm a good trib and I can still tank well." So I started to enjoy again. But then school started and I couldn't play as much as I used to. So each passing days I would play less and less and I completly lost interest while trying to regear and getting killed by some nowhere Sylvan Invoker ELF.

TRIBUNAL: I love the cabal and will always. The cabal is always under pressure of all the whiners who bitch because they got flagged. And it's the worst thing a Magistrate as to listen to. If you would all stop bitching and accepting the Mark everyone would be much more happy. I think of all the peoples I flagged only 3-4 actually accepted the flag, and I raise my hat to them for that.

Uelveyye: Thanks for all the fun and RP we had. Too bad we didn't got to know each others more.

Noldruk: Don't give up, you do a wonderful job.

BRIA: Thanks for the cabal, it's by far the best.. from my point of view heh. I'll probably do another tribunal when I've got more free time. btw, I had hoped to get your tattoo some day, but when I started to play less I said to myself: Dont even try, you can't get anything by playing a few hours each week. Or was I mistaken? Anyway.. Thanks.

Immortals: This is a great game, and you're all doing a wonderful job. Thanks.

9664, RE: Short Goodbyes
Posted by Uelveyye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well glad you enjoyed your char. I had fun interacting with you, pushing cabal responsibility your way and what not. I remember painfully learning that rescuing someone with special guards pulls you out of duo, trying to save you from villagers *wince* as Nourn or someone cranialed me on top of my duo lag, wham blam. hehe
Oh well.
I was always glad you jumped back into the fray naked or no, one of the reasons the spire finally turned around is because people started to hang tough no matter what.