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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(RAGE DELETE) [NEXUS] Hiromae the Legend of the Battlefield
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=93626
93626, (RAGE DELETE) [NEXUS] Hiromae the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Jul 8 08:45:34 2010

At 8 o'clock AM, Day of the Sun, 34th of the Month of Futility
on the Theran calendar Hiromae perished, never to return.
Cabal:NEXUS, Nexus, Seekers of Balance
93629, RE: (RAGE DELETE) [NEXUS] Hiromae the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by frae on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Already posted this at the unofficial board. Figured would post it here as well.

Well I made this character because I had some free time. I had just quit my job and my MBA program was starting in August so I had 2 months to burn. Overall, this character was an enjoyable experience. I went Nexus figuring I would be able to explore with diverse groups but honestly I didn¡¦t get much exploring done because CF population is not what it used to be and probably my timings were off.

I went arial ¡V dagger/axe. Dance and Incarnadine wave. Arials are just plain awesome. Fly and dexy chars in general kick some serious ass. I figured taking dance wouldn¡¦t hurt and I was generally happy with it. Incarnadine wave was a different story. Generally on mobs it fired a lot! Which was great because I at least got to see the legacy at work. Just seeing the echoes made me feel good. But against players it didn¡¦t go off as much. It went off on shapeshifters the most which I¡¦m not sure why. On other warriors it hardly went off. So if I could re do this build, I would definitely pick something else. It is not a fight turner.

I think the whole Nexus Battle war is pretty screwed up. Whenever I got on, there were atleast 4-5 berserkers online while there might be 2 nexuns or sometimes its usually me. Without a rhyme or meter, our numbers are terribly low and many nexuns are just not willing to fight and take risk which sucks. As a warrior without a mage to bond with, the whole point of joining Nexus is mute. Sure Vanguard is great but hardly the same as bonding. I think the terrible odds finally wore me down. There were few times when I actually came online and we had they key. Not only that the current battle group besides the commander and drillmaster, is pretty sub par in terms of honor, looting, and parity and just general Berserker behavior. Also general question since I¡¦m new and never played a berserker. Is immediately thirsting at the giant against another warrior who is trying to retrieve lame.? This has happened to me too many times.


Homard ¡V Man I loved fighting you. Our fights were always exciting since we both were willing to stick it out to the absolute end. Mucho respect to you.

Knancnar ¡V We didn¡¦t get to fight too often, but in reality even if we did you would woop me so bad. You were an absolute beast, and fighting you, I knew I had a very high chance of dying without it even being a close fight.

Illian ¡V Man you were quite the character. If you are really going for the Drow RP ¡V then that¡¦s fantastic. You were annoying as hell and I would be pulling my hair out because your constant jib jab and antagonizing were grating me OOC. You have a great build. Deadly character. Later on in my life, our fights were more even and usually who started out with hamstring won. You gotta work on your whining about equipment though. You have a fanastic suit and you should expect to get #### looted especially if the other has stuff that he can use.

Zasobhei ¡V I thought you were a little new. Maybe its just because I would whoop. Good fights.

Killanar ¡V Dude the full sac and then ignore pissed me off. That was what really did it for the character. I was going to con die anyway but that just hastened it. I still don¡¦t know why you did what you did. I think its because when You and Illian ganged me in the ruins. I called you a coward for it. Some shady behavior on your part. I also ganged you with an assassin. I left all your things though. (but would a berserker not expect to be ganged) Anyway that full loot and then ignore was hardly justified and it really ticked me off.

Gouddsac ¡V Dude you gotta stop taking #### that you can¡¦t use. Its annoying to have weapons taken and be told that someone else can use them. Wtf


For the most part, there were very few Nexuns. Later the number dwindled even further.

Massok ¡V Man it was great hanging out with you. You seemed knowledgable and together as a team we were pretty deadly.

Aertia ¡V I loved this character. Thanks for showing me around and helping me out. Too bad your timings were off. We didn¡¦t get to fight together much.

Brogan ¡V Partner in crime. Dude we were all over the place. We both took risk which was fun and we got killed a lot which was also great. The rhino form was pretty sweet. Too bad you deleted. There are no more mages to bond with ƒ¼

Yohnerk ¡V Your forms are excellent. We had some good times running around.

Quono ¡V you seemed new. But you had heart. Loved the character

Neta ¡V forget the name. Man you need to level up. Bards are the absolute bane for villagers.


Ckath ¡V loved fighting with you and against you. You were an absolute beast. Props

Hanord ¡V we fought a few times. I don¡¦t think either of us got the othr

Zubei ¡V DoucheLord. I can¡¦t believe you full sacked me because I had refused to fight you and die to you at level 44 and 48 ranking. The full sac and calling me a coward when I did fight you when I was a hero was pissing off. After that incidient I was eager to kill you and sac ur #### but you always just ran off when you saw me. Weak ####

Kurghzar ¡V we had some good fights.

Kfogzen ¡V Despised you for the whole withering bit. My con was low so I didn¡¦t want to get withered so I usually tried to avoid you. I still died twice to rot though. Bleh


Ero and Yihonala ¡V we had some good times exploring. Thanks for that


Didn¡¦t interact with much. Ghrajjek ¡V solid character.

Overall was a good experience. I think this is probably my last character since I¡¦ll get real busy and CF is just not what it used to be. Especially with the low numbers.
93631, I Wildly Underestimated You
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Some other Villager (I don't remember who) had expressed to me in a totally IC way that you were a very new player. Now, I'm the exact opposite of a 'vet' but new players, especially new Nexun players can be the easiest targets a Villager is likely to find. So I go to the island.

And you started kicking my ass.

And I'm thinking "That's weird, I guess I got some bad information. Oh, look, my health is dropping pretty fast. I still think I could win this. Maybe I should thirst?"

Then you disemboweled me.

Which is my absolute favorite thing to do and I didn't see it coming at all. So, that was pretty cool.

I liked that you were always up to fight. I also liked that you'd disarm me and take my axes, but put them in your pit so I'd have to raid to get them back. That's some good Hammersongy trial stuff right there.

I thought you were an excellent foe and I know that you garnered respect from much of The Village, so good job. Very well done.

Also, I'm pretty sure you incarndine waved me just about every time we fought.

I'm sorry to see you go, because you're clearly good for the game. We'll see you next summer. There is no escape.