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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Goudssac the Legend of the Battlefield
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=94104
94104, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Goudssac the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Aug 3 19:25:02 2010

At 5 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 21st of the Month of the Battle
on the Theran calendar Goudssac perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
94105, Gone, was fun after a long time away from CF
Posted by Goudssac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well what can i say, I know that I am def not the best player in carrionfields, but i can say that even though that is so i still manage to have fun with the game. I have played CF on and off for a couple years and for some reason always manage to wander onto dios website and decide "What the hell, i'll role another one" So Goudssac was it. I seem to gravitate towards cloud giants and have tried other races but seem to have the most fun with cloud giants.

Anyways I know that there are a bunch of you guys that prolly hated goudssac or atleast hated the way he acted sometimes and to those of you with that opinion... well i can only say goudssac was just another variable in the game. Sometimes I did stuff that was flat out ass-hole quality but for those that were seeking a hut or in battle I def made an effort to help them out. I did start to find it funny though that I would randomly get a "Hail great warrior of the village" followed by a brief commentary about them seeking a hut and whatnot, then off to killin some dragons and other stuff. I just thought It'd make them feel better and wanna stick with the character and eventually make the village stronger. Whether some think its good or bad, i didn't mind doing it at all.

oh well i did enjoy goudssac, had fun with him and know i pissed some of you off and to those of you that I did, i guess im sorry for you being at the receiving end of that sometimes, but a game is a game, just have fun with it and roll with the punches
past chars: Krodren, Cassobaz, Cassougi, Cassoughans, Bazen, Bazhans, Haljunei, some others, and Goudssac.

As for goodbuys:

Knac - a beast for sure, you were a good commander that did a great job of bringing brute strength back to the village. And thanks for not givin me the boot, i knew that I came close a few times and got lucky getting out of it.

Jruklar - Fun mofo, didn't like you at first but always had fun runnin around with a partner in crime in explorin and raiding.

Homard- funny lil' guy and a tough one at that, miss your presence in the village, could use another one like you.

Rupen - Saw you alot in the past but recently since you've been drillmaster...damn you ain't ever on. From out interactions i did like you but as drillmaster you gotta try to be on more and have a greater presence, otherwise pass it on to someone else and just go for being a legend or something.

Kja...something, mutant killer - You seem like you are gonna be a force to be reckoned with i feel. you make me wanna role a thief, but then i realize i'd suck at playing a thief, heh

I know i am missing alot of you, so post and i'll do my best to respond...

Will i be back in CF soon? i dunno maybe i'll take some time off and check dio's in a few months and decide then. :)
94106, Solid Villager
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From my POV, you were always a solid, dependable presence in The Village. I know that there was something that happened with some magic items that I think you were involved with, but I never really knew what happened and it was over by the time I became Drillmaster, so I figured if it was good enough for Thror and Knac, it was good enough for me.

You always seemed to be up for grabbing items and seemed to me to be one of those characters who makes up the backbone of The Village.

Just for the record, I was a big fan of Cassoughans. He was a solid presence in The Village for my first Villager.

Keep it up.
94132, From an enemies perspective...I call BS to the "solid villager" part. nt
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
94133, A compelling argument. n/t
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
94135, There's times to really judge characters OOC, and times to not.
Posted by Guilo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I personally loved Goudssac. He was never scared to run straight into a fight and go balls to the wall, and there's nothing you can do but nod at that and say good job berserker.

On the other hand, you could obviously tell he isn't the most knowledgable/skilled in pk, but ####.. I remember when I had Tsilus, a lemur/anaconda scion shifter, and I was so freaking lost on this game as far as just logic, prep knowledge, and mechanics went. But people supported be, kept pushing me, and I tried to get better. And I've turned out to be able to usually hang with any vet on the game.

There's the newer people who act retardly stupid and won't take advice, and back talk you and whatnot. And theres the newer people who you can tell if you just help push them they can turn into a great player for CF, and I think Goudssac is one of those players.
94162, RE: There's times to really judge characters OOC, and times to not.
Posted by Goudssac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, it had been a while since i'd last played so I was a bit rusty to re-learn some of my CF knowledge which I know isn't the best excuse. As for Pking I used to be a hell of a lot better that I was with goudssac but can tell you the main reason is because I couldn't chase with #### because i was usually playing from a mac lap-top with a ####ty client, which you could imagine left me pretty frustrated at times. But I still consider myself one of those older newbies i guess heh. Anyways thanks for ur input, constructive criticism is always welcomed!
94160, For people like you
Posted by Goudssac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ya know I will be happy to admit that I bet you are prolly better than I am at CF but what is your deal man. I gotta say that if you have an argument or opinion you suck at backing it up. But i guess for the uneducated population of nay-sayers, Keep on providing them with compelling arguments and opinions!
94171, Ok...my reason.
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fought you with a couple of characters...and was consitently ganged or watch you gang down people. I'm sorry, but I'm old school rager and when someone says "solid" rager about a "neo-rager" that jumps folks who are already hurt or have been fighting...well, I call BS.

Not to mention the other things I heard about the char ic and ooc concerning certain gear. So...what was the "true" story with the gear you handed over to the Empire?
94172, PS - I'm not saying anything...
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Like that I'm better than you or anything else. I just think this char was suspect many times as a courageous berserker. Things don't seem to matter anymore in that regard however, so maybe I should just get over my nostalgia. Anyway. I hope you have fun with what you do, i'm not trying to say you suck in life or anything like that. I am just saying that I don't agree that you were a "solid villager." Though I think I did call you Goudassack when I deleted. :)
94173, From my POV
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As his friend and Drillmaster I didn't see any of that. I heard about the stuff with the mask, but it was handled before my time as DM, so, as I said before, if it was cool with Knac and Thror, it was cool with me.

All I know is that as Homard I did a fair amount of raiding, and Goudssac was always willing to drop whatever he was doing and lend a hand. I never saw him gang anyone down. I never saw him do anything that even warranted a talking-to.

Even if I had, though, I'm not about to harp on it in his goodbye thread because, well, it's a game. But I didn't.

Was this character god's gift to The Village? No. Did he make my time with my character more fun and enjoyable? Yes. Was he, from my POV, a solid, dependable, reliable character? Absolutely. Does that meet my criteria for being a "solid villager? It does.
94174, RE: From my POV
Posted by sleepy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't remember as an enemy of Gouddsac at one point liking the char much at all.

But that's not why I posted. I just wanted to point out the fact that a veteran prostitute who gives you first dibs would be in your opinion a solid villager. :)
94175, Okay, I'll clarify what happened.
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ckath heard that Massok fell to Goudssac and that Goudssac had obtained a certain mask and some other choice pieces from Massok that Saffera (High priestess) recently had lost. So he decided to try and bargain with Goudssac for them and he had his dread lord in mind for the mask and his warmaster in mind something else. So he ran over to the village and convinced Goudssac (in Ckath's mind he basically threatened Goudssac to give it up) ICly to give the things over. In return he got some other stuff that fitted him a bit better that weren't magical (Those things would have changed the veil a bit). I can't remember if I promised not to kill him or something, but it would have fitted Ckath's RP to say something like that.

Anyways, it was all handeled ICly, however that I even managed to trade those things surprised me greatly. But the RP surrounding it was quite funny.

I have nothing bad to say about Goudssac, allthough this thing wasn't very fitting for a villager.
94176, Furthermore
Posted by Knac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Knac went investigating alot re: this. Talked to 5-6 Empire and the Village alikes to figure out what happened.

Then talked to Goudssac for like 15 minutes. Seriously, I was in the mind to uninduct him on the spot.

Fortunately for him, I was in a good mood, so instead gave him the impossible task of retrieving the mask back. Of course, it was unlikely to happen given that the dreadlord was out of his pk range, but I hounded him about it for a long time afterwards.

Yes, he should've been kicked out - but whatever.
94178, "Yes, he should've been kicked out- but whatever". Bleh.~
Posted by blackbird on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
94188, In addition
Posted by Goudssac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If any couldn't tell by the character IC he was always a gear hungary giant IC. Not to say this justifies anything just giving a little background. So I killed massok and grabbed some stuff and instantly Ckath sent me a tell askin for a mask and gauntlets. I figured if in order to get what I wanted but still make tahren happy I would trade the items for non-magical ones, in addition to two magical items of decent power to shake the veil (which they did). Anyways everyone got butt-hurt over the situation and people as they do got the story of what really happened wrong. I am not saying that it was the best of choices but figured since IC he was constantly greedy with gear it could potential fit. So I traded the gear, said some stuff about him regulating his non-mages of the empire to back off the village (at time was jus non-agrressive pact with empire) giant got his greed of gear satisfied and tahren got other magical items in the mask and gauntlets place.

So after all was said and done I didn't think it would be as much of an issue as it was but after the fact i made an agreement with knac to hunt down the gauntlets and mask and hand them to tahren. I did manage to recover the gauntlets but never got my hands on the mask. .. Bottom line before the trade took place i thought it wasn't as big of a deal. After the trade realized that maybe i'd reconsider for the future.
94189, RE: Ok...my reason.
Posted by Goudssac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You know I can be certain when I say that I never was a constant Ganker. I don't know how or why some of you think the following is considered "Ganking"

1 - i am in a learning group. someone walks in while my group is fighting the mob and attacks the person who is taking the mobs blows... ( For me my reactions will be the same each time. I will of course redirect my attack to the idiot that thinks just because im a villager I won't defend my groupmates in a situation as such)

2 - When people are outside the village scouting before, during or after a raid where you attack them one on one only to find that two or three of their friends are waiting close by to jump in on the action, yes I will not hesitate to attack with another villager. this is an issue that always pissed me off both IC and OOC. The reason i feel so strongly about this is because there were numerous occasions where I went out 1v1 only to have others walk in and gank me down, so i figured i'd fight offense with offense.

So i am admitting that there were also a couple times where I autoassisted in a few fights, or ran into a fight not knowing a fight was or had been previously in progress, but as soon as i realized such i'd try and flee. But I def will defend when people say goudssac constantly ganked people down because that is a flat out lie. I mentioned the situations that occured above and why i acted the way i did.
94161, RE: Solid Villager
Posted by Goudssac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks man. I was always curious when I'd get on to see 3 or 4 villagers on but the throne just had the head... So whenever I was on i found it fun to go take all the items so that we could bring back the good ol' days with the massive raid and retrievals with huge fights that I just don't see much anymore. I found that some of the villagers though I liked most of them didn't really seem to care if the village was holding all the items of power.

Anyways I figured just having a presence in the village helps it overall. No one likes to be the only one logged on so i tried to give ppl a reason to log off their newbie and get on their hero or more experienced char...