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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectDeleted Rowane
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=92219
92219, Deleted Rowane
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I move today, and internet wont be transferring because I have been using wireless wifi.
Also because of some funds issues, I wont be going to college this semester will be waiting for next, and so wont be able to go on there too.
In short, likely no chance to log on anymore, so instead of fading away, I just deleted.
I want to say sorry to a few people, my char was against one thing primarily, and one thing only: People who took themselves far too seriously.
So I teased the ever loving hell out of them.
Those mostly being adarmar, ckath, molo, and the village commander. Others mostly joined in :)
for goodbyes.

Massok - you do good, am proud of you. Sorry for rising so fast and outdoing you on damage. At the end I had with frenzy and adrenal burst, without my two pendants, a 32 76 hit/dam, with 1079 hps. x.x but eh. oh yeah that wasnt with accelerate either. Nexus was getting beat on when I was growing, hope I did some good things for ya.

Dhavna - You also do good, and proud of ya. Was getting ticked that you werent growing but im proud you did. Now you just gotta hang in there :)

Olooco - you have balls, but damnit prepare yourself. I helped you out by getting you armors and helping you with armors, dont lose it eh? BASH bash bash BASH bash BASH! :) Thanks for helping me get all that gold.

Nghwhatever - I hate that name, part of why I called you naggy instead of other things I could have done with your name :) Outfitted you too, get preps man, and you will do good.

Fokwhatever - hated your name too, wanted to keep calling you fokker instead of fokky :) You seem sort of new, but you always went out there to try and kick ass. I approved of you and am very proud of you. Keep it up man and I hope the imms reward you for always sticking your guns out there

Neres - I had a bad opinion of you, and it stayed with you, but I used you for all you were worth because you were a healer. Sorry about that personally, but man you can be overly grating.

umm. oh yeah
Svirfneblin conjurer forget name now - Not true at all our last talk, though my char was passionate. I did very little hunting unless it was called for, there were very few I did hunt. Even massy is more bloodthirsty than me :) You kick ass too.

Bibli - you die to your pets far too often man, fix that. You die to yourself moret han anyone else. Also prep before tessing always, because others know you tess alot, and ban you will be trapped all the time.

overall nexans I loved alot of you.
oh yeah sudzy, didnt interact with you much, but you always were shooting at things, so keep it up.
Other invoker, forgot your name, traded cube of force to you. You always did too, you did good.

Jees I am very tired in a rush.

Lamayinn - you kick alot of ass, and MAN have you grown strong, not to mention freakin healthy! About my chars only friend, and he was emotional so always hated the thought of fighting you, though I assaulted you once in your guild, once raiding you, and duelled you twice :) Proud of you. You have come far since your earlier days at the beginning of the turn.

Luard - Cast iron balls, but I have a feeling you believe yourself far weaker than you should be. Find ways to fix that, talk with lammy, but if you put your neck on the noose with balls, expect to die. I expected to die every time I walked around attacking groups of three sometimes more and raiding through them alone.

other tribbies didnt deal much with.

Villagers -
commander, sorry forgot your name. Strong beast, I hope I added some toughness to your enemies for a while. I teased you alot because you took things so seriously, but some of that wasnt teasing, like villagers raiding with empirials, happened again recently. Villagers calling to empire to aid, it really seems like you kissed adarmars ass, instead of vice versa like you said. Anyway, you are very tough, and you got balls as big as my char was, proud of you and keep trucking.

Homard and Droma.
almost same builds and such so lumping you both here. I hated fighting other svirfneblin, and you two were my toughest enemies besides the commander of the village. you two do good, and you three with the commander have alot ot do with the village in getting it back to par. eh. sorry about that

Adarmar - teased you alot, but it was well deserved. The empire is fairly dead, and that should NEVER happen with the empire really. You commit to wars you cant possibly fight, and against people that is fighting for you because you cant. I saw you as rather pathetic overall, even though fighting wise you do rather well. Its like a mayor that promises to feed his people but cant really do anything, thats how I see you. Hopefully things get better.

Ckath - other than the teasing, I actually think you kick alot of ass. You do rather very well, though alot of that too deals with alot of the things you were given for stuff, I never even got a single point of imm xp :) didnt need it though, especially at the end I was probably far too strong.

Behnny - balls, and you tried always, good job man.

outlanders - didnt talk to many of you but lily. lylesse or some such hehe, you guys are growing strong now, keep it up, and you are doing a good job lily, and you too cruggy.


Twist - didnt take that personally, but kept me from really speaking again after that. I dont write roles or try for religions, or make priests because I am hard to understand and I know it. still love ya as an imm
same for you rayihn. think that was you

bremmy - thank you for bringing me with you and your help, I think yhou helped me far more than I did you, but your an explore char learning places, and I was a nexan killing people :)
*hug* hope ya learned everything you wanted


thats it for now. I know I forget people, but I got I think the main ones. I have very little time, I have to leave in 20 minutes and have to get dressed. Yay coed nekkid mudding
bye everyone, will be back at some point.
92362, R.I.P Rowrow
Posted by myth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thought you were just getting warmed up? I could see what you were trying to do with the class, and not a bad idea against ragers. Seemed like you were doing pretty well, gave quite a few people a run for their money. Felt pretty bad that time in the village when the dynamical dildo duo came in and nipped you right after tanking the destructor, I could tell it was your Wifi because you managed to get to the entrance but just couldn't get any further. In retrospect I should have put up a little fight there for you, but was hoping to recoup and then take them out....which never happened because you know who quit maybe five minutes later and you chased twiddledee around Thera for the next half an hour.

Some comments on your role in Nexus: Active balancing of veil was very good. I will say this because there was no one else who seemed to be this on top of it. A stockpile of items that can be used in our pit is fantastic. Especially so lazy, un-empowered healers can have something to do when they sit around the island doing nothing. Knowledge of which items would work and where to find them really helped out, especially some of the harder to find ones which you could manage to get. For the other aspects of the balance I think you were well enough on top of it, again main point here being that you were active. I'm not entirely convinced that when light sways the first thing to do is attack the fortress, but given how the marans play, the other options are pretty useless too so I can see why you were all up in there. A bit of a wildcard, and somewhat crazy, it either pissed me off or impressed me alternatively that you were so self-sufficient, but didn't utilize your abilities well within a group as much as I thought you could. For example, two transmuters disrupting the same target is nasty.
some other things to note about your role in Nexus comming from my perspective. for how short of a time you had been in the cabal you kinda assumed you carried big weight. This isn't that big of a deal but you get players like Fwipplethunt who is an elder of the island and you should really be paying attention. I'm not saying you need to kiss ass, but for the amount of respect I think you displayed you could have been laughed out of nexus for your RP. not that I as a person really care, mind you. I just like to play the game. But pet names for every character, not considering if perhaps these characters are really not amused by your antics. Being a balls to the wall trannie isn't going to save you from getting nailed on your wierd ass vocabulary. me and bremypoo had ongoing jokes about your obsession with poo. However annoying your baby-talk might have been at some points it was grin-and-bearable because of your race and description. That clearly painted enough of a picture in my eyes to just let you be who you were which was a really funny little creature, and I even made your voice sound like a chipmunk in my head to compensate. Anyways, thanks for playing, good luck with school and try to get a high speed cable or dsl connect for your next char you will be much happier! peace,

92357, RE: Deleted Rowane
Posted by Knac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd have to agree with most people here in the general aspect of your RP.

Initially it was ok - I didn't sense any deep understanding of the character, but it wasn't bad. I could tell you knew your stuff, had some sense of the character, but not spectacular. Certainly no Aesrira.

Towards the end, you got increasingly annoying. There were times when I logged on and instantly put you on ignore because I didn't want to deal with your 'rp'. Thought you were Kyaltaru sometimes because your rp reminded of the worse part of his character.

As for a foe, you were up there as the strongest nexun of his time. Not THE strongest, but ranked in the top 5.
92296, RE: Deleted Rowane
Posted by Humbert on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Reminded me of Pelrin, with the whole baby-bearing thing. Good transmuters are tough, sure... but you shouldn't come across as saying you're the toughest transmuter around. Bambizlo/Llorenz were by far tougher.

I mean, your damroll build -might- have been tougher - I wouldn't know. But those two actually went out and slaughtered lots of people, so they have the proof.

Liked your character with mine, but I won't comment too much for fear of outting myself.
92311, RE: Deleted Rowane
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Reminded me of Pelrin, with the whole baby-bearing thing.

I suspect this isn't a coincidence.
92312, I agree here. Played with Pelrin and against Rowane.
Posted by TheProphet on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very similar... but I think Pelrin was far more bad-ass.
92316, RE: I agree here. Played with Pelrin and against Rowane.
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
dunno. Fought pelrin and I thought he was a pushover, but I know how to cripple arcanes enough that I defended against that as well as I could with mine :)
92315, RE: Deleted Rowane
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
it wasnt meant to be a carbon copy of pelrin, nor was my char especially weaponry preference and some armor preferences, but I do agree with the playstyle on arcanes being much more than just spells, especially with their melee potential.

as far as baby things, pelrin had it done through him by rp? with an imm that isnt around anymore I think.

My char had a need to not be alone
92323, RE: Deleted Rowane
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't mean this character was a carbon copy of Pelrin.

I did mean that you would have a very, very hard time convincing me they weren't played by the same player based on a handful of tells.
92364, I swear this guy...
Posted by TheLastMohican on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...plays really tough, power-gamey characters all the time. Of course, I think this guy is insane as well (plays crazy hours, does weird things, has an odd perspective).

And I swear, no matter what people tell me, he played all of these chars.

Gosen, Jutunn, Geran, Pelrin, Rowane (probably a ton more but I'm on my phone so I can't search).

92328, I instantly thought this was the player of Pelrin as well
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
not as much from his build but from his attitude.
92314, RE: Deleted Rowane
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
mmm remember pelrin. if I remember right he had the title about someone loving him. ended up getting pregnant after making himself a girl?
I fought pelrin a few times with me being up, because I know how to cripple them best :)
Thing with pelrin, pelrin preffered the staff irreguardless of anything.
I prefer things like the dracolich claw which I can use even with 3 strength and always be able parry, even if I dont get whirl.
pelrin geared for damroll I think over any hp.
I went after the uber nice hp things that had damroll on it. Pelrin I think hit harder than my char did, I had 1100 hps almost with my best set on it.
my char was harder to cripple, as adarmar found out.
pelrin was much more of a pushover in that reguard having fought him.
dont remember much more of pelrin, I was busy being empirial at the time, and again back then light had strength so really didnt have to go against each other much.

The baby thing with my char, my char wanted to leave something behind, his solitude was killing him, his affection and he was very affectionate wasnt really returned much, the best was by bash who was attentive (olooco)

Bambi and llorenz, of their time they were the best by far. Llorenz I think was the one that chittered his mandibles all the time like the tv show or something? A little different on the killing board is this.
He could hunt people that werent in strength, including those solo people, and I couldnt :)
For me to get kills, I had to fight groups solo, sometimes killing, alot of times not. I had to raid through groups solo, greatest difference is I did things like that, where llor and others could just hit people that were struggling to level etc. Nexans period are much more limited in what they can and cant hunt.
scions.. are free to slaughter everything if they wished :)
btw, if they are long ago deleted and gone, they arent around silly!
92317, RE: Deleted Rowane
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Llorenz I think was the one that chittered his mandibles all
>the time like the tv show or something?

The chittering thing was Mesernyk.
92285, hasta la bye bye
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was going to wait to delte to post since well I can't post under my char name due to the Kov and I am tired after months of waiting for the forum to be unprotected and not willing to give gmail my cell phone number to make a new account.

That in mind after reading this Rowane please do not out my char name.

We had a discussion the night before you deleted and I think you got the wrong impression. When I indicated you were very passionate and not internally balanced what I was refering to had nothing to do with your hunting habbits. It had everything to do with you coming off as an annoying adolescant.

In terms of PK, raiding, balancing magic. You did just fine. However you were unstable mentally. By that I mean I could very easily see you throwing a tantrum and having a massive meltdown at pretty much the drop of a hat (not that you did have one but it was pretty clear it was only a matter of time, though you prevented that by deleting). The fact that you kept saying you took my criticism and then seconds later refuted it to me said you just were not getting what I was driving at and I was going to have a sit down with Massok to discuss booting you for a very short time just to see how you would handle it (my bet was on massive meltdown)

I think as far as muters go you pulled them off mechanically just fine. I think as far as nexus goes you had this misconception that anybody in Thera owed you some sort of gratitude for helping them out. I mean you spun it as poking fun at people but you obviously expected people to act a certain way towards you and that just wasn't the case in reality. As far as being a nexun goes you have to play with the expectation that you will have zero long term allies outside of the cabal (if you do have long term allies outside of the cabal you are likely not being a good islander) if people respect you for what you do then that is peachy, but don't get surprised when people take advantage of your times of weakness. Especially evil people who can very freely utilize your help when it benefits them and kill you when it benefits them.
92318, RE: hasta la bye bye
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
ooooh I know who you are. keep in mind this
english is my third language
i had no idea what you were trying to say period.
not to be insulting, its just that I couldnt understand what you were getting at.
dumb things down for me if I cant understand them.

my char was emotional, like I am in rl, only with being affectionate. Ask most chars in the cabal. You and bibli I wasnt with because of the devils, and it was only to the conjurers. Ask especially olooco and massok, the two I travelled with most, and bremen, he used archons and not devils :)

some of what my char did was an act, if you were ever around when he was committing suicide for a flag removal when chaos was in strength etc, yelling woe! woe! staggering around etc for attention, and hoping he would get it, and only lamayinn giving it :), again one of those things which I did just because it was part of my char that was completely unnecessary.

As far as people owing nexans nothing, that is your view and take on it, and generally mine. Ive had chars that could care less, but with this guy if a person bit the hand that fed them and was taking care of them, they were going to get spanked, and I did that perfectly well.

What I will say on you though, instead of not hunting when things were balanced like me, or hunting those you deemed needing to because of how they treated you, You killed anything and everything moving without char, You could care less. I am justified and I have reason for the things I did when it was balanced that you dont agree with.
You say screw it and hunt anything moving so you do not have to have justification. That is why I will not listen to you on that. The people my arcane was compared to, their chars had little personality and were just there for pk and no interaction.
My char was meant for alot of interaction / fooling around / drama.
I did just that.
92277, RE: Deleted Rowane
Posted by Ujor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I love the idea of a svirf transmuter Meleemancer and thought you executed it well. Too bad it was spoiled by bouts of what came across as lame roleplaying.

After reading this thread, it seems like it may not have been roleplaying and may have been the player being very full of himself. Meh.
92319, RE: Deleted Rowane
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
thank you.
And for being full of myself, I DO have every right to be.
for the lame roleplaying part as far as interactions goes, you were a villager, you didnt get anything that would have been likeable, but the bad things like taunts and insults.
Sorry to you for that, and to all villagers, especially to the commander which got it the most, including most of the ones where I had to say to myself, he understood what I was trying to say with that insult right?
92261, Saw you about, gave you the conquest rod
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the ic interaction about wands. I knew most of them but was grateful that you did not welch on the deal for the conquest.

Never really saw you as deathful, what was your PK count?
92265, RE: Saw you about, gave you the conquest rod
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
welcome, deal was a deal and my char wasnt a backstabber, vice versa he tried to overplease others and overdue things quite a bit.

actually probably didnt have all that high of a pkill count, maybe sixty or seventy. inner guardians helped limit that, and others like fokky flying off and picking off someone convulsing running from me that likely would have died anyway. dang fokky :)

what made my char deathful as to what people are saying, is that I would try to push raids even solo through three people or so, i would run up on groups that were fully prepared with expectations of at least scattering them. even if I didnt land kills I definately changed the way things were going, etc. my char had a presence because of how aggressive he was, thats more accurate than saying deathful.

and a blast from the past, god damn yeti!
92289, I still won 3-2
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
V that yeti :> Beast of a form though.

I take it you were Mizju?

92320, RE: I still won 3-2
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
nope was a villager back then.
if I remember right was a duergar whip / axe that was constantly being ganged down :)
92250, One of My Favorite Enemies
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm too overworked to formulate a coherent post, but I wanted to let
you know that I thought you were great.

92266, RE: One of My Favorite Enemies
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
your great too man, easily among the best of the village in top three
92238, Rowane!
Posted by Babalubagini on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Who will tank villagers for me now?
92242, RE: Rowane!
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
massok. or bash, or whoever is unlucky x.x
92253, RE: Rowane!
Posted by Babalubagini on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What do you mean unlucky?

I'm a master of the player killing!
92267, RE: Rowane!
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
man you died soo easily and so much, you dont prep and you need to, especially with the things I dragged you into. four maran, lets raid!! :)
i felt soo bad, I was going to get gear for you next and bring your hp to at least 1200 without songs, I had only 1079 but was wearing things like wide coppers, but ended up not having that ability. sorry man
thats what I meant by unlucky, things never seemed to go your way.
92233, Strong foe
Posted by MRSK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But annoyingly mouthy and too proud of yourself to be liked.

The empire is fairly dead, and that should NEVER happen with the empire really.

It happens regulary with any long lived leaders.

You commit to wars you cant possibly fight, and against people that is fighting for you because you cant.

There can't be no war with Nexus. You hit vanquisher, help fort/outs to retrieve and even take Codex - that's declaration of war. Luckily Empire is not Fort and Imms can't prevent imperials from taking key and hunting nexuns.
92243, RE: Strong foe
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
my char was always mouthy, i will refer to my chars interview, i will refer you to my poems. I will refer you to all my actions in the cities, especially when order was in strength, my interrupted interviews, my overly long winded speakings, it was MEANT with this character, he had to speak himself of a presence becausehe was a dwarfed svirfneblin being at 1 foot tall, which i purposely explained quite a few times to quite a few people. hinthint. if you werent one of those people, you were likely not one of those who spoke back to him.

no. no cabal dies due to active leaders, cabals die to inactive leaders or lack of leadership, no blood is brought in and old ones delete or die off. The reason why the village is dead is not because of lack of new blood, it has quite a few active youngling applicants, i saw four different ones earlier today when i was on, knacnar can only play spotty times and specific times, so not much leadership is there, also droma is rarely on. That means village doesnt get new blood, and its older ones are gone.
No fault of his, but leadership is not there. That is why village died more than being beaten on.

With empire, its leadersihp is on quite a bit. They arent doing their job, they have no excuse.
Dont try to make excuses for fort, my char was attacked by them and I encouraged it. Some hit my guardians when we didnt have their item to begin with, or simply left their item in the altar room, they were downright silly as my char put it, but they have.\
Others still have attempted raids on us. Doesnt matter, it was encouraged. Dont act like they dont fight back.
Empire is different in that it couldnt support a war period, it cant fight a war against the maran. I was very honest in saying my char alone returned the codex morethan any empirial in the past week.

I will also say this, my char had alot to be proud of, it was earned and deserved
92252, By any chance...
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is this Yevandr's player?

Or Alex?
92255, Flarkle(Yevandr) is more intelligent.
Posted by TheLastMohican on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I don't really know. It COULD be him, but I really really doubt it.

Doubt this is Alex.
92269, RE: Flarkle(Yevandr) is more intelligent.
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
as far as intelligent dunno. if having a better command of english maybe.
if its physics to new age dealing with time and rate of time, probably me. actually most definatly :)
its dependant. I wont get into #### here. doesnt matter.

but again, not either
92260, as the player of Yevandr I can assure you this is not me
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seriously Mek I am a pure player killer.
92270, RE: as the player of Yevandr I can assure you this is not me
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
as the player that isnt you I can assure you I am not you either!
i have had chars that are pure pk, but nexus doesnt fully support that when things are balanced
92283, Haha. When things are balanced you can kill everyone and anyone. n/t
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
92286, RE: Haha. When things are balanced you can kill everyone and anyone. n/t
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Except for the fact that he's neutral. Killing "everyone and anyone" is evil.
92288, RE: Haha. When things are balanced you can kill everyone and anyone. n/t
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you do it all the time. If you are only doing it when Thera is balanced that is a different story. And there are plenty of reasons to go after a fair number of people that are fine and are not just kill anyone.
92290, RE: Haha. When things are balanced you can kill everyone and anyone. n/t
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When all is balanced, a Nexus guy should act like any other neutral. Which is to say that unless he has some specific role reason to be whacking random people...he shouldn't be whacking random people.

This is why, say, an uncaballed murder druid or gnome air/offense shifter that PKs indiscriminately is eventually going to get dinged for it.
92293, Row Noooooo!!!
Posted by EternalNewbie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for lugging me around a bit, I learned a lot from you. I thought Row was a good character who knew what he was doing unlike myself. Since I was a nexan I didnt really notice too much what others were saying about you, but you play your character however you want to and let others do the same. Olooco liked him very much and liked traveling while bonded to a muter(who wouldnt). I'm sad to see you go, but good luck with whatever you do next, and thanks again for showing me around. Now whos gonna bond with me durring those odd hours I play?

Olooco is sadden by your demise. *BASH*BASH*BASH*SIGH*BASH*
Thanks again for everything.
92322, RE: Row Noooooo!!!
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
all I ask anyone ever is that they try.
if my char continued I would show you prep locations almost noone knows about, quests some know that bother, some I would have to dig up, because you are willing to go out there irreguardless.
I dont see that as a newbie.
Thats what vets do, they say I made this guy, my balls are this big, im gonna go out there and do something with it.
A newbie says I wanna watch and see what happens, oh I just died.
A hoarder says I got all this gear, I wont do anything with it.
You are shoving your balls out there like a vet and I will fully support that.
keep at it man.
92321, RE: Haha. When things are balanced you can kill everyone and anyone. n/t
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yes you can, but that WASNT what my char was about
92268, RE: By any chance...
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
nope to both of those counts
92232, Why? Neres, n/t
Posted by Dervish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
92244, RE: Why? Neres, n/t
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
lack of intelligence on your part, but I will respond anyway.
So you think I needed achar I interracted with rarely, did very little with, and often asked not to aid me? except a few times with healing from my wand source from the diseases which kicked my ass, and a few raid situations, and one time going for his stoneform amulet, we never interracted.
i have to ask you to get a clue, please adn thank you
92298, Really?
Posted by Dervish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow, you are not only a cocky one, but a douchebag with short memory.

I showed you your black and

>often asked not to aid me
One of your favourite tells during cabalwars was "Give me aura". And you often called me to help to get your black.

But continue to live in dreams, seems you like them.
92324, RE: Really?
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I called on you to not have to use my herbs of cleansing, you werent the end all be all of anything.

Yes you show me my black, and I am thankful for that. That wasnt a location I even knew about.

And for aura? Yes. made me not have to waste my black rods and could use them for later. Did that make you special? No. It just meant you were there and keeping me from using what I had.
Dont act like you were anything special, all you were was there.
92353, Dont act like you were anything special, all you were was there.
Posted by MRSK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's exactly what you should say to yourself
92229, Boo!
Posted by Danvos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you as there was always something goin on when you were around. We also sorta played the same strange hours so we saw each other a lot. Was hopin to join you up in the hero ranks soon so we could go tear some #### up, but alas I suppose it wont happen now.
92245, RE: Boo!
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
wasnt strange hours for me. waiting for college to come back up means stupid amounts of play hours for me. I think I averaged 100 hours per week for 3 weeks. hehehe
i tore #### up without you. Its time for you to pick up the slack
92227, I don't want to out myself more than I've already have...
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... But I liked Rowane. At the end however your RPing got a lot more annoying. Once my char dies I'll post more to you as I have some stuff to say.
92246, RE: I don't want to out myself more than I've already have...
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
my char got more and more desperate for a child, i know ooc i was going to be leaving soon, and ic this was a way for my char to leave a legacy, call it pleas for attention more than anything else x.x
but i kept going more and more towards that end, and my char being frustrated with myself over not being able to leave a lasting effect, and his loneliness etc, but only a few islanders really got into that, and lamayinn
92222, do you feel that Muters are too easy?
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If not outright over powered were you ever in danger of dying?

If so in what instances and what would you say of the class over all.
92223, RE: do you feel that Muters are too easy?
Posted by Ageryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He died one time raiding Fortress. Watcher dispelled, I cheapshotted.
92224, Crushing blow.
Posted by trewyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You cheap shotted every crushing blow I threw out. But yeah. Muters are too easy. Just go flat and you never have to worry. If they made it so you didn't regen mana as well or even at all while flat that would make it much gooder.
92225, RE: Crushing blow.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>If they made it so you didn't regen mana as well or even at
>all while flat that would make it much gooder.

It actually was like that for a few years -- reduced regen while flat to give transmuters more of an incentive to not live their entire post-duo lives flat.

At some point someone decided transmuters didn't stack up and removed it -- I've thought more than once recently that maybe it should go back to being that way.
92226, Pweese oh pwetty pweese!
Posted by trewyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I LOVE the muter class. It's my favorite mage class to play and I've played it both ways and it was MUCH more fun the old way.

*** though nothing was as fun as the old transmuters with gate and prismatic spray and junk, especially with transform and scourge ***
92249, RE: Crushing blow.
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
with villagers, most villagers cant hang when they were nerfed, though people believe because a few people are powerhouses, that villagers are overpowered.
that arcanes are ok, but one plays one as a powerhouse, they need nerfed. not so much.
i would say arcanes are okay as they are, villagers should be unnerfed x.x in my opinion.
There will always be powerhouses and literally uber players spread throughout all the cabals. knacnar is one. ckath is one. cant tell if adarmar is or not but I know he can handle himself. cruggin handles imself like one but havent seen him in action much. lamayinn is one. I am one. They are people that change the effect of the game single handedly.
the time people were upset with villagers, I think there were a few people in that cabal that were elitists, i remember throwing a raid in which we killed the scion guardian, the three of us, in like three rounds. eh. deleted my dwarf after that. had something like a 110 damroll with him too. oh well.
92256, RE: Crushing blow.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't take this the wrong way, but if you asked me who makes transmuter look tough right now, I wouldn't have named Rowane.
92257, Hah
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How does someone take that the right way?

Not that I'm knocking you for saying that. Sounds like the guy is ridiculously cocky.
92262, RE: Hah
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I suppose you're right.

I mean, he didn't do terribly in PK. Probably he was about the third toughest guy in Nexus in his time. But as you say, "pretty good" is not where he thinks he is.

The timeline on this character is pretty striking -- about 300 hours played in about 3 weeks.
92275, RE: Hah
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
mentioned was on college break, nothing to do but be able to play, and mentioned I was on about 100 hours a week :)

with our builds massok could do better against some than I could, especially with much more health, till at the end when I had the shield and mask both with 100 extra hps and that 76 damroll etc, but that was only for about two days.
Fwipplethunt is the other one in the island that can be said was tougher than me. I didnt think so, but in a duel fwip would likely win against my arcane unless bad dispells. and of all of this, I dont care, so there :)
especially when I could go after the commander of the village better than fwip was able to last and deal damage alone, though she would do better against homey and droma. Our strengths were against different peoples. Fwip though would have been stronger against the forties with more damage capability overall, but conjurers are like that too :)
so if ya want comparisons, I just gave them. and umm, there again :)
anyway i stopped by the college, and have been on their computers when I shouldnt be for far too long. Where I am staying my wifi doesnt get any public places, but if I go out to the parking lot and almost to the street, I can connect to a public place there that is crappy and write goodbyes like I did last night :)
a bit cheap, but works for now
92280, RE: Hah
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You realize this is pretty much exactly what everyone is commenting about? No-one said you did badly with a transmuter. However, the consensus we're commenting on is that you come across as if you're trying to argue you're the baddest fish in the sea, when that's a very subjective area to begin with.

As an anecdote; it's never the big bad fish who's all pomp and posture, that's the guy who wants you to THINK he's about four times badder than he is. The REALLY big, bad fish is the one who is quite happy KNOWING he's the big, bad fish, and would rather people think he's not so bad, and maybe he'd get lunch easier.
92282, not to nitpick
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But there is really no reason why the biggest baddest fish would not also be very boastful. You can both be the best at what you do and have absolutly zero hummility about it.

Not saying Rowane was that great at mutering just saying it is a fallacy to assume that the best is also humble.
92287, RE: not to nitpick
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The archetypal example being Kostyan.
92329, RE: not to nitpick
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hes arguing that the best dont need to act like it.
All this is largely comming about due from that little thread where pro asked if trannies were too easy or too much forget without looking back at it now.
Its the people behind them that make chars scary. Lamayinn take for example. Doesnt boast in game, brags a bit but due to reason wont do more than that, I know why lammy :)
Are ap's too strong because of her?
Are they too weak because others dont have near her strength?

Are arcanes too strong because of mine and I could beat up warriors and shifters without casting spells on them?
Are they too weak because other arcanes cant?

I was giving a very specific scenario using myself as an example, that I am much better than alot of people, and so are others because they have been on this game for a stupid amount of years and know how to pull things off people wouldnt consider or even try, or thought of. Others are better than me, others are stronger, and dependant on char it is vice versa. It will always be this way.

I will continue to say it, I am a vet of cf. Its not a matter of being cocky, its a matter of having been here this long and am willing to throw myself out, and knowing how to survive / pull #### off. I earned it by playing this long, I earned it by experience of playing this long. Sooo.. there :)
92327, RE: Hah
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
umm, you do realize in other places in the thread I have stated the people that kicked my ass etc, never acted like the baddest fish in the sea, I will say I am one of the toughest, I was the toughest trannie with my biggest competition being massok, having fought all the others I know I can say it.
what I say on that matter is deserved
92263, Yep
Posted by MRSK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sure getting ridicoulus damreduct and then go into fights makes you very hard to kill, but you wasn't scary at all. I was way more wary about Massok or even Kochi who's by the way had way easier build for me to fight against.
92274, RE: Crushing blow.
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
mm. only one that competed with rowwy in strength was massok. dalal was a pushover, the outlander one just seems cute and I felt bad for fighting him when I did. dont think he has wands at the moment. dont recall any other transies, but irreguardless, not offended by it
92248, RE: Crushing blow.
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
never have to worry? you forget mark, follow, empirial shadow and emporer can see you though cant attack, they CAN bring you out. invokers have a way to bring you out without being there, you can be seen walking about unless class or a single item, etc.
As a matter of fact, its a much easier fight against an arcane after you pop them out, than when they are prepared, and it isnt all that hard to do. with some classes, ie invoker, its quite easy
92247, RE: do you feel that Muters are too easy?
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
considering their high spells costs, looong prep times, high upkeep cost of spells especially of endurance etc, no. In fact I would say their own preps hinder them greatly.

Yes, I did die quite a few times. I ws in danger often, #### I fought probably morethan most people, it was constant except for gathering wands.

of the class overall, id say its on par with teh others. I have had a healer, my only one, become divine sect leader and end up being more scary than anyone else on the game at teh time.

my tribbie assassin became vindicator dring the time of igbah, fought him adn made his cloak save his ass etc et al. You dont see other arcanes pulling off #### like I did do you?

arcanes can be very crippled very very easily, just noone chooses to do it, but knacnar, and I dont know if he even realizes how he does it. He once had me spend over 100 gold in a very short time. thank god for dracolich.
btw, thank god for orbs of travel. Thank god for pills. eh
92264, Wow, mr Kickass
Posted by MRSK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Should we all worship and bow to you?
92271, RE: Wow, mr Kickass
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
no. im saying dont talk about a class being uberly uber when really its not the class at all. I gave examples of others that have outdone me, and people that have outdone me with this char. Its the people behind them.
If you want to bow and worship someone go find someone that is impressed by it.
If you want to get real good, find one of my chars in game, or an uber elite person, and interact with them. You would be surprised at just how quick we will teach even competition
92281, Grow up. nt
Posted by MRSK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
92326, on a scale of 1 to 10
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
i give your comment a 0. Please dont post anymore unless you can say something beyond a 1 yr olds ability.
92221, Liked Rowane
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sad I didn't get to see what happened with the child bearing thing you were going for, but I had fun the few times I got to chat with you a little. I was going to suggest a possible solution for you so you could mate with yourself next time I saw you.

Hope I'll see another char of yours sometime.
92258, RE: Liked Rowane
Posted by luard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked Rowane, thought you kicked ass. Was hoping we could interact more and was looking forward to a wedding!
oh well... hope we'll see more of you soon.

(I do have to say... that last raid we tried really demonstrated poor judgement)
92273, RE: Liked Rowane
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
not really, we were raiding against numbers, I just forgot to give you one of my orbs of travel, and didnt get to word you in time. very sorry on that one man
92272, RE: Liked Rowane
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
that would have messed with rowwy's sensiblities