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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectDeleted
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=95468
95468, Deleted
Posted by Svuusk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My apologies to anyone I mismarked. Hope this makes up for it. Imms, if you can hasten the formal deletion I would appreciate it. I do not want to be tempted to re-activate.
95629, No more axes for you!
Posted by Roland on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I from the first time I saw you half naked, I thought i'd help you out like the nice little thief I am.

So I tried to keep some things and offer them to you for the best price around!

GLWYN and all that
95628, i hated you IC but liked you OOC
Posted by twibac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you played a decent Tribunal and made the game more fun. Even though we never actually fought it was fun trying to kill people while you were in town.
95535, Where do I start?
Posted by Balta on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry for the belated reply... but was busy last couple of days..

I liked Svuusk... had a good rp... you always came to the tree, even when I am sure you knew I was there and would possibly kill you (although only landed the killing blow once, when i took my axe back *wink*)..

I also think given how much you played, I probably came to town and aggravated you more then any other trib... a couple times my technique worked and I forced you to flee to the guild or back into the spire...

that last time I flew to you, I swear you had a manacle trigger set up for me ;)

If you havent, come try an outlander sometime... special guards can suck sometimes....


95525, Svuusk
Posted by Uial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Svuusk a lot, it's really too bad to lose him to something like this. Prime example of why people shouldn't post logs of active characters. Anyway, Uial and Svuusk didn't have much in common, I always felt a little awkward trying not to bring certain things up around him that would probably of made him feel awkward. I always thought you were a great Tribunal, very vigilant and dedicated. You were a good listener too, no matter what I was going on about, which really kept Uial in Galadon a lot.
95526, Princess, you are one of my favorties.
Posted by Svuusk (aka Quezzumpliet) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed your visits to market square to chat which helped to make the time fly by. We would have quite the social gatherings there. I should have visited the inn more but I was really the only consistent presence Galadon had for that time of night. You do a very good job of playing the grieving widow. Something I have experience with as Tsyda.

--Svuusk, aka Quezz
95508, RE: Deleted
Posted by Kakola on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You will be missed. We had our fun times. I still shake my head and things we did. You need to make another trib.

See you later in the fields.
95513, I like Kakola alot.
Posted by Svuusk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You are very quirky but enjoyable and you hold to your characters moral foundation very well and that is commendable. As for Tribs... after 230+ hours of playing human statue I think I'll play something entirely different. Maybe next fall I'll try again but the whiners and the b.s. are really a drag this having been the worst case scenario.
95493, Well damned,
Posted by Nysp on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You've saved my ass on two chars more than once, just by being in town. Even got some tidbits of info out of you from time to time. Was planning to hook you up with stuff when I found it. Sucks that you let that wanker #### you for a mistake. Anyhow, good luck!
95514, RE: Well damned,
Posted by Svuusk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We started to talk a bit more as you got older and this last week I remember us speaking quite a bit, for me anyways.

As for Seranna, there was no 'let' in getting screwed over. I've had characters outed before and even though I the player was not outed, a log like that does damage, serious damage and ruins the character. Hence why assassination is so often attributed to such posts. Yes, I could have tried to play Svuusk out but, I knew the moment I saw that log that it was over.
95491, RE: Deleted
Posted by sleepy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You seemed pretty chill, though we hardly ever talked. :P
But stick it out, in all honesty. There might be some douchebags who try to bring up this event when you warrant them, but know that they are idiots who are trying to use OOC knowledge IC, and ignore them.

A lot of Tribunals, even experienced ones, will make warranting mistakes, and one won't kill you.
95489, RE: Deleted
Posted by Borkahd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't know your character well, as a mort or Imm. However, when I read that log my first thought was wow...what a crappy thing to post. I hope your deletion wasn't just because of that because I did notice you were online a lot and seemed to have a solid presence. People seemed to know you, even if I didn't. We all make mistakes, the mistakes made IC and in game deserve to be handled there.

I played a trib a few months ago that screwed up and attacked someone in town. Since he was evil, I RPed the mistake out accordingly (lied, cheated, etc). However, the person I attacked decided to bring it to the boards. It was harder but I stuck it through and handled it IC and it worked out.

Anyway, sorry if you got jaded. Bring back another quality character!
95490, RE: Deleted
Posted by sleepy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry to hijack, but if you were Xurk-whatever the necromancer, I brought it to the boards but only after you had deleted. If you weren't, nevermind.
95511, RE: Deleted
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't know your character well, as a mort or Imm. However, when I read that log my first thought was wow...what a crappy thing to post.

Like you, no-one else reported the log to VIPs so that it could be removed in timely fashion. Personally, I rarely read log board and didn't know about it before Svuusk mentioned the log in this deletion thread.
95512, VIPs
Posted by Svuusk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I could have sworn a couple VIPs posted in that log thread well before it was closed.
95519, Nope, just Daurwyn
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Frankly, I don't know why he left it up. Maybe he forgot that he was a moderator that could take it down? It happens to me occasionally. Sometimes we aren't wearing our moderator hats when we are reading posts and logs and don't think whether it is against rules or not.

But when we read a reported post, then we must react tot the report and act as moderators and consider for the post deletion. All reported posts are considered for deletion, which is not the case for all posts that aren't reported. After all, in case of a reported post, another poster has made a call that vouches for it's deletion. Granted, it's not a VIP opinion but it's still an opinion and it counts in my book against leaving it up.

Anyway, the rule of thumb is "If you want to see it gone, report it". There were four reports I could find from 2009, but this year no-one has reported anything.
95521, I don't think anybody has any idea you can report posts.~
Posted by blackbird on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
95528, Well, the button is right there next to 'Reply' and 'Quote'.
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You can report posts here on officials too, with 'Alert'.

It's pretty simple in both forums, just press report, type in the comment and send.
95531, dawwwwwwwwwww~
Posted by blackbird on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
95625, I left it up because
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't check the forums that often these days, and on this occasion, by the time I did it had been up for some time already. Taking it down would have been shutting the gate long after the horse bolted.

Also, I got tired of policing the forums only to have the same jackasses allowed back to do it all over again, so I took a break (and am still taking it). Consider it a version of Nep with Silent, only there was far less effort on my part than he put in.
95626, also
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
by the time I got to it, pretty much every post was criticising the poster, not the trib who screwed up.
95643, RE: I left it up because
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I don't check the forums that often these days, and on this
>occasion, by the time I did it had been up for some time
>already. Taking it down would have been shutting the gate
>long after the horse bolted.

That would be about four and half hours. That's quick enough response. The log just caught people's attention really fast. Anyway, I think it's better to shut the gate even if you think that the horse has bolted. That way, people don't get the notion that we don't care and the gate will be left open for other horses that want to bolt as well.

Edited to add: I kinda felt that the horse had bolted too, when I deleted it so I do understand your decision with this.

>Also, I got tired of policing the forums only to have the same
>jackasses allowed back to do it all over again, so I took a
>break (and am still taking it). Consider it a version of Nep
>with Silent, only there was far less effort on my part than he
>put in.

Just police offhandedly what you bother to read, it's no sweat.
95483, Damnit
Posted by Ohbehb on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I really can't express this more, we had big things planned.
95515, Sorry Stompy
Posted by Svuusk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You'll just have to go back to Plan A on that one. I really appreciate your interactions, the fights, and that you were willing to entertain the 'big secret'
95480, RE: Deleted
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Posting the log was a jerk thing to do. Should have been handled in game.

The investigation was sloppy.

I have been watching Svuusk a lot lately because he has been a very steady presence and that's a good thing. He wasn't perfect, but he usually guessed right when he decided to guess. Unfortunately, that's the downside of playing a Tribunal who does some guessing. I can see that as good rp from a storm giant who isn't overly intelligent or wise.

What really "blehs" me about this incident is the fact that a good-aligned character took the side of evil on something he didn't witness. This may be completely overlooked, but just because you become a Tribunal, it doesn't mean you become neutral. It is perfectly fine for a Tribunal who didn't witness something to say, "I didn't witness it so I will err on the side of caution and do nothing." Especially in opposing aligns. Of course, if you did witness it and you didn't do something because of aligns, that would be equally bleh.
95516, RE: Deleted
Posted by Svuusk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Svuusk was sphere Order. That came before everything else. If I had been Light before all I would never have joined the Spire. Any lightwalker who joins a cabal that is predominated much less headed by a darkwalker is obviously ready to compromise or they wouldnt be in it. In Svuusk's mind criminals were worse than any darkwalker or outlander. Once the mark was removed they were born innocent to the law. This also meant that Empire was not a threat as they inherently obey the law (most of the time anyways). As Svuusk got older he got more jaded as more and more lightwalkers broke the law, often right in front of him.

Though I should have put this in a role I made mention to quite a few character that Svuusk lost his wife and unborn children and fell into drinking and general chaos. It was Order that got him back on the wagon, a new purpose in life, but much of 'the light' was lost when they died so I intentionally played him more neutral. I still tended to help lightwalkers beyond my duty but it was more going through the motions for him. I even slew some dryads and rangers that were summoned into galadon to 'protect' a trib anti paladin which pissed off the currently logged on lightwalkers quite a bit. I fully expected to be made neutral for that and the previous roleplay and was a bit astonished nothing ever came of it.

In regards to the bad flag, as he felt more neutral, alignment meant little in regards to order and duty. Shiloh was slept by song, I knew that for a fact. It was that he was at the altar that should have tipped me off I was being duped and I was duped. But to me I arrive and here is Seranna leaving from the bridge through the south gate which I watched happen (typical of a fleeing criminal). On top of that a song slept scion and the dark was tipping it seemed clear. Of course it wasn't and here we are.

95520, Meh
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Even if you had put it into your role, your character didn't "suffer" enough to warrant being neutral.

Did you partake in the resistances, increased intelligence, exp bonus when ranking as a storm giant? If so, then you are good.

Had you prayed at character creation and said the path you are taking with this character involves him being neutral, and were listed as a betrayer of your race, losing all of the things you enjoyed, then earned it back, your argument would hold water.

I know it's perfectly fine for a good-aligned to flag another good when it is justified. I get the whole order part. But, you can't benefit all of the perks because you are good and then claim you are neutral.
95477, RE: Deleted
Posted by Ralek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think you had very good Trib roleplay. I just think your take on it didn't mesh to well with what I would have seen as storm giant roleplay. I liked our iteractions though it made for an interesting twist in Ralek's life and attitudes towards tribunal in general.

Hope you come back with something else.
95476, You are taking this a little too seriously. I hope you reactivate because you are adding to the positive game experience. n/t
Posted by Erenthell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
95469, I hope you know this wasn't ever my intention.
Posted by Seranna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I also don't want to assume you're talking about me directly... I honestly don't know if you felt like you warranted anyone else wrongly.

I was baffled today, honestly wanted to handle it in game which is why I made so much of an initial effort with the conversation and the note in game. Throughout the entire interaction though, I couldn't tell if it was RP or not, if you really believed them, etc. Had you been another race beside storm giant I would have figured it was just gray area RP, but in the end I figured it was better for anyone that you knew the truth somehow. I didn't truly care about dying to the warrant since its not as if I had to deal with an xp penalty or dying to somebody specifically with it. I didn't want that thing to repeat for anyone else... I've played several tribunals over the course of a few years, and I'm such a stickler on myself that if I'm uncertain in any way I can't bring myself to place the warrant. Its that whole assuming the person is innocent before proven guilty mentality. I couldn't fathom IC or OOC how you could make the deduction by me just being near the crime that I had committed it in town.

The only way I could have supported your warrant was if I hadn't been between the chasm and his recall, so maybe if I had poked my head in via the north gate or something. Even still, I would have had to seen the bard actually at the location of the sleeping person, or know that the sleeping person was slept elsewhere in the city.

There's just that whole recall argument, which happens SO OFTEN. Cabal chat, everyone gets saved and it's either being woken up or recalled.

Never really got to meet you in any other capacity... never really saw you leave the cities. But yeah.
95472, I don't get it
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How can you possibly think that posting that was in any way not character assassination?

If was an interesting log, but you basically said who the people involved were.

The game is INTENDED to allow tribs to make mistakes. For criminals to trick them. You do realise this, yes?

I can't help but wonder if you are one of these players who never plays tribs and has an issue with them.
95505, No
Posted by Seranna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've played multiple Tribs and that's why it did get to me. And if it was really a matter of deception going on, I would have let that slide, and I have stomached such things in the past. But this wasn't quite the case, he was calling out evidence to place the warrant when that evidence really didn't support anything at all. So it wasn't like it was some deceptively executed plot... but yeah, this got way more attention then I ever wanted for it.
95478, How could this not be your intention?
Posted by Svuusk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In game, I could recover from a mistake like this and perhaps have even made Provost if I made no more. Your log on Dio's guaranteed that any hopes I had for this character are gone. Yes I made a mistake, but what you did was intentionally out this out of revenge, nothing less.
You knew what you were doing and you may as well have hit delete delete for me.
95479, Log removed. nt
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
95486, RE: How could this not be your intention?
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Personally, I've seen plenty of those sort of logs appear in the time I've played CF, and while they certainly don't help situations, it doesn't have to be the end of a character. Enough logs are conveniently editted, or purely faked that they should be taken with a grain of salt.

In most ways, I'd agree with Lyristeon's comments. You definitely tried hard to be a good Tribunal, but weren't nessecarily the best good storm giant in the process. Neutral human, or svirfnebli or such? Yeah.

Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing Svuusk around even after this, or at the least hope that you bring something else up you'll find fun.
95502, RE: How could this not be your intention?
Posted by Seranna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry dear,
I'm not an ass in relife but this shouldn't be a reason to delete over... I have been victim to having things brought the log board, even in matters of tribunal. You still had enough character reasons that you were convinced it was guilty, but you tried to manipulate some points too rather than accepting that it may have been wrong ingame even.

And if you repeated these sort of things where there are plenty of supported scenerio's I don't think you would have been ready for Provost any time soon. My purpose was so you didn't do it to some newbie who then deals with xp holes or lame deaths.
95503, RE: How could this not be your intention?
Posted by Knac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
so it was your intention to character assassinate, through the statement "My purpose was so you didn't do it to some newbie...", but you didn't expect that he would delete?

I agree. He somewhat overreacted.

At the same time, you acted like a complete tool and ass.
95487, I call bullsh*t.
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What other purpose is there to posting a warrant log besides trying to out the Tribunal making a mistake, and garner OOC support to how you've been horribly wronged? Mistakes happen. I can't tell you how many times I've been flagged wrongly, or gotten out of things I should obviously HAVE been flagged. The proper action to it is to bring it up to the Provost and Tribunal Imms. Not whine to the playerbase on a log forum, and this is part of the reason why.

I'd probably be less bothered if this character were intentionally a prick, ruining other people's fun for their own sake, but as much as Svuusk had his issues, trying hard wasn't one of them. Seraana's player on the other hand? Obviously is more concerned about his own situation than others. I'd hate to lose Svuusk over a situation like this, but maybe players might take something away from this and with luck, one or two might learn not to take IC matters to the flamefest that QHCF can be.
95488, Dammit
Posted by Arkellin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, that's about the dumbest reasons I can think of to delete. Sigh.
95517, Sorry boss
Posted by Svuusk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It may seem like a dumb reason to you but to me there was no other choice. When you get character assassinated on the log boards it is really difficult to recover and I've been there and done that before and just didn't want to go through the grief of it... again.

I think highly of Arkellin I just wish our times overlapped better. that is why I often went home to mud during lunch so I could get a little time in when you were around.
95498, Agreed.
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is a shame to lose a good char over something like this. People bitch way too much on forums and that can lead to things done in game that have no place there. ####ty tribs will be either removed, or titled accordingly, it's not for some player who is annoyed with one bad incident to take it upon themselves to put it on the forums. Their have been lots of negative titles out there, so if Svuusk was really some inept useless tribunal the Imms would have dealt with it IC, which is the proper method. Instead we lose a good character.

As an aside and a goodbye for Svuusk, I really did like this char. So much that I fiended Gutulk who I liked for killing you in Voralian. Of course I failed to mention that I did that when you asked about what happended. You did warrant me later though, and correctly though I disagree with that view as a crime personally. All in all I really did like Svuusk, but turning myself in was just not going to happen as it goes counter to Lasentia's nature, and I appreciated the warning you were going to do it, since I had no desire to fight you at all. I thought you were good all around. A bad warrant does not make a bad character or bad player.
95518, RE: Agreed.
Posted by Svuusk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Svuusk considered you a friend and I was not happy to have to flag you but not flagging when you know a crime has happened and who it was is almost as bad as mis-flagging. Other than the whole innocent dying thing. The least I could do was warn you so you could get out of town. I did the same for Cardum when he attacked in town.
95500, It was precisely for others, actually.
Posted by Seranna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wanted it solved in game otherwise I wouldn't have bothered with scrolls in the first, but the log was posted so he wouldn't flag somebody else the same way and he would actually know asap that was his mistake. For all I cared after that point, he was still going to stand by his mark so it didn't matter.

In the end, I'm certain he must have had other reasons for deleting too.
95501, No, it is because of your actions.
Posted by Svuusk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You showed the log on dio's accurate or not it would have permanently affected Svuusk in game so I deleted. If you had left it in game Id likely have been demoted but I would not have deleted for that.

Honestly I find it shocking you are still trying to justify what you did and under the auspice of it being "for others".

what a crock.
95504, Not going to respond again
Posted by Seranna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I for one feel you should reactivate and continue to handle it IC. Nobody is affected beyond your character and my character and I already made it clear to you in IG how you affected my view of the laws. That isn't going to change unless you want to do something there.

As it is, I apparently have to deal with a lot of flak IC now too which I knew I would. I suppose I could have/should have tried to get your email to privately send you the log, but I wasn't going to wait until you were deleted and that reason was again, so you didn't make that sort of judgment call again. as a player.

Not justifying the action, if I could have accomplished it privately to you I would have done so, or should have tried harder to do so.
95506, What about 'In Game/In Character' do you not understand?
Posted by Svuusk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"I suppose I could have/should have tried to get your email to privately send you the log"

No, you should have left it IN GAME while being IN CHARACTER. Everyone who has responded to this thread has said the same thing. You were wrong to approach it like you did. Well, except you. You must have a bard song that gives you a shield of perfect denial to think that posting the log of an active character was appropriate.

You had multiple options that were appropriate, you chose one with the missive to tribs, You could pray to the Imms as I was forced to do when another player openly cheated against me. Something I will not post on the log boards. The last choice has cost me far more than a bad warrant has cost you. The sad thing is, you claim you did it so that I wouldn't mark others like you.

I suppose your misplaced altruism has warned other players. It has warned them about the dangers of players like you and the cost of posting logs of active characters.
95509, Whether you respond or not....
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If the reasons you give for posting it are true then what you should have done is edited the names in the log so that those involved, Svuusk et al, would know it was them but the playerbase, in general, would not.

What you ended up doing is screw over Svuusk in an OOC manner and likely, yourself too.

95627, you really don't get "IC" do you?
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You shouldn't be able to reach a mutual understanding via sending logs to show a trib screwed up. Most misunderstandings and conflicting views are part of the game. You shouldn't be able to remove those by ic (edited: I meant ooc, not ic) means.
95635, Part of game mechanics and stupidity don't you get?
Posted by Shadow1ife on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
She is talking about rectifying future situations between the trib and ANYONE else. I don't see how she would have been arguing anything for her own case, the warrant was done. The end. It read to me like it was the person behind the screen on part of the tribunal who couldn't "think outside of the box" to find the multiple handful of scenerio's that could have lead to the tribunal's mistake.

I for one would want a nudge, although not so publically, if I was a tribunal because if I kept making THOSE mistakes it would be a harsher punishment long term in game. If I was sent an email showing how this whole other scenerio took place, then I could approach other such investigations with zero to no guessing.

And sorry, but tribunal is the only cabal that can truly #### with people outside of your range.
95636, RE: Part of game mechanics and stupidity don't you get?
Posted by Knac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hah, say that to an outlander shaman who just camouflages and summons/gets a ####load of mobs to track him in a ranking area just so he can be a prick and mess with lowbies.
95642, I would, it's not the same
Posted by Shadow1ife on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually took place and I remember the flamefests on the boards about the particular shaman doing that. Thing is, 99% avoidable as opposed to that kind of warranting. It happened with a group of mine fighting greater trolls... saw the shaman, and recognized what he was doing, I kept my autoassist off, but my groupmates weren't quick enough to pick up on the shaman tactics. So one if not both of them ended up dying...

In the end, the player could still avoid the situation entirely in your argument.
95649, Detecting crime is by intention erratic
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For example, you can sleep yourself anywhere in town and get your buddies to "witness" the only necro/bard/ap in your pk doing it. Tribs are intended to slip up, and the victims are intended to deal with the consequences of that.

Only time it is blocked is when someone goes ooc and goes over the top on purpose.
95648, Really?
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
She could have done all that without revealing who the trib was.

She chose to expose the trib.