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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectFinally deleted.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=93868
93868, Finally deleted.
Posted by Erothaylius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From Day 1, this character was pretty boring for me. I, on a spur of the moment, saw Twist had a new sphere, and decided to roll with it. I in retrospect should have went with my initial role concept and idea, and I think that really caused a detriment.

As for my excessive hours, well, having a temporary summer job where you sit as a techie waiting to help people in a room full of computers, and when only 1 to 2 people come in max to ask for help, you have a lot of free time.

I realized that I wanted to do other things outside of CF with my time, and that I'd rather play something else, so I deleted.

EDIT: Seems this isn't that long...so for everyone who thought I was a lowbie gear whore who begged for clothes. Ghrajjek gave me that plane of electrified space after I suppose I gave him several good swords I collected from corpses I made. And Amathylar at mid-30s came from when one of our tribs deleted. I never had those prayer beads or a helm of brilliance until hero ranks, so I don't really understand why people thought I was some lowbie gear hoarder.

If I ever play a shield ded pally again, I'll change from putty telnet to something that can use aliases, since I missed out on so many kills because after chasing, and writing co wrat X, they were already gone.

Twist: Thanks for all the guidance you gave me. Really put me in my place about actually keeping true to my role. Never played a paladin, and thanks for giving me the temperance when I didn't even want it.

Arkellin: Keep trucking, good work overall.
Rinalas: Same.
Yihonlala: Now, I'm going to admit right here I should have never interacted with you. But it was hard to when we saw each other a lot, and you didn't seem bad at all. No offense, but my real only regret was being so friendly to you.

Rupen: Initially, I didn't like the concept of you suddenly playing again once Homard con-died, but FWIW, as long as you're active, you're a solid drillmaster.
Kirsly: Honestly, play a defender. You just fight me with other villagers, try to mock me, and yet you always hide in the village or come out, fight for two rounds, then go back and hide and then you pretend that I can't beat you, even when I'm not well-geared.

Hanord: IC I really didn't care for you, OOC I think you're a solid Emperor.
Zubei: WTF. First interaction with you is you calling me "coward" when I've never even met you, followed by ignore. And then whenever I fight you you always flee unless you have backup. Then there's the multiple you telling me whatever the hell you want to tell me, and before I can even respond, you just ignore again. And then you have the bravery to go onto DIO's and say "omg, I can never get a IC response." Grow up.
Kurzghar: Strong pker, I thought you were a well-played Imperial. That said, that last fight with you was just...I felt like #### there. You keep trying to insult me, ask me where I am, complain about champion's stance, and then when I finally get sick of it and agree to fight you w/o the stance, you go and choose the shadow grove, and then when we fight you call in zubei and hanord to gank me as I'm beating you. I knew it was coming, but I decided to stick to my role and not go into the stance. I just dislike how you whine about armageddon for your entire ghost period to the villagers and everyone watching, and then you go and take all my #### since "I care so much about gear," even when I give you back your gear when I had no need to.

I guess I'm ranting now, but I just got sick of Imperials. Ironically, I was supposed to ICly hate the scions the most, but I really respected the Scions.

Charine: A monster in combat, and you always caught me half-ready. Good job, really respected you.
Paralouit: Also a real trooper, too bad we never did have a chat.

I'm sure many people, judging from DiO's will try to moan about this char, so flame away, and I'll try to respond the best I can.
93927, RE: Finally deleted.
Posted by yihon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wasn't terribly surprised you deleted. I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed interacting with you. Will post more when char dies.
93895, Wish I could have been around more...
Posted by Lylesse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seems I del'd right around when you got into hero ranks, I remember one fight we had, but to be honest, with both of our skill sets, one of us would have to be doing something pretty wrong to score the kill, and you were smart enough not to stay along to long after spores landed... but... as a lowbie... you were cool as heck... think I fell to the executioner twice while you were about... and you were very cool on returning equipment through confiscate and I know some of the pieces you could have used.... (yeah too many special guards can spell disaster sometimes..)

and I do remember when you were very low 20ish possible high teens, I made you flee a few times by subverting one of your guards... usually didnt try to do it more then two or three times in a row.. and the times I did it, I was very bored.

and if memory serves me correct, I did follow around one youngling healing him until he finally fell you, but you were the one who kept running to the village and resting... had you just worded home I would not have aided the young one in the cities against you, but you were on my home turf! ;)

anyways... good luck...

93878, RE: Finally deleted.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>From Day 1, this character was pretty boring for me.

Tribunal kinda limits who you can kill. When you do fight someone in town, usually its on their terms. If they didn't think they had a shot at you then they wouldn't have come into town to fight you.

I realize I'm probably preaching to the choir here, since you just played one.

>so for everyone who thought I was a lowbie gear whore who begged
>for clothes....

People are idiots.

>If I ever play a shield ded pally again, I'll change from
>putty telnet to something that can use aliases

It's like night and day. If you want something simple that's just one step up from telnet (and you're on windows) try yTin.

>Zubei: WTF.

93877, As Ckath I had a lot of fun fighting with you!
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A shame we didn't get to interact more... I think it ended 2-0 to me or something like that. But you sure sent me packing a lot!

Good char, hope you return with something fun!
93876, RE: Finally deleted.
Posted by VitriolicStream on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh....well, I had you pegged as the person most likely to replace me when I die. Not going to be for a while, I'm a stubborn person, and I don't mind being called a douche all the time :)

After you nearly left that time when you were disciplined for helping an outlander, I had the thought that you might be a good balance for the harsher side of Arkellin. I had intended to have a good balance of good and evil characters as Provincials, but it seems that evil people burn out quicker.

In regards to Twist's comments, and the general feel of "paladin walking with evil", well, when someone comes up and gives you shielding so he doesn't accidentally kill you (like that time on Eastern where I ended up fighting you), and you do protest regardless, what else can you expect? Also, I have a tendency to ignore that other site when people post logs there trying to disparage current characters. Like the one of Yihonlala. Things were in motion to deal with it in the game regardless of the post there, and putting stuff like that up to try and get someone booted is just s%%%ty. Let the politics play out as they will, and since Tribunal has a pretty observant and active imm, things can and will happen.

All in all, I think you're going to be missed, you were a solid presence in the Spire, and now I really need to find new Provincials.
93879, RE: Finally deleted.
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I agree with that. I like entertaining logs. The bitching logs just detract from the log board. There's a pretty loose interpretation on Dio's of what constitutes a "char assassination log" but at least 50% of the logs are people trying to call out other people (and usually failing but still).

I try to only post entertaining logs. I'll admit its been a *long time* since I've done anything clever enough in game to feel proud about posting a log about.
93884, RE: Finally deleted.
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's the "failing" bit that made me leave the log, for what that's worth. Personally I thought your own log made the point necessary to put his log in context.

I actually thought you did ok as a trib paladin.

Deathclaw says (and I have too in the past) that you have to screw up to die to a shield dedicant, but I don't think that's true any more since the evade skill went in and all the paladin edges.

You got my character once because you evaded a skill that basically never misses, and I ate three oblits and some painful shield jabs before coming out of lag. I don't particularly consider that a screw up on my part. Could have prepped etc but I wanted to sieze the initiative.

Not sure how you got all that nice gear at such a low level, but you seemed ok to me. The main reason I was gunning for you was simply to examine your shield to help me work out where it came from. heh.
93887, RE: Finally deleted.
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You do (re: screwing up) *unless* you get Retribution virtue. That's pretty rape-tastic on a shield spec.
93888, Eskellian didn't play Erothaylius.
Posted by sleepy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did. :P

But yes, having the evasive edge + 96% evade (thanks lyristeon for the 4% boost :P), + divine insight really meant that I could evade a lot of things that would have really screwed me over.

As for the gear, I was rolled shortly after the orc breeding time, and a lot of the lowbie orcs had great gear.
93894, I know that
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But a fight I had against you was a prime example of why a comment he made, that I once would have agreed with, is something I'm no longer convinced is true.
93882, if you take meaningful action then people wouldn't need to go outside the game
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just saying, its not like he wasn't doing "super shady" stuffy by most peoples expectations for tribunals for a very long time before a log got posted OOC about it. If you had done something meaningful to either stop it or enlighten people as to why it is kosher then it would not have become an ooc matter.
93874, Farewell...
Posted by Shothak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know what it is like to live amongst and report to those that dwell within the darkness, for your hard work and dedication, I salute you. I found you to be honorable and respectful in all of our dealings. I only wish there were more Arbiters to follow your example. I had hopes that you might gut the wretched spire and bring the Law of the Light to the land, perhaps in another lifetime.

May Shokai guide you on your journey to the Light and may the rest of the Arbiters burn in hellfire and brimstone.

Shothak the Embittered Raptor
93893, Dude.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What Java said below - re: Forums being OOC.

Also. Arbiters?

1998 called, they want their cabal names back.

Hold on, phone call. Oh. It was the jerk store, they're runnning out of me. Gotta go.
93904, RE: Dude.
Posted by Elerosse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Hold on, phone call. Oh. It was the jerk store, they're
>runnning out of me. Gotta go.

Hey Twist, the ocean called; they are running out of shrimp!
93908, RE: Dude.
Posted by Shothak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey twist, the feminine hygiene store called and they were running out of douche bags, so I gave them your e-mail.

Lighten up, some of us are just trying to enjoy the game for the game's sake and not get carried away in the rest of you a$$hole's IC bitching.

FYI: The Arbiter comment was a little in-side humor that I'm sure you wouldn't get, being humorless and all.
93909, Hi, my name is Shothak, and I'd like to buy a clue for 300 please.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Lighten up broseph, it's kinda sad you can't take some good-natured ribbing from Twist of all people.

93918, You know he was making fun of Java right? Not really you? n/t
Posted by Knac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
93912, I like it, Shothak
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your dated references actually gave me an idea for a role. When I'm ready to head back to the huts I'm gonna use it. In the meantime, keep posting IC. I like it.
93873, Great character, respect.
Posted by Humbert on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can't say much, you know :P You were always willing to stand up and fight, moreso than most of the playerbase. Although shield ded paladin with temperance is an excellent combo, you were willing to face forces greater than you too.
93881, RE: Great character, respect.
Posted by _Magus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Although shield ded paladin with temperance is an excellent combo"

Uh, it's arguably the most defensive character in the game, actually. This dude basically calls people out for being bitches when they wouldn't sit there and die to an unlaggable shield ded paladin who endlessly spams wrath.

I'd go so far as to say this dude played conservatively in terms of a shield ded paladin.
93885, He never did to me
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And a certain other paladin of the fortress does it all the time.
93890, RE: Great character, respect.
Posted by sleepy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't think I did at all, fwiw. I always went solo pk since I didn't IC trust anyone. I always had to fight groups since I didn't have any chance in hell to really take down an individual since they would just flee, but if in groups they would return and try to kill me.

And I never, ever, bitched someone who fled, unless they tried to insult me later. If you can provide an example of when I did...please, go on ahead. (Wait, I might have "bitched" which is really an overstatement IMO to Loshnak, but that was pre-champion stance).
93872, I knew you with couple characters.
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sort of knew you at least. Interacted a bit.

Anyway, I felt kinda bad for you. Elf shield spec Tribunal is one of the most annoying combos to play. Shield specs are boring, Tribunal is boring, plus almost no one in the game likes Tribunals (being wanted is a pain in the ass). Then add in the fact that you're really only able to spam wrath - that's about all you can do as a shield ded. Anyway, its a tough char to play out so good job there at least. You might not have been liked by the Dio's crew but when I was out doin my business on my PK char I'd be typing in "who Ero" before doing anything in towns :).

93871, Good character
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Twist: Thanks for all the guidance you gave me. Really put me in my place about actually keeping true to my role. Never played a paladin, and thanks for giving me the temperance when I didn't even want it.

You were my first non-eeeevil empoweree since returning, and I think it was a learning experience for both of us. It was tough for me to try to guide you because of your own conflict between being a paladin and a tribunal. Your deletion is going to make Marcatis sad panda - he was your biggest fan.

As for two nights ago, "running with" Arkellin...Twist heard nothing about it IC, so I didn't bust on you or anything for it. I didn't want to bring OOC info from logs into an IC deal.

While I was tempted to just give you a pecho about how the forces of Goodness were nervous about your association with the taint of evil, the bottom line is I couldn't be sure exactly how much "associating" actually happened, and I felt like giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Oh I had to laugh at how some folks in the playerbase assumed that I gave you a virtue AFTER (and some hinted at "because of") your screwup with the wood-elves in Evermoon.

That, plus the whole paladin v. Trib conflict, kept you from getting your second virtue and full empowerment for probably another 30-40 hours. Which, for you, was only like 2 days, but still. :P

Good luck with your next!
93880, Question about Twist and other IMM IC awareness.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would assume imms, especially level 60's would be omnisient.(Sp?)

Why wouldn't you use OOC sourses to interact IC'ly with characters? Or perhaps you do?

I just assume that an Imm would know all about a character, especially a follower.
93883, I equate them to something like greek gods
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
They aren't omniscient. Just really powerful beings with better-than-the-average Theran's senses.
93892, If another imm watched it....
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...and/or there was a history entry, or note from another Imm, or whatever, then yeah, Twist would have 'seen it'.

But basing a dress-down on a guy on a snippit of a logfile on Dio's?

93889, I really had a tough time trying to interact with you.
Posted by sleepy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not only because I waded into the empowerment without a good role (sorry :( ), but also because most of my other empowerments and imm-following were really achievement based, or related to problems I had with being a goodie (when I played oethipius).

So really, since there it didn't really feel like Ero was any of that, I didn't really know how many times I should try to talk to you, and when I should have tried to talk to you. I was always relieved that you started all the interactions with me (even if it was to rebuke me).

Any advise on the above would be great.
93870, I don't understand all the animosity
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We didn't interact all that much, which I think is to be expected from a Paladin of Twist and a neutral Villager, but from what I saw you seemed to be a pretty solid if (from my pov) somewhat generic character (funny coming from a pincersvirf, right?)

It must be tough to play a Paladin incessantly having to take orders from evil superiors and I'm guessing that there was a lot of intra-cabal stuff at work that most people never got to see. When it comes to all the stuff being said about you on Dio's I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, based on what I saw.

I'm curious as to how much interaction you got with Twist because he's awesome. I never saw you hunting unwanted Villagers, but I'm wondering if trying to keep our numbers down or thinning the veil is something that you were encouraged to do.

Also, regarding 'co wrath': If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
93869, I was a fan.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Would say more, but well, you know.

I will say this (so you may have an idea who I was), it was fun getting you to do my bidding especially against that scarab in Voralian. I know it had to kill your character to have to follow the law even when it meant as a goodie you didn't want to. But you always seemed like a damn good tribunal. I can't really comment on the paladin-ness, since you seemed like a good paladin to me as well, but I didn't really see that much of that side of you.

Well done, and GLWYN.
93891, I still don't know who you are. :P nt
Posted by sleepy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM