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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Bronagh the Master of Steel
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=9551
9551, (DEL) Bronagh the Master of Steel
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Oct 8 17:14:52 2002

10 o''clock AM, Day of the Bull, 29th of the Month of the Shadows on the Theran calendar Bronagh perished, never to return.

Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
PK Ratio:51% (closer to 100% is better)

9552, RE: (DEL) Bronagh the Master of Steel
Posted by Bryvac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, I know what was going on, I knew you wanted to rank, lord knows I'm always up for helpin anyone, but you should have stuck it out a bit and see what came up. Most chars have a hard time in your rank, I did, and being a cloud giant, I know it is one hard flippin deal to rank and fight without gaining a big flippin exp hole. As for fighting, man I figured you would like have so many people to kill. It only gets harder when they hero, but when your in your forties, its easy to pick off the weak ones, especially if your a good battlerager. Anyhow I wish you would have stuck it out you woulda been an appreciated at hero ranks........good luck in your next I guess.
9553, somtimes you just get the feeling
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That a character is not working out like you had hoped it would. Bronagh did not work out. I had played an arial mace/dagger spec long ago and done well with it and I figured with the new legacies it might be good to give it another try but decided to try a giant with it. Previous giant dagger spec's I have had, certainly have had more luck than Bronagh. Even with 100% in things like artery I missed way too often. I went scout again because I like playing Grubbin and I have not played a berserker in over 16 months. I was going to use ward of blade and balance of the sisters. The balance for obvious reasons and the ward to give me an added boon to defense which you dont get not being a defensive spec or having bloodthirst. I decided on ward first because I had been ganged a number of times by scions and felt it would help me get to 48 quicker than balance would and I had known that ward w as toned down but thought it would still be of good use. It wasn't and it did not seem to be worth a monkey's chuff so I wont be picking that again. Ragers are gonna die out shortly with some of the present hero's with only maybe 4 or 5 deatsh left in them so after getting inducted I wanted to get up to hero really quick as possible to stop them getting shat on. Induction took the longest to date. As karkanen and Ghraloch I saw Bryvac alot but when it came to find him when I was with Bronagh it was nigh on impossible, I was getting grief for spending evening on the PC but Bryvac did not like the fact that he never saw me around much which was annoying. He also asked me to rank up when I was already in my 30's with no detects and rager applicant written all over me. I got inducted at rank 37 so when it came to cabal fight I could not rely on any cabal powers working because I had not had long enough using them unlike most of those I fought and this was an annoyance (NB: not having a go at Bryvac here!).

Reasons for deletion:
In a word, I think I would call it bullying to a degree. When I hit rank 42 I had the worst PK range going with rank 35 fire APS and hero mages of all breeds and exp penalties to I was a big target which is why I wanted to get ranking at every god given oppertunity. God given opportunity, amusing choice of phrase here because it was the gods of battle and some hero ragers that actually really pissed me off with bronagh. I log on and there are about 4 or 5 ragers including me around and I think great, a chance to set up a group and rank but no. The destructor pipes up that he wants the items and we HAVE to go raid. We had a two nexus, two warlock and I personally had 7 scions ranging from the rank 35 fire AP up to Uzurag. We raid nexus no problem, over quickly. We do warlocks and the same. We now have around 2-3 nexus and 2 warlocks that could get their items back if we got into a big raid in scions which it bloody would be and turned out it was. I decided to use the ideas of the tablet/tapestry etc and say its foolish as warock/nexun will either rerieve or we will get too bloodied getting the sceptre that they will waltz over and retrieve it. We got our arses handed to us from the scions who pre-emted (sp) and at one point I think I had 5PC and 4-5 NPCnightwalkers ripping me a new one. Dead!! I cb'd basically saying see when we eventually did raid scion and Nexus folk killed giant and took the head. We then got the head back, only because lower ranked folk were untouched doing so. Next day, same ol same old things happenin. Trying to rank and getting hunted scions which is all part and parcel but I figure, I can gain ranks with some other non-ragers and did so knowing in my evening time there are other ragers around and we can rank then. I log on and now Bryvac is going on about raiding right after I asked him to group with me and paschal to advance us. Afterwards he says! Rubbish, any ragers knows that once raiding starts its fighting PKing re-raiding and retrieving untill you quit or they quit. Same scion scenario, wither plagues etc etc gang dead. Repeat. Then I log off for a short break and return and all items are in the throne but all the hero's that were around to raid have frucked off and left the 3 rank 44's to sort out the shitstorm thats coming. Ofcourse the rank disadvantage gets us fucked on and I tally up that I burned through 3 con in two days because of what amounts to Imms bullying ragers into making raids when maybe they should be thinking about bolstering the village ranks for the upcoming scions. God knows they DONT actually need their items to rank and get ahead of us and we can rank without ours too, to a degree but we are hunted mercilesly when we are without it. I know Intronan and Thror want alot for the village and I do like the interaction but when this happens it detracts from the fun and only serves to provide our enemies with corpses. I am not whining needlessly and if all anyone wishes to do in reply is berrate me or call me a whiner or a ##### rager, fine, no need to wear out your digits just dont post anything. Some chars, regardless of a great idea/RP/background and plan dont work out.


9565, RE: somtimes you just get the feeling
Posted by Thralkoz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I agree on all parts. With my current Rager it was the samething...rank for a few get raided/raid, die. The destructor asking us to raid at stupid times is getting annoying. I just want to scream you don't face the ONSLAUGHT!! once we spread too thin it's over. Nexus groups with Warlocks, we trash them. then they go to Scions, and we are whittled down an die. The village is swelled full right now, which is why Thror, an Intronan are doing such an such...It's just not as fun when the village is this full. I liked the old days when it was mostly us bitch ranking the 40lvl ragers. When we first started out the village was small (and fun) then when it got big it got boring fast (hence my deletion) I like the underdog which is not the case right now, which is why Thror an intronan are being so hard. I did not get to know this charcter much, but liked your combo alot... thinking of taking a break with the village for awhile, perhaps do the same? hope all this jumbled junk makes sence, been drinking...heh
9566, I always recomend....
Posted by Past Battle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Take a break, you have to

But come back!
9567, is ragers all you play
Posted by dead orc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you got to wonder when someone all they play is ragers and aberntye said had hard time gettin in well i know people who have never got in and this is what you 30th rager in a row oh well not a rant just askin once you get in does that mean you get in from then on with the same answers and rp you used before seems to cheapen it a little for me
9568, not exclusive to ragers
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
but I wont play a scion because I aint being nobodys bitch. Most thing I do play wont be mages and because of playing times I tend not to go in for empowerment very often. I am considering playing another orc because I enjoyed chieftanship when I had it before and would like to use magic this time and make more use of enslave/overrun. If you come up with suitably different RP/roles when applying for battle and tend to ask different ragers for interviews its a very different experience each time. For example this time I had Hirilim's and Paschal's. Hirilim was more interested in abilities and outlook whereas I hated Paschal's interview because he asked me spurious ##### about the history of the village which, is great to know, but to me its a sideline in any interview I give. Its only gonna be cheap if you let it.


9564, RE: somtimes you just get the feeling
Posted by Intronan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do me a favor, write me an email at Intronan@carrionfields.com. Thanks, I'd appreciate it.
9563, Totally understand...
Posted by Lightmage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well put. You were a constant target for being hunted and slain by Scion. Your play times seem to be when lots of Scion hunters are about. During raids, you seemed to be the target first....maybe because of your lack of defensiveness....

Well done anyhow, you just had a bad bit of luck with being overwhelmed.
9559, RE: somtimes you just get the feeling
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hate getting into debates about this stuff so like Intronan, please e-mail me with your concerns. I will point out a couple of things that you and anyone who feels like stating is more than welcome to contest, however I'm not participating in a imm bashing contest so don't expect me to reply:

In one instance, you were right and I was wrong. Battle had it's back to the wall and ended up losing two items because of an order to gain the Sceptre. That order came specifically because those said ragers were sitting around in the village waiting for something to happen. Hardly productive but again, the loss of those items are my fault and I take responsibility for that.

I eat my words on that one.

However, never, ever is it good to contest or argue the will of the Gods, which I felt you were doing at one point. Maybe I took it the wrong way.

I log on quite a bit only to see 10+ ragers and no Grimoire/Sceptre/Link. I also happen to see very few obstructions that would keep them from getting these. Cap this off with miserable tactics, very little intuitive from some of the more recent battles and you get a village with no direction (students of war). My gut feeling is that no one is learning how to become better ragers and ultimately, that + the destruction of magic is the goal of the cabal.

My point of view, my perspective. Easily argued from another point. My dime and quarter.

P.S.: I knew Bronagh was you. Sometimes it's just easy to pick ya out :P

9562, RE: somtimes you just get the feeling
Posted by ArChaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>However, never, ever is it good to contest or argue the will
>of the Gods, which I felt you were doing at one point.
>Maybe I took it the wrong way.

So what do you do when you don't feel like committing suicide when your god is doing something you plain don't agree with, especially in a student of war place. As far as i know you weren't visible when giving the orders, so you can't be questioned to your face and to pray or cb is to critise you publically.
9561, I like this.
Posted by Nashrad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kudos for you for actually giving an official apology. Very impressive :-)

If it is the instance I think of(of course I dont know what happened in the village, but in the fight after)the hero villagers did not have much competition yeah. But scion was/is very strong around 40 so the four or ragers met four of us but we was the combination of bard/shaman/healer/warrior, a very hard thing to beat at the archmage.

There was this instance when we intercepted at eastern also, I think two or something scions had connected while you were raiding the others so there was like 7 rank 40ish scions and some heroes, all shielded and sanced.

This is not a kick in the face for you thror, as I liked the wardrums in the raids and so. But just a pointer how different it was for the hero ragers and 40something ragers.
9560, RE: somtimes you just get the feeling
Posted by Nwayreth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to agree with thror, i constantly look around for reagers to swoop down on from the sky, i sat over the village for 45 minutes, waitng for one to come out, the same four ragers were still sitting in there when i logged off
9558, I hate to say this but...
Posted by Harokatsu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your note, though well written and impressively stylised and articulated your frustrations quite well, sounds a little bit like a rant. I can assure you that everything you've described is at some point being felt and experienced by anyone in any other cabal, exception perhaps entropy and herald, which aren't usually raided or told to raid.

Dawnites get scolded for not defending, even against unpleasant odds. People in Scions get kicked out for not defending or retrieving and publically challenged and humiliated. Warlocks are told, in a more gentler tone, but still just as firm, to raid. These are my experiences, with characters in these cabals. I will assume that this is the case for the Sylvan and the Maran as well, though less so for the Maran since there are usually quite few of them. Most of my Maran characters were never pressured by the Maran imms, but supported and encouraged. One complaint I do share however is the rather arbitrary manner in which cabal policy is changed. I remember a time when Apostles were telling Dawnites not to return to the Fortress if they felt they were in danger, the reasoning that life was more important. I also remember a time when it was an unspoken that Scions could return and defend whenever they liked and did not really take much flak for it if they did not. However, recently, these have been changing, and while I haven't been on the receiving end of immortality negativity as yet, I have seen it happen to others.

My personal feel is that if you choose certain cabals that are warlike, lethal, and have impressive powers compared to the rest, you are going to have to expect certain RP responsibilities, and some of these might result in your death. I do not like it when immortals kick people out for not defending, or challenging actions, because sometimes their perspectives can be inaccurate. They may be out of touch with the trials of trying to get good armor, the trials of re-equipping, the frustrations of pk holes, or dying, or going to defend knowing you will die, and then dying, and then told you are weak. I like to give immortals the benefit of the doubt that they are not the Olympian gods who look at mortals for sport and fun. I am assuming that our immortals are trying to improve the roleplay experience for everyone, and not to get people killed for their amusement. Certainly, I do not think that such immortal interference happens at a regularity that makes it dictatorial or unbearable, and certainly it doesn't sound that way in the scenario you described.

9557, Hey
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey man, write the imms of battle, but write me too!


9555, RE: somtimes you just get the feeling
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry to see you delete. Like Thror and Intronan, I don't want to get into a major discussion here about your particular situation, but I do want to point out two things.

1. You would have, eventually, Heroed. Mid 40s is hard - very hard - but its part and parcel of the trial of fire you go through before you Hero. You only had 86 hours on this character, which is a fairly significant amount of time, but only about one-sixth the lifespan of your character. You also had plenty of con.

2. Sometimes you'll be in bad situations, or situations where you have a lot of enemies coming at you at once (or close together). Its at times like these that you need to use smart tactics despite having numerical superiority to have a chance at victory. Someone has to step up and take charge, but that person doesn't necessarily have to be the leader of Battle, and it will never be an Imm. Who's that leave? Guys like you, who know what the hell they are doing, know their Cabal mates, and can say, "You bash the bard, you tigerclaw the invoker, you pincer the bard and I'll artery the bard then disarm. Once the bard's dead, we move on to the healer. If they haven't all fled by then, we hit the AP." All that being said, I'm smart enough to understand that things never work out in such a cut and dried manner (especially in combat), but the point is to start with a plan and move on from there, use your heads, and hopefully come out on top. That sort of tactical planning, making the sum greater than the parts, is one thing we are trying to build up in the Cabal.

I have heard complaints that the Cabal wars are "stagnant" or "old" or "boring", because people don't want to risk their bright, shiny gear unless they have 6 to 1 odds in their favor. What I saw in the raiding situations you describe above was a series of fights where there was more risk than reward, where gear was not an issue, where people were willing to go toe to toe with the enemy without overwhelming odds in their favor. I say, kudos to all of you. Made me wish I had a mort running around down there in the mix.

On a side note, good use of the War Room. Everyone in the Village has the right to question the decisions made by either the Leader or the Destructor. You used good logic, and the fact that you were willing to speak up is points in your favor. The fact that you abided by the decision made even though it went against what you recommended is more points in your favor.
9556, Your still around!
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had no idea that you are still around Kastellyn. I haven't seen you vis in forever, and would have had no idea that you were about. You working on that religion of yours? Or what are you up to with CF stuff?

Aaron aka Chalin (I'm not sure who my mort was when you were one, but I know we travelled)
9554, Stop playing ragers Abernyte!
Posted by Thornheart on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can't you play something else? :)

Don't waste all that skill on those darn battleragers.