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Topic subject(CON LOSS) [None] Ckath Eaglewing the Scourge of the Arena, Anathema to the Empire
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=93720
93720, (CON LOSS) [None] Ckath Eaglewing the Scourge of the Arena, Anathema to the Empire
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Jul 14 10:54:58 2010

At 8 o'clock PM, Day of Deception, 30th of the Month of the Heat
on the Theran calendar Ckath perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
94052, A question for Cyradia and Enlilth if I may?
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed May 26 15:01:40 2010 by 'Cyradia' at level 51 (422 hrs):
Watching this guy I always get the impression the RP layer is super thin around his gameplay. Like telling someone 'bah' when they run away from ganging them.

I'm just curious? I know there was a spann of say 100 hours or so where I was heavily focused on the PK-aspect and my RP might have droped some, but did my RP really come of as thin? What could/should I do to "beef" it up? Hell, RP is for me 60-70% of my gaming experience so it's kinda vital. heh

Fri May 14 14:53:36 2010 by 'Enlilth' at level 51 (383 hrs):
This guy should not get third legacy unless he does something extremely awesome cool.

Well, I thought this was always the case. hehehehe
But seriously? What do you mean? I suspect it has to do with my gear-whining. No?

Anyways, just curious on these two comments. Mostly the RP thingy.
Keep up the cool stuff though!
94054, RE: A question for Cyradia and Enlilth if I may?
Posted by Cyradia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One of my biggest, (current), personal pet peeves is what I've coined "tea time" after a PK. It's after a big fatal fight, when mortal enemies suddenly feel like they're having tea time and saying things like, 'No, you're great. No, you're great. Did you see that technique I did? Yeah, I thought bash should have solved that. Thanks for leaving me my gear. Here, are you going to use that ring? Good fight. Kissy kissy.'

Now, there *might* be some characters that can justify this tactic talk (maybe some ragers when they're not fighting mages and maybe Ckath sometimes), but overall I'd like enemies to act like...enemies. In real life, I'm a huge fan of sportsmanship, but in CF...the person who represents something that you've built your entire life around HATING just KILLED you. Less tea time, more anger. That doesn't mean full looting and sacing...but there's some happy medium where you don't have to fall into tea time chat, either.

So, there was some middle period where I watched you a) send notes to empire that felt like shopping lists of gear you'd lost and wanted back (I thought that was super lame), b) some fights (maybe especially with Voko?) that were extreme tea timey, and then c) when people got away you'd say shallow crap like 'bah' (again, your enemy just eluded you and you send 'bah' to them?! Kinda pre-tea-timey)
94059, Aah okay.
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I buy that. :D I guess I'm still struggeling with evil. I'm to much of a nurse/niceguy even on CF. rofl

Thanks for answering.
94055, RE: A question for Cyradia and Enlilth if I may?
Posted by Enlilth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My comment was requested to be added when you usurped adarmar and were given 4 con. Not actually ME putting it in there.
94056, That was me...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When you usurped Adarmar, Enlilth asked me if we could just give you some CON since you wouldn't last long as Emperor. I said yeah, we could give you 3 or 4 CON, without a quest or anything, but then you shouldn't get a third legacy without doing something pretty damn cool.

When I saw his history I had to chuckle a bit because I thought that while it conveyed exactly the point (don't give this guy a third legacy without him doing something cool) it didn't convey the reason, like, at all.

I thought about clarifying in your history but...meh.
94060, Ooh, I thought the con came from Dispater
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
as he had given me that as a con-quest. "When you've succeeded with our goal, then I will see to your body and you will know the true names of my archdevils." Something like that. So I always thought it came from Dispater.

Anyways, thank you for answering. :D
93843, I consider this your best
Posted by Raman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
character to date, I have known several of yours and interacted with almost all of them. This one by far was your best, and kudo's on sticking it out after anathemaing yourself. I really didnt expect to see you again after that but you just kept on truckin. And I cant say who I interacted with you as cause I am still truckin, but I will tell you this. I stomped that ass in the arena didnt I ;) I will speak more on you in my death thread when it comes
93854, Hehehe considering my huge number of losses there...
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
.... 6 I'm fairly certain who you're playing and I won't out you.

Good luck with stuff, I enjoyed your char as well even though I heard a lot of #### about you ICly.
93815, Really great job...txt
Posted by Bad Ivan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As someone who was on your team the whole time I was never exposed to some of the negative behavior others have mentioned. Everything I saw from Ckath was quality, from pk to interactions with me or those in our presence. As Emperor I thought setting up the truce with the village was an excellent way to buy time to rebuild. You did a good job IC of not letting it come off as weakness but just part of a bigger plan.

I am a cautious player and likely always will be. That must be why I felt like it was all I could do to try to keep you alive. You even demoted me once for doing so, which I understood in the situation. Man were you headstrong. Perhaps that was a result of the combination of Imperial Tactics, Gates, and Flow working together.

Anyway Ckath was a fun char to be around and you did a great job luring me over to the Empire and away from my intended direction. You killing me on Eastern when I tried to heal you was a classic. Good luck with your next.
93827, Hehehe thanks!
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know who you are. :) RP demanded that I demoted you, and there were forces during Ckath's time that wanted you anathemad. With you and I could do a lot of nasty stuff together. ;)

Keep it up! (I was SO surprised when you agreed to take the oath. heh)
93741, Good character
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Interacted with you as a young imperial when you were War Master and enjoyed it. Interacted with you as Erig a couple times and felt you played the role of an evil bad ass well.

I wanted nothing more than to fight a few Imperials with you, but I figured I'd con die before that or you would. Plus, not even sure you would have done it. Just wanted a bit more on my resume than just the fortress guys I always ended up fighting beside.

I really didn't expect that ass whooping you gave me in the cave. Any more than a four hit flurry and I would have been dead. I think had my snare caught you the fight would have gone differently. IE. I would have been given time to prep and THEN get my ass kicked.
93753, Yeah...
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Rangers had a hard time with Ckath, a really hard time. I tanked just as well as them in the forest, evaded as much as them and then poured out more damage. I honestly thought that I MIGHT get raped since I hadn't fought a caverndweller in their hometerrain before and I was out of preps. So, going in without stoneskin and not even having enlarge (Forgot about caverdwellers not having bearcharge.) I was really afraid. heh

Ckath wouldn't have traveled with you though, perhaps to hunt Hanord or Zubei, but that's it. ;)
93731, Really enjoyed Ckath
Posted by Lylesse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a good enemy to have... And very skilled in pk with your build... You always gave me a hell of a time... I think I got your best a few, but in those situations, you were always so quick to get the hell out... you definately knew when to stay and when not to... RP was a enjoyable as well, more then one time, I wished I wasn't played an outlander at the time so we could have run together more instead of hunting each other...


93752, You were so damned hard to pin down!
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And yeah, you nearly got me a few times, and I nearly got you. But I think you were closer. Druids are hard to pin down if they don't stick around to get disemboweled, which they never do since they want to flee and heal up, then reengage when their maladicts have been softening up the target. heh

Awesome char you have though, to bad we didn't get to interact much, outlanders rarely wanted to interact with me. ;)
93723, Ckath is waiting for you all in hell, ready to torment you!
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well well... Where to begin...

I never use any triggers at all, just to have that out. I use aliases however, lots of them.

To know what Ckath was like you need to read the role, I am VERY pleased with it. Though I didn't win any rolecontest, just got one honorable mention.
He was basically a really ####ed up evil guy who hated women and dwarves. The dwarf hate was hard to RP since I never had any dwarves as allies anyways. But the hatred towards women really gave me a lot of fun considering I had a female Empress for 150ish hours of gametime, and then I was friends with Lamayinn for a long time.
The role was written by me 2.5 years ago and I actually used it on an arial sword spec empire that got to lvl 28. I just tweaked it a little and made it a bit better since I did horrible roles back then.
Ckath lied a lot, he lied to just about everyone about everything. His life was all about fame and his own desires. If wanted something, he'd do anything to get it. Now my big problem was to RP this well without being a douche. Sometimes I felt as if I were one but it was only me trying to RP so if it upset some people I'm real sorry, I try to make my roles to be entertaining for those around me, but it's hard when you're an evil, selfish, lying son of a bitch.

My first plan was to follow Kastellyn and become a legend, the legend part I kept trougout the history of my char but since I never managed to meet with Kastellyn (we both missed apointments) someone picked me up during a journey to hell. We were in Dis when Dispater (the archdevil down there) began to taunt us and send hordes of demons after us. I was the main tank and Adarmar was there as Emperor (I was warmaster at the time.) Ckath and some invoker walked into a no-exit room that we just couldn't get out of. Dispater began to taunt us a bit, at this point he had mentioned that he would want Ckath to beome his warmaster in Dis. That gave me an idea and since both I and the invoker were going to die in that room I killed him right infront of Dispater and offered the corpse and soul to him, as well as my own, with the promise that he would get me out of there, grant me powers and help me become Emperor, in return I would hunt for him and give him power within the Empire and on the surface. This is were Ckath began to become a demon. It's all in the role and I have 99% of Ckath's life loged, I will post them later.

Game mechanic-wise Ckath was a blast. I had an idea about an arial sword spec that would use imperial offense A LOT and then evade to avoid stuff. Thus I took the legacys flow of shadows and gates of the forge.
The idea was be able to evade big damage things like flurry and evade spells like slow/soften etc, then I took gates of the forge to nerf damage from invokers and AOE stuff. Basically a char built to be able to fight everyone. My only problem was to keep people in combat. I used bash and trip a lot. Those I couldn't lag with anything but pincer from my axes I witteled down with swords, letting them feel secure since I wouldn't lag them until they were gushing, then a quick change to axes, 1 round of combat and disembowel. It worked GREAT as quite many can attest to. I rarely used pincer except when hunting people that were running away writing/convulsing.

My biggest mistake, as always, is gear. Early on and mid-life of this char I whined A LOT about gear, mostly because I have a nack for always wearing a super-set, thus I should expect to get severely looted. At the end though everyone were super nice to me when I died. My 3 last death were to the Empire. 1 gang, 1 smart trap by Vintus and 1 rot. Those 3 deaths I lost totally 6 pieces of gear, which is awesome considering the super stuf I had. (THough I think most don't know what some of my gear does so that helps.)

Regarding the strange bracers... I had them for about 300 hours of this char. Oddly enough I got most of my kills without them, because as soon as I had them people that knew tried to avoid me. I never demanded them outright, but I gave Zubei a silent (empty) threat. I don't think I'll go into this more until Zubei is gone.

What made me lose Emperor then? 2 things:
1: I didn't keep my ears and eyes open to hear the ruccus behind me and seeing how Hanord was planning a coup.
2: I made Venphoria Anathema, which was a bug, the emperor cannot demote/anathema council members during an ongoing vote for Emperor.. (I was told later.) Hadn't I been able to do that, then things would have gone a lot differently. But I won't go into that either since the char is active.


Immortal staff in general: Thanks for an awesome game that keeps giving me unique and awesome interactinos and challenges, I rarely get bored online! Awesome!
And thanks a lot for putting up with all my ooc prays when I was venting. I hope it wasn't overly annoying

Enlilth: Class act interactions as usual! And thanks a lot for informing me of some of the "Behind scenes" stuff that went on about me once I was gone. That really made me lose the sourness over some stuff.

Dispater/Creature: Whomever that was, just fricking awesome! The best moment of all times was when you, Pophris and I interacted and I forced Pophris to swear that oath: My heart, my life my soul for Ckath and Dispater. Right before she took the oath. After that it all went according to plans.

Iunna: We spoke once, though it was awesome stuff. I wasn't sure how much I could push the RP without it comming of as whiny and douchy.

Scarabaeus: Damn, I didn't get any direct interaction with you at the end as I were hoping for. But it really felt great that time at the fort when you were watching me kill that elf transmuter. A big high when you gave me the thumbs up.

I'm running short of time. I'll try to post individual goodbyes later to the rest of you guys! But I'll answer any reply to this thread that ain't a flame.
93727, Great Job
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thoroughly enjoyed every interaction I had with Ckath.

During the truce I thought that it would have been cool to take on Tiamat with you, Knac, a couple of Imperial Bards, some blades and an assortment of Villagers. I'm sorry we never got to try that.

I think you set the tone for a very classy Empire and I think that's good for the game. For the record I never read you as a 'douche' and every 'douchey' thing I got from you was clearly RP.

Regarding Gates on an Arial: What sort of AC did you generally have (not counting dex)? And how much weight were you generally carrying?
93751, Yeah, I really wanted to try out Tiamat too....
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... But IC stuff forced to end the truce.

I usually had around -220 AC in the lowest bracket (With dex-bonus, no idea what I had without it.). With the bracers of defense it was easy to get gates in affect.

I usually carried almost maxed out weight due to heavy armor and A LOT of weapons. (Usually 12-15 weapons + a bunch of limited prep things and a full unlimited prep bag.) My dodging wasn't superb, but I didn't need it to be either until I was made anathema.

Thanks for the nice words, I really enjoyed Homard a lot. We had some good talks and that duel in ugruks was nice. I was decently prepped there. Stoneskin, iron skin and armor. No aura or shield though. I might have had spiderhands at first too, but I'm not sure. And of course I was reduced half of the fight just in case you had harvest. heh

Awesome char Homard, keep it up!
93728, RE: Ckath is waiting for you all in hell, ready to torment you!
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ckath, Ckath. Oh, my dear Ckaaaaaaath..

To be frank, the attention you got from me was based entirely off of the roleplaying I saw you displaying towards others. Once you nabbed me with this, I was all over the opportunity.

I realized at first that you struggled with the Dispater interactions and how they aligned with your role as WarMaster. Ultimately, you made the right decisions by sticking with your oath to him.

You were everything "I" envision the Empire to be. While this may be wrong, you brought about all of the characteristics of a politically driven, backstabbing, deceitful council. I appreciated this and those moments brought about some very entertaining moments.

Your political stance with the Village - from truce to deception to War, was great. I felt like the Empire would have had a much stronger presence in that War had your online times aligned better with those of the Village. You would have torn a few new ones.

I don't really understand how you got dethroned yet. I'm sure that's an interesting story. Hanord made a bold move and it payed off. Maybe you can enlighten the rest of us when the time comes.

I really have nothing but great things to say about this character. I'm impressed by seeing a string of long-lived characters age or con die. That's really what this game is about. You want memorable characters? Live the life of the character out from cradle to grave. You'd be surprised what type of outcomes you can get.

Thanks for making my interactions with you worthwhile. Really proud of where you took this character and it's sure to go down as one of the more notorious bad guys.
93750, On spot!
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was exactly what I was trying to accomplish! What the Empire really is about! Politics, powergames! Deceit etc. I wasn't afraid to demote people, but I REALLY didn't want to anathema anyone unless I had to. The exception was Zubei which I won't go into detail about here, all I'll say that the last 100 hours or so I was just waiting for a reason to anathema him. (Not giving me gear wasn't one of them, even though in a sense it ended up like that.)

About the village, yes, the plan was to totally overpower the village as soon as I had a full council. Then when Ckath realized a certain thing about Knacnar he saw a perfect excuse to do a few things. (Sorry for the inconvinience that might have caused you Knacnar...)
I really wish that I had been able to logon more on Knacnar's times, I really wanted some revenge for that 1 kill he ever got on me. ;) heh

1: I didn't keep my eyes/ears open, so suddenly Dhugral tells me that someone, possibly Hanord is planning to overthrow me and that there's a vote going. I decide to push each council member to say stuff and use what Dhugral told me as a reference to see if they're lying. Everyone caught lying will be demoted, except Venphoria who would be made anathema since Ckath hated women... I was really hoping that I wouldn't need to demote/anathema anyone since doing that would make it VERY hard to win all the votes in case it would go that far. The first I meet is Venphoria who ofc lied to me. (VERY well roledplayed, I enjoyed that conversation) Thus I was forced to make her anathema. By then I didn't know that it shouldn't be possible since it was hardcoded. Enlilth told me this after Ckath con-died. So hadn't I anathemad Venphoria then Vintus MIGHT have voted for me, and hadn't Dhugral deleted too, then I might have won the whole deal. So, that's how I got dethroned... Good work on Hanord though, bold move.

And I wholeheartedly agree with Hammersong that really go for it! Aim to age-die every single char and you'll see great things happen! And you'll learn SO much!
93730, RE: Ckath is waiting for you all in hell, ready to torment you!
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>My biggest mistake, as always, is gear. Early on and mid-life
>of this char I whined A LOT about gear, mostly because I have
>a nack for always wearing a super-set, thus I should expect to
>get severely looted.

This is my only real complaint about Ckath, and I'm glad you have no illusions about it. I would wonder, "Did Ckath get all that gear back because his enemies respect him so much? Or is it because they're afraid he's going to beg for it for half an hour and just feel sorry for him?" This is your only flaw as a player that I feel you still need to overcome to truly be one of the greats of your time.

That aside, I liked everything else about Ckath. You did a great job.

P.S. Demons and devils are different things. Confusing them makes Team Scarab Imm cry.
93749, Hrm, yeah...
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... The gear stuff is also heavily linked to my RL, the more stressed I am RL the more I die, the more I die the more I whine about gear etc. I'd like to think that I became a lot better at the end. Though I did manage to trick some people to return some awesome #### to me at the end, I hope that didn't come off as whiny but more as an IC greed thing.

What about demons and devils? I don't get it? Dispater is an arch-devil no? Father of Devils? Prince of Darkness is a devil no?

Ckath was a semi-demon though, not a devil. Or did I do a huge mistake in thinking that? Was Ckath actually a semi-devil and not a semi-demon?

Perhaps I should have prayed for Cyradia instead, the demon-godess instead of the father of devils, since I were a semi-demon? I went with the angle that since Ckath served Dispater and the Prince of Darkness (2 devils?) it would be natural for him to follow the Father of Devils/Darkness, Scarabaeus?

Thanks for the kind words, imm-aproval means a lot to me. Hehe (As all know I just want to be liked. rofl)
93754, Very short Demon/Devil thing...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Demons come from the Abyss. Devils come from Hell.
Demons are chaotic. Devils are Orderly.

I have no idea whether the "part demon" thing came from Thror/some other Imm, or if it was something you did via your role, but essentially, the point is, some mortal who sold his soul to Dispater wouldn't become part demon, he'd become part devil (or something else).

All of that aside, I thought Ckath was a very good character. Well roleplayed, very good at PK, and very good for CF in general. Much like most any character I see from you. Good job, good luck with the next.
93760, RE: Very short Demon/Devil thing...
Posted by Cyradia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Cosign on everything Twist said. Also, Scar is often associated with Hell (father of devils, in char...and obviously the area writer OOC.) Cyradia was "awakened" from the abyss (and is chaotic evil and, IC, doesn't give a darn about hell goings on.)

I think maybe it was some non team scarab imm who initially, incorrectly titled you part demon. Hence the confusion. I keep saying I'll write a helpfile on this. So many people get it wrong in their roles and I die a little inside everytime I read it. :)

By the way, I almost always (insert eq point already hashed out here) really enjoyed watching Ckath...especially your fighting the last several days before con death. Way to play out the char in full glory! The kill you made in that shrine, against that follower, your last day or so...awesome.

93761, Yeah, that was a superb RP high for me and awesome interaction with that char!
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was rooting for him to win though, as I wanted to see what happened when I died if you catch my drift. I am still VERY curious on "that".

Yeah, I was somewhat hoping that someone would make Ckath chaotic since he was defently moving that way near the end, which would have made him seek out Cyradia instead I think since she's the demon godess. rofl That would possible have made things even more confusive.

Thanks for watching that fight! And again, thanks to all imms who took their time with me. :D I'm just a HUGE sucker fo imm-attention.
93763, RE: Yeah, that was a superb RP high for me and awesome interaction with that char!
Posted by Cyradia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The thought totally crossed my mind to turn you chaotic since I thought your roleplay was this spinning out of control, kill any thing that moved, betrayed by empire and angry at the world gig...but a) there were already imms pulling strings related to Ckath and I was a "johnny come lately" without any idea what was going on with your dis stuff and b) I was pretty sure you'd have been disappointed to lose all your specs (warriors lose specs if they betray their align/ethos until they earn redemption) with about 4 deaths left.

Given your role and RP with hating women...I'm pretty sure praying to Cyradia would have made your head explode. :P

93773, Well, actually changing ETHOS doesn't make you a betrayer, only align does. ;)
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And yeah, the woman thingy... But gods were different. heh But things worked out great anyways, so thanks for considering it though.
93779, Changing ethos 2 steps does from what I heard.. nt
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
93781, It doesn't, I've gone from chaotic to lawful with 0 punishment. n/t
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
93764, RE: Very short Demon/Devil thing...
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll take the infamous credit here. I wasn't all that hip into the differences between Demon's and Devil's until Scar and Cyradia filled me in. Once I found out, I figured we could still RP the justification in the end, so it wasn't worth rewriting history.

My immteraction needs a little more research sometimes! My bad yo!
93765, Never apologize for immteraction.
Posted by Marin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Never. And thanks.
93793, Ooh, and thanks a lot for the quest-spell!
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Awesome thing to use for RP. (Not much use in PK though unless it had some hidden effect I couldn't figure out. heh)

I'm going to keep focusing on myu gear-issue. :D
93738, I gotta say. . .
Posted by dwimmerling on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Considering I knew you when you started out. . .
I never expected you to kick ass on this level. Serious amounts of wow. Good job and keep it up.

Big D
93748, Thanks a lot!
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I've made some fairly quick progress, both with my RP and my PK ability. But only when it comes to warriors... My assassin was a failure PK-wise, so was my thief, shifter and invoker.

My AP however was AWESOME... Until the big crash in jan.

We'll see where I'll go from this. After 20ish hero warriors it's time to learn some other classes, all the area knowledge I've accumulated over all these hours can be put to better use with other classes at least.
93740, Sure you'll rule the inferno in no time Emperor.
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to say Ckath was one of the most interesting characters I have ever seen. You were an absolute monster in pk, stellar rp, had a great well developed role and a player behind it that seemed to be genuinely enjoying their char.

I think that characters like Ckath really change the game world while they are alive because of how much they can influence things through the rp/pk combination. Everyone knew who Ckath was, and from what I saw everyone respected him, even if they hated him.

Well done and looking forward to the next.
93747, I am VERY sorry for that thing in Ysigrath...
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... But Ckath had been looking to trap someone there for a long long time! Getting you there after using you was purely IC but afterwards I realized that it might have looked VERY ooc. First get you to gather nice gear for me, then trick you into a room and kill you. That felt ####ty, however that also gave me one of the most fun happenings ever!

Matezuda that maran shifter flew into the room and attacked me, I walked out and locked the door.
Then the key crumbeled shortly after... To bad that a paladin managed to get a new key before I did... heh

Anyways, after that I didn't bother you except once... Where I thought you were an elf paladin. ROFL Talk about a mistake, and I "let" you kill me.

I hope you write that biography, I think I told you almost everything so you can just base much of it from my role if you'd like. I was so thrilled when you offered that, and it would be such a great honor to be a part of the Lyceum. (Though you might just have been fooling Ckath to stay safe from him. hehe)
93756, RE: I am VERY sorry for that thing in Ysigrath...
Posted by flatline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If that paladin had not gotten the key, I was a sitting duck in there, all my spells had run out and was really just going to be beaten to death in a very short time, glad I kinda know that area and knew how to get out quick smart.
Had a blast fighting you and you always came across as classy, possibly one of my favourite foes, even if I did'nt ever kill you with Matedzuta.
Interacted with you with a couple of others and all positive.
It was a pleasure to have had the chance to interact with you, keep it up man, you can only get better.
93759, That was fun actually
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was not all that surprised by it, so don't go apologizing for it. I can tell when someone is IC or OOC and I knew it was entirely an IC thing since I was getting tells from the provost the whole time I travelled with you about how I really should get away from you.

The second you said you needed to get roots I got wary since the place is cursed, but I had forgotten about that room since I almost never go to that area and that was what got me. I think I had the first part of removing trusting and lullaby typed when you bashed me.

I had every intention of trying to kill you outside the inn actually, even though I kind of figured you attacked me by accident. I just prepped in Voralian and came back and I figured it was a fitting thing to do since Ckath told me to always strike first after he killed me in the swamp.

And after that I was more than willing to do anything you asked for the most part since Ckath was just fun to be around.
93745, I'm so glad I gave that orb of earth 6 months ago ;)
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was a big fan of Ckath from the very beginning. Didn't realize it was you until you posted on Dio's (LOG ####ER, LOG!!!! NOT LOGG!!!!) but at the same time, I had a suspicion.

I even liked you with my current. Though IMHO, you just weren't evil enough (but I understand with that, the IMMs don't actually want people to be evil these days as weird as that sounds).
93746, Thanks man!
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I used the orb quite a bit after that, but after a while I was so decked I didn't bother and I dumped it to carry more weapons and other preps (Like immune magic. Muahahaha)

Yeah, sometimse I was way to kind and sometimes I was evil enough. But I just felt that I couldn't pull off evil without being a douche so I tried to go a middle way... heh
93757, RE: Ckath is waiting for you all in hell, ready to torment you!
Posted by Knac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fun character!

No worries on breaking the pact - I was a little disappointed, given that I was vying for the pact since I first conceived the role, but it was completely understandable.

The few times we fought were pretty fun - I think in the end, it was 2-0 or 1-0 me against you though. Seriously, having strange bracers make people do crazy things sometimes and just boosts their self confidence.

All in all, a great presence. I was looking forward to knocking you down a few pegs after you broke the pact, but alas, it wasn't meant to be.

I did hope that you would interact with me a bit more before breaking the pact instead of just abruptly doing it. You know, make it more dramatic, with us screaming yelling and biting each other.

One thing I didn't like - Scourge of the Arena? Really? Cmon Imms, that's a pretty lame title!
93758, Yeah...
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1vs1 we were 1-0 to you. Man I had you running convulsing like 10 times, then I got lazy and let both enlarge + stoneskin drop and then I didn't evade that 8 or 10 hit flurry. hehe You were a beast!

In the arena you really beat my ass. :D

Oocly I really wanted the pact to last to get some stuff going but meh...

Knocking me down a few pegs after the pact was broken? ;) If I remember correctly I beat the snot out of you quite a few times after the pact was broken, but I had to let you run away since you attacked me while I was on my way to defend against fortress (3-4 of them) and when they had forced me to teleport you came in a bashed one of them down and took the codex if I remember correctly. Anyways, good fun.

I really enjoyed our little chat, and the longer it went on the more I oocly wished I could make it last as well as I realized that I had to brake it. :(

Awesome char Knac, keep it up!
93762, Very enjoyable character
Posted by Nnaeshuk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm just saying...those notes you wrote were great, just great. I throughly enjoyed keeping up with the Empire politics/drama and found myself laughing out loud while reading them. You were cocky and pretty scary to fight. Not to mention, I really enjoyed RP'ing with you. I saw you get a lot better about the whole gear thing throughout this character's life. I'm looking forward to whatever is next. Good job, chief.

93774, Hehe the kitten...
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...I had a lot of fun fighting you. But man Ckath sure saw you as a huge ####. ;) I was a big fan of your mortal though, skilled PK-wise and excelent RP. We had some good interactions.