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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Kruizinel the Affirmation of Life, Bloodoathed of the Empire
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=93115
93115, (DELETED) [None] Kruizinel the Affirmation of Life, Bloodoathed of the Empire
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Jun 16 01:26:04 2010

At 11 o'clock PM, Day of Deception, 16th of the Month of the Spring
on the Theran calendar Kruizinel perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
93116, Curious I was an oath here, since I deleted as High Priest
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Anyway, this character was a complete disaster...However, for my 3rd/4th hero, I got to satan which was AWESOME.

I have been a raid leader in mmos for years, but that was the most intense experience ever.

Anyway...my talks with Iunna went horribly. Either my fault or yours...I spent the whole time talking, then you'd tell me I was stupid, and then tell me to leave. Yes I started off bad since I hadnt prayed before our appointment, because it never even occurred to me I should be, so my fault on that.

A particularly fail instance where I completely lost all direction with the char in regards to the religion was when the talk went like this. I was lvl 28 or so, I think, since I dont log anything at all.

Iunna: So what have you accomplished?

Me: Well I got high priest, the respect of the emperor, the council, and the rest of the imperials, and I am promoting the cause of war.

Iunna: Well I dont care about accomplishments.


I am always the first one to tell people that empowerment is not half as bad as people make it out to be, but this was a terrible experience for me, as I was a priest without any god support. Hell, Iunna's name wasnt even in my supplications, it just said "your diety." I felt like I was just flailing, hoping for even the slightest indication I was going the right way, or the wrong way.

So I was telling people for awhile I serve Enlilth in body and Iunna in mind, and was talking with Ckath about finding the true essence of darkness and order...then I finally accomplish it, getting satan's tat to complete the trinity of body mind and spirit...and I lose empowerment. Woo.

I wasnt even fully empowered (only got supps to lvl 40) when we reached satan, which I think should be rewarded, not punished, but yeah, my char was ruined and I wasnt even allowed to RP it out. I lost empowerment so I said okay, I'll go to the dark woods and pray for satan. I get smited. Awesome.

Anyway, people.

Since its fresh in my mind...Nghichnigom...We fought twice. First time you almost killed me. Second time you just tried denting me. When asked why, you tell me all priests get dented. Awesome. Thats not douchey at all.

Rawvos...I spent forever to make you powerful because you seemed to know wtf you were doing. It was this war centric idea to make someone everyone wants to kill in order to promote strife. Then you puss out. Sigh. But seriously...if we didnt find your wands, I am not sure they even existed. Most people bitch and moan after searching randomly for a little while and call it 100 hours. We probably spent about 80 hours specifically on searching known spots, and "maybe" spots. Probably about 100-150 locations. Not a single one. If there is a poster child for wands being ####ed, its this char.

Venphoria...The second person I tried to promote to a powerhouse, but you never seemed to want to go along with my suggestions...I love necros, so I was kinda trying to play vicariously through you. Oh well.

Ckath...You're too nice, and I really didnt agree with many of your decisions, but you seem interesting as a char.

Molo...We had some funny talks. What stood out best was when we were going to the green dragon, and I said "do so with alacrity" and you replied "with who?" I lolled pretty hard.

Vintus...I have no idea why you are high priest, you never stood out to me even a little, because you would stay quiet, while Kfozgen would actually talk to me, at least a little. Awesome gambit near the end with super mass donations while I was buying the support of other sects in order to secure emperor after ckath died. Coulda gone bad for me, but I am quite meticulous.

This reminds me...Imperial politics are only REALLY fun when you are in a council seat. The rest of the time its just scraping. I loved buying and winning support. Back to goodbyes.

Lephruse...You had like 8 ranks on me and no one else in range, and you call me a #### over and over for not fighting you. Sorry, I am not quite that retarded, just a huge newb. Anyway you were my first pk death, because I had no idea how to navigate the stupid maze outside of your cabal. I expected to die going in there.

Rupen...My second and last pk death. Way to (try to ) full loot the random healer you bashed down after stunning me till shield dropped. And then taunting. Good job. Typical pray for deathblow village char.

No one else really comes to mind at this point. I suck at remembering specific events. Might post more later.
93117, Good Times
Posted by Ramant on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you were really fun to fight against the few times we were matched up.
93118, RE: Curious I was an oath here, since I deleted as High...
Posted by Iunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I actually watched this character a far amount, and I never really
felt like you fit into the religion. It seemed like you would've fit
far better into something like Enlilth's or Daevryn's, where setting
and obtaining goals are rewarded. I never looked for physical or
status accomplishments, since the religion is primarily spiritual.
I just never felt like you could see beyond the, 'Oh I killed so-and-
so, I got High Priestess' for which you seemed to think you deserved
further empowerment.

Either way, good luck with your next.
93121, RE: Curious I was an oath here, since I deleted as High...
Posted by sorlag on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do you feel like you are helping people understand that they aren't "doing it right" so to speak? This seems like the third or so case in recent memory where you've made a similar comment about a follower who was apparently puzzled by their experience following Iunna.

Going only by what there is to read on these threads, it seems like you watch people to see if they ace the religion naturally, but if they don't, you're more than happy to idle by without giving them any direction or hint as to the fact that they don't fit in, let alone why.

I could just have a bad memory, but it seems like most of the people who "fail" at Iunna's religion end up deleting with no clue why, sometimes not even knowing that they necessarily sucked at it.

At least when you fail at Cyradia's religion, you're made painfully, painfully aware of it :)
93123, RE: Curious I was an oath here, since I deleted as High...
Posted by Iunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm more likely to help people who appear to be RPing well with
people other than just me. I am really turned off by people who
think they can just throw out emotes while at my shrine, and do
absolutely nothing when interacting with the rest of the playerbase.
If I'm not that impressed by what I'm seeing from interactions with
other people, I'm not very inclined nor excited about helping someone
understand the religion, because honestly I'm more about RP than
anything else.

If that deters people from following either of my religions, it's
probably in the best interest of both of us.
93125, Okay, I was equivocating too much
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You gave me 0 indication I was doing right or wrong.

You said you want to see me "dance" so I went and killed people. Nothing.

I get tons of accomplishments done. Nothing.

Explain, please, the catch 22 of your religion. Basically, I wont give you any indication you are doing good or bad, but if you rp about my religion, which you know nothing about, then you can learn about my religion. Awesome.

I tried hard, but had no baseline. Not even a little, so I for damn sure couldnt preach any more than I did.

This was the worst character experience I have ever had with a religion. It was even worse than Mergulla ruining two of my conjurers, because at least she told me I was ####ed.

Salkivak, my other healer, was the most fun I ever had with a char, because I was safe from my newbishness because of how resilient healers are, so I could rp like crazy. This was the exact opposite. I had nothing I could rp with.

All of my interactions were behind the scenes winning loyalties. I am going to go out on a limb and assume you didnt watch me very much (even though you claim to have) just because I went to your shrine often and got nothing. Throughout my char's life I got no emotes, no words, nothing, outside the shrine. I also had to make appointments a week in advance to get a talk.

Again, I am a strong advocate for people rolling empowerment chars and god followers, but this char soured the entire thing for me. I am gonna go back to only following evil or angry gods. At least I get a nudge.
93129, I'm surprised you're even complaining about the religion
Posted by _Magus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You, the player, powergamed Kruizinel, had perma groups and cheated like a mother fuc*er.

It's no surprise that you couldn't roleplay an Iunna healer.
93132, Uhh
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So did I kill you with Rawvos, Molo, Ckath, Vintus, or one of the other not quite retarded imperials?

You might want to reconsider suicide.

also see the posts on the dunning-kruger effect.

Since I am curious the mindset of the butthurt, a thought experiment. Lets assume I am some "russian" cheater. I am a healer. What am I getting out of it? I get to dominate the 30 or so players? Please.
93133, RE: Uhh
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually a few people emailed us about some possible cheating going on with you and a few other characters. You don't have to "get" anything out of playing healer on a perma or whatever the situation was, it's just part of an ooc team. Does it need a "benefit"?
93135, I tend to be a dominant in my social groups
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
as such I try never to really do anything without direct/greater benefit to myself.
93144, Wow
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>as such I try never to really do anything without
>direct/greater benefit to myself.

This is honestly the most disgusting thing I've ever seen someone admit to in apparent seriousness. I'll just pretend you're trolling.
93149, RE: Wow
Posted by Macaca on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not saying that what I'm about to say is at work in this circumstance, but I've known people who have believed themselves to be this sort of person. "I try never to really do anything without direct/greater benefit to myself."

Most of them have been scared and ineffectual people who have adopted this idea about themselves to make themselves feel better. A kid I knew in high-school claimed to be a "wolf" among "sheep" when he was so beholden to his parents as to be a "chick" still in the "nest." This is common to my experiences with these people.

However, there are those out there who truly do act this way. The big difference is that they are rarely conscious of this and would never admit it. My girlfriend's mother would gladly rob you blind, but remain convinced that what she was doing was "for your own good."

A guy I work with now makes no action that does not advance his place, yet has shrouded his actions in "doing what's best for the company."

These are just two examples. My point is that the people out there who are actually "evil" (for lack of a better word) never think of themselves that way. People who would describe themselves as "self-serving" or "a manipulative evil bastard" are usually covering their insecurities with a facade. Truly awful people always think they're doing the right thing.

Did I just get trolled?
93170, Don't be so harsh.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When you are alone it's easy to be dominant.
93177, *Rimshot*
Posted by Macaca on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was pretty good. Maybe you should stick to making jokes instead of accusations.
93147, Benefits like.. hell secrets? nt
Posted by Drag0nSt0rm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
93162, Lol, you sound like an epic douchebag n/t
Posted by NMTW on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
93136, Its comments like this:
Posted by _Magus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"What am I getting out of it? I get to dominate the 30 or so players? Please."

...that ruin the gaming experience for other people. You have a ring of people that you cheat with. A handful of them just happened to be in Empire also? Coincidence? Yeah, give me a fuc*ing break.

One thing that kept me playing CF all these years was the fact that there was no cheating. There were no cheat codes. No pay-for-play benefits. No cheat trainers. No hacks... But then as I got a bit older and wiser, I started to realize that the once innocent image of CF that I had is not what it really is. And that's because of cheating douche bags like you. I know for a fact that you, Molo, Rawvos and Behnistek and probably some others are part of a cheating ring.

Go fuc* yourself. At least when I powergame, I don't intentionally try to ruin the gaming experience for other players like you and your buddies do.
93137, You missed the point. Read it again.
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
edit, this is the last post ill be making about this fail char.
93139, Why should he care what your point is?
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If he is correct then you're opinion shouldn't really matter to anyone.
93140, RE: Its comments like this:
Posted by Behnistek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>And that's because of cheating douche bags like you. I know
>for a fact that you, Molo, Rawvos and Behnistek and probably
>some others are part of a cheating ring.
>Go fuc* yourself. At least when I powergame, I don't
>intentionally try to ruin the gaming experience for other
>players like you and your buddies do.

HA, HA, HA... I grouped with him maybe once before i con died.. so not sure how we are all in a giant cheating ring... you looked at my pbf right I created like 5 months before he did and died before he even got to hero (and i just check he was never in a group when I pk'ed anyone... and i had the same gear since like rank 35 so guess I am a super cheater) and second how did behn ever ruin the game for anyone unless it was dying to easily and making people feel bad for eating a bard...people who grief and freaking troll on others like you is what ruins the game, just go full/loot sac someone or punch a kitten or something maybe it will make you fell better

p.s. my dad can beat up your dad, and my swingset is so much better than your swingset...
93143, Your involvement...
Posted by _Magus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As Behnistek with Kruizinel is pretty much irrelevant. You still know the player OOC. You still talk with him OOC. You guys orchestrated hell trips. Help each other out in ways that legitimate players don't have access to, i.e. promotions, gating to friends to heal them, not making people pay for healing like they did other people. You and people like you take advantage of the game. You aren't here to contribute anything unless it benefits you directly.

I'm not even that bad.

It's just a shame that you and Molo didn't out their handles. At least we can all be made aware of Torak and Artificial being cheating fuc*s.
93152, What the ####?
Posted by Molo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Take your accusations and shove them up your ass sideways, ####head. I was around LONG before any of those guys and to my knowledge there was no big conspiracy going around. Trust me, I got my ass handed to me on a platter dozens of times when if I were cheating I could have probably used any of the people you are implicating to save it.
93153, RE: What the ####?
Posted by _Magus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just because you were around before they were, doesn't mean you aren't a part of their social group in someway or another.

Nice try though.
93154, Whatever you say nt
Posted by Molo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
93163, Yeah, its a shame all four of you deleted around the same time though. n/t
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
93166, Molo at least came across as independent.
Posted by Marin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Granted, he had some pretty superb gear in the 40s but I'd say that's more from the build and having Ckath and Adarmar give him some loot than anything the other folks could have done at that point for him.
93169, Did you just admit to cheating repeatedly? n/t
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
93171, No...? How would you get that from my post? nt
Posted by Molo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
93172, Uhm this?
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You said: ===> Trust me, I got my ass handed to me on a platter dozens of times when if I were cheating
93173, Eh.
Posted by Iunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't really care either way, but I don't think that's what he was saying. Maybe I'm missing some obvious admittance of guilt here though.


"Trust me, I got my ass handed to me on a platter dozens of times when
if I were cheating I could have probably used any of the people you are
implicating to save it."


"Trust me, I got my ass handed to me on a platter dozens of times when(,)
if I were cheating(,) I could have probably used any of the people you are
implicating to save it."
93175, Ah. Well, F him for not punctuating. :) n/t
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
93176, Argh on me. nt
Posted by Molo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
93178, Not to jack the thread but...
Posted by Swordsosaurus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Molo was a stand up character and that seems like a baseless accusation. Just because there was some complaints about Imperials and Molo was an Imperial doesn't mean a thing. Generalization is a bad thing, even in muds. Unless it's in character, because Orcs are dirty swine.
93181, Uhh, I have all the proof I need to satisfy my claim.
Posted by _Magus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes. I heard them over ventrilo chat real time while playing carrionfields.

Stick up for that shi* all you want, but it's not kosher with me.
93182, RE: Uhh, I have all the proof I need to satisfy my claim.
Posted by sorlag on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can you elaborate on how/why you were in a position to hear them talking about CF on Ventrilo while playing CF without actually being part of said cheat-circle yourself?
93183, Sure
Posted by _Magus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
They invited me. Then they tried to get me to answer questions about myself, forum personality, etc. I declined. I'm paraphrasing: They said that if I wanted to be a part of it, then I have to give a little to get a little. Basically, they wanted me to subject myself to the same level of cheating so that my hands were just as dirty.

I said #### this. Reported that #### via pray. Then they all logged off ventrilo. So my first thought was that there is some sort of staff involvement as well. But that isn't anything I could prove, thus, is purely speculation. But it was an odd coincidence given the circumstances.
93187, This...is... AWESOME!
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When was this? It just feeds into my assertion that we've had a hardcore cheat ring that's been getting buy for reasons unknown but strongly suspected.
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
93222, RE: Sure
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You prayed and everyone logged off immediately? Sounds pretty fishy but I would have a hard time believing imms sit in a vent room all day and chat. Most of them work.

I still dont get why you went in the room though in the first place, doesnt really add up. You said they invited you there, so these are friends of yours from before? Why did you log into a vent that you suspected cheaters were in? Makes me kinda think you know more about it than youre letting on.
93224, RE: Sure
Posted by _Magus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There is one piece of the puzzle missing, and it has IC connections/consequences that I don't want to give up. Simply by sharing this information, several people will already make the connection. I don't need more--I'm already on the CF staffs bad side, which affects my characters enough.

When I agreed to go in, I just suspected it would be some CFers talking about random stuff other than CF. When I logged in, I realized they were talking about their characters in CF real time, while playing playing CF. I did not expect that. And once I realized their motivations, I reported that shi* as soon as possible.

If I wanted to cheat with them, then I probably wouldn't have sent login information, character names and handles via email to the CF staff.
93248, re: Prays and logoffs
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did look into this, because it was brought to my attention.

There was one IMM logged on at the moment of the pray, and that IMM had been on for a very long time. Knowing this person's particulars and given that I didn't see any immcommands anywhere around that time, I'm guessing: "Super Idle".

Also, I'm pretty sure that if this particular IMM was on a headset with TLB, no one would be able to cheat because they couldn't hear the conversation over all the swearing.

93165, RE: Uhh
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since I am curious the mindset of the butthurt, a thought experiment. Lets assume I am some "russian" cheater. I am a healer. What am I getting out of it? I get to dominate the 30 or so players? Please.

Specifically, you get someone to cover your back. You're not exactly the most skilled player out there, and neither were your buddies, so that's a nice benefit to have.

We started looking at this group when you logged on oh-so-conveniently moments after TLB's character got slept, and came right to his aid. We didn't have a lot else to go on that I wouldn't consider hearsay, and the characters deleted not long after, but where there's smoke... and TLB... there's often eventually a fire.

93168, Seriously
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Did you just come back to post TLB over and over? Since you've been gone, it hasn't even been mentioned and now you're the only dude that even posts this crap.

There was *one* instance where I was slept (and I was slept by that character a few times during that login) and he happened to log on during the spell-up process. I had Venphoria sitting right there anyways, not to mention I would never have died to that AP anyways since he had done it before, landed the vault and everything with no avail. That's your example? Really?

Get over it and move on, it's getting real old Valg.
93179, Thats because we all thought you were dead. n/t
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
93184, Your attempt at humor fails you
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been playing for over ten years since that comment, yet the trolls keep bringing this up.
93186, Actually the trolls would bring up the fact that you probably don't actually have a kid either. n/t
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
93191, Seriously.
Posted by Shapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was my a-p, just 30 hours old :)

You would have died 100% there, i would have taken your mask and weapon and you would be deleted.

The only reason you survived 2 next times when i slept you because you called another imperials (who came to help you within 1-2 ticks) and i didn't have enough time to plague you enough times to make you drop your weapon.

The first time i slept you near Udgaard there were no imperials to wake you online. I had a lot of time to cast enough plagues on you and would kill you for sure. Vault/bash on ap without weapon, parry and barrier is 100% death. But your OOC buddy logined within 1 tick after i slept you, gated to you immediatelly and began communing on you.

I was laughing hard when you blamed someone for ooc-logining to kill you on the log board.

P.S. You didn't even kill me when you told me something about the luck. I teleported and did cure my blindness with the potion. Then suicided becase didn't have enough money to heal heal (i was only 30 hours old).

I'm so surprised imms did nothing about it. This 1 ooc login saved Rawvos from deleting.

P.P.S. Anyway i full saced your previous A-P and forced you to delete so i didn't feel myself as bad as i could have aftat that your ooc login.
93192, RE: Seriously.
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>It was my a-p, just 30 hours old :)
>You would have died 100% there, i would have taken your mask
>and weapon and you would be deleted.

Nope, and I had Venphoria in the room who would have looted them both.

>The only reason you survived 2 next times when i slept you
>because you called another imperials (who came to help you
>within 1-2 ticks) and i didn't have enough time to plague you
>enough times to make you drop your weapon.

Actually, no the 2nd time you did land the Vault at the Hamsah healer with no one helping and I fled with over 400hp without any a/b/s which I had the first time you slept me. You overestimate your abilities, really. I was already over 1khp, your crappy damage for 2 rounds wouldn't have done it...and didn't as the fight shows. I can post the log if you want it. I was also wearing a lot of +strength with a super light spear with divine saves so good luck with me dropping it.

>The first time i slept you near Udgaard there were no
>imperials to wake you online. I had a lot of time to cast
>enough plagues on you and would kill you for sure. Vault/bash
>on ap without weapon, parry and barrier is 100% death. But
>your OOC buddy logined within 1 tick after i slept you, gated
>to you immediatelly and began communing on you.

Not really considering fire giant vault sucks, I'll always get the first command in which would have just been "hold orb". Did you not notice Venphoria in the room this time? All I had to have her do is summon me away a few times to screw your timing and mana but it wasn't needed.

>P.S. You didn't even kill me when you told me something about
>the luck. I teleported and did cure my blindness with the
>potion. Then suicided becase didn't have enough money to heal
>heal (i was only 30 hours old).

"Then suicided" - actually, I think that's an indirect murder. Take it however you want.

>I'm so surprised imms did nothing about it. This 1 ooc login
>saved Rawvos from deleting.

Not really considering you had zero chances.

>P.P.S. Anyway i full saced your previous A-P and forced you to
>delete so i didn't feel myself as bad as i could have aftat
>that your ooc login.

And you admit you're a full-saccing douche. Grade A buddy.

And stop derailing the thread, if you want to whine about it go to Dio's and I'll post all the logs.
93194, You know, you really don't add much to the game.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At least Shapa is a PK monster.

Not exactly sure what your niche is. Someone who posts hilariously ironic goodbyes? Serial I-just-want-to-power-game'r?

At least when you rocked the Aether tag, we could assume you were that way because you were so young.

Now? I really don't know. At least when my brother used to write crazy #### on this board and Dio's I could talk to him later and figure out he was just hot-headed and didn't really believe it.

PS I don't necessarily mind your characters except for the fact they kinda suck on the RP front. But your forum persona blows.
93211, RE: You know, you really don't add much to the game.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Torak may well have cheated here; the only people who really know are him and Kruizinel. That said, if he didn't cheat, then I prefer his characters to Shaapa's.

"PK monster" does not necessarily imply "adds something to the game".
93214, Meh, I suppose we have differing opinions.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Basically it boils down to this.

Aether only plays to give himself as many advantages as humanly possible. Whether by always trying to go to Hell (and get the uber l33t gear) or whining that he doesn't have full ABS on tap, his whole sctick gets rather old. He doesn't even have the stellar RP that could make me overlook that fact (I just remember his one AP always whining/begging to me about sleek rods). Not to mention he tries to blame others for his own deficencies.

Meanwhile, yeah, Shapa is never going to give you stellar RP. But he's quite possibly one of the five toughest players on CF from a PK standpoint. He's utterly fearless, takes chances, and constantly keeps you on the edge of your seat.

So in closing, if I liked meticuolously organized exploration trips, lukewarm RP and typing eq over and over while taking as little risks as possible, I'd be a fan of Torak/Aether. If I liked battling a tough foe who I knew wasn't going to do anything but regear and come after me when he unghosts if I killed him, and playing against a guy who is just as deadly when he has fine leather as a set of full uniques, I'd be a fan of Shapa.

Obviously, you know what type of player I prefer.
93215, RE: Meh, I suppose we have differing opinions.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Basically it boils down to this.

For me it boils down to this: his fort conjurer totally threw role-play out the window in order to do whatever he wanted PK-wise, even going so far as to flat-out lie to Fort leadership (i.e. me).

Tossing out RP in order to gain a PK advantage => not good for the game.
93216, RE: Meh, I suppose we have differing opinions.
Posted by Shapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The imm comment and your comment about doing whatever i wanted PK-wise is really strange to me.

Believe it or no but i killed neutrals ONLY in one of 2 situations:
1. I attacked all groups no matter what who was ranking in goodie areas (darsylon, e.t.c.).
2. I attacked someone evil and their neutral groupmate assisted them.

I have no idea how did i get so many neutral kills as goodie but i never just attacked someone neutral in some neutral area. And that's why i don't play goodies usually - because i can't do it.

How did i lie to you? I remember our talks about induction and i couldn't even understand what's wrong. You asked something about the justice? (if i remember correctly) and i gave you an answer. Perhaps i didn't understand or something, but the next moment you told that i'm lying and blamed me for something. I was sure you hate me for whatever reason. I still don't understand what was wrong and how did i lie.
93219, RE: Meh, I suppose we have differing opinions.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I recall, there was some person who'd accused you of something. I asked you about it and you denied whatever the accusations were. I asked about it on your battlefield thread, but you didn't respond.


As for the neutral kills, I think the gripe was that you were continually picking fights with neutral ragers.
93256, RE: Meh, I suppose we have differing opinions.
Posted by Shapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't think lying to another goodie breaks the RP of a chaotic good person.

Also you could believe someone neutral (or evil) or your applicant and you choose to believe someone neutral (or evil)? Is it some kind of RP? Was you sphere honest?

As for fighting neutral villagers as squire mage ... i don't know if it's wrong or right even now.
93279, RE: Meh, I suppose we have differing opinions.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I don't think lying to another goodie breaks the RP of a
>chaotic good person.

I would agree with this. On the other hand, you weren't just a chaotic goodie. You were a chaotic goodie squire. Lying to me probably shouldn't have gotten you turned neutral. It definitely should have gotten you booted from Fortress.

>Also you could believe someone neutral (or evil) or your
>applicant and you choose to believe someone neutral (or evil)?
>Is it some kind of RP? Was you sphere honest?

As you pointed out, its not bad RP for a chaotic good character to lie to me. So why would I give you a free pass just for being good-aligned?

>As for fighting neutral villagers as squire mage ... i don't
>know if it's wrong or right even now.

Probably depends on the mortal leader and that person's policy. The official fort staff position seems to be, though, that neutral ragers are to be treated like any other aggressive neutrals:

If they attack you then defend yourself.

If they prevent you fulfilling your cabal duties then you're free to take them out of the picture.

However, if you can avoid fighting them altogether then do so.

Don't proactively hunt them.
93223, RE: Meh, I suppose we have differing opinions.
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> Believe it or no but i killed neutrals ONLY in one of 2 situations:
> 1. I attacked all groups no matter what who was ranking in goodie areas (darsylon, e.t.c.).
> 2. I attacked someone evil and their neutral groupmate assisted them.

You didn't attack neutrals who were travelling with evils? I would definitely do that if I ever were to play a maran. Wonder if it would get me booted...
93225, Agreed
Posted by _Magus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There are a few ways to view neutrals. The way I tend to view it is: They should be neither for nor against evil or good. Their actions should generally be for their greater benefit with at least some moral obligations--they probably shouldn't be slaughtering orphans, but wouldn't have a problem fighting Elven warriors in Darsylon.

How it actually plays out in CF though: They commit some good acts and some evil acts. Therefore, they flip between good, neutral and evil. Therefore, if they are committing evil acts, then treat them as evil. Hunt as necessary.

No one ever plays a true neutral character. They always pick and choose sides.
93285, RE: Agreed
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah that's power gaming. All my goodies will generally warn the neutral, get the neutral to flee the area in question but never, ever repeatedly hunt them down. Neutrals that come after me are viewed as "kill if you have to in order to defend yourself but don't pursue or actively hunt them down".

That to me is one of the downsides of being a good-aligned character and what you're doing is making up an excuse for why they can become a valid target for you when convenient to pad your ratio.

I'd rather people like that not play good-aligned characters in general. It reminds me a lot of when ragers used to hunt you for life if you grouped with a mage at level 15 or something.
93198, So how were you communicating with them and...
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Who the #### would help you in game like that anyway?

Or were you both in the same cabal?
93203, Just check the logboard
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was her superior.
93200, I also think you should be kissing the ass of the players and IMMs...
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...considering as you tried to #### us all with your stunt and we all let you still play.
93202, RE: Seriously.
Posted by Shapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>It was my a-p, just 30 hours old :)
>You would have died 100% there, i would have taken your mask
>and weapon and you would be deleted.

>Nope, and I had Venphoria in the room who would have looted them >both.

*shrug* I didn't see anybody near.

>The only reason you survived 2 next times when i slept you
>because you called another imperials (who came to help you
>within 1-2 ticks) and i didn't have enough time to plague you
>enough times to make you drop your weapon.

>Actually, no the 2nd time you did land the Vault at the Hamsah >healer with no one helping and I fled with over 400hp without any >a/b/s which I had the first time you slept me. You overestimate >your abilities, really. I was already over 1khp, your crappy damage >for 2 rounds wouldn't have done it...and didn't as the fight shows. >I can post the log if you want it. I was also wearing a lot of >+strength with a super light spear with divine saves so good luck >with me dropping it.

I just fought 2 of you on the east road. Made you gushing - it means you didn't have more than just aura or shield. I ran into Hamsah and healed. You came there and i slept you. I knew that your imperial buddy is coming and will wake you and i knew it that i don't have 3-4 hours i need to cast you up and make you drop the weapon. So i basically casted 1 or 2 spells and vaulted you. Again, if you was alone i would take my time and cast everything on you and make you drop the weapon and loose the parry. The ONLY reason you survived that is because there was your buddy to help ya.

>The first time i slept you near Udgaard there were no
>imperials to wake you online. I had a lot of time to cast
>enough plagues on you and would kill you for sure. Vault/bash
>on ap without weapon, parry and barrier is 100% death. But
>your OOC buddy logined within 1 tick after i slept you, gated
>to you immediatelly and began communing on you.

>Not really considering fire giant vault sucks, I'll always get the >first command in which would have just been "hold orb". Did you not >notice Venphoria in the room this time? All I had to have her do is >summon me away a few times to screw your timing and mana but it >wasn't needed.

Vault ALWAYS let the ap to bash or trip before the victim of vault can do anything. I didn't see any Venphoria and i had something to regen my mana VERY fast (you know, i was female).

>P.S. You didn't even kill me when you told me something about
>the luck. I teleported and did cure my blindness with the
>potion. Then suicided becase didn't have enough money to heal
>heal (i was only 30 hours old).

>"Then suicided" - actually, I think that's an indirect murder. Take >it however you want.

If i wasn't that lazy and spent 1 rl hour gathering gold i wouldn't have to do it. I attacked dwarves in Akan and they killed me because i didn't gather the gold. You decide how to call it i guess.

>I'm so surprised imms did nothing about it. This 1 ooc login
>saved Rawvos from deleting.

>Not really considering you had zero chances.

Once again i fought you and at least 1 more person for few rl hours. I was alone all the time. That 1 more person with you always didn't give me the time to do what ap should do to a slept person. If i had at least 3-4 ticks to cast enough plagues on you, you would die in any of those battles when i slept you. Vault + bash/trip always kills slept person who are plagued enough. I didn't land many attacks when you was wielding the spear. But in 4 rounds after the bash and vault when you don't have the weapon or parry i would land 12 attacks, i had average spear and frenzy potions.

>P.P.S. Anyway i full saced your previous A-P and forced you to
>delete so i didn't feel myself as bad as i could have aftat
>that your ooc login.

>And you admit you're a full-saccing douche. Grade A buddy.

Yes i would (and did) full-sac you anyday whenever i know it's your character. What else would you expect after OOC logings to save your life? By the way, before i saw your death-thred i thought you was someone else who also likes to perma.

>And stop derailing the thread, if you want to whine about it go to >Dio's and I'll post all the logs.

Yes, please the logs of that day.

However you argued everything but didn't even try to argue that you and this healer are farking OOC cheaters. It's so strange it took him so many days to delete after you deleted.
93207, Nope, and I had Venphoria in the room who would have looted them both. LOL. of course you did. n/t
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
93275, Hold orb?
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So you'd try to hold something you can't see whilst blind?

Sounds like you'd have died to me!

But I do agree taht vault + bash is irrelevant, because vault doesn't necessarily lag long enough to get the next command. That said, it shouldn't need to.

If you are so sure you are in no danger, why would you call a healer in the first place, given that it makes you look weaker?
93277, Because people like this...
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Only care about the DEAD! no matter how it's achieved. It's a mental illness and flaw in their humanity. I'm sure you will find that it carries over into his real life too.

Then you got people like me who HATE when people step in on a fight I think I can handle on my own. Completely cheapens the game for me.

This is not to say that at some points I do attack in force, but that is role/raid dependant.

But yeah. I'm awesome.
93276, In my opinion...
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your chance to die and lose some gear there isn't the 100% Shapa thinks it was, but it's a lot higher than the 0% you claim it was.
93210, RE: Seriously.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>I'm so surprised imms did nothing about it. This 1 ooc login
>saved Rawvos from deleting.

We dug into it and it did look suspicious, but at the time we couldn't prove it to a standard that made us sure that intervening was the right choice.

You were (if I'm remembering this right) the first person to accuse those guys and try to offer evidence of their wrongdoing, and at that point some of what you threw out, we knew wasn't true, but we didn't yet know what the truth was. Probably if some of the later accusations/evidence to fill in the missing pieces had come first this would have gone down differently.

We do the best we can with what we have to work with, and we want the game to be fair, but sometimes we don't have all the information or have to guess at more of the truth than we'd like.
93212, Some of what you threw out, we knew wasn't true.
Posted by Shapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"some of what you threw out, we knew wasn't true"

I sent the log to the immortals via e-mail. There was the log and my comments. I actually only made 2 comments.

The first was where i explained why the healer logined AFTER the a-p was slept (because he was at the bottom of who list, even below me and i reconnected right i slept a-p). But in immortal's answer i saw something like "we checked the logs and saw that healer was already logined for 5 ticks before you slept a-p - it was weird and couldn't be true, ap's log on qhcf also proves my point".

The second my comment was wrong. I guessed it was perma-group of Ravon and his buddy. Now i know it wasn't true, but i didn't know any other ooc perma-group and tbought wrong.

I don't know, it was obivious ooc login from my point of view and the log proved it. What are the chances of such a "lucky" login? A bit less than having royal flush in the poker? I would at least kill and strip eq from both of them if i was you.

The really bad thing is that there are very obivious perma groups sometimes and they are obivious to everybody but immortals. These perma groups are very bad for CF, they make other people to give up. Sometimes you even write in the death threads that you knew about these perma groups but did nothing. Why do nothing about it?
93213, I'll answer this for Nep if he doesn't mind...
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>The really bad thing is that there are very obivious perma groups sometimes and they are obivious to everybody but immortals. These perma groups are very bad for CF, they make other people to give up. Sometimes you even write in the death threads that you knew about these perma groups but did nothing. Why do nothing about it? <

Because the Immortal staff is loathe to punish someone for something they can't prove is against the rules. While it may look like a perma-group, act like a perma-group, and smell like a perma-group, there is a 5% chance it isn't. And it sucks to have a character shat on just because it "seemed" like it was against the rules.

If getting smoked by a perma makes you feel ####ty and want to quit, think for a moment and realize if people are cheating, eventually, the 'well will run dry' and they will delete/get caught. People that cheat are more likely than most to delete in anger because they cheat to make things easier for themselves and CF ain't easy, ever. So, suck it up, stick it out, and just plow forward hoping to make your own progress.

And yes, this post from me is chock full of irony. But I'm in a rather upbeat mood so it's all good. I even feel a little bad slamming Aether on here and Dio's (only kinda though). In the Immortal words of Tupac Shakur, 'I ain't mad at cha'
93218, Don't feel bad
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> I even feel a little bad slamming Aether on here and Dio's

He deserves it.
93231, RE: I'll answer this for Nep if he doesn't mind...
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's pretty much it.

I, personally, have to feel very sure I'm right to bust on someone. If I see a situation that I'm 75% sure is dirty and 25% could be an unlucky/lucky coincidence, probably I'm going to let it go.

When it's the third one of those for the same team, I treat it differently.
93155, RE: Okay, I was equivocating too much
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll be honest... I didn't see any RP from this character either.

"I put on a facade of RP in front of my chosen immortal, and otherwise don't bother" works on some people, but not everyone. I can't be sure this was your style, but I couldn't tell the difference between you and someone attempting that style.

It's certainly possible that Iunna and I are both wrong, and you were a RP dynamo every moment that neither of us was watching you, but I don't believe that to be true.

On another note, yeah, there were a lot of cheating accusations aimed at you. My feeling is that probably at least some of it was true, but I couldn't prove it conclusively enough that I felt good about bringing the hammer down. Food for thought, or not.
93126, RE: Okay, I was equivocating too much
Posted by Iunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Explain, please, the catch 22 of your religion. Basically, I
>wont give you any indication you are doing good or bad, but if
>you rp about my religion, which you know nothing about, then
>you can learn about my religion. Awesome.

I didn't say RP about the religion. I just said RP with other
people. I don't think it's asking a lot. In the end though, there's
players out there who don't really want to RP, they just want to
get empowered and powergame, and I totally get that - fine. But
don't come to me for that empowerment.
93128, You are misunderstanding
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just said I enjoyed RPing as salkivak.

My role was ENTIRELY based around war and talking about it, and you sucked that out of the char leaving nothing. I am a powergamer in terms of min/maxing, but I play this game for RP, otherwise theres tons of other games to play.

Should I have had more quirks? Definitely.

Do I feel I could have done more after the fact? Not really.

I feel insulted that you are suggesting I didnt want to rp.

I understand much more now why so many people end up bitter about imms.
93130, RE: You are misunderstanding
Posted by Iunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All things considered, I thought the RP was bland, and it came
off as a pretty run-of-the-mill Empire healer.

Your explanation of how part of the character belonged to Enlilth,
part to Iunna, part to Satan in the role didn't make a lot of
sense to me. You're a priest, you should be dedicated to one
god wholly, that's sort of the point of being a priest.

And yes, I do a lot of watching because frankly the interactions
I have been getting from people have left me sour as well, so I
guess we're both in the same boat in that regard.

Hope you have some better experiences in the future.

93185, Just wanted to say
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wish that every imm had your attitude when it comes to disliking people who only really rp when it comes to immteracting.

It's been one of my pet hates for a long time. I'd even go so far as to say that imms should never reward immteraction, and only reward snoops (that don't immediately follow immteraction for that matter!).