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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Gorach Gothruviel, Absolved by the Hummingbird
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=9237
9237, (DEL) Gorach Gothruviel, Absolved by the Hummingbird
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Sep 21 12:50:36 2002

4 o''clock AM, Day of the Bull, 1st of the Month of Nature on the Theran calendar Gorach perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None
PK Ratio:57% (closer to 100% is better)

9238, What can I say.....?
Posted by Korran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Hehehehe. Oh hell yeah i remember that fight. You took on Bryvac and Esile single handedly and whooped em. Me only stepping in when I was hit ;)

Man now what am I gonna do? First I get to hero the Wasarbe up and deleted (damn you) now you have. Who the heck will re gear me now. *sigh*

Man I had the most time with you. You were probably Korran's best friend in the whole of thera. Always willing to walk with me and talk as well. Hehehehee remember the whole episode with the zoo up near Asgaard? Well I logged that all and will post it when I die.

Man you were the coolest and its a damn shame you age died (sort of) when you did I was really enjoying your company. Now what the hell am I supposed to do? Well at least I got to show you my new clothing *wink wink*

Well drop me a line as I really want to catch up with you.

And I never did get to drink Gorach under the table. Damn you, you WUSS AND A HALF!!! :)

Korran the smelly, wuss of a dwarf (in Gorach's eyes anyway)

Blobqirt is my AIM so drop me a line.

*mutter stinking old deaf weak wuss of an elf up and deleteing on me mutter*
9239, Second part.
Posted by Gorach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just posted the other note so that I won't have to rewrite it if my computer crashes (again :() .. Where were we ..

Ulthur: Well .. right after Alghorval died, you were just anorther paladin, nothing special and all .. but VERY soon that changed .. dude, I had fun with you .. I can't describe it .. thanks for all that .. uhm .. give me the same funeral service as ALghorval eh, but then with all of my friends there :)

Rocheval: I liked you in the very beginning, but when you pulled that trick out of your sleeve (with the fiend outside town), I didn't take any effort to talk with you again .. still, for the moments we had, I liked the 'thee-thou' stuff, gave me something to bicker with you

Lysrieal: Although I said .. some .. things about the Servants when I was General of the Legion, you never left me alone .. thanks for that .. it seems you have some complete different plans now, and you lost link during our conversation in which you were going to explain it.

Sahvik: Sorry I couldn't talk to you anymore, I felt bad about that .. our 'relationship' was mostly inherited from Wasarbre I think ..

Korran: You were my last hunting parnter (Bryvac and Esile, remember) .. there is something about dwarven paladins that I just love .. fat and stinking I guess .. and wussies too }> ..

Finduthilas: You got me there on the crossroads, you beast .. and to say I had this orb of transportation with me .. BAH !! .. anyways, either you are a loner or you didn't like my company, but you always seemed to avoid me ..

Persumal: Long dead, but you were the one that must have seen me change during the ranking .. We grew up from zero to hero, and I got to know you as a decided character that always thinks twice before doing anything .. I learned from that ..

Dvar: you were my pupil: a newbie storm giant that wanted to know everything and then wanted to marry me .. rrrright .. I heard some rumor about you joining the empire .. you litlle f*ck ..

Arnora: I really liked you, probably the only baron I liked with Gorach, you were funny with all those colours and all .. contrary to

Onylin: Man, I just hated you and you know why .. though I am sure you were funny too and very agreable to travel with, I just couldn't stand you .. I still can't believe I fell for that one .. anyways, well done though

Raliyas: What can I say .. I liked you and I didn't .. perhaps it was more respect for what you did to Dullameh than anything else .. you were so close of getting attacked, I can't tell you ..

Urden: I said what I had to say .. very well done .. you and Dullameh were probably the only ones that scared Gorach (or could scare her: rememer dullameh sleeping Wasarbre on the ocean with you there .. and I jumped in to rescue Wasarbre ?)

Stargher: Heh, sorry for being a 'pain in the ass' (being annoying and all), but that was just Gorach: everyone else, especially her enemies, were wussies, and she liked to rub it in when they died .. man, I just HATE bash ..

Dullameh: Nicely done indeed, you have no idea of how big my hatred was for you.. remember that time in Arkham where it was like 6 against 2 ? Patience was the answer, but I remember shaitarak blowing it .. right after it, oh man .. I was about to explode .. anyways, thanks for not answering my question about the White Tower after you imm'd .. that was one of the rare moments I fell out of my role (asking info from a bad guy, how stupid can you be) ..

Dranolian: I am still amazed you weren't made chancellor .. but there must have been reasons for that .. anyways, as a player I would have really liked the duel you suggested, but Gorach didn't trust you, and none of her enemies, one single bit .. it proved to be the right conclusion afterwards .. still, neat character.

Opija: Hyena and cobra .. you bitch .. kudos to you though .. you would always come to defend, I respected that .. and you don't flee, even if you are the only scion at hero level .. stick it through, I think it is going to change soon ..

Amora: You just rocked as a pk'er .. I fought you countless times, most of them 'undecided' (that means, me quaffing to flee :)) .. I got away from every hunt you sent after me .. I was pretty proud of myself that one time I was bleeding with the hunt after me and I got that bird-hyena hunting me to .. I still got away though .. thanks to Persumal .. I know I couldn't have killed you on my own, although I did succeed in that one time .. Although you were very, very smart, after some time I got to know your tricks and that is why in the end I stayed alive most of the times.

There are still sooo many other that I can't think of right now, or that I just fought with .. just post away ..


By the way: yes, I am as funny in real life }>..

9251, RE: Second part.
Posted by Racli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I stayed close to getting attacked. No one could tell if I was friend or foe. Tribunals, Drakes (except Wasarbre, he knew I didnt mean it), Ragers, Scions, Warlocks, Maran all couldnt tell whether to just all out attack me or just leave me alone. Except those Nexans... what a big bunch of babies... anyway it was fun running along with you, especially since you were a goldmine for armor. I would just take it when we split company and never say another word. LoL congrats on the whole Drake thi, and good luck with the next.
9250, RE: Second part.
Posted by Arnora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You where infact one of the people that made me go as far as I did with arnora. So thanks, and well done indeed.
luck with your next char
9249, RE: Second part.
Posted by Samtuka on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
By the way: yes, I am as funny in real life ..

As funny as me?

Hehehehehehehehe! :7


9247, Oh man. Oh man. *cry*
Posted by Ulthur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I only checked the graveyard with a feeling of trepidation recently, since I got the impression that you were starting to taper off. I don't even know what to say. You were Ulthur's favorite person in the whole world. You have no idea how much you influenced where this character went... it's all in my role though. :P

Ulthur is generally on the formal side with most people, until they become good friends, then he'll start to relax a little. There was NO one that I talked to like you. We had so much fun. I'm bummed out that I wasn't there for your end, and Ulthur will be REALLY bummed. I was off watching college football and drinking too much at my friends place out of town though. When duty calls...!

You helped make this character fun.

9248, By the way
Posted by Ulthur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Email me, 'k?

9246, RE: Second part.
Posted by TheMaiden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Lysrieal: Although I said .. some .. things about the Servants when I was General of the Legion, you never left me alone .. thanks for that .. it seems you have some complete different plans now, and you lost link during our conversation in which you were going to explain it.

Heh, changes indeed. You were fun, i loved trying to find ways to just hang around you. Even though i was told many times that hanging around the bloodthirsty drake ppl were bad, Lys looked beyond the faith to the friendship she had. Like with Wasarbre. Though she may not agree fully in your faith, she was able to look past it. Wish we could have talked more. Sorry about going link-dead, my time is very random, as well as the times on.

Lysrieal, The Maiden of Alaryion, (Flower Driven) Apostle of the Dawn

9244, I can't believe you forgot me wuss... n/t
Posted by Lydian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
9245, AAAAARGH !
Posted by Gorach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How can I forget the queen of wussies ?? }> .. damn .. heh, we had great times bickering and all .. hmm, I did a lot of bickering in my life .. but heh, I loved to call you wuss, even though you'd probably whoop my ass .. hmm .. no, no that's just impossible :) .. I liked your company very much, although in the end we didn't get to travel all that much .. anyways, good job on Lydian.

9242, RE: Second part.
Posted by Hirin/Ulfin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
from hirin, yer the only non ugly furless person in thera meow!, you were fun to hang out with, always seems to like drinking my specialty drinks. see you in the fields

from ulfin, ***sprays you with grummy stench****, wasnt it fun never knowing whether i as on your side or the enemies?i would scout the orcs for you one moment and be sancing you and healing you, i would be gating to the orcs after they fled and healing them up, heh didnt you ever wonder why i wanted you healing my mana so much?
9243, *snort* nt
Posted by Gorach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
9241, RE: Second part.
Posted by Simyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Will miss you, had fun in the elven vaults with you, and in calling you to aide against Amora and such. You and Wasarbre together was a huge force in and of itself. Thanks for the memories.

9240, RE: Second part.
Posted by Dullameh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Arr... I had lots of fun fighting you and the rest of the goodie squad, when you were all logged on (which didn't happen nearly enough).

It just wouldn't have been the same without ole Gorach to kick around...
Loved that Arkham fight, by the way. It was riddled with chuckles.

Good job, good luck with your next and all of the other nice things people say.
9252, RE: (DEL) Gorach Gothruviel, Absolved by the Hummingbird
Posted by Gorach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah, end of the ride. First of all, I'd like to apologize for all inconvenience I caused by losing my head at the worst of times (during raids,pk's, immteraction and so on). I can't help it, blame it all on Dell ..
Anyways, this was the first bard of mine that actually 'accomplished' something. Until Gorach most of my characters were pretty much invisible, but now .. damn .. from the first moment I spoke to the Drake (around 200 hours) till the very last moments were so .. incredible .. I went from 'soldier' to 'Warsinger' to 'General' to 'fallen general, hero of the true cause' to what it is now .. I started with Gorach somewhere around the end of June and hero-'ed in less then 80 hours if I recall rightly .. I spent 620 hours in three months on this character: about 7 hours a day .. but it was worth every single second .. anyways, for the goodbyes..

Ilraeth: Man, you rock .. I won't even start to guess how much time you spent on this whole Drake thing (though I believe you wanted to end it differently, but with all those scions dying, we lost our goal .. I think) .. thanks a lot for letting me give a shot at this leadership .. It was the first time and I learned a lot, though I never will reach the level of Wasarbre .. once again, thanks for all the interaction, as the Drake, Kereena, Ilraeth, Olin, Amyrlith and all the rest .. unitl the very last moments when you 'made me look' like a drake .. thanks

Vynmylak: Thanks for talking to me even I killed good guys .. one question: would I even have made a chance to become Maran ?

Bria: Thanks for listening and absolving me .. that was the last thing I needed in the healing process ..

Thor: heh, I kinda felt connected with you because of me having dwarfish ancestors .. sorry for screwing that Grudruk thing up (if that was you in the basilica)

All the rest of the immortals: You're doing a hell of a job, thanks.

Wasarbre: Well I said most when you died .. You were the only man that Gorach ever loved .. although Ulthur came close in the end .. we had a blast running around ... and regearing *snort* Kudos to you.

Lardovian: AAAAARGH .. well, I (as a player) hated the cleverness with which you would answer me at times .. but you made ma laugh at the same time, ya stinkin' fa' gi' .. you seem to be doing a good job as a leader, although I can't hardly believe that }> .. And I still won 2 to 1 :).

Shaitarak: In the beginning it was fun, very much actually .. but when you told me that particular thing I tried to avoid you .. sorry for that, as a player I didn't really mind .. but as Gorach I hated you for it.

Shila: You smart ass, you stopped showing up in the last week, a pity, for you had Gorach's respect.. well done.

Alghorval: Geez, I was really disappointed when you deleted .. that thing with the 'my XXX friend' you had going on was really cool .. and the same for Lardovian, calling me mirror cracker made me laugh my ass of, but at the same time (see Lardovian) ..

Sloryas: I just started interacting with you, but you would have become the next Alghorval for me I think .. you stinking mule ..

Doriah: DAMN YOU !! You were fun to travel with, but you haven't showed up in what .. a month ? And you still have that horn !! :( .. AARGH .. anyways, you were pretty cool and would never give up .. a true soldier indeed ..

Astarcio: You and Wasarbre were my oldest friends, too bad you don't show that much anymore .. still, thanks for the last hunt, it was like in the old times ..

Uelveyye: I was pleased to see you Justiciar, you were a nice companion to have around, keep on doing what you're doing, it's the right thing..

Barilan: Those TWO amulets AND Defiance ??? Man .. you're invincible now :) .. anyways, you rocked .. thanks for the intereaction.
9256, Well damn.....
Posted by Barilan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How frustrating. Ive found it hard to establish sturdy rp relationships with barilan the way we connected. Gorach was a hell of a bard. I remember back when i was rank 20, asking to be one of the drakes....man how it grew from that day. Whistlewood trips, and wherever else the road took us, never a dull moment at all. It was a good life, lots of fighting. Ill post more of how exactly barilan felt about gorach when I delete, but in short, i would almost log on and be dissapointed when you werent on the who list. Well, no regrets, right? (Maybe one regret.....you wont be around to see the stunt im gonna pull in hell we talked about...wont that be a sight, eh? How the hell am i gonna get any other volunteers as down as you for that?)

Anyways, luck with the next, youre a champ.

9255, RE: (DEL) Gorach Gothruviel, Absolved by the Hummingbird
Posted by Sloryas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You packRat! I'm the cat whos gonna eat you up! Anyway, its always nice to have someone to bitch with. Travelled with you as 3 different faces. You might be able to guess the two deleted ones. Anyhow, you're great, we only fought once, and I kicked your butt! Hahahaa!
Kudos to you, see you around.
9254, RE: (DEL) Gorach Gothruviel, Absolved by the Hummingbird
Posted by Shaitarak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been wondering which one of us would go first for a while now, and unfortunately, it was you. I believe we first met around rank 38-40, killing trollocs in Aridhol. After that, you, Wasarbre, and I ran around on a near-constant basis until he deleted.

Then you became leader of the Drakes and obsessed with the White Tower project. Between that and my new hours, our interaction dropped to near zero. That was one of my main reasons to do the 'particular thing,' to make some kind of spark with you again. I had some rather particular plans, and you had to go and die. :P

Other than that... wow. You were definately one of other favorite characters in addition to Wasarbre. Nothing was more entertaining than our mock fights, which I won every time, by the way, despite what you think.

Oh, and one more thing, just to make this note longer...

>>Dullameh: Nicely done indeed, you have no idea of how big my hatred was for you.. remember that time in Arkham where it was like 6 against 2 ? Patience was the answer, but I remember shaitarak blowing it .. right after it, oh man .. I was about to explode ..

I'm fairly certain it was you who told me to go find which Dead End they were hiding at, so don't blame me for that fiasco. *grin*



Email: thewraith85@hotmail.com
ICQ: 164394269
AIM: TheSpectre1

9253, Oii!
Posted by Uelveyye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man I am going to miss our banter, travelling, exploring, and regearing with you was always fun. Hoping I could redeem your chaotic hide, loving you as an elf and pulling my hair out when you started misbehaving.
Your roleplay was superb and plodding around with you and Wasabre chimming off at each other kept me in stitches.

Good luck with your next!
9257, RE: (DEL) Gorach Gothruviel, Absolved by the Hummingbird
Posted by Phoden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dangit, Everyone I know is getting up and dying. You were interesting to have around, and thanks to your chars gullibility I finally got to meet the anti-life that I had heard so much about. Thanks for all the travels we went on and whatnot, you're the first person I've gone to hell with, however sad that this may sound. Anyways, you were an interesting and dynamic char to have around and I'll miss your... unique... personality about. Farewell.
9258, RE: (DEL) Gorach Gothruviel, Absolved by the Hummingbird
Posted by Lardovian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You stinking, drunken, hollering wuss!

Why? I knew this was coming but I still don't like it. I had a blast running around bickering with you and getting all the paladins to summon that mule so I could introduce them to your sister }>
Thanks goes to Wassie for starting that.

The whole Ice-drake thingy was great for it brought another dimension to most things we were doing.

When you first came into the hero-range many told me that they didn't like you because you had a tendency to screw things up. Well, after 400-500 hours I can tell you that they were right. :P

Like that time in the vaults... there was this incident with SOMEONE wearing a seashell ring instead of a mithril one and then heading in to the assassin, only to get her head split by a fist.
I laughed so hard I found myself rolling around on the floor and then I couldn't type for like the next 20 minutes because I was still chuckling.

Anyway, I dare say you were one of my best friends and you will be sorely missed. Both as companion and fellow combatant. Well done there and damn you if you don't come back. :)

9259, The mule!!
Posted by Wasarbre on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
heh, that made me laugh too. Loved that mule. *grin*
9260, You rocked.
Posted by Algorvhal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had so much fun traveling with you, ugly mirror-cracking bard from hell! One of the only things I regret about deleting was not being around when the whole Ice Drake stuff went down. (Which I still dont understand, email me and explain maybe please? hordughar@hotmail.com)

You were tops.
9261, Well done...
Posted by Karhon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hours: 620
Not a heck of a lot of people can do that. It was interesting running into Gorach, cause Karhon didn't know how to behave around you. Especially when you started calling people 'wuss'. I was cracking up in my chair when you started with that. We didn't see each other more than four or five times, but that was enough to leave a mark on me, thanks.
9262, Heh
Posted by Gorach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I started calling people wussies from what .. my 30th rank .. at first it was a joke, but then I started thinking .. and so I called people wussies for about 550 hours ..
I could tell you didn't really feel very comfortable around me and, I must say, most people didn't really know how to react when I, an elf, called them, e.g. a storm giant, a wuss .. but that was the funny part .. after some time most of them started bickering .. and that is exactly what I was trying to achieve .. and I did pretty good .. man, it can create hilarious situations .. One more thing, I was thinking about calling you gay, with all you hair and all, but that might have been over the top .. anyways, post the story about your hair when you delete/die/whatever eh. I found it interesting, you fagg.. hmm..
9263, Well done.
Posted by Wasarbre on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hell, what can I say. That was a blast. You really stuck it out and I was happy to see the drake fight at the tower with a new charactor of mine. I think the whole anti-life killing the drake and taking over was awesome. (Ilraeth rocks.)

The best times I had were traveling around and kicking butt with you. I didnt really like playing a paladin, but you made it worthwhile. I think of the 630 hours you lived, we spent 400 or so doing stuff and regearing. *grin*

Hope to see you in another form sometime, Ill be the crazy bastard rushing the enemies. *grin* Take care.


9264, RE: (DEL) Gorach Gothruviel, Absolved by the Hummingbird
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow, I thought you would be around forever, and you up and delete?? I don't even remember the first character I met Gorach with. I think it was Lintronea. Oh, and by the way - I'd like to ask, feel free to ignore it or not, were you Luriel?

Anyways, it was a joy, you should have tried to hero-imm. Although I don't think there is an imm of drunkenness, so I'm not sure where you'd fit in.

Well played and all that jazz. I hope this is just moving onto another charcter, and not the long good bye.
9265, Yep.
Posted by Gorach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Luriel that was me, indeed .. I deleted Luriel after a series of stupidities (and of course the fact that Gorach hero'ed had something to do with it)... and uhm I deleted Gorach right after she age-died .. I didn't want to stay around and shed tears and all .. short pain is the best one ..