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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Charlee the Hand of the Unseen, Adventuring Absentee Heir
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=94489
94489, (AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Charlee the Hand of the Unseen, Adventuring Absentee Heir
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Sep 1 23:59:50 2010

At 10 o'clock AM, Day of Freedom, 25th of the Month of the Old Forces
on the Theran calendar Charlee perished, never to return.
Cabal:HERALD, the Heralds of the Eternal Star
94561, RE: (AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Charlee the Hand of the Unseen, Adventuring Absentee Heir
Posted by Ebele on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I barely knew you. But everytime I talked to you about adventure or gold or eq, you reminded me of two thieves. Nycoe & Tellick but you were more refined & civility (sp?).

I loved talking with you and sharing jokes. Already have a chapter in my role dedicated to you. Thank you for all the gold.
94540, A few Immortal good byes
Posted by Raspisuiz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Charlee loved the Immortal interaction that he received. And there were a lot of them. Being a follow of Enlilth, I managed to get my fair share of attention.

Enlilth: Where does one begin? I watched more folks get punted than footballs in all of preseason NFL. I know I wasn't empowered, but I felt like it. Early in my life, it seemed like many times I would log on and feel your inspiration. Thanks for that. Thanks for the tattoo. And thanks for generally being a key part of Charlee's relationship to the Empire, folks that were easily influenced by gold. Thanks for the interaction, and most importantly thanks for not molesting me when you had me tied to show me how to handle a woman. As far as I am concerned Enlilth's got nougat.

Borkahd: I would laugh out loud all the time when I played Charlee. And more than a few of those times were because of you. Having you pop in the Inn and interact with me and the girls was just hilarious. I really thought you would have taken the duck rather than Uial, I mean it's a golden duck... Thanks again, I must say one of the last times I talked with you before finally seeing Uial, I asked you if you had kidnapped her, you told me you would never tell. Then you told me you would tell her I said hi, I still grin when I think of how the conversation flowed.

The Demon that beraided Uial: Not logging things is something I do regret with Charlee. And this particular event is one of the reasons why. I logged on just to see you on Uial's ass before all of the usual Inn crowd. I was pissed at her IC and OOC. So I jumped right in to add my two cents. I don't recall exactly who you were, but thanks for the interaction. Whether you realized it or not, you played a strong part in the evolution of Charlee and Uial. Thanks.

Lyristeon: You made Charlee uneasy. Just as the Empire was naturally under Charlee's influence, I always figured you would make Charlee a target for your savages. I tried to use wine to appease you once, but I was never out to have your attention. Most of all though, I remember... "Some chests do!" I laughed out loud there. Thanks.

To the rest of the Imm's Charlee interacted with, the same goes for you. Having Immortals in the Inn really brings the attention of mortals, and that's what help make Charlee golden. Thanks.
94546, Charleeeee! Let's go to Candy Mountain Charleee!
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I confess, I busted out a couple Charlie the Unicorn lines with you. :)

I mostly avoided you because you were a thief and all that, but you seemed cool.

Gobl did try to steal your kidney once, but apparently you don't have one.
94578, RE: Charleeeee! Let's go to Candy Mountain Charleee!
Posted by Thaltran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I decided not to say any jokes like this but will admit the lil bit of gold you gave to me did help me gain my position in the guild and made my first ever Herald very fun. I don't think I've ever had 6000 gold in any char of mine's life after the advent of silver and copper. I loved your rp, thought you were super lucky and had no idea how much gold you really had but I can be for certain it was completely insane. Well done with this char and I hope you come back again soon.
94558, RE: A few Immortal good byes
Posted by Borkahd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm really glad I could give you some enjoyment. Thats the main reason I Immed, RP and player interactions. I always have a lot of fun interacting with people and looked forward to the times that I could pop into the Inn.

Great character, from what I did see as an Imm and from a player's perspective.

Good luck with the next!
94522, RE: (AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Charlee the Hand of the Unseen, Adventuring Absentee Heir
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've got to say, I'm not usually a fan of the "low PK action, super gear wearing, quasi-explorer" Herald, but I was surprised to like this one.

You made a build I wouldn't have considered powerful look good (for your purposes) and you were just kind of a cool character. Nice job.
94520, Now who will I smack?
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's been so long I can't even begin to remember all the things we did together, how we met or anything. I do know it was almost always a blast and that you had an uncanny ability to survive adventures when everyone else with you died.

I know that we had a rather unique relationship compared to how most other characters treated you in that I made it a point to never ask you for anything. So many people all wanted something from you, I figured I would be one to only want your company from you. It was always just about the fun RP when we were together, and I hope you enjoyed all our random encounters as much as I did.

I sort of just fell into the older sister role with you, trying to be harsh and stern but in a "for your own good" sort of way. Plus you were a bit of a ladies man, something Lasentia has no real interest in. But you were just too much fun and I grew softer with you as I got older. It became more of a looking out for you thing in general by the end. Was thrilled that you finally did get to marry Uial and that I got to be a part of that. Was a fitting way to go out, with Charlee finally getting the last thing he wanted.

Lasentia will miss her little brother, that's for sure.

Hopefully you'll be back around with another some time.
94541, Sis!
Posted by Raspisuiz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Jeez. It was a long life wasn't it. Lasentia was a solid part of Charlee. We had our unique relationship. And to be honest if it wasn't for you, I would have never paid so much attention to Uial. She was part of our bond though, I used her as a reason to get that sisterly influence from you. From young and immature to old and immature, you were there for Charlee. From sharing stories to testing grenades, from romantic advise to our run on Tiamat. Thanks for being solid, I always knew what I was getting, and I always wanted more.
94550, RE: Sis!
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was long life yes, but it certainly was an entertaining one.
That Tiamat run was the one time where you died on an adventure where I survived. I laughed actually at that just because it was one adventure you did not survive.

I do have logs of most of the early and middle part of lasentia's life. If you have a specific event I was involved in or just present for I may be able to find it for you.

I will post a bunch at the end of her life though, bringing some of the heraldy goodness to the people. Of course I have no idea when that will be.
94517, *CHEERS*
Posted by Raspisuiz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just want to start off by saying thanks to all of Thera. After many many years of playing CF, Charlee was one of a kind for me. I always said I was the luckiest man in Thera, and it wasn't always about the gold and the great gear. It was about all the interaction I was able to participate in. CF is basically an escape for me, and through a world of players I think I was able to see the best everyone had to offer. So give yourselves a pat on the back, CF's still got what it takes to keep people like me schemeing and plotting while denying the "more important" things in life. I didn't log a single thing in Charlee's long and glamorous life, so I will have to pull all this from my mind.

I knew when I created Charlee I would be the richest man thera had ever seen. But the first time the gambler handed me 6000 gold for a single roll, I literally jumped off my bed and cackled like I had won the lottery in RL. The character build was perfect for what I wanted to do, and I like to think I did it well. Being a Herald was a first for me. I always played CF for the PK, not that I was ever very good at it, but I always made fun of people who played Heralds. Little did I know I would enjoy Charlee just as much as any other character I had ever rolled. There are so many characters that I remember over the course of my life, but I simply don't have time right now to make specific good byes. I will leave this list though, and when I return home from work again, I will elaborate.

Uial, Lasentia, Telene, Mayael, Braell, Pieslo, "Druid Harbinger", Paralouit, Adramar, Ckath, Zubei, Fwipple, Blarg, Vintus, Rupen, "Shaman Nightreaver", "Imperial Shadows", Jindicho, Hanord, Goudesec, Eylar, Charine, and the list goes on and on and on. Got to cut it short, out the door, back in a bit. Anyone who wants to ask questions or comment, I'll be responding. Besides I haven't anything to do now, but enjoy the dead Charlee!
94524, Too bad.
Posted by Telene on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Charlee! Now we can't smack you around anymore. :(
I really hope you enjoyed this character as much as I thought you were.
With not seeing you for so long, Telene was definately longing for your amazing drinks!
(After all that is just how she is).

You were one of my favorites to see around.
Your RP would always bring about the fun side of Telene.
Or cause drama/trouble which was fun.
I hope your next is just as fun.
-Telene Silvermoon
94542, Telene, sweet Telene
Posted by Raspisuiz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were singlely the most attuned to Charlee. I absolutely adored how you and I traded crass comments through whispers in front of the rest of the girls. I may not have a single log, but I will never forget you rubbing it in my face when you went to the bath house with Uial and Lasentia. When we were young I really felt horrible because you were grinding yourself into the dirt, fighting a war that you didn't belong in. Then when you threatened to take Lasentia out of Charlee's world if you died for good I had serious mixed emotions about seeing you. But just in the nick of time you saved it all, and I was ever so happy to make drinks for you. I think if anyone appreciated my bartending in thera, it was you. Thanks a bunch.
94526, Bummer
Posted by Braell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh well, you will be missed. Not that I really got to see you all that often, but when we were both on, I had a lot of fun. I feel like you were one of the few who enjoyed my sense of humor. If I didn't work 100 hours a week, maybe I too will age die. Make another Herald, this time...you can be the unluckiest and poorest man in Thera! I can feel an awesome role brewing!


94543, F*cking nuts!
Posted by Raspisuiz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If anyone in this game appreciates Monty Python type humor it's me. And you certainly have that riduculous side that I can't resist. When you told me you were gonna be in your workshop for an extended period, I simply couldn't let that longevity go with you. I remember clearly telling you that I would return it when I seen you, did that happen, HELL NO! Didn't get to see enough of you, but from what we did get to share, you were a bee's knee. May the ducks haunt you eternally!
94556, RE: F*cking nuts!
Posted by Braell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's a shame, cause OOC I could care less about equipment. I should have probably wanted more toys to wear IC but with my playing times, I got hit with the Hoarding Code 3 times in a row, oh well, what can you do. I still have no PK deaths, and that’s even gating to people without any supplements up. Everyone loves a Tinker and his duck. Appreciate all you did, you will be missed!

Shame you can't see the Doll I made Uial for you ;)
94529, Charlee
Posted by Uial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll definitely miss you. What a great character. I could tell that you were in it for the interactions, just from the natural way you handled every conversation. I don't think there was ever an awkward moment I saw of Charlee. You *were* a schemer too, you also handled that naturally. It wasn't the shifty sort of scheming, it was smooth and expected to come out favorably, like royalty. I was always amazed that it did work out just right for you too.

I really enjoyed every interaction between Charlee and Uial. It was a funny dynamic to me. Two sides of the same coin. I remember when you started guessing what my favorite flower was and I told you to guess with flowers, then the next day when you were started handing me all sorts of flowers, you mentioned that your servants were running out of places to shop for flowers. You were so frustrating! That comment effectively defeated the purpose and was completely in character for Charlee. It was a constant back and forth between us. Never a dull moment, no matter how much we just sat around. Weither it was dancing on the bar, laying on our backs talking about the different constellations, screaming at each other in the garden, or trying to escape some deadly situation you got us in, I loved every interaction with Charlee. You really helped flesh out Uial's character. That was the perfect ending too, as much as I regret it coming to pass.
94544, My Eternal Star...
Posted by Raspisuiz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Uial and Charlee were like night and day. Charlee was always so light-hearted and you were alway so serious. If there's one thing we both shared though it was EGO. Charlee had opulence and in your own way, you had it too. You were the prize that Charlee always wanted, even when I didn't like you. We did share some long nights together though, huddled up in the garden. Together we inspired the RP of two exceptional people sharing the limelight. I'm glad you let me share all those nights. I really enjoyed you, thick and thin. If Charlee ever deserved a wife, you were ideal to be the one. I wish you the best in CF and in life. Thanks Uial, really.
94547, You two were so cute.
Posted by Jindicho on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry I messed up your room ;)

a drink called 'Defiler of Youth and Uial's Room'

And finally, thanks again Charlee. You were a hoot. A shame my RP took me in a direction that led me away from the Inn.

a jigger of blackened firebreather containing nasty remains of what once was


94557, RE: My Eternal Star...
Posted by Uial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had some great logs of Charlee, but my computer died and I lost all of them. But I did manage to get this at least.

Charlee says to you 'I will say this, I never knew what it would be like to be a family.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Charlee says to you 'Long I lived in the Palace, just a prince in a case.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Charlee says to you 'Then I found this place, and I found you, and Sis, and the gangs.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
The sky is getting cloudy.


wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Charlee says to you 'You allowed me to have the life I never expected.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> look Charlee
Charlee is an average human. He's not so tall, not so short. Just average.
He doesn't look that strong, though he is well built and muscular. His
skin is a pale while, as it seems he doesn't get out much. Dressed lightly
he doesn't appear to have a sense of style. He wears what appear to be
ragged servants clothes, and a oversized butlers coat. Though he doesn't
seem to have much, he seems happy.
Charlee, a male human, is gushing blood.

Charlee is using:
<held in hand> (Glowing) some rattling chains

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Charlee says to you 'One I could never have understood in a book.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Charlee says to you 'Thank you, my Love.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> sayto Charlee Thank you, Charlee. I love you with all of my heart.
You say to Charlee 'Thank you, Charlee. I love you with all of my heart.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Charlee says to you 'Next time the angels kiss you, it will be me.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Charlee says to you 'And I love you.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Charlee plops down in the grass.

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Charlee says to you 'Can you tell me one last time of the stars.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> l u
The break in the forest allows for an uninhibited view of the sky as it
swirls with the quick passage of time.

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> time
It is 6 o'clock PM, Day of Deception
23rd of the Month of the Old Forces.
It is currently daytime.
The moon is currently waxing.

The Carrion Fields started up at Wed Sep 1 23:20:01 2010 (CST)
The system time is Wed Sep 1 23:39:14 2010 (CST)
You have been logged in for 17 minutes.

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
The sun sets below the horizon.

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Charlee motions for you to take a seat at his side, as he looks up into the night sky.

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> emote sits next to Charlee.
Uial sits next to Charlee.

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> 'The Lotus burns brightly tonight.
You say 'The Lotus burns brightly tonight.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> 'Your spirit encourages it so.
You say 'Your spirit encourages it so.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> 'So strong, so determined.
You say 'So strong, so determined.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> 'And your constellation, well, it's my new favorite.
You say 'And your constellation, well, it's my new favorite.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Charlee smiles as he takes comfort in your presence.

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Charlee says to you 'It is kinda snazy.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
The moon changes and begins a full phase.

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> 'The Crab shines brightly as well, having last known your body.
You say 'The Crab shines brightly as well, having last held your body.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> 'The other constellations are jealous.
You say 'The other constellations are jealous.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Charlee chuckles politely.

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Charlee says to you 'The stars in your eyes, they are as beautiful as ever.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Charlee holds your hand firmly, as you feel the moment of a solid embrace.

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> emote crosses her ankles over Charlee's as she leans up against him.
Uial crosses her ankles over Charlee's as she leans up against him.

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Charlee says to you 'You know, I'm content.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>


wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> 'The heavens reflect the affairs of Thera, and tonight, the maiden weeps.
You say 'The heavens reflect the affairs of Thera, and tonight, the maiden weeps.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> 'She is sad, but content to have known you.
You say 'She is sad, but content to have known you.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Charlee uses his free hand to caress your cheek.

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> 'She is changed because of you.
You say 'She is changed because of you.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
The rain ceases.

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> kiss Charlee
You kiss him gently.

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Charlee says to you 'All the world will morn me, don't let Mother take away what is yours.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Charlee says to you 'I am yours to have, eternally.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
The clouds disappear.
The sun rises above the horizon.

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> sayto Charlee I love you, Charlee.
You say to Charlee 'I love you, Charlee.'

wilderness <899hp 762m 1136mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Charlee says to you 'And I love you, Uial.'
94559, RE: My Eternal Star...
Posted by Borkahd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Aww! Wish Borkahd was around to pop in there. >:)
94530, Charlee was awesome!
Posted by Ckath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think you gave Ckath somewhere around 10000 gold, if that's enough even. + a bunch of sweet gear. A shame we never got to do that hell-trip, I did promise you a tour trough Dis, since that was Ckath's city. ;)

Anyways, awesome char! Hope to see you soon again!
94545, Regards...
Posted by Raspisuiz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ckath. Ckath. Ckath. I despised you OOC. But IC you were the one to keep on the good side. From long before you were Emperor, during your reign, and after it was over, I really respected Ckath. Charlee didn't like the idea of any one leading the Empire that displayed a tattoo of anyone other than Lord Enlilth. I can honestly say few folks let me in on information I don't already know about CF but you did. For that, I will remain in debt, even if I traded a Ioun Stone for it! And yes that brought up conflict in Charlee's life since I had told that dwarf paladin I wouldn't return it to the hands of the Empire. You make a great Imperial, and I respect that tremendously as I love the premise of Empire as much as any player ever could. On question I have for you though, did you realize that when I waited on you and that Shadow Lord to speak with Enlilth, you know when you began your plot to become Emperor.... When you walked past me exiting the Shrine, your room description said something like "Ckath the prostitute has arrived." I laughed so hard, GO ENLILTH!
94551, You despised me ooc?
Posted by Ckath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why? Just curious. :D
94552, Wouldn't you?
Posted by Raspisuiz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I played Damgril.
94555, Ouch... Then yeah...
Posted by Ckath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ooh man did I feel bad about Damgril/Jeikdurr thing... I basically started the discussion of overthrowing Adarmar and then I turned on both of you... Though I did what my role demanded of me. :(
94549, Oh Charlee...
Posted by yr_blues on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To the richest, luckiest, rakish fellow in all of Thera... you were more fun than was ever appropriate. ;)

Thanks for interacting often and early with me. Whenever you popped up, I knew I had a good chance of having an amazing time. You were funny and playful, and exactly what Mayael needed. You could always bring a smile to her face.
94563, You dirty tramp!
Posted by Raspisuiz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My little stripper! You and your dancing and your kissing, Mayael needing counciling. When you first came to the inn and we were playing truth or dare, do you remember? I know Lasentia does. I dared you to tell her you could sing better than she could, and you stepped in balls deep! I personally enjoyed our moments in the inn, the dynamic of Mayael and Jindicho, the dynamic of Charlee and Uial, and the dynamic of our mutual "Friends", you brought the Seantryn Modan out of Charlee.
94566, Vermin Queen
Posted by Raspisuiz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You deserve a golf clap. The first thing Charlee would do when he woke was speak to the most powerful people he could notice. You took the bait and together Charlee was able to gain a symbolance trust, you know the kinda trust you have with your pet tiger at feeding time. I really enjoyed the entire dynamic of our situations and how we were able to RP it. At least we finally got to have our hunting trip before I died. Not sure how many folks get to experience that side of Paralouit, but dude you rock.
94567, BLARG!
Posted by Raspisuiz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yet another character I enjoyed. If I had saved logs I am sure you would have been in quite a few of the funny ones. I would just begin laughing when I knew you and Enlilth were in the Inn at the same time. Like a parlor bet to see if you were going out the door, or through the roof. I always bet on the roof.
94568, The other Empire
Posted by Raspisuiz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Adramar: The first Emperor for Charlee to align with. I don't know if I remember it correctly, but I had a ton of gems of protection and I was trying to buy my way in. For like ten gems I nogitiated a decree of protection, I was shooting for you to acknowledge me as Charlee Heir to the Seantryn Modan Empire, but you gave me just enough to get me in the door. You were cheap. Thanks.

Zubei: You were cool with Charlee, so I always had presents. You were one of the few Imperials to defeat Charlee in the arena, and that's the only place Charlee ever did combat. When I age died the last thing you said to me was "Send my regards to Enlilth", that was classic. And I think we both know that summed it up perfectly. Thanks man.

Vintus: You were not cheap. From that talk behind the Inn, I always knew you were the one to watch. I despised that Imperial High Priest before you, but Charlee had an agenda. You were an easy choice for support, but I wanted to go to Hell. After a bit of time, I was trying to buy my way back in with you, which wasn't easy. I offered you insane amounts of gold to demote and promote as I "suggested", and you turned them down. "I do not promote or demote for personal gain", What the fu*k? Did you enjoy that time in the Inn when I had Uial and Mayael both dance for me you and the War Master, I dropped like two grand on you, tried to show you what it was like to be royalty.

Kuz or somthing like that (War Master from above): Yeah I dropped like a grand on you too, that was a good time at the bar as far as I was concerned. You attacked me once by accident, confusing me with Charine, north of Seantryn. It was rather amusing to see how you handled the massive amounts of gold and prizes. Good times.

Imperial Shadows: I don't recall your names, and I don't have logs. But you all were always fun. Charlee had a lot of influence in the Empire as far as he was concerned, and it seems like sometimes the Empire would buy into it too. Sometimes they wouldn't. A few of you got suggestions of promotion some of you got suggestions of demotion. Lucky for you guys, Vintus wasn't easily bought. My phylacteries of free movement cost me 2000 gold off a shadow, gold well spent. Thanks to all of you for the RP.

Hanord: Thanks for being my best man. You were the third Emperor I had witnessed reign. When you first took power you sent missive that the Empire would be adapting in some way, away from the shiny or somthing like that. It caused discomfort at the inn when the Imperials would start coming in, I could have sworn that missive was intent to send a message to me. But you came through, and I was granted free passage yet again. Thanks for all the swims and the acceptance in general. Your missives made me laugh out loud when I would be watching TV, I would laugh and comment, no Charlee's got opulence.

Imperials in general: Thanks for being you. You complimented Charlee's role in life. I can't imagine how much gold Charlee placed in the Imperial coffers, how much RP I was able to participate in due to my decrees of passage. Thanks.
94619, RE: *CHEERS*
Posted by Vintus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were one of the best roleplayed characters I've had the pleasure of interacting with after ten years of playing. And yes, that is probably coloured by all the gold you gave me, but not by much. :P Hope you're still playing.
94501, Sad to see you go
Posted by Varuk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You lived so long that I was able to have 2-3 characters interact with you while they either con-died or auto'd.

You changed the entire game when you were logged on, and not many characters can ever say that.

In conclusion, You are the Best! and you rock.

Wish you had not died, totally thought you would last until 194 years or more :)
94564, Charlee's favorite duergar.
Posted by Raspisuiz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Besides Enlilth of course. You had a beautiful girlfriend, Varuk. Charlee loved the company of bards. They simply have such a complimentary role to Charlee if you know what I mean. You treated Charlee like royalty, and I appreciated that tremendously. I would laugh out loud, and check my inventory, then think.... Then look at my inventory... You finally made Charlee break down and open the "gear locker". Charlee wasn't really known for being stingy, but if I could possibly use it or want it, you weren't getting it. I hope you enjoyed that scimitar as much as I enjoyed the RP to give it to you.
94570, That was the most unexpected...
Posted by Varuk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Totally caught me off guard with the scimitar. I had been checking the ranger every now and again and always wondered who had it, but I should have known it was you, ha! It was like revealing Excalibur to me and saying, "The kingdom is now yours, boy!"

I hope they erect a statue for you, you deserve it
94500, hasta la bye bye
Posted by Fwipplethunt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was fun trying to kill you. You were right in that mechanically a conjie who can get a herald thief into a fight is pretty much hands down going to win if the thief does not leave, the whole challenge to me was getting an experienced player who spent 99% of his time in the Inn (when I am often wanted) that I could not see and usually had a lot of willing helpers into a situation where I could kill them.

Well I did get that kill and man those 1300 odd gold I took off of you made the last 30 hours of my path to con death sooooo much easier when I could just spam heal pretty much all the time. I thought it was cute you put the big bounty on my head for killing you and an imperial or two mentioned it (though they would all have been hunting me either way)

I think you made a really believable thief herald, you were filthy rich, you were patient, you schemed, you were overall very entertaining. I think you contributed to the game in an immensly positive way and I hope you continue to with a new char.
94494, Just wanted to pay my respects.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
a drink called 'Accelerated and Enlarged!'

We had some good times. It was a pleasure. You consistantly made me laugh.
94565, Loathed by many, liked by Charlee!
Posted by Raspisuiz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't have a dog in that fight of course, but on the Charlee side of Jindicho, I was always cool with having you around. We had booze and women and a lot of good times. You and those giants or various other mercenaries, I enjoyed the #### out of it. I was always grinning evily. You and Mayael... Both of you... Evil characters and Charlee couldn't have felt more at home than in the trailor park.