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Topic subject(CON LOSS) [NEXUS] Fwipplethunt the War-Mage, Elder of the Island
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92769, (CON LOSS) [NEXUS] Fwipplethunt the War-Mage, Elder of the Island
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun May 30 19:50:30 2010

At 7 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 28th of the Month of the Old Forces
on the Theran calendar Fwipplethunt perished, never to return.
Cabal:NEXUS, Nexus, Seekers of Balance
92770, Deadzors finally
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I originally rolled Fwip up because I wanted to try my hand at a svirf mage and conjie seemed like something nobody had quite figure out yet. My stretch goal when I started out was 50 kills which I am pretty sure I surpassed.

The svirf conjie combo is rough, low charisma and low int make for some tough conjuring. The bonus to earth elementals however is pretty sweet. If you are going the neutral conjie route I highly recomend taking student of wards and murderous reputation, they drastically reduce the number of times your servitors kill you.

I started off as pretty much a meat sack and after a while I figured out how to get what I needed out of my servitors. I did know my black and sienna but I didn't bother gathering them all that often, you can take on tough people without full preps if you time things right. Perfected clair spells, perfected tesserect, and nightgaunt are great tools for figuring out when those good times are.

I want to thank the imm that gave me the extra con and the cabal edge. Both were awsome and I apreciated it. At the end I considered seeking out daevryn because I suspect my whole goal setting approach would have meshed well but at the end of the day I am not that big on interaction. I was also kind of wondering if one day someone might drop the evil flag on me.

previous chars Drovis, Yevandr, Quas, Goganop, Flimbert
92773, You Made It Look Easy
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you read the death-threads of many Neutral Conjies they are full
of frustration and frequently imply that the build is a sucker's bet.

However, Fwip made it look like this is how conjies are supposed to
be played. Demon, Devil, or Angel, I think I only saw you lose
control of your servitors twice, and you were around a lot. That's
pretty bad-ass.

Also, did you sell your familiar for +10 DAM on those effing earth-
elementals? I never saw you with one.

You were also the first of the new breed of Nexuns who are brutal
killers. I'm sure that more than one Villager (or various assorted
other folk) saw you and figured that a Svirf Conjie was an easy
kill, only to be running back from their pit thinking 'what the ####?'

You were an excellent enemy and I'm sorry I never got to kill you
one on one (though I think you fell once during some chaos at the
village.) Homard's been lucky enough to have some awesome enemies,
and Fwip's in the top three for sure. Awesome work.
92802, RE: You Made It Look Easy
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As for losing control of servitors... I am interested to see if I mob died more or less then I PK died because I died to a lot of devils and angels throughout this char (the irony being that demons are 10 times easier to work with then angels as a neutral since you can juice them back to happy but goodie mobs just don't juice up as easy and seem to get mad just as quick)

The reason you never saw my familiar is because if you sneezed at it, it would die. the shadowcat was useful for limited scouting and every now and then for a strategic tesserect point. It was also nice to just park hidden outside the village to keep track of who is coming and going. It was not very effective against hiders in that backstab would kill it outright, knife and one melee hit would kill it outright, trip would kill it outright, cripes any area spell stronger then earthquake will kill it in one hit. It was a very much keep far far away from people familiar.

Earth elementals for svirfnibli get a bonus. They seem to do 33% more damage (earth and water elemental of same rank did same damage on arial guards). They seem to have stoneskinish dam redux. they also seem to have twice as much hp as other elementals. The hp and dam redux were actually the biggest bonuses because they took longer to kill then angels, demons, and everything but a lesser ice devil or transplendant archon. So the whole kill the elemental and retreat tactic did not exactly work against me and it let me take on tougher hit everyone mobs. It also let me juice up my devils before I got murderous rep by fighting a mob in a group, letting the elemental area the rest and killing them off with the elemental tanking.

You do the svirf pincer spec proud for a while I thought I was never gonna get you. The problem with fighting village warriors as a conjie is that you guys are really freakin good at tanking for the most part and that limits servitor choice. I mean I could go devil and hope it either maledicts you beyond hope at the right time or that it just belts out a lot of direct damage spells. the other choice was the challegha and hope it acid blasted enough. Honestly i would say you forced me to flee in 4 out of 5 fights, I just was able to find you a few times in tough spots and capatilize on it.
92861, Correction.
Posted by Guilo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*I* was the first of the new breed of Nexuns who were brutal killers... unless you want to count Kassibaz or Nanorab because they were super high class awesomeness as well.


92779, Awesome char!
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had a great deal of fun with you! Another good char!
92780, Good Byes
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nexus: In general I think being a nexun is not as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. It can be somewhat annoying when trying to rank but once that is out of the way you really have a lot of lee way. I took the approach of just not attacking a weak side vs only atticking strong sides and it made the experience better. If you only attack the strong and don't touch cabals then you are in for a life with very little PK involved outside of with the village (which tends to be tough one on one fights for most nexus builds)

Nghich: You were like my bond soulmate. we never really talked much shop but we just clicked and I feel we handled groups much larger then us with brutal efficiancy. Good luck on leading the island.

Massok: We had some good chats, did not fight together much but you did a really good job with Koch of rebuilding the island and I totally attribute its current strength to you.

Nepenthe: It was nice when you would comment about some of my kills on cb that was cool.

Baba: I had you pegged as not making it to hero, you have come leaps and bounds since you started up congrats on the improvement. You still have a ways to go but you always made me chuckle.

Battle: For the most part I though the battle cabal was fine. In my younger years when they were in force and spam raiding... that was a bit annoying. In the end I had a hard time in the village against ya so I brought in a lot of help (can't redirect my mobs around other mobs). You guys were always respectful and while there was certainly some ganging it was not a big deal and I certainly can understand it.

Knacnar: You were a total nightmare in my youth when I had about a 3 round life expectency vs you even with full preps. I got some edges that let me flee and re-engage more in fights without getting mob killed and figured out how to keep my servitors happy and while it was always nervwracking we had some good tangles. I never did get you, one of the handful of villagers I never could. I also was not link dead in those last fights, I just was not commiting to any commands with c word typed in and my finger over enter waiting to see if i was gonna get out or if my demon was gonna go nuts and whip out a few big acid blasts ftw.

Droma/homard: You guys might not think it because I did end up dropping you guys a bunch of times but you were the hardest people for me to hurt in the game. With the head you guys just refused to get hit by my elemental demon or angel and you just got tickled by the damage output from my devils all the while hacking me to pieces rapidly. I really had to work on timing in order to get you, I think one fight it was homard who killed a devil, angel, archon, and demon, and got my elemental writhing before I had to word out. And I had bard support on that one. You guys were stand up villagers good luck.


Ckath: At first I thought you were pretty conservative around me anyways but by the end you were a great fight. You could have had me so many times when I came at you with a demon and no protections but you seemed hesitant at first to commit to axes instead of swords. By the end you changed that and you have really turned the empire around super fast.

scion: Jesus you guys have all these crazy cool quest spells and some great role playing, Scion was solid, we didn't tangle all that much but I was tryin to nail charine but conjie on conjie fights just are not that deadly usually.

outlander: You guys for the most part just left me alone, it was kind of surprising.

Lylesse: At first you were a fun enemy but then after that one time with the gaunt and gate I got you, you evened it up later in the log in and then for like 4 months avoided fighting me. We had some good chats though and darn being able to fight a gaunt in the sky and heal yourself where I can't gate to you!

tribunal: tribunal what?

fort: Almost the only interaction I got from the fort was... " You are the evilest of evildoers" I had to keep raiding because otherwise you guys would just flee and teleport or word because you were avoiding fights with neutrals. I think the blood thing is good it is about time.
92785, RE: Good Byes
Posted by Ageryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very strong. That death in Drogran Hills still bugs me. Not so much because I died, or because my escape plan failed; because I don't know why my escape plan failed.
92788, RE: Good Byes
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It failed because I knew what your escape plan was. The fact that only a total and utter noob (or melee weak villager) should ever be in any danger from traditional gaunting is a travesty (you don't even have to watch where you go anymore) and the imms should correct it (but won't). In the end though it is hard to be too ultra critical of that item because another item from the source is the only way to plausably pull off a svirf conjie (with 19 int you regen mana to try and bind some servitors slower then it takes them to turn and kill you)

But specifically I am pretty sure I got you in combat while you were trying to use the item. I had already pre made a circle so I could shoot the gaunt after you if you tried to retreat from the fort then you showed up in galadon after you guys pushed me out and I resumed the plan of attack.
92789, RE: Good Byes
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>and the imms should correct it (but won't).

Won't I? Or did I already a long time ago? }(

I like to keep y'all guessing.
92793, sweet
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was so saddened to have a thief use that on me before glad it got fixed. I really tried to kill people that are insanely tough to land a kill on without lagging skills. I figured out ways to overcome most forms of escape/evasion but that one item was tricky. I did devise a scheme whereby I could gaunt from the grove and as soon as I got the gaunt goes bye bye echo move into the past and tesserect (they still would likely just have to teleport or word once to get away with likely plenty of HP) but I never actually put that plan into motion. the hang up on it was by and large I would have to get people wounded first and getting to the grove without using up my tesserect in a timely manner was a challenge.
92791, RE: Good Byes
Posted by Ageryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Didn't log it, but thought I was out of combat. I recall getting a "but nothing happens" echo. Maybe a veil thing.
92795, RE: Good Byes
Posted by Ageryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Maybe a veil thing.

Apparently its a "Nepenthe hates me" thing. Booo.
92809, RE: Good Byes - Nghichngom
Posted by badboy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The bloody island has lost an arm this day! Even though we don't interact much via words, we sure have many bloody good fights via the bond. What I like the most was that time in Galadon when we face the village and then the fortress.. after much chaos and bloodshed, in the end there were 5 corpses on the ground, good times..... Bloody come back to the island when you can, we can use another one of you eh.. glwyn
92819, RE: Good Byes - Nghichngom
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My favorite was in the village when we got the destructor writhing then go to heal and 2 more logged in. then we fight them at the giant into the village and they snared us. By the time I was out of the snare was it 3 or 4 corpses left in the village? I thought that was pretty redic.

Without giving away why the devil plus you plus bond combo was just ludacris in how well it synergized.
92813, RE: Good Byes
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you were an great enemy to fight as Manno. I also noticed a dramatic increase in your toughness the more hours you lived. Well done. Glad you kicked some ass as a nexun conjuror.
92820, Droma
Posted by TheProphet on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a great enemy, like I said in my goodbye post. I do remember a fight in the ruins where I killed all your servitors and you fled away - I must have been on a good roll that day.

Oh, one more thing. I missed more pincers on you with you convulsing than any other char I've ever fought. When I damned you for being lucky, I meant it... I swear you must have had your luck stat boosted to IMM levels :)
92790, RE: Deadzors finally
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Certainly the toughest svirf conjurer ever, and very possibly the toughest neutral conjurer ever.

Generally we really liked this character. I know you're not an interactiony guy, and that's fine, but man did we wish you were just a *little* bit more. For what seemed like months Rayihn was after me to give you a title already and there just wasn't a lot to go on to come up with one. Hopefully you liked what you ended up with.

Definitely you did push the aggressiveness limits at times of what Nexus should be attacking or when Nexus should be raiding, and yeah that potentially could have gotten you in trouble someday, but in my eyes, this is a character that generally pushed those limits "right" -- I never felt like raiding another cabal was your first response to every situation or that it was the only tool in your toolbox; neither did I ever feel like you just beat on everyone with no regard at all for the balance.

92794, RE: Deadzors finally
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah I didn't give you guys a lot but to be honest this whole character was just figure out how to be succesful as a neutral conjie. At first that took the form of getting edges to hopefully make my elementals nasty (they did not get any nastier but I could still call strong ones in a thick veil which was nice).

After that it was stop using archons and focus on devils/angels.

Then came the very very very painful, figure out how to blend devils into my pk approach (the answer is very time consuming, not to explain but to do until you get murderous rep, and I would have con died months ago if my souped up elementals couldn't kill off low tier devils)

then came take out all the cabal leaders.

Then came explore demons other then the challegha.

In the end I killed people with all 4 types of demons, angels, all types of devils, and 3 out of 4 types of archons (I don't think I ever conjured the second to weakest one very often) I did get kills with all the elemental types but I used earth 98% of the time. Fire and water have their uses but using them renders a portion of my pk range immune to half my damage output either by maran or storm giants.