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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectVarthathen's gone, a few goodbyes
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=92932
92932, Varthathen's gone, a few goodbyes
Posted by Gryshilniar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After a year hiatus, i tried a mage with Farathen (Fort invoker) which turned out to be a horrible experience all in all, so I went back to my bread and butter and played a warrior and sure enough it was more enjoyable. Had some fun fights, was respectable in PK for a while but then made that ridiculous mistake. I also thought it was kind of lame that I didn't even get my lastname or anything beyond 400 role xp at low levels even though I thought I was one of the more active Outlanders over the past couple weeks. I guess you need to write a uber role to get attention and that's just not really my thing anymore, I'd rather spend my time either fighting or interacting with allies/enemies. Anyway, I try not to pay attention to Imms anymore so I guess that shouldn't bother me, but alas we're all attention whores when it comes down to it I guess. It's probably because past characters of mine were well rewarded I feel like all future characters are failures when they go 100+ hours without any hint of life from above.

Ckath : Kind of funny that my last deaths with both Farathen and Varthathen were to your ganks, not that you initiated it.
Good character obviously. I imagine you're up something like 6-3 on my two characters (not sure if i got you once or twice with the invoker).

Kurzghar : Despite the trash talk, it was fun that you would fight me when I had no one else to fight. I don't begrudge you your tactics, and yeah staff just seemed to own you for some reason.

Molo : Good fights.

Leph/Mushga : Really liked you guys, you have cool presence.

Dorlanz : I had the same barrier spot as you with Farathen and it really isn't as hard as it seems to be for you... Either than that good hunting you were always willing to throw down.

Outlander : The design of the cabal is just awesome, as are the powers. I'd like to commend whoever designed AncIns. I didn't even know that existed until now and it took me to hero before I even figured out wth was going on but when I did it made running around that much more fun. It will be hard playing a non windwalkable character after this, mainly because my biggest PK'ing gripe is running out of moves all the time, and that just doesn't happen with an outlander. Most people seem pretty quiet, but I like the good/evil/neutral dynamic of it and it's definitely something I'd try again if/when I come back.

Build : First svirf since maybe my 2nd character ever: a solid svirf dagger spec he was that I think had a pk ratio of 0-20. Varthathen however was pretty durable. Took Surrounding the sunrise and Gates of the Forge, surrounding was flat out amazing and gates you're never sure if it's working or not. I'll assume it helped me out in some spots. Biggest disappointment was impale....it's basically useless on a svirf. It missed roughly 50% of the time in PK and even when it landed it apparently only did -4 str -4 dex at HERO? Just seems crazy since I assumed it was going to be -8 or -9. So yeah that was a disappointment and I ended up just using spear/staff to tank rather than have any real offensive power. My deletion has nothing to do with losing the uber set (i mean i had it for what, 10 mins? enough to type 'eq freeze' and stare at it for a few mins) but more because I was starting to fall into my old habits of playing to much and it's summer time in Montreal so going to enjoy it. That and there wasn't really any opportunity for growth with the character either than PK'ing mindlessly so bleh, there she goes.

Happy Summer all of you,


92966, RE: Varthathen's gone, a few goodbyes
Posted by Asthiss on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Only got to fight you in the arena with Hekbe. ( No Im not outing myself Hekbe is deleted) and well arena fights are always a bit diffrent. Then we got some fighting done against the empire. Could have gone better for me but was fun atleast.

92969, RE: Varthathen's gone, a few goodbyes
Posted by Gryshilniar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah i remember our arena fight, right when we got into the prepping hall someone hit the huntress so I think I just decided to throw the fight (not saying you wouldn't have owned me anyway) and didn't use stoneskin or any preps. Too bad we couldn't get that rematch and sorry it went down bad against empire that time.

92959, Gates of The Forge
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is how you know it's working.

The Archmage of the Tower of Sorcery's forked lightning *** DEMOLISHES *** Blarg!
The Archmage of the Tower of Sorcery's forked lightning MANGLES Rupen!
The Archmage of the Tower of Sorcery's forked lightning decimates you!
The Archmage of the Tower of Sorcery's forked lightning *** DEMOLISHES *** Knacnar!
92964, RE: Gates of The Forge
Posted by Gryshilniar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
haha that's nuts. Yeah I definitely didn't get that (I had all my -AC at divine or whatever + stoneskin and armor but i couldn't find the other good preps to lower your ac any more.
92955, So...delete your outlander week has turned into weeks!
Posted by Cruggin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked your attitude and willingness to mix it up regardless. I always admire that in a player. Yeah...you don't keep the uber sets for long, but I bet you have more all around fun. I am not really sure what folks think of Crug, and we will find out more when I age die or delete, but my opinion of your char was he was a solid presence and I appreciated it.
92965, RE: So...delete your outlander week has turned into weeks!
Posted by Gryshilniar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Cruggin seemed cool, didn't forget you I just didn't interact with you much, moreso with Farathen but I couldn't really do anything to you and it's kind of annoying fighting Shamans because you never want to get stuck waiting out a 60 hour plague, just not my idea of fun.

Good luck with him.
92954, Bah
Posted by Molo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There goes my chance at vengeance!

I generally suck versus other warriors. A disappointing discovery! But, you woulda whooped on me anyway.
92944, RE: Varthathen's gone, a few goodbyes
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just a couple comments for your general future use:

Impale in the general/usual case has a bigger impact on stats. If you get -4/-4 at hero, probably something else is going on.

Impale misses kind of a lot for everyone, not just a svirf. It's just that kind of skill.

Other than that, there's not much for me to say -- this isn't a character I saw much of / ran into.
92946, Just for the record.
Posted by Guilo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I may be wrong... but I think he got a -4/-4 stat drop using a spear someone was resistant to.. i.e. glowing shaft of pure ice on a felar.

Do maledictions kind of have a riddle of resilience affect on PC's if they're resistant to the weapon type? Kind of a good thing to know if I'm just imagining that or not.
92947, RE: Just for the record.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Do maledictions kind of have a riddle of resilience affect on
>PC's if they're resistant to the weapon type? Kind of a good
>thing to know if I'm just imagining that or not.

In the general case, no, though there are probably some exceptions.
92939, You grew to be one of my favorites.
Posted by Guilo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You, Lephraphuse, Mushga, and Lylesse were straight up awesome Outtie's.

Every character you ever pump out is quality. I didn't even know you were Farathen, I RP'd a little with you on Thungrel, a little outtie Invoker I scrapped too hehe.

I feel you on the attention thing.. that kind of got to me too. I felt like I was just straight rocking out and it turns out I only have 2 IMM comments and they were empowerment bonus and my role exp which I didn't even get until like 90 hours and I put it in at level 10.

Anyways, good times man, hope you keep coming around. EVEN THOUGH I WASN'T PART OF THE GOODBYE!
92938, Generally speaking, impales...
Posted by _Magus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
greatest quality is the duration of bleeding. At hero it is actually more like -6str/dex, but has a 12 hour timer (which is the same as most dragon bites). That 12 hour timer is critical. I hinders regeneration of all sorts. I personally feel that impale stacks very very well with whispers and some healing edges. You could effectively heal so quickly and be ready to get back on the horse, while enemies are struggling to keep up mana/hp wise. The only people that could keep up in a duration fight are people that can kill you in the first attack. Or people loaded with gold--and even this has the big downfall that they would have to be at a healer.

You took impale for stat loss. I take impale to reduce effectiveness of mages, shamans, bards, etc. etc.
92936, You seemed to have some big cojones. Hope you return. CF need players like you ^^ nt
Posted by Daning on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
92935, RE: Varthathen's gone, a few goodbyes
Posted by Drolanz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Two days in a row I get to be around for someone's deletion, bleh. I wished you had hung around longer, but can't begrudge anyone RL. Good luck when you come back again.