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Topic subject(DEL) Zardik the Maran, Paladin of the Open Seas
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=9079
9079, (DEL) Zardik the Maran, Paladin of the Open Seas
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Sep 12 21:43:43 2002

12 o''clock AM, Day of the Moon, 21st of the Month of the Heat on the Theran calendar Zardik perished, never to return.

Cabal:MARAN, the Holy Brigade of the Phoenix
PK Ratio:80% (closer to 100% is better)

9080, Long! Rambling!
Posted by Zardik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, this was a long time coming, and I finally decided to do what I shoulda done awhile back.

I had logged on awhile back fully intending to delete then. When I logged on, we didn't have the hammer, and I lost a ton of gear due to inactivity, so I figured, oh what the heck, one last fight for the cause, lets get the hammer back. Went out, and ended up having some of the most fun fights I've ever had...and thus, couldn't bring myself to delete. It was me, Gorach and Rocheval on Amora, Aljiern and some shifter. I died because I told Gorach I was on the wrong side of the desert and barged right into them and got neuro'd down, but still, a great fight.

Annnyhoo. Zard was damn old, he was a Maran back when Warlock was still in the Fort. Ahhh the days of defending against ragers going for the Grimoire. The paladin class was a ton of fun to play. With the virtue packets I got I definitely had a lot of tools to keep alive. I died my fair share of course, but there were a lot of times I got away because of some things I could pull off. Anyways, I could ramble on about this for awhile, but I won't since I have to get busy rambling on about goodbyes.

Lets start with friends,

Maran: Fun cabal. Dunno how it is now, but back in the day when Scion was huge and Maran was small, it was just a really great band to be around.

Kayewele: Kay! You were great. I remember ranking up with you, stabbin baddies, and just getting in trouble. You cracked me up all the time. I loved it when there was this big serious gathering at the Fort when the Warlocks were getting moved out. Everyone was all sad and serious. And you walk in and ask whats up, they say, "We're leaving the Fort" you say "Okee! Bye!" and go play with a pebble. I laughed my ass off.

Selfren: You were Zard's mentor. He looked up to you and hoped to fight at your side....but then you auto'd as soon as I heroed! Anyways, you were cool, hope you're still around.

Johan: As any post that contains your name says, I gotta say, you were one badass motherfucker, hands down. You knew what was up, and kicked ass. Sorry the imm thing didn't work out.

Pohanad: You were a pile of fun to have around too. I remember drinking on the rainbow bridge with you. Good times, good times.

Ulthur: I don't really know you, you seem well played from my brief interaction, but I just have to immortalize this line you said on cb when I was getting ready to delete.

Ulthur: Does your shitt sail this minute, or will you remain shortly?

Warlock: Zard didn't like most of you. He kinda thought you were prissy and clean. That kinda went to his surly sailor roots though.

Yazul...something: You were that drow Warlock, and probably the one Warlock Zard related the most with. You always were about going out and beating down some evil magi. I remember having fun charging the Chasm a few times with you....and dying. You never backed down either, good job.

Dawn: Zard understood your purpose, even if he didn't like what some of you did to help evil people.

Vynmylak: Yeah, you're Maran now, but you'll always be a Dawnie to me. *grin* I remember happening upon you in Tar Valon and giving you a sword one day, and then remember having some damn fun retrievals with you against the Chasm crew. You were good, stuck it out. Congrats on the whole imm thing, hope that goes well.

Derexal: I hung with you a bit too. You weren't one of those pansy, flower sniffin dawnies/

Teeka: One of my favorite defending partners.

Sylvan: Had some friends with you up until Priolith came along. He was around when the Warlock war started, and that just made things awkward for Zard. (though fun to play out)

Suilvanum: Had fun raiding with you a lot, good fighting.

Ranitorali: Had fun killing dragons with you. *wink*

Herald: I liked most of you. Zard's home away from home. He was a sailor so he liked his ale.

Banya: You flat out rocked. That plot you had going during the Fort plague quest? That was awesome. I felt like 007 with all that secret stuff. Thanks for turning your head a few times when I fought inside *wink*

Iunna: Congrats on imming, always remembered my ale too.


Kaada: Kaada! It seemed like everyone and their mother had a panther when you were around. I remember fighting the archmage when you came in, and I tried to wrath you thinking you were someone else. Anyways, you were fun to hang around.

Now....for my enemies..

Scion: You got big...and got small...and got big. I was around for the times when you were a horde and when you were just like...two guys.

Iillien: One of my major archenemies in my life. I remember being around your rank a lot and fighting on our way up. You were a blast to fight in many ways. From raiding, and to the little verbal battles we'd have. I knew you were trying to deceive me, but I was trying to manuever you in a way to try to get you in front of Shok and to open yourself up there. Neither happened I don't think, but either way, you made the char a lot of fun for me.

Korez..something: That panther guy. You sure knew how to fight. I could be raiding with 2 or 3 others and you'd barge in and break us all up and send us retreating to regroup. You were badass and had balls. Made things a lot of fun, especially our duels. I don't think either one of us got each other one on one.

Karel: Another badass mutha. I only managed to bring you down once in a one on one, and it was one of those things where I got lucky in that everything I tried worked, and it seemed like everything you tried didn't. Either way, you were a helluva tough fight, and stuck things out in good and bad times. Fun to fight.

Phaistus: I loved to hate you. I'd rather see 5 scions on without you, than 3 with you. I knew I'd never be able to kill any of them. Nice job.

Tilaen: Fought you a fair amount too, and you were a pretty tricky, yet fun fight.

Scarab: Weren't many of you, but the few there was were tough as nails.

Lokaoan: Ranked up around you. You never hit hero, but you sure made life rough for me early on. Nice job.

Drucyrus: No hero paladin's life was complete without a fight against you. We had several good knockdown dragouts. I don't think either of us ever died in a one on one.

Amora: Damn you! This deletion would have happened awhile back were it not for you!


Shokai: Never had a lot of contact with you, but when I did, it was all good stuff. It was always a huge morale boost to see you talk on cb, or to here a 'good job' from you, sort of like a reminder that while you weren't seen much, that you were always watching and standing up for your boys. Thanks for everything.

Well, this was probably too long and rambling, and as usual for anything like this, sorry if I forgot anyone, and I'm sure I did. This guy lived forever :P

9101, RE: Long! Rambling!
Posted by Iillien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
-Iillien: One of my major archenemies in my life. I remember being around your rank a lot and fighting on our way up. You were a blast to fight in many ways. From raiding, and to the little verbal battles we'd have. I knew you were trying to deceive me, but I was trying to manuever you in a way to try to get you in front of Shok and to open yourself up there. Neither happened I don't think, but either way, you made the char a lot of fun for me.

I could never kill a paladin unless I got lucky and used a certian staff that can no longer be obtained. So I found the best way to keep you from raiding was talk with you. Usually would work for some time. Then you would finish. Must say when you played you were an excellent enemy. I was somewhat upset with Dranolian when I saw you login and was like WTF he is still around? Any way played a paladin how a paladin should be.

9100, Wow
Posted by Lokaoan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, we had some of the most interesting times chasing eachother around.. it was fun, to say the least, and I am most most suprised to see your name on here, thought you were long dead and gone.
anyway, well done
see ya in the fields
all that jazz

*a rasping sound that could only be described as a sickened laugh follows you as you leave*
9099, RE: Long! Rambling!
Posted by Suilvanum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's amazing that Suilvanum is still even remembered....All I can say is well done! You know we were a bad assed team, takin down scions in mass amounts.....good job, and good luck
9098, Right, um...
Posted by Ulthur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I uh... uh... oops. There's four keys between the 'p' and the 't' on the keyboard, so I guess I can't claim that I sneezed and my finger slipped, can I? There's no good way to salvage a complete bomb like that one, so I just said "Ship, that is." and smacked myself a few times. What a way to be sent off :P Hope the afterlife... um... smells ok.

I actually knew Zardik pretty good with an old character, and I had heard rumors of your occasional apperances as Ulthur, but this is the first time I saw it myself. Glad I got to see you off on your #####.

9097, Paladin of the Open Seas always scared me.
Posted by Warborf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But when you were on I felt like we could conquer the world. I wish we could have fought more together, but oh well.

I guess the same would go for Faelmort too... my underachiever version of Warborf.
9096, RE: Long! Rambling!
Posted by Lightmage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well done Zardik. Yazaulyzt was my drow warlock. I enjoyed the travels. You also helped me out with other charactors, Anborankein, and some other mages I cant recall. Nice job.
9095, Hehe! Bye Cap!
Posted by Kay! on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
See ya soon Cap! Ya, hope that when they stick ya in the ground mebe you'll fall on a baddie and breaks his nose off!

*pounces on a dead fly and glares at it with menacing eyes*

Well done! You were always great to be with. explore with, and rank with. A'right there matey? I wish I had the chance to have Amithrailia meet you.

'Shut yer mouth y'damn prissy paladin a'fore I make yer walk th' damn plank. An' tha's an order.'


9093, BAH!
Posted by Felgaire on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You didn't like me and my prissy warlocks? What the hell is wrong with you!!!!!! Was fun running around with you some. I still remember that time you saved my butt after I paniced. Was a fight I might have been able to handle, but low and behold I freeze and don't type anything for like 5 rounds not sure what to do. And poof...my savior comes and saves the day.


P.S. How could not like those awesome warlocks? You have issues.

9094, yeah, how can you not like us ;)
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We only travelled once that I remember, but I had a lot of fun. We planned to go on another expedition anothertime, but I never saw you again after that.
9092, And the names I remember dwindle by one more :(
Posted by Johan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey, Zardik -

I remember being with you when you got tattooed. We were raiding the Scarab Temple and Shok came out of nowhere and did it. That was quite literally the first time I'd ever seen your character first-hand (and we'd only been grouped for two minutes - hadn't even killed the gargoyle, yet) and I thought, "Huh. There must be alot to this guy." I'd kill for Johan to have had a shot at Zorszaul, RP or PK, with a character like Zardik beside me.

The truth is, I think there are maybe four paladins total that accomplished what you did (that I can remember).

The IMM thing worked out great, actually. Silly me for thinking marriage and law school would leave me time to focus on the game (though of course there's always time to sort through CF posts) - but I totally recommend it. You'd be kickass and the game would better off for it.

Dawnbringer guide your blade.
9091, Now, now.
Posted by Gorach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We didn't interact all that much, but from the few times we travelled together, I must say I found you pretty interesting and well played .. anyways, sorry to see you go. See you in the fields.

9090, Fun Fun
Posted by Teeka on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah It seemed that we were around when the big bad hoard was around. I was in dawn but I usually had little chance to actually help somebody because I was always defending or trying to get our item back. You were great to be around when we defended. You knew where you were doing and I was able to play off that.

Hope you have time again to play.

9089, RE: Long! Rambling!
Posted by Ranitorali on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
::smiles and remembers dragon hunting!::

I must say you are one of the regrets I did have. I so wish
I could have gotten to know you better. Those few hours we
were hunting were just a good time. I hope to still come
around. Finally am back now myself. What other chars have
you played in the past too? Have fun with whatever you do!

9086, Why do you people always forget me...
Posted by Grollaski on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
wear talisman
invoke talisman

especially when I helped you out like that!
Good job though


9087, Sonuva
Posted by Zardik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damnit, damnit, damnit.

I *knew* I was forgetting someone big. How could I forget you? Man, I bet we were some of the few people who figured that quest out. That was a lot of fun exploring there with you, and the other plaes we went.

While I'm at it, a few other big names I forgot.

Dullameh: Didn't fight as much as I'd hoped, but when we did, it was scary. I pat myself on the back just by the fact I managed to live each time.

Kerikorian: I wish I interacted with you more, you seemed like a damn fine paladin. I loved the baker's rush plan too.

Daurwyn: We had some good fights, another Warlock I liked hanging around. Just boned up that one retrieval, sanc fell, and I got whaled on bad.

9088, Must be
Posted by Grollaski on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
that new lich im dinking around with an immortal level forget.hee hee
9085, RE: Long! Rambling!
Posted by Abthalok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ulthur: Does your shitt sail this minute, or will you remain shortly?

Yeah, I laughed my ass off at that also.

Sorry you didn't stick around, I had talked to you a couple of months ago when I first rolled, and you were real cool. I was hoping to get you to change your mind so we could beat down some evil mofo's. But oh well.

9084, Flower Sniffing?
Posted by Lysrieal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Where you come up with that one :)

Lysrieal, Maiden of Alaryion, (Flower Driven err Sniffing) Apostle of the Dawn
9083, RE: Long! Rambling!
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember fighting you a few times, and the one on ones were usually just no goes. You'd be hurt, I'd be hurt, we'd try again later. One of the few marans I have ever had some respect for, although when I saw you as eh Orinah or Stargher I lost alot of it for you. I have issues with people that just...linger. Come to think of it, not mistaken the other two marans I had some respect were of your era...Johan and Pohanad. Anyway, well played...good choice...finally.
The Savage Bastard.
9082, RE: Long! Rambling!
Posted by Selfren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I did like you very much zardik, and all marans for that matter, and I did actually intend to fight beside you, but as fate would have it, I missed my auto-delete timer by less than 30mins, as I was told by an IMM ;) sometimes things are unfortunate, I have often wanted to re-roll and play another maran paladin, but so much is missing (pohanad) the whole maran IMMstaff, so I end up giving up on it, thinking that even if I do it wont be as satisfying as the first time around, I am glad you had fun as a Maran, I know I did, Shokai is a great guy to follow as an IMM, and the cabal is one of the most looked after in the game I Do beleive, but anyways, have fun, and see you in the fields :)

9081, RE: Long! Rambling!
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember fighting against you as a Scion, and then with you as a Sylvan. You were very capable, and the light was very strong when you were around..typically. Anyway, it was a lot of fun.

Aaron aka Sintarlin, Weswin, Danical, Simyar
9102, Your farewell tribute
Posted by Ulthur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
< 21> Ulthur: The passing of a soldier
Thu Sep 12 21:57:12 2002
To: Maran

On this eve, the ancient soldier known as Zardik, the Paladin of the
Open Seas, left us. He was gladdened to see the Fortress faring
well in the fight, and wishes us all the best.

To Zardik. Untill we all gather together in the Azure fields beneath
the wings of the Phoenix, may your sailing be swift, and your days
be peaceful.


9103, RE: (DEL) Zardik the Maran, Paladin of the Open Seas
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked Zardik. You were competant at all aspects of the game and seemed to take everything in stride. Plus you ranked me like a sonuvabitch. :) Sorry you eventually lost interest.