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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectPatakie fell into the fireplace drunk again, this time he couldn't get out.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=91237
91237, Patakie fell into the fireplace drunk again, this time he couldn't get out.
Posted by Patakie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well this was a blast. I have not had a more fun char I believe. Second Hero in only 8-10 chars. I interacted with many people and they kept it fun. It kinda sucked at frequent times that I would loose my connection due to wireless being sucky, well at least in my room. So I had to play it off like I was cursed by something. I decided to join the Heralds cause I have always loved the Heralds. Yeah yeah People might think I just say that cause I suck at PK. Well I do. Even when I had two Tribunals I didn't really pk as much. It takes skill that I do not have yet but perhaps someday I will. I am sorry if I let anyone down, I just couldn't really find the time to play any more. I just want to thank everyone again who Interacted with me in making this char my favorite char yet! Someday I will age die! And whats worse I still had 14 con!

Vesskela- Heh one of my two body guards! I really enjoyed our adventures so early on in Patakies life, It is a shame you lost interest in your char. I was hopping we could adventure more and more.

Jeeiceahe- You gave me so many gifts, and yet again one of Patakies Earliest friends. It was sad that we could not go on all those adventures like we were planning. And you stopped showing up at least around the times I did which made me even more sad. :(

Uial- The Eternal Star Herself! I loved all of your shows, and all of our sparring! I am sorry I had to go and delete on you but you are far more experienced than I anyways and besides there are many others swooning over you! Patakie kinda looked to you as a sister but obviously not blood related or that would be strange. I love your role!

Qaztou- Couldn't of made it into the Heralds with out you buddy! And you disappeared on me as well! I'm sure your on to your next anyways.

Aurilimilis- Hah from the first time you helped me slay the Patrollers till that last time I asked you to hold onto Rorgoths armor, You were a grand friend! Always seemed so cheerful and always willing to help out! Great Char!

Katsu- A strange friend of mine. I could never tell what angle you were playing at but for some reason you befriended me and I am glad!

Elryn- The lil one who kidnapped the other! We had a few good nights just sitting drinking stumbling and talking.

Rorgoth- Ahh my other non blood related sibling! You were my brother! Many fond memories with you as well. I didn't mind holding on to that armor for you it was just heavy and people were starting to strike at me in the Inn so I decided to try to give it to Aurilimilis in hopes he would give it back to you.

Yuial- We never saw each other much but we talked quite frequently. I only wish you coulda come to the inn for more interactions!

Nnaeshuk- Even though I couldn't understand alot of what you were saying, I could understand that I had a grand ally and one who would be there if needed! Good luck to you and give that Empire hell!

Nos- Probably the only Imperial I actually liked! What happened to you? Even though I had a rough start with you it was fun delivering you food when I did.

Kahlzek- I traveled with you alot in the beginning! You definitely seemed to know what you were doing.

Ilvena- Poor little 6 yr old in a 20yr old body. I am sorry you couldn't get a hold of the one you seeked. Our religion of the great board was a blast! Hah See you should of just asked the board for empowerment!

Shudor- A strange Nexun for you never seemed to mind me at all! I felt really bad that one time with the White dragon when you kept getting tossed away. That one match we had in the Arena was very very fun as well! Lol If I took a step I would be zooming around the four spaces till I finally fell. Then You get me with some sorta lighting, I fall just when my Poison defeates you. I still lost my bet on you winning.

Feira- We did not get to travel much at all, And that saddened me. Patakie grew quite fond of you and was hopping we would be able to travel together. Lol and make sure you perform that thing, or at least let people know of the true history!

Alondarin- Because of you I reached my second Hero Status. Thank you very much! I tried returning the favor by helping young squires learn and aid them with gathering some better armor.

Arlettien- I was hopping you would stick around as well. I had fun fighting the dragon with you and getting lost underwater!

Majaranarana- Another member of the Great board that I never saw again.. I think our religion just died with me unless there is another about who still carries it on!

Ellror- Even though you seemed hesitant with Patakie at least at first, Great char I hope the Dwarf day goes well!

Nurok- You destroyed me in the Arena... then again you had many levels on me and it was me and I forget the other Assassin vs you and you still won. Hah Why did Iunna bash you?

Lylesse- Ever since that one magic tournament I had a nice friend. I tried talking to Iunna about that Idea though He just couldn't convince her. :(. I was hopping one of the days we were about you would offer to take me on an adventure but alas it didn't happen. Though It is alright! It was still fun just speaking with you when I was feeling a bit lonley in the Inn or where ever else I was.
91376, Hah! I thought to myself, i wonder if it's the same person that played patick.
Posted by HH_Gaspar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeap! I guess I should have made some interactions to see.
91384, RE: Hah! I thought to myself, i wonder if it's the same person that played patick.
Posted by Patakie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wha? I thought one of two people were you... But I think I was wrong.. I was thinking it was either Aurilimilis or... Well I forget the other one
91260, Two of my chars mentioned in one goodbye? I'm moving up...
Posted by Elryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From your post on Dio's; the weird thing is I actually remember 'Patick' being around, even though you say you weren't memorable! I don't know what character I had back then. I think I was some lowbie half-drow goodie assassin, but I don't remember. I do recall the name and that I met you, if briefly.

Anyway, after interacting with you with 3 characters, I got the impression that you are a really nice person in RL, so I thoroughly enjoyed hanging out with you in the Inn. Too bad you couldn't stick around to cook Kirrus some more meals. He is always hungry for free food!

I doubt I'll ever be good at PK. The only PK I think I've ever sealed was a complete accident as Elryn and I totally didn't even earn it. Plus I can hardly find the Druid's Guild in the Grove without getting totally lost. But for some reason I keep rolling characters anyway! So never fear! No matter how bad you think you are, there will always be me to make you feel better about yourself.

I'm going to miss you. I actually just asked Uial where you were, and worried that I hadn't seen you in a while. Of course, I referred to you as "that chef" and was basically just demanding spicy chicken...but just between you and me, I'm going to miss you a lot more for fun stuff like you whacking those arial guards with your spoon and declaring you a traitor of the Cult of the Boards! You were pretty much the reason that I kept coming back to the Inn even though with Elryn and Kirrus it was costing me precious, precious wilderness time that probably doesn't matter that much because I suck so much at this game anyway! Even if you don't have that much time to devote to CF, I'd love to catch you as another good-natured Inn-sitter that I can joke around with. And get drunk with. And try to get opium with.

Your friend(s),

Elryn, Ilvena, Kirrus
91270, RE: Two of my chars mentioned in one goodbye? I'm moving up...
Posted by Patakie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a feeling you were Ilvena but had no Idea you were Kirrus... When I roll another char I will probably be a Inn sitter. I don't know given this last experience If I would contribute to the Heralds other than cooking, trying to make the chars laugh and the people behind them, and sending out random Lyceum invites. Patick was another goody assassin who cooked... He was married to Lauriel I belive He con died at like 60 something years.
91259, Drat!
Posted by Nnaeshuk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I regret not getting to hang out with you more. You'd always send me a tell when things were out of control crazy and I was busy with one thing or another. I'm glad you had fun!
91274, RE: Drat!
Posted by Patakie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We still did have quite a few fun conversations and brief hang outs!
91256, Take care Chef...
Posted by Lylesse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed your roleplay... Given mine , I probably would have hunted you, until I found out you were a herald... ;)

I still never got to get you any fresh meat... I actually planned on it, but seem like anytime I saw you, had other things going on I had to attend to... and under normal circumstances.. I do not usually go on adventures with others... Not with Lylesse anyways... had you ever asked me for aid to go someplace in the wilds, you would have had it.

Anyways... Good luck with your next.
91273, RE: Take care Chef...
Posted by Patakie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah thanks for not getting me that meat! Think of all the food people could of been eating!
91253, BAH!
Posted by Rorgoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ya bloody bastard! =P I get it when you have to move on, but I still call you a punk. You and Uial were the strongest ties I have and you'll be missed. Glad you enjoyed the character immensely and I thoroughly enjoyed our time together. Thanks for all the good memories
91272, RE: BAH!
Posted by Patakie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was going to stick around but I just couldn't find the time other than to log on just once to see if I could interact with anyone and to check the leaders and notes and stuff. I wish we had better travels they always seemed to end up with you dead more than me though. :(
91251, A wise bard once said
Posted by Babalubagini on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your rhymes were oh so whacky.

91247, RE: Patakie fell into the fireplace drunk again, this time he couldn't get out.
Posted by Ellor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dwarf Day was good, thanks!

I liked Patakie, and Ellor did, too, for the most part. He just has moody, introverted periods.

The whole clumsy assassin thing was a riot, and I wish you'd stuck around to cook more for us. Herald's kind of in a bind now, with only 2-3 left, no High Herald, and two semi-dormant Imms.
91271, RE: Patakie fell into the fireplace drunk again, this time he couldn't get out.
Posted by Patakie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe I am glad you enjoyed our interactions. After I would always lose my connection I decided to work that into the roll and when it wouldn't happen I would have to pretend to be clumsy. How often do you find an Assassin who would not assassinate, Stalked only a few times other than just for fun, and Cooked for the Heralds. Not often enough.
91240, RE: Patakie fell into the fireplace drunk again, this time he couldn't get out.
Posted by Paelin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"And the Empire was born out of the arse of an orc!" - Patakie

I think that about sums up my memories.
You were a blast to just sit there and get drunk with.
91242, RE: Patakie fell into the fireplace drunk again, this time he couldn't get out.
Posted by Patakie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a blast to get virtual drunk!
91252, RE: Patakie fell into the fireplace drunk again, this time he couldn't get out.
Posted by Paelin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why not? We can no E-Smoke, why not E-drink?
91244, RE: Patakie fell into the fireplace drunk again, this time he couldn't get out.
Posted by Patakie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ohh what happened to you btw?
91250, RE: Patakie fell into the fireplace drunk again, this time he couldn't get out.
Posted by Paelin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was getting bored, and teleported, walked into pitcher plant which ate my gear so i deleted
91239, Oh no, not Patakie!
Posted by Uial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, it was great. My first friend. I remember seeing you around the Inn and thinking, either he's staking people out, or he wants to be a Herald. I was very happy to make such a great friend, and having a friend like you fit into the role perfectly. I'm glad you liked the character, I thought I was going to have to appologize for my behavior!
91241, RE: Oh no, not Patakie!
Posted by Patakie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Of course not! It made me laugh a lot. I hope you get High Herald!