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Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Adarmar Keligi the Legend of the Battlefield, Bloodoathed of the Empire
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=92444
92444, (DELETED) [None] Adarmar Keligi the Legend of the Battlefield, Bloodoathed of the Empire
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri May 14 15:29:02 2010

At 7 o'clock AM, Day of the Sun, 13th of the Month of the Winter Wolf
on the Theran calendar Adarmar perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
92486, Some goodbuys
Posted by MRSK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, it was fun ride. Though first Adarmar wasn't supposed to go that far. Was planning him as some midrank griefing levelsitter and experimential build with two legacies I've never tried before. Totaly failed on first part. I just can' understand how people manage that for long. Think I've reached 40th rank within two weeks just perfecting skills, getting gear and with ocational exploring. To prevent it I guess you have to mobdiecouple of times eh. Griefing part I couldn't pull out as well. At least to extend I was planing for. Anyway when I reached my 40lvl there still was no War Master and noone who could realy pretend on place. So I said why not and decided to get a go fo it. Also the build happened to be realy strong and well fitting to my playstyle - very good survivability and ability to fight groups. Not much of killsealing power though.

So it was arial dagger/hth riddle/gates and then forsaken thoughts.
To make this build more deadly I'd replace hth on mace. Nothing new sure;) But then you'll loose stun which did save me couple of times and will have to deal with need to having few maces in inventory. That means additional weight and even arial's inventory isn't rubber.

Now about legacies.
Riddle - that one made the char. It makes life so easy it's border to overpowered:) It also allowed me to wear that high -ac crap and still not bother about maledictons.

Gates - seemed cool. Aditional damreduct is always handy. But I'm till not convinced if I won't be better with something else and better gear. I often declined to wear things I'd have no reason to without gates.

Forsaken thoughts - cool as reward. Won't ever waste legacy on it myself. Too situational use. People don't often use wrath/defilement weapons against arials. At least I had almost zero troubles with paladins. But then again for a long time there were no paladins as well;) Also if I'm not missing something else it increases the cost of most mob healers. For example in Hamsah and Galadon I had to spent over 2 gold per heal heal.

Now to goodbuys.

Enlilth - thanks again for all.
Iunna - thanks for tournament and third legacy.

Ckath - good luck with Emperor stuff. No hard feelings. You are cool and you were the only real friend of Adarmar even if you stabed his back:) Keep rocking.

Melem - thanks for not anathemizing me. Other than that Chushak I liked more.

Saffera - boo on you for deleting that fast. With you I was pretty unstobable. Loosing your equ is never pleasant but we'd get you even better set in few days. Eh.

Nos - thanks for showing those wing guards. Too bad our times didn't match. We could do alot together.

Jeeco - thanks for all those presents. Though they were the only reason you got shadow lord:)

Molo - good blade. Good luc with War Master I guess, don't think there is someone else to fill position now.

Pophris - not much to say. Decent shadow I think but I didn't saw you in action all that much.

Behni, Gvan - bards make Empire strong, but you have alot to learn. Moreso about Behni. Anyway good fights together.

I don't know..maybe it's new trend. Two fine Marshals and two sucky captains...both with Baerinika tattoo, hehe.

Arlettien - would you be less suicidal I'd like you even more. Good fights though.

Matedzuta - very good enemy. Hard to kill and willing to fight.

Ageryn - you earned my respect.

Farathen - man I haven't met someone as lucky as you in long time:) Keep it up.

Nnaeshuk - hmm, comparing to Drohaem you were fearless...

Since the truce I didn't have any meaning interactions with you. Can't comment on new generation.

Nurok - thanks for tournament. Didn't like you first but then somewhat calmed down on you.

Zins - you were realy hard to kill pre warmastering. Less so after that.

Can't say there were many I did like. Maybe Fwip and Kochie stand out. Others not much good to say.
Anyway the Nexus itself while is good concept and looks good on paper in reality doesn't work due to poor design. Helping to even gangs when pendulum swings is all fine but just doesn't work now. It's either Nexus is dead and have zero influence or it's strong in numbes and all those newbies just replace one gang with another. I'll second opinion which apeared on other site that Nexus should be made elite cabal like scions with better powers and with maximum of 2-3 player online at any given time. And get rid of bond. Gank is already amazing power there is no need to boost it. All that said I think it's the same as abs problem - the system is ####ty but too much efford was put into it to just drop it away.

Charlee - you rock;)

Best wishes. See you on the fields earlier or later.
92487, Peace with the village.
Posted by Shapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your race/class/specs/legacies were perfect to kill many many villagers, but you made the peace with the village. Many people would never do it, but i guess your choice is to be respected.

But alas you do so many many mistakes, why fight battles you can't win at all? I got this impression after reading your logs.

Anyway i'm glad you'r making such a huge progress :)
92489, RE: Peace with the village.
Posted by MRSK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
why fight battles you can't win at all? I got this impression after reading your logs.

Because it's some fun? Also there is always a chance of some wonder:) You never know...Also it was hard to find easy fights closer to the end.
92491, RE: Peace with the village.
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Some people never get the 'take a chance' mentality and will always just play the numbers.

92490, RE: Some goodbuys
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why did you roll the character with the goal of being a griefer?
92493, Because I was in the mood to do it. Failed though nt
Posted by MRSK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
92492, RE: Some goodbuys
Posted by Drag0nSt0rm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A couple snarky comments sense I can not read your thread and not shake my head at the same time at some of the things said.

The "I'm going to full loot you comments"?
Your simply lucky you didn't pay in spades and come back to a empty corpse -every- time you died. But not everyone sees that comment the same as me apparently.

Also considering, from what I saw. You had (As your previous chars) and still have a penchant, to loot the #### out of n00bs who can't get you back. All the while acting all respectful and like your all cool and #### with the guy that can and probably will get your jive turkey ass back. (Meh)

Second, you can't bash peoples RP when you had no RP yourself. You were Alex in a bird suit.
Que fanfare! Congratulations, we'll put you up on the wall next to Beront in a dark-elf suit.

Otherwise I kind of liked this char. Sure, you were only ballsy against people you stood a chance of getting away from. (I don't have idiotic expectations of what you can, and can't do) But you threw down constantly and were always looking for a fight.
So, props I guess?
92494, Edit
Posted by Drag0nSt0rm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Caught this a bit late. I had intended to say in the last bit there, That sure you ballsy against people you stood a good chance of getting away from. But you also threw down against people you only had a hairs chance in hell in getting away from if things went south.
As I said. I give you props for that.

Work on the looting n00bs and your RP and I think you could churn out some really cool chars.

PS. Seriously on the Alex in a whatever suit bit. You stuck out to me with your last Cloud warrior, and while I didn't really interact much with your other bard, what I saw in the logs on QHCF you acted just your last bard, with a new name.
(I'm probably guilty of the same with certain classes)
92495, RE: Some goodbuys
Posted by MRSK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>The "I'm going to full loot you comments"?
Your simply lucky you didn't pay in spades and come back to a empty corpse -every- time you died. But not everyone sees that comment the same as me apparently.

I didn't have much problems with coming to empty corpse. It's somewhat annoying but not that hard to rearm myself.

>>Also considering, from what I saw. You had (As your previous chars) and still have a penchant, to loot the #### out of n00bs who can't get you back. All the while acting all respectful and like your all cool and #### with the guy that can and probably will get your jive turkey ass back. (Meh)

That's not true. I think the only noob I did full loot was Drogal. And I left his things in room of citizen where he did get them back after another fortie killed vanquisher. Actualy I realy tried to make as less harm to newbies as I could and I'm not sure where did you find the base for your words. Though I sure could forget something.

>>Sure, you were only ballsy against people you stood a chance of getting away from. (I don't have idiotic expectations of what you can, and can't do)

I stood a chance of getting away from everyone I remember;) Sure I'm far from ideal and make mistakes and die. But that's the part of fun.
92496, RE: Some goodbuys
Posted by Welverin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, you did full loot me, and after that little bit of interaction, didn't talk to me again for the life of the char. Felt kind of pissy. And you did not leave everything there. I got back less than half of what was there. I stopped being scared of you in the end when I figured out your patterns. Fulled you twice after your interraction with me. Once on my own, once with Drohaem. After the first trip down full lane from you, I was for the most part put off by your RP. You were deadly, for sure, but in the end when coming to the Fortress to raid or retrieve, fairly predictable.

92474, RE: (DELETED) [None] Adarmar Keligi the Legend of the Battlefield, Bloodoathed of the Empire
Posted by Welverin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dude you were scary. Once I hit hero it took me a bunch of times to finally figure out when to run and when to stay in. Got you once, with the help of Farathen. Was in on a few other Ganks that I saw in your logs.... Didn't realize I made that much of a difference in those fights.

Was a little dissapointed in our interractions. I think after you fulled me at the gates that time, it was pretty much the last time you talked to me.... Then when Drohaem fulled you when we got you at the fortress, I just went for it every time I saw you down.... Cause it seemed like every time I hit the Empire and Died, I would wake up with a good deal missing if not all, with a few exceptions...

Great PK char, but yeah, your RP really wasn't there for me.

Hope you do decide to come back, it was fun facing you, once I figured out how not to die so much.
92470, goodbye from your friendly neighborhood bard>>>>
Posted by Behnistek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
man seriously everytime we logged on I just knew i was going to die, everyone would always center on me and you would always get away hahahaha, was fun and you knew your way around allot of places, I remember you getting me rank 50 in the ruins tower where you fall through the floor(its late and i forget the name) was hilarious, I needed like 300 more xp and you said sure... I gained a rank with like 33hp left was awesome, I was like either gonna rank or die with a xp hole ha!

seriously though I think you are a good player, have lucky and see you in the fields
92472, RE: goodbye from your friendly neighborhood bard>>>>
Posted by MRSK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe, yeah. By the way - flee is overpowered:)
92475, RE: goodbye from your friendly neighborhood bard>>>>
Posted by Behnistek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
and everytime you told me i should have fled, i would always flee into one of the altar rooms at the maran then they would chase me... if i rember correctly it was normally the grizzly bear that bit my face off or i got tripped after the maran dispelled by fly argh.... seriously dont let the haters get you down
92476, RE: goodbye from your friendly neighborhood bard>>>>
Posted by MRSK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You know there is nothing bad in flee; quaf teleport; cb I'm out:) Dying when you can't win is silly and it's not like I couldn't handle myself if you leave to lick wounds in raids. And haters don't affect me at all. I'm not the dollar and not supposed to be liked by everyone.
92461, Awesome char, your PK abilities are just insane!
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Anyways, I'm fairly sure you know what char I play... I won't say much until mine is gone...

But overall, awesome char to fight with, against and interact with. There are quite a few things I feel bad about, but hey, it's an RP game.

As always, awesome PKing! (And I did feel some nice RP vibes from time to time.)
92462, RE: Awesome char, your PK abilities are just insane!
Posted by MRSK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have only good things to say about you as player and your current. And no hard feelings at all.
92451, Our times didn't match up
Posted by Knac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So it sucks we couldn't do more about our agreement. Those rare times when we were on, you were busy with your thing, I was busy with my thing..etc.

Regardless, I thought you were a classy character and felt that we could have done more.

Alas, it was not meant to be I suppose.
92460, RE: Our times didn't match up
Posted by MRSK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry, but you got as much from me as you could:). I just don't like long interactions with my sucky engrish. Hard to understand others, hard to reply fast enough...and so on. As about our truce, heh...it did make sense for Adarmar once he proved to himself that village is not worth a challenge and yet he had all those forties, nexuns, outs and scions to keep attention. But as player I did regret it not once. That costed me up to at least 50 more free kills;)
92449, RE: (DELETED) [None] Adarmar Keligi the Legend of the Battlefield, Bloodoathed of the Empire
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had some good fights. You have some serious emotional stability issues that came through at various points but 90% of the time you were fine. You played a warrior very well and popularized a legacy to the millionth degree and you did it without elhe holding your hand for once!

That said yay for a possible non russian emperor again! (just please no more graatch)
92459, Arials are just overpowered
Posted by MRSK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Will say more about legacies when I'll be in mood for goodbuy.
92447, RE: (DELETED) [None] Adarmar Keligi the Legend of the Battlefield, Bloodoathed of the Empire
Posted by Ageryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My one complaint is your proposition to me regarding stealing.

It created a game-theoretic situation where my only choices were to "never steal anything, ever, and possibly fight you" or "steal everything, all the time, but never ever fight you".

You stated: steal anything from me, ever, and I will full loot you every time you die. Moreover, I will instruct every citizen to do the same.

That gives me zero incentive to steal judiciously. I might as well take everything I can as often as I can, since the punishment is the same either way. I happen to think that's incredibly lame, so I went with the "no steal, but occasionally fight" option. Which, obviously, was better for you, since I had little hope of taking you down solo, and you usually walked around with an inventory full of limited preps.

In retrospect, maybe I should have gone the other way. It's tough to say. My life certainly would have been more difficult, but I can't help but think yours would have been too.
92450, RE: (DELETED) [None] Adarmar Keligi the Legend of the Battlefield, Bloodoathed of the Empire
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well he got what he wanted, so it was an effective threat. I don't really see anything wrong with it as him being an Imperial. I understand OOC it kind of sucks, but so does having all your #### stolen :)
92458, RE: (DELETED) [None] Adarmar Keligi the Legend of the Battlefield, Bloodoathed of the Empire
Posted by MRSK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I was realy happy it did work out;)
92457, RE: (DELETED) [None] Adarmar Keligi the Legend of the Battlefield, Bloodoathed of the Empire
Posted by MRSK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hate thieves. Period. I hate them as class and hate them as individuals. So that threatment was just my general reaction on any thief. But there are exeptions. Like you or Kassir. You realy di earn my respect, you were one of only two people in fort I respected and one of three I somewhat liked. Guess after I learned more about you I'd never repeat full looting you(by the way that one time I did it because of Alondarin:) not because of your stealing). Not to mention you haven't died to me after that;). Anyway, you have classy char and I wish you good luck with him.
92446, Very scary character
Posted by Nnaeshuk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You, sir, are a talented pk'er. I wish I could have RP'ed with you more. You know, team good is always looking for a new recruit.

92456, RE: Very scary character
Posted by MRSK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Eh, if you'd rped with me more my bet would be you'll be disapointed:) Not my piece of bread. As for teamgood - pretty much the same. Also I don't think I'll ever join any Imm dependant cabal.
92445, RE: (DELETED) [None] Adarmar Keligi the Legend of the Battlefield, Bloodoathed of the Empire
Posted by Enlilth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good char, really scary to fight. When you went through randomly anathing council after you ascended I kinda thought you were lookin for people that had your back. So I guess the moral is keeping only 2 council members around that are looking to overthrow you isn't the greatest of ideas. I got no doubt you'll be back and scary before too long.
92455, RE: (DELETED) [None] Adarmar Keligi the Legend of the Battlefield, Bloodoathed of the Empire
Posted by MRSK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Haha, thanks for kind words. Actualy thanks for all. I'm not the type looking for interactions but your attention did make my day from time to time. Thanks for tattoo. Even though I didn't expect it at all and felt it was given out of pitty for me trying to regear third time in two days it was amazing:)
As for anathemizing those two - as I said on other site I'll wait with explanation before Ckath is gone. As for having only 2 council members...eh name me any divine or black who could fill the position. Same with shadow sect after that Jeeco deleted. Hell, there were even noone higher than 40lvl:)
92469, RE: (DELETED) [None] Adarmar Keligi the Legend of the Battlefield, Bloodoathed of the Empire
Posted by Enlilth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was not pity tat I swear.
92464, How this system works?
Posted by Dwoggurd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I'm a council member and I want the throne what buttons should I press? What is the procedure?
It's there a standard way or I have to talk with an immortal and hope he will agrees with the change and make it so (otherwise he can just ignore prays).
92466, RE: How this system works?
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There's an automated way to do it.
92467, Which one
Posted by Dwoggurd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's basically my question :)
I'm aware that it's automated to some extent once it's initiated. You get notes with voting annoucement and such. But how to get to that point? What button you have to press to deliver those notes and the whole process? Is there a standard procedure or you have to convince an empire imm to start it for you?