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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectGone gone gone
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=96226
96226, Gone gone gone
Posted by Mrreish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well that was fun. Had a blast with my build, mountaineer/beastmaster. Was having less and less fun towards hero though. Kind of sucks playing in the morning system times when most people play in the pm. Less people to kill/in the wilderness yadda yadda yadda. Main reason I was having less fun was the inability to keep people in combat. But each combo has its weaknessess.

Jundun - I knew you were Kallas right off the bat when I attacked Kallas and he was already whining that I was hunting a "forest protector" that was grouped with conjurer.

Other than that I played a chaotic evil outlander who lived for the hunt. Just because anyone was a ranger or anything else didnt mean I wouldnt attack you. Especially if you were clearly someone of the opposite alignment. And especially if you made lots of loud noises about me attacking you. It made the character want to keep attacking you.

As far as gear loots, Im old school. I come from the days of ranking to 11 and sitting on the eastern waiting for some phat hero loot to drop. If you died your #### is forfeit to the first people to get there. Enough said. Generally I left #### alone if I didnt need it. Kyrilos - I needed your stuff sorry. When you told your lackys to full loot me than sacced my sack so I couldnt get my stuff, well your full loot/sac was deserved. Other than that I enjoyed fighting you.

Onya - Still made me smile that you still had a sack of my necromancer.

All the other morning peeps, thanks for the limited interactions. Mrreish wasnt much of a talker, living by actions instead, but see you with my next.
96262, Glad I could induct you...
Posted by Balta on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Mrreish and your roleplay.. I got it, and think it was right on for a Reaver to act that way... Balta listened to alot of complaining from different people on your actions, and all those times, tried to explain to them that even though the bark in the tree may read A.. that doesnt mean it cannot be interpret as B, especially if one is a Reaver, I think they get the most slack out of all the branches.. and my next response was if you have a problem with Mrreish, go kill hims... Which seemed to be a good thing to tell them... Though they never liked hearing that...

Anyways if you a Rogue, Welcome back.. and GLWYN

96277, RE: Glad I could induct you...
Posted by Mrreish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks, I enjoyed the limited interactions with you. It was always a boon when you or Onya would log on, would really turn the tide in our favor.

-Mrreish, Wijke, Tertalith, Trevente, Thubnotterat, Mesernyk, and a host of others.

Long live the chaotic stupid SPOOOOON!! Running around wielding a spoon and spamming hellfire.
96287, You say that...
Posted by Stalkinghorse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And yeah it's cool to say "Go kill him" but why risk a full loot/sac when the appropriate thing to do is inform the leadership that some DB isn't following their rules.

What he did was no different than a Trib breaking the law.

I'm kinda pissed at you now, hearing that you apparently had multiple complaints and you let it slide.

You realize you're ####ing other people over if you're not playing your role, right?

You have an OOC responsibility to make sure your Outlanders are Outlanders IC.
96290, False
Posted by Knac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"You have an OOC responsibility to make sure your Outlanders are Outlanders IC."

That's the imms. Outlanders supposed to be structured so the three factions play off each other. Thus, it's hard to know to enforce what constitutes an outlander if you're not part of that faction (in fact, I'd say that Lyristeon would enjoy it if they try to 'enforce' their ideal Outlander motto and end up killing each other).

No one has an OOC responsibility. They have an OOC vision of how the game should be played based on their own perspective, but they typically can't enforce that, especially with Outlanders.

Of course, if you're in Battle/Empire/Tribunal/to a certain extent, Scions, you can hit the uninduct button as you want.

Have you played an Outlander? What was your RP? Did you make leader? I've had 3, and it seems your understanding is skewed.

I didn't play against Mreisshe so I don't know what OOC jackassery he did, but you appear to be railing out of personal frustration rather than any sort of concrete argument or point.
96402, RE: You say that...
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This whole thread makes me really dislike you. You should find another hobby. No, being a "bad evil outlander" is not like a Trib breaking the law. And its none of your damn business. If you have such an issue, write a note to Lyristeon and be done with it, rather than barfing all over the guy's battlefield thread. What are you the ordained RP police? Christ almighty.
96253, Splendid
Posted by Harich on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After you demonstrated your appetite for destruction, I knew never to trust your invitations to learn with you because your promises not to eat me were the scorpion's words to the frog. It is your nature.
96257, RE: Splendid
Posted by Mrreish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yea, you never know when a little chaos might happen =)
96243, Some of the worst CF has to offer. Pure and simple.
Posted by Stalkinghorse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Didn't follow outlnader doctrine.

Full loot/sack.

Trash talk.

Also had some pretty timely log ons with a certain battlerager who seemed aweful keen on fighting for you.

"I hunger" is lame as ####. It's some psychopathic response that nobody would give. If that was Mrreish, then Mrreish was too primative to be an Outlander.

As far as Junder. I caught you killing forest guardians with Kallas and you attacked Jundur when he was fighting burners and the like.

The words for you are douch power bag and gamer.

If I had to guess I would say you're Audunkel whome I remember all too well but he didn't have any buddies if I remember.
96245, This is the insanity I was talking about in my previous post nt
Posted by Ren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
96246, Npw I realize who you are.
Posted by Stalkinghorse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dude, you were around him so much I made this sub for you.

#sub {%0 Battlerager %1} {%0 Battlerageer (OOC Mrreish) %0}

What makes me think this is you started talking about something I accused Mrreish when there was no discernable way you could know it unless he sent you a tell right then and there.

I thought you were an Outlander because the info cam bacl so soon. Then a bit latter you two joined at the hip and ranked up.

Coincidenses happen I suppose.
96249, All I'll say is
Posted by Ren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What makes you think we wouldn't be talking?

Further more I don't think we ever ranked, though I did attack him once and kill him once. Mrriesh that is.
96258, RE: Npw I realize who you are.
Posted by Mrreish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Im only going to respond to you once, because I see that the player likes to bitch and whine as does his characters. Full loot/sac? Only did it to you and Kyrilos. Kyrilos had it coming, he knew that. I did it to you because your characters would not stop bitching, complaining, trash talking to every single person he encountered.

Primitive? Yes I played a primitive evil chaotic outlander. I actually based my build off of Nreishe. If I want to attack "forest guardians" and butcher them and eat them, and grow in strength from them than I will. Because thats my ####en primal right.

As for Renor - by the way bud, Mreisshe really did view you as a brother. Big Hugs and holding hands and ganking everyone we saw!!
But anyways, we never "grouped together". Except once to get our items back from Empire. We never ranked together. And we both believed in fighting solo. Except instances in which I was attacked while ranking, all my kills were solo. Except that last one on Kyrilos.

But now that this public service announcement is over. You can continue to bitch and whine because I wont be responding anymore. Have a nice day! =)

- I hope this Iunna follower gave you great inspiration to better your characters or run faster. Follow Iunna, now with 10% more hugs and kisses.
Posted by Stalkinghorse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As far as trash talk goes. You are full of ####.

Jundun called you out for ranking on protectors of the forest and pointed out that was a violation of the forst tenant of the bark. You then threatened to Multi-kill him. Blatabtly OOC. At that point I didn't give a flying #### about your RP and I made no effort to RP with you.

Oh and of course you attack him as he is defending the wilds.

Dude, you are a guy who doesn't give a #### about anyone else in the game. You aren't here to interact your here to grief.

You're a guy who makes roles that tuck him securely under Lyristeon's sack and allow him to powergame to the detriment of the rules of his cabal.

But it doesn't matter I suppose, Lyristeon has never been a good fit for Outlander in that, as far as I can tell, he has never IC or OOC said anything that would indicate he has anything to do with nature or the Ancients.

The end result is dirt like you thriving in the soil of grief.

P.S. It'd funny how Renor denies knowing you but you have spoken in the presence of onw of my other characters about him being your, "Brother".
96265, Give it up Pro. NT
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
96281, BUzZer--- Wrong answer NT
Posted by Stalkinghorse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Try agin
96299, Ok Pro
Posted by lurker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A loud, abrasive nonce?


Forcing your views of how someone should RP on others?


Tattling like a little bitch to anyone that would listen?


Not catching a hint when multiple people are telling you you are wrong or in the least not correct?


If you aren't Pro, you sure pass the Pro test.
96304, Your wrong to nt
Posted by Stalkinghorse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But what ever
96349, Chill out Pro, it's just a game. nt
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
96270, RE: Npw I realize who you are.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>If I want to attack "forest guardians" and butcher them and eat
>them, and grow in strength from them than I will. Because thats
>my ####en primal right.

I approve of this sentiment.

My view was that I'm a predator. I was made to kill stuff. Being true to my inborn nature means...I kill stuff. You don't get a pass just because you're a non-defiler.
96276, that is not Outlander.
Posted by Stalkinghorse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Outlander has a written code so a mindless killer shouldn't be a part of outlander anymore than a grizzly bear should be.

There is a purpose that's greater than, "I kill".

That is uncabaled.
96278, Based on whom?
Posted by Knac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Read exactly what you wrote.

"Outlander has a written code so a mindless killer shouldn't be a part of outlander anymore than a grizzly bear should be."

Who wrote it? Where's the code? Who interprets it? Are you God or just simply narrow-minded?

How do you know that's his purpose? Did you create the character? Or, as stated before, are you God?
96284, Let's take this down a notch and think this through.
Posted by Stalkinghorse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Outlander is a losley organized group of chaotics and possibly neutrals spanning all the morality ranges.

That they do "Pledge" and there IS a written, codified series of does and do nots means that, no matter how wild they may want to be, they have a cause.

The very first rule is written. Do not kill guardians of the forest. That's as black and white as burned birch.

A mindless thoughtless can no more be a part of Outlander than they could be a part of Tribunal.

Being Outlander doesn't mean "I wrote a role so I get free powers".

Outlander has rules. Rules require adherance, no matter how chaotic wild and feral you want to be.

That is inescapable logic.

Don't agree? Look up Grigg he was a mage that Lyristeon and other Imm's commented on.
96289, RE: Let's take this down a notch and think this through.
Posted by Knac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Outlander is a loosly organized group of chaotics and possibly neutrals spanning all the morality ranges."
- True

"That they do "Pledge" and there IS a written, codified series of does and do nots means that, no matter how wild they may want to be, they have a cause."
- True. But to counterpoint, they are inducted, which inheritantly means they have an acceptable cause (some viable RP), which you can judge as inadequate or whatever, but doesn't necessarily make you omniscent and right.

"The very first rule is written. Do not kill guardians of the forest. That's as black and white as burned birch."
- False. Define guardians of the forest. I'll guarantee you can I find a hole on what you define as guardians of the forest based on whatever viable character concept I can think of. For example, if I make a goodie outlander, I can consider anything that remotely reeks of harming 'nature' as a creature that is not a guardian of the forest, which includes any goodie transmuter/invoker/warrior that doesn't adhere to what I believe (ie, if you're not with us, you're against us.) Similarly, based on what you believe to be 'appropriate' RP, as an evil I can consider those 'forest guardians' as inadequate - let's face it, those burners in the ashes of nowhere aren't going away. Who's to blame for that? Thus, they can be construed as less a 'guardian of the forest' and more a 'failed decrepit wannabe loser who deserves to die for not protecting the forest'

A mindless thoughtless can no more be a part of Outlander than they could be a part of Tribunal.
- What do you consider mindless thoughtless? In a common understanding, one might think 'primitive' as mindless and thoughtless. Which for all intents and purposes fits with the Outlander MO. The difference between Tribbies and Outlanders is that Tribbies have a set guideline of hard and fast rules where it's difficult for wiggle room (you can try, but most likely you will be scrutinized more) while outlanders have more wiggle room. At least, that's how I see it.

Being Outlander doesn't mean "I wrote a role so I get free powers".
- ...I don't understand how this fits into anything you're saying. Just sounds like bitching to me instead some coherent argument.

Outlander has rules. Rules require adherance, no matter how chaotic wild and feral you want to be.
- Soft rules rather than hard rules. Additionally, soft rules that are less explicit and less enforced.

That is inescapable logic.
- False.

Don't agree? Look up Grigg he was a mage that Lyristeon and other Imm's commented on.
96303, I see we are in an endless loop here.
Posted by Stalkinghorse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because I could continue to refute your assertions.

Bottom line. It's a game.

The game has rules.

If they aren't going to enforce the rules they need to omit them.

96308, Not true
Posted by Knac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There are rules, and there are guidelines. There are various interpretations of the rules and guidelines.

Not sure if you went to college, but if you did, you'd know there are things you can get away with, things you can twist to make sense, etc.

It's the same with the game. You're taking a hard stance on 'rules', but as previously stated, outlanders are less about hard-set rules and more about soft guidelines.

96310, It doesn't matter. You seem like a power gamer to me.
Posted by Stalkinghorse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You are going to do what ever you want, so I may as well do what ever I want.

The rules clearly don't matter, they aren't enforced and I'm done arguing about it.
96322, Yup
Posted by Knac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sure a powergamer because I like to enjoy the game and interpret it without bitching about how other people's RP doesn't fit my mold.

Do I disagree with certain interpretations? Sure. Do I try to play along with them in some way? Absolutely. I tend not to try to go through a public debacle of showing off my narrow mindedness, which apparently you succeeded.

Gluck with simmering down.
96344, You have a tough time with the whole concept of 'chaotic' don't you.
Posted by dwimmerling on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I was a reaver, and I could knew that in the present the forest was toast, I'd go punish the forest guardians for their failure.

Bottom line is, it's a game. If it isn't in the RULES helpfile, it can be bent. The cabal leaders can decide if it's a punishable offense, and this seems trivial to me. I have had outlanders that used coins to buy the sleeves in the acadamy. If you want to enforce the rules of the cabal that harshly, go ahead and try to get a leader spot and see how fast your cabal empties out.

If he replies that I proved his point when I didn't, it's pro. Either way using anonymous to troll someones death thread is a #### move.

96282, RE: that is not Outlander.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was Nightreaver for about 500 hours and nobody ever corrected me, so I'm tempted to say it's a perfectly valid chaotic evil Outlander behavior.

To be fair, I didn't go so far as to rank on forest guardians. I did kill various animal mobs, though, without any remorse, and I did actively hunt random non-defiler PCs.
96285, 4erious question. Did you ever read the bark?.
Posted by Stalkinghorse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Outlander is the only Cabal I ever really played besides Battle.

There's nothing wrong with hunting animals for food, that's even stated on the bark.

There's nothing wrong with PK'ing who ever.

There is something wrong with killing the things Outlander is sworn to protect. Namely the creation of the ancients.

What I am saying is you have to have conciousness. If someone came up to me as night reaver and through down a thousand dwaf beards and minotaur horns and started growling and saying" I hunger" I'd laugh in his face.

What the hell does that have to do with the dream of the ancients? Especially when you stuffed yourself on guardian chitlins.

This chararacter was played by a ay who cared #### all about anything except powergaming.

He full looted the only two people he defeated. That's Old Rogue stuff there and he was told by Daevryn. Don't rank on things that conisder out as comfortable in the wilds.
96291, Dreams of Ancients
Posted by Knac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ultimately, isn't it to bring Thar-Eris back?

What's wrong with rping efficiently (not saying he did) that the current crop just doesn't do it and butchering them mercilessly?

Or for that matter, survival of the fittest to better bring Thar-Eris back?
96311, Twist, spin, do what ever.
Posted by Stalkinghorse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You just want the powers.

You just want to play capture the flag.
96300, Umm...You are wrong.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You obviously don't understand evil outlander dogma, so let it rest.
96301, So lay it out for us oh wise trickster!
Posted by Stalkinghorse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because I'm going off what you've said in the past.

What's your role in the game anyway? I don't get your connection to outlander.
96318, RE: So lay it out for us oh wise trickster!
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You can read my message board for the history of why outlander.

Here is the thing for evil:

Your enemies are nearly everyone.


This cabal will wind up being your enemy if you are evil.


Some allies if you aren't a mage.


Non-cabaled might have a few tenuous allies at best.

Because of this, evil outlanders get a lot of leeway with their way of living. Their attitude is that fighting for Thar-Eris will bring about their way of life more quickly. Thar-Eris doesn't need protection, it will overcome all in the end.

Killing so-called forest protectors is okay to a point. Spending your entire life killing protectors is going to be frowned upon. Killing them every once in awhile, for an evil, is fine. Otherwise, evil outlanders wouldn't be allowed to fight other outlanders and vice versa. Of course, the rules for that change with neutrals and goods.

96323, Thank you for the feed back.
Posted by Stalkinghorse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I appreciate the clarification.
96305, RE: 4erious question. Did you ever read the bark?.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Consider for a moment that evil Outlanders are not only not prohibited from killing other Outlanders, I really got the sense the Outlander imms wish it happened more often.

If you can, to a limited degree, kill those who are in the cabal and ergo are actively working towards the return of Thar-Eris, why could you not kill a forest guardian?

Yes, I did read the bark. No, I don't remember exactly what it says.
96306, Here is the first rule of the bark. It's pretty explicit. You will notice the word "OBEY" in there.
Posted by Stalkinghorse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
| Free though you may be, you have chosen to heed Our |
| call, to serve the Way of Thar-Eris. So long as your |
| spirit is bound to the Sacred Totem, you shall heed Our |
| Will and obey these commands, that Thar-Eris may rise |
| once again!

I. Respect the Land and Her Creatures |
| |
| Live in accordance to the Land's Way, and also |
| respect those who do likewise. You shall not hunt |
| game for sport or endure those who do. Still, |
| respect your place in the Cycle as well - to hunt |
| for food or clothing or in self-defense is permitted |
| by all, so long as it is done with respect.
96307, can you please clarify?
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I. Respect the Land and Her Creatures |
| |
| Live in accordance to the Land's Way, and also |
| respect those who do likewise. You shall not hunt |
| game for sport or endure those who do. Still, |
| respect your place in the Cycle as well - to hunt |
| for food or clothing or in self-defense is permitted |
| by all, so long as it is done with respect.

Which sentence says don't kill guardians of the forest? I see a refernce to not killing animals also known as game if you are ESL for sport. Even when it comes to animals its not a don't kill them ever policy.

Could the imms please either out the idendity of this loon or ban him please?
96309, Any creature that considers like this is what I am talking about.
Posted by Stalkinghorse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
An ominous, hooded figure waits
patiently nearby.
A druidic initiate seems quite at home within the wilds.
A druidic initiate is about the same size you are.
He looks just as disinterested as you.

There is a specific line added to creatures supposedly protected by the Outlanders. Only they can see this when they consider. So if they are ranking on this or practicing skills on them they are in violation of Outlander dogma.

It's that simple. Sorry if that messes with your love of power gamming.
96314, RE: Any creature that considers like this is what I am talking about.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually I didn't remember the bark being that specific. I'm tempted to agree with you, now, that ranking on guardians is bad outie mojo.

When I was Nightreaver I don't recall actually ranking on outie-friendly mobs. I had no compunction about killing them for gear, food, because they attacked me, or if they got in the way of me killing a PC, but yeah- I don't think I ranked on them. That I can remember at least. I want to say emerald forest is the only place I would even have been tempted to do so.
96315, don't accept his (mis)interpertation
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The bark refers to game. Which is non sentient animals.

The line that he refers to represents NPC's which are friendly to the outlanders. Since outlanders are encouraged to kill each other it would logically follow they would treat people friendly to their cause with less leniency then people who are actually in the cabal.

The real purpose of the extra line on consider is to know which mobs you can request from as an outlander and the need to request them is based off the fact that previously sylvan dogma forbid members from killing these kind of mobs.
96321, RE: don't accept his (mis)interpertation
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're essentially arguing that the bark prohibits hunting animals for sport and yet permits hunting sentient outie-friendly NPCs (e.g. forest guardians, dryads, etc.) for the same reason. Seems kinda wack.
96324, I don't play much outlanders because I like my gold but...
Posted by Erenthell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You mean its perfectly fine from an RP perspective to kill forest guardians as an evil guardian?

What about the bunnies and the wolves and the deer?
96326, RE: I don't play much outlanders because I like my gold but...
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought I would miss gold a lot, but as it turns out...not so much. About the only two things I wish I could have used money to buy are return talismans (since they were hard to get via vandalize) and cure blindness potions.
96252, RE: Some of the worst CF has to offer. Pure and simple.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

"If that was Mrreish, then Mrreish was
too primative to be an Outlander."

I don't know which evil outlanders you have played, but primitive is definitely an accepted way of playing one. Do a search for Nreisshe or Krynna if you want to really understand how primitive evil outlanders can be.