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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectDuggan deleted because Thror doesn't use the shift key or punctuation.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=93054
93054, Duggan deleted because Thror doesn't use the shift key or punctuation.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm kidding.

Sorry Kenzi.

That was just disheartning. I hate empowerment.

Moving on. :)
93066, RE: Duggan deleted because Thror doesn't use the shift key or punctuation.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can admit I got a good laugh out of that post title.
93060, RE: Duggan deleted because Thror doesn't use the shift key or punctuation.
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I have no idea what happened there but it made me remember why it's highly important to have people prove they are into their character. I could have seen myself drop many hours into immteraction with this character only to see him delete on the first hardship.

I was slightly irritated.
93065, I don't know about everyone else
Posted by Drag0nSt0rm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I'm not inclined to invest -any- effort into a empowerment char at the chance of being utterly ignored by some whim of yours or another.

That is to say, I don't think I should have to invest 50 hours of my blood sweat and tears on the hopes that you'll type empower mychar somelevel.

I find that slightly irritating.
(PS. I didn't know this char, but that is just what I thought when I read the thread)
93071, Keep in mind Thror's religion
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My understanding is his religion is about facing adversity and hardship in some manner or another. Not some OOC decision that Thror's player wants people to have a difficult time, but that when you want to be a Priest of a God who encourages people to face hardship...well, doesn't in make sense there would be challenges involved, and that you should probably not follow such a God unless you find accepting and overcoming challenges enjoyable? To me, I'd liken it to running 8min miles, and challenging yourself to reach 6min miles. Is it hard? Yeah. Pain in the ass for all that training? Yeah. Rewarding when you make your goals? Hell yeah.
93074, What's the reward?
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd like to know. :)

Haven't seen much from Thror's religion. Had a few empoweree's over time.
93076, RE: Keep in mind Thror's religion
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ding! Ding! Ding! Seems like common sense right?

93072, Thror was cool, I just failed the task that was given to Duggan. n/t
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
93073, Didn't you tell me not to get anyone killed?
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Then Kenzi threw dust and got herself killed.

I didn't feel like waiting around for empowerment on down the road so I figured pull the plug.
93075, RE: Didn't you tell me not to get anyone killed?
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't understand. Did you not see that you were empowered during that interaction? You were actually empowered rather graciously considering how well you were preaching Throrism.

I was actually kind of curious why you didn't go practice your abilities shortly after the empowerment.
93077, Haha. No. I had no idea I was empowered.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't see an echo or anything. I don't even think there was anything on Score EXP.

I thought you tasked me to clear out the keep with the party intact in order to get it.

So when that happened, I figured, you'd be obligated to make me wait a couple rl days to get it and I didn't want that.

I feel dumb. :P
93078, RE: Haha. No. I had no idea I was empowered.
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Right when I touched your forehead. I also gave your groupmates some loving for being your cheerleader during the interaction also.

Oh maaaan.

I'm telling you. Good RP and entertainment from any character is going to get good immteraction from me. The effort has to be there however, and I felt like you were giving it to me. Thus my comment, I could have easily dumped hours into this character due to his potential but part of the core of my religion is taking that full loot, that xp hole, that defeat and rising up stronger from it.
93080, Hah. Are you sure it took? Log inside.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just missed this. Sorry man. Thanks for the interaction though.

Thror touches your head lightly with his stubby hand.

<73%hp 83%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> t of a blow to see in the Flash.
You say 'Aye.. I beg ye fergive me. It be one thing ter
pray yer name.. but yer a bit of a blow to see in the Flash.'

<73%hp 83%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> bow thror
You'd have to stand to do that.

<73%hp 83%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> kneel thro
You'd have to stand to do that.

<73%hp 83%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> kneel thro
You'd have to stand to do that.

<77%hp 88%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> stand
'You stand up.

<77%hp 88%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> I'l
Thror nods wisely.

<77%hp 88%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> l never lose me way,
Thror says 'Always, speak o' tha' ammerSong...'

<77%hp 88%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> so long as yer the
Thror says 'En ye'll be 'eard.'

<77%hp 88%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> ir at the end.
You say 'I'll never lose me way, so long as yer their at
the end. '

<80%hp 90%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> People near you:
Thror A Long Corridor
(PK) Duggan A Long Corridor
(PK) an emu A Long Corridor
Kenzi A Long Corridor

<80%hp 90%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none>
Thror says 'When yer silent, so will yer Faith be.'

<80%hp 90%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none>
Distorted, quiet noises whisper around you.

<80%hp 90%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> 'Aye. I'll jump to ever land and
Thror says 'Nae ever lose yer way...'

<80%hp 90%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> call ye
Thror says 'Er yer bottoms.'

<81%hp 93%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> r name.

Thror grunts something incomprehensible, not amused by his circumstances.

<81%hp 93%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> You say 'Aye. I'll jump to ever land and call yer name.'

<81%hp 93%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none>
An Immortal slowly fades into thin air.

<81%hp 93%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none>
Kenzi trembles with suppressed emotion.

<81%hp 93%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> l
A Long Corridor
You are standing in a long, barren corridor. Quiet noises can
be heard echoing from an indeterminable direction, distorted by
their multiple reflections off the gray stone walls. A torch set
into a sconce gives off dim, flickering light that can barely
illuminate the area. The corridor continues both north and south.

A set of black leather boots sits here.
A visored helmet made from black iron rests here.
A black cape made from wool lies here.
A rather unadorned black breastplate lies here, without an owner.
A black spear of very simple design has been left here.
The severed eye of the dungeon guard lies here.
A black shortsword of simple design has been left here.
A small nondescript scroll lies here.
A handwritten note lies on the floor.
A black cloak lies here, forgotten.
A small cake of unleavened bread lies here.
A tall, gangly emu stands here clawing the ground idly with a long talon.
Kenzi is here.

<81%hp 93%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none>
An Immortal traces a rune in the air.
An Immortal raises its arms to the skies and glows with serenity.
A wave of calm passes over an emu.
A wave of calm passes over Kenzi.
A wave of calm passes over you.

<81%hp 93%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none>
An emu grooms himself, picking off fleas and other unwanteds.

<81%hp 93%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> em relaxes and slumps sweating profusely.
Duggan relaxes and slumps sweating profusely.

<81%hp 93%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> 'I feel like I were in the forge.
You say 'I feel like I were in the forge.'

<81%hp 93%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> af
You are affected by:
Spell: 'calm' modifies damage roll for a medium time.
Spell: 'calm' modifies hit roll for a medium time.
Commune: 'protection from evil' for a short time.

<81%hp 93%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> wa
You are already standing.

<83%hp 96%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> saPeople near you:
(PK) Duggan A Long Corridor
(PK) an emu A Long Corridor
Kenzi A Long Corridor

<83%hp 96%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> nc
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
You lost your concentration.

<83%hp 94%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> sanc
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
You reach out to the divine to shield you from harm.

<83%hp 89%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> rest
You rest.

<83%hp 89%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> 'Now then..
'You say 'Now then..'

<83%hp 89%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> Who it be we owe our good fortune
Thror slowly fades into existence.

<83%hp 89%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> to?

Thror snorts.

<83%hp 89%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> You say 'Who it be we owe our good fortune to?'

<83%hp 89%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none>
Thror utters the words, 'uigsugruhuai ay hpz xabra oaeg'.

<83%hp 89%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none>
The eye of the dungeon guard decomposes.

<83%hp 89%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> em startles upon
Thror says 'Oi!'

<83%hp 89%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> T
An Immortal slowly fades into thin air.

<83%hp 89%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> hror's return.
Duggan startles upon Thror's return.

<83%hp 89%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> wa
You stand up.

<89%hp 95%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> People near you:
(PK) Duggan A Long Corridor
(PK) an emu A Long Corridor
Kenzi A Long Corridor

<89%hp 95%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none> score exp
ExploreXP: 300 Commer XP: 250 Observ
XP: 70
Cabal XP : 0 Skill XP : 246 Quest XP : 13000
Imm XP : 0
Exp : 89520 To Level : 5330

<89%hp 95%m 100%mv 5330tnl civilized none>
93081, RE: Hah. Are you sure it took? Log inside.
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm absolutely positive. Send me an email and I'll confirm with you.