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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Groggrom the Legend of the Battlefield, Magistrate of Seantryn Modan
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=96532
96532, (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Groggrom the Legend of the Battlefield, Magistrate of Seantryn Modan
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Dec 16 15:05:27 2010

At 9 o'clock AM, Day of the Moon, 35th of the Month of the Long Shadows
on the Theran calendar Groggrom perished, never to return.
Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal
96602, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Groggrom the Legend of the Battlefield, Magistrate of Seantryn Modan
Posted by Yitzua on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sad to see you go man. GLWYN
96579, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Groggrom the Legend of the Battlefield, Magistrate of Seantryn Modan
Posted by Pallow on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ahh, Groggrom. I liked your character for the most part, it is a shame we had our little misunderstandings toward the end. Maybe you'll get to be leader next time. GLWYN
96593, You
Posted by Groggrom on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Whatever you called that made me feel bad.

When a ranking character flat out gives you an order and you say

Not until your in charge!

That was harsh dude, I loved your char and wanted to be friends, it wasn't even about trying to be a leader that we argued.

I'm sorry I struck you as an ass that time, I generally was too nice and I think thats why my orders weren't taken well

I don't want a hardass leader in that cabal, heh

You did a great job though, and I thought you were goign to be aroudn to even more

See you in the fields, cowboy
96595, RE: You
Posted by Pallow on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, believe it or not, you taught me something from that interaction. I was really hoping that I taught you something too. :)

My point was that there is accountability not only in the law, but also in how you treat others who are working toward the same thing.

I think we could have had some fun with that one.

Cheers, brother.
96575, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Groggrom the Legend of the Battlefield, Magistrate of Seantryn Modan
Posted by muhabbet on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Damn man, I didn't know you deleted your character, I've also deleted mine, but I wanted to say goodbye especially to you. I've noticed it
when I came to the forums. As a newbie I'd like to thank you for your support and mentoring. See you in another plane...
96590, YOU!
Posted by Groggrom on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were obviously a newbie, but you were doing things that took me SO LONG to get ahold of. You were solo exploring areas that I had just got around to trying .... You learn very well and are obviously an experienced gamer.
I know that you will do better nearly every char but don't get discouraged if a you have a failure now and then. Thats how this game is, not all of them work out well at all. When you aren't having fun delete and try something else.

i'm glad I got to interact with you

96572, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Groggrom the Legend of the Bat...
Posted by TheDude on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Whoops forgot to post anonymously. Delete please.

96568, me
Posted by benoni on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
first, i think its really gutless to post a log, that dont show the truth.. i returned all your gear after that kill. Second you hunted me several times with chenaz (a nexun) so why shouldent i hunt you when i could?

i asked to leave the village (combined with a imm who thoght it was a good idea) but im not giving up.. i will not delete over this..
96573, Just my opinion, but I think some of the best characters
Posted by Quixotic on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
are those who have been booted from a cabal but earn their way back in. Good luck to you, sir.
96577, Yet you should
Posted by Hildara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One of the worst villagers even among that new leaderless generation. Not defending giant against AP few ranks lower than you without even somewhat decent weapon? Lucky Imms don't give a #### about cabal policies now.
96578, its more likely that
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
if only one imm is watching over the cabal then he is not online 24/7
96584, Cool
Posted by Hildara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So does it mean that if I go village route I should just keep my eye on when village Imms are awaken and gank down people(unprovoked) with my pet outlander druid when they are not? Really, who cares? I'll get my Imm induct anyway. It's so hard to check gank metter I guess. And yeah, it's not about Benoni at all now. It's only about cabal policies.
96591, LOL
Posted by Groggrom on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Feel free to post a log of you fighting me one on one, or of me ganging you. They do not exist.

The first time I met you was warranting you for following a villager who was killing someone (Bard/War against a War) I warranted you but I removed it because I looked back and did not see you singing. The fact that they were bard prepped was not in my jurisdiction. The second time I met you I was coming back from getting the scales when I ran into you and another villager on Chenaz together. I got fiended but fought it off.
Then you said something like "I'm gonna hunt you like a dirty mage!"

I think you would do better in a different cabal, but you can feel free to post any logs of me at all, even if I was out of line with some of the smack talking

Also: Thror wouldn't have done that to you based on a dio log, i doubt they even read dio logs
96598, Well actually..... The warrant got removed because silly ol' me vouched for him..
Posted by Aertia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I juggled with the thought of not telling you he
was innocent, but in the end thought perhaps
if I showed a bit of character, perhaps other
villagers would pick up on it, and quite acting
like douches.. It wasn't until I said he hadnt attacked
that you removed warrant....
96548, Just a few things.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was watching you rp with a young elven warrior who was asking you a lot of questions about being a warrior. That was awesome and I gave you a little juice for doing so.

Tribunal can be a very frustrating role to play. I have found that the really successful ones don't take actions personally. It's a job. You get paid to do it. You decided long ago to accept the contract, the contract is in place and when you wake up, you get to do what you signed up for. Dealing with criminals, miscreants and the like is not much different from the show "Cops". Don't let your emotions get the best of you and go on to the next case.

If you really want to frustrate your "enemies", don't feed into their argument by giving them the argument they want. I don't mean ignore them, just state things in a matter of fact tone, be professional and deal with them as you would deal with a child.

Tribunal is one of my favorite cabals to watch and when someone shines, I really like to reward them because it really is a tough act to pull off.

You have the potential to add a lot of good to this game.

Good luck.
96552, You are right
Posted by Groggrom on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I admit that getting worked up by smack talk IC is a problem I still have. I feel I have come a very long way from my early days but later as it was getting more frustrating to play this character I really let it get to me too much. I agree that a good magistrate is cool, calm and collected at all times, patient and should be helpful to the city. I did my best to play that part and I'm glad you noticed it.
I'm sure you read my role and wow that was a mistake; I honestly wrote a role for a nexite and was like....omfg I am orderly. I almost deleted but had an IC interaction that gave me some material and i tried to flip the role....I was hoping that the revelation that helped set a path for development would help but it got very difficult to work out and write. I'm kinda proud I made a cookie cutter rager role spun into nexite work as a tribunal *flex* but thank you for watching me. Sometimes I felt like everybody in the game was against me but I held out for a lot of hours. I was even accused of cheating IG because of the long sessions I put in.
The coolest part was when random characters would thank me for being around because they felt safer in galadon; THAT is what I wanted to be.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone talking smack, but I was not usually the one to start it.

P.S. Anyway I can get my real handle back? I lost the password to Zheesus a very long time ago.

Christopher A. Couillard
96543, Now that all involved are gone, I think...
Posted by Nawovdkar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As a player, who's played tribbies before...

I was wildly curious about that time I was raiding, and you couldn't hold me back, being out of pk...

And so an Imperial came in, and attacked me at the top of the Spire. And he didn't get flagged for entering the spire.

Was that intentional on your part? were you playing a shady trib? Or was that pure mistake?

Ic, my char loved that it happened, it just proved to him the lacky-ness of the Spire to the Empire, and that they would break their own laws proved that their laws meant nothing...

but as a player, I was really curious as to what went on there.
96550, All parties are not gone, but I'll chime in.
Posted by Cawr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've played a few tribunals, and I believe that it is not okay to let someone pass the captain at any point. But I guess it's up to the role of the char.

For an imperial it's perfectly fine, as the spire is not protected by the imperial law.

And yeah, as an outlander I would've been thrilled by the chaos as well. (Such a bad luck on my part, almost had you there!)
96553, That raid
Posted by Groggrom on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There was so much going on to keep track of, I honestly did not see them enter the spire.
I think most characters I invited to help raid were clearly warned that I could not let them allowed past the captain. I think when you raided I even ended up plagued... When you told me that they entered, it was basically a matter of deciding wether to beleive an outlander that was trying to take the scales so I did not have enough to go on it. I have warranted people who came in to defend, including someone who beat off Onya and even had to warrant the shadow lord, who I felt I had a good relationship with.

I did not play a shady trib, but like a nfl ref, you just can't see everything.
96561, Don't get me wrong....
Posted by Nawovdkar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
ooc I wasn't pissed that it happened. I figured it would be something like this, actually, and can totally relate. I've had a tribby in the past, fighting at the captain and almost completely bash-lagged. And one outlander drove me into galadon...right as my impale on the tranny outlander command, which I had input at the beginning of the fight, went through.

I'm not the kind of person who will run to Dio's with a log "proving" you were a crappy trib, because I honestly didn't think that was the case.

And, like I said, IC, Nawo loved that it happened, so it was all cool! Heh.

As to Cawr, yes, you almost caught me. that was one of the few times I actually had a return potion on me and I quaffed FAST.

But, it was probably to your benefit. Killing me probably would have LOST you charges. I had probably the worst pk record of any outlander ever...just wasn't what I was trying to do with the char.
96559, I will chime in here as well.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think this situation is part of the dynamic of Tribunal that makes them fun to play at times. I can totally see Groggrom not flagging the imperials as long as they don't hit the Executioner.

A paladin on the other hand might have a different point of view. An evil might even invite them in to help. Imagine an evil tribunal inviting someone in to help and a good tribunal flagging the help. Oh, what fun!

Some Tribunals will flag if you flee in the wrong direction, others won't. It really is a matter of opinion. Of course, the Tribunal who does flag someone for entering in that situation would also be right.

96592, Best fact about that is
Posted by Groggrom on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did remove one flag I put on a defender I called, because they fled one space east of the captain trying to survive.
Seconds later they were reflagged by another tribunal ;)'
96537, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Groggrom the Legend of the Battlefield, Magistrate of Seantryn Modan
Posted by Tribbie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Liked having you around since you were one of the few who would step out of town more than once in a blue moon. Mistakes happen, doesn't mean you won't make leadership.

96556, Well
Posted by Groggrom on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After the second time I attacked a non criminal thinking they were wanted, I had already been warned not to act in haste... I removed more flags than I think many tribunals do for acting too quick.

I justified it early by saying somelike like, movin wit haste saves lives but wow was that thrown back at me.
I was a tribunal for so long already that I really had no faith at all that I would be raised.
I wish you guys could have seen the huge stuff I wrote about dealing with conjurers though; as part of my attempt to step up... It felt like the provincials completely blocked it from going out but I'll post it somewhere if you guys want to see it, I put a lot of time into it and spoke with other conjurers and tribunal conjurers to work it out.

Thanks for the good words and like I said. I'll be bock!
96536, Sorry you left on a sour note, but a question about Tri...
Posted by Eck on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sorry you had a crap experience with the Village. I hope it doesn't sour you on CF completely.

Anyway, there was a situation where there I was in Galadon. There was also a Nexun assassin and a Nexun mage in town. They were standing together and I botched the assassination attempt. The mage yelled "Help, someone tried to assassinate me!"

And you rightfully gave me the warrant. But my question is if the mage is standing in a room with two assassins, and they yell that someone tried to assassinate them can a Tribbie on duty use their best judgement in figuring out who struck?

Granted, there was only a 1/1000 chance that it was the mage's cabalmate, but there's still that chance.

I've never played a Tribunal, and you totally did the right thing, I'm just wondering if there's any sort of "beyond a reasonable doubt" thing in effect.

In any event, not everyone who plays (and not everyone who gravitates towards the Village) is a major douchebag, even if it seems like that sometimes. My experiences with you were all neutral or positive and I'd hate to lose a player because some people have personality disorders and a telnet connection.

96546, RE: Sorry you left on a sour note, but a question about Tri...
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry, but all he needs is an educated guess to flag someone. If he makes a mistake and misflags, there are repercussions, but that's part of being a Tribunal. If you seriously think he needs to be 100% sure to flag you, you totally are missing the point of being a Tribunal.

If a 1/1000 chance proves "reasonable doubt", there would be absolutely no need for any type of law anywhere.
96558, I was just asking a question about Tribunal policy
Posted by Eck on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I said in my post that he did the right thing. I'm not whining about the warrant.

"If you seriously think he needs to be 100% sure to flag you, you totally are missing the point of being a Tribunal."

I don't "think" anything regarding the situation. I'm not "missing" any points. I was just asking a question about the placing of flags.

But you managed to come across as pretty condescending, so thanks.
96555, RE: Sorry you left on a sour note, but a question about Tri...
Posted by Groggrom on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know tht all of the villagers aren't that bad, I don't have like a permanent hate of them as a player. I actually interacted with more than one to try to keep the war from breaking out. having had a role problem left with issues I had to let out in character but I had a firm stance to oppose any war with the village, for the best of the spire.
Villagers like Renor, I had a massive amount of respect for (and fear, lol)

When I saw you in town and another villager, then combat started I was keeping an eye out and I knew you were going to do something, I admit I acted too hasitly at times but yeah... If I have time to watch people I sit and check who is who and think about situations to be able to act as quick as I can. IF there are two assasins standing at one person they can harm I most likely will walk up, I also constantly told people when assasins were in town that might be stalking them, to avoid it.

Shame you got away too ;) My dumbass enlarged because I wanted to bash benoni better but then ended up on you and cutoff didn't hold up.
96560, I'm glad to hear it.
Posted by Eck on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's easy to paint the playerbase in one color because the douchebags tend to stand out.

And next time get the Thunderlance for dealing with damn arials.

Actually, next time you should roll a PincerSvirf Berserker because it's like chicken soup for the CF soul.
96535, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Groggrom the Legend of the Battlefield, Magistrate of Seantryn Modan
Posted by Kakola on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am gonna miss you around. You have no idea how much I loved it when I logged in and saw you on. You should have struck around.

96554, Thank you
Posted by Groggrom on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Motivation from Morbo and you really got me thru some times that I felt like the whole world was against me. I think I rode out like 80 hours before anyone even read my role and I was trying my hardest to do well.
I'm sorry I made mistakes and couldn't ride it out anymore; I went a long time though and I will be back one day