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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectSzraqar gone due to boredom.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=92426
92426, Szraqar gone due to boredom.
Posted by UncleArzzra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was fun but I hate being alone all the time and that was sort of where this character was heading. Enjoyed playing evil but CF is too large, way way way too large, for the current playerbase and I hate hunting all over hell's half acre to try, and fail, to fight someone.

Good times but I think my time is done for now on CF.

92427, RE: Szraqar gone due to boredom.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Couple thoughts you may or may not find useful:

1. There are a number of things that make running all over Thera less burdensome:

a. Playing a character with pathfinding, refresh, windwalk, ancient instincts, duo+slow, high altitude flight, gate, tesseract, or to some extent, built-in teleport and/or word of recall.

b. Knowing routes really well. Makes it easier to spam across areas without running into walls and such.

c. Knowing how to gather gold quickly/easily and playing a character who can use town healers (i.e. not a rager, not wanted all the time).

2. If you're not a hero, you can usually find people in a handful of common places. So it's not like you have to run all over Thera.

3. In some cases, the game being "big" works to your advantage. Such as if you're playing a class that puts people to sleep then works them over. The game being "big" also occasionally gives people the illusion of safety if they're somewhere remote, meaning you can potentially sneak up on them and take advantage of their complacency.
92428, Was a Ranger, knew many shortcuts.
Posted by UncleArzzra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Such as Shrine to past.

Used shimmering blue teleports all the time to get around.
Had a ton of cash, did not need to use a healer though, had a ton of moves.

Highlighting "all" was pretty lame since you do have know all the areas because when you have a tiny PK range that MAY be in an area WHERE you can actually FIGHT to your character's optimum ABILITY is painful.

A day in the life of a Felar low level ranger: check area north of Voralia, check caverns near Fortress, check Voralia, check Ugruks, loop to check wastes, check silly area with lead rings, check Flahagaust, check Ysigrath, check Chessmasters, check Arkham, check east of Arkham snowflake area, Barovia, Mansion of DEATH!, Tree, silly village, recall--- Darsylon, Udgaard, dumb hearts near Udgaard, Velkyn, Wood Elf area, mage warehouse thingy, Past via shrinage. Rinse & repeat ad nauseam.

So you see I could easily do a loop around the main continent of Thera in no time but finding people in areas where fighting them was a good idea was not happening. Heck I checked the south continent fairly often as well! I really like Iunnas area there and the south of the city is nice for leveling too.

Back to boredom, finding something OTHER than leveling/skill whoring would be nice. Right now CF offers me, notice the qualify 'me', those two options really. RPing has never been something of an overly strong suit for me, but when I do I get into it. Sadly CF has nothing to make
me even want to try to RP at this moment.

Roles: biggest issues is that roles I have interest in require a larger PB and since there ain't one they simply are not going to happen.
92431, If you want my advice ...
Posted by Malakhi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't play rangers. Your playstyle obviously doesn't suit the class.

When I was Malakhi a few months ago, an arial berserker warrior, I had a PK win/death every hour or so - it was slower during the lower/mid-ranks because of mvmt point limitations, but definitely picked up to a constant battle at hero for several months. I think you need to play a class where you feel comfortable bringing the fight no matter where your enemies are.

Unfortunately, rangers have always (at least, since I first played one 8 or so years ago) been susceptible to long periods of downtime. IMO this is partially because they're crippled outside the wilds, partially because too many people are afraid to fight rangers in the wilds, and partially because the ranger skillset encourages players to wait until the "optimum moment" before initiating a PK - which lets a lot of non-optimum moments pass you by.