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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectDronstyrr deleted.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=90509
90509, Dronstyrr deleted.
Posted by TMNS_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, it was interesting. Raced to hero when the game came back up (I was lucky?unlucky? enough to have the day off). Was a blast to run with A2 and Alex as I'm never on either's side. Ranking was a breeze as we really owned the battlefields for about 6 hrs and 14 levels.

Died 7? pk deaths.

Super lowbie to Kora. Bash bash dead. She was village app right after and full villager by the time I finally logged off (which I thought was utter ####, but hey, you guys put in the time to run this game, you make the decisions).

Level 37 or so to Kora. Posted the log to the Dio's log board. Me, A2 and Alex are ranking, reboot comes to put us at the new port, I log back on to Kora standing exactly where I logged off (even though she wasn't even near the area to my knowledge before the reboot). Bash bash dead. It's stuff like this that has killed my desire, because my first thought is that she cheated or was an IMM, and I don't want to think that.

Isceth the cheater got me after I got spored helping Arleri get her things back, I got spored, had no mana. Still almost killed Isceth but I failed two wand zaps with a prismatic spray wand when he was convulsing. Toranna full-looted me except for coins and wands (which btw, made absolutely no sense).

Knacnar got me at my pit in Udgaard after I recalled from fighting Aaron's Maran conjurer. Knacnar, I gotta say, huge ups to you for not poncho'ing or looting and telling me there was no pride in that kill.

Isingald got me when I teleported hurt to Calandryl from fighting ragers and she was camping the entrance. Slept, sung up, fiended, managed to recall but Udgaard is too damn close to Calandryl.

Toranna and Adelphon got me in Velkyn as I was searching for my sleeks. Looted slightly (basically my three best pieces and all my wands) but it disgusts me that an elf and evil human are just walking around hand in hand. I ####ing hate the Outlander cabal for this exact reason.

Zinsizin got me at the end as I revert at the giant to tell him he was the man. Funniest death ever, IMHO. You're a hoss Zin. Sorry I started that firestorm on Dio's, I just didn't know they had the rites and I hope you know I always thought you were a champ.

Zulgh. #### you :) This was the worst luck with forms in my entire shifter life. My original form list:
Level 14: Marmot rodent bite Competent
Level 21: Stag beetle arthropod chomp Competent
Level 25: Whip scorpion arthropod sting Skilled
Level 28: Polar bear bear claw Confident
Level 32: Ocelot feline bite Competent
Level 44: Pachyderm pachydermata crush Adequate
Level 47: Silverback gorilla primate punch Adequate

Took Spin the Wheel and Roll the Bones and I was 1/2. Got armadillo (almost deleted right there) and Wolverine (badass).

Reason I didn't want Pachyderm is I already had a massive dam redux form yet no regen or dodgey form. I figured I had 5/6 chance of getting one of the two, but of course, like most things for me these days, Murphy's Law took over.

Only found my sleek black, which, let me tell you, is in a ####ing insane location. Really IMMs? Really? You can have locations like I had for Ixralleinda, a mob I could kill with just my shifter abilities + scales of the dragon up juxtapozed with a location I had to ABS up and STILL get lucky to kill the mob before I died. Oh, and the area was full of LVL51+ aggro mobs. And no recall. UGH.

Never needed amber or sienna because I was able to horde 2-3 limited spots for each. Always had A/S on tap.

Found a lot of cool things, explored a lot after I got screwed out of Scion. Really didn't have much else to do. Tried to help as many players as I could given my role, hope some of you enjoyed what I showed you.

Mergulla - While I don't personally hold anything against you (because, hey, RP is RP and #### happens) you effectively ruined this char for me. I was tempted to send you an email asking you if you were serious after your first note addressed to me and the lowbie necro. The fact he obviously was using OOC knowledge about the "secret" when I spent time there was the first confusing part, then telling us we had to fight for a spot was awesome, except for the fact the lowbie basically told me he would never ever rank into my range. So I hired another lowbie to spam kill and full-sac him. I'm pretty sure the lowbie I hired was the same player as the scion app (which I didn't realize until later) but I still tried to use what I knew IC. I could live with not getting into Scion. Part of the reason I was pissed though is you asked for a secret information. I should have gone with my first reaction which was to tell you something completely inane. IE 'You want a secret? My father's middle name is Atryocian. Use that against his soul'. Funny thing is I thought that would piss Mergulla off, so I went with what I sent you.

I will however say I would have rather been crippled/nerfed than getting my tell ability taken away (which is why I was always yelling, which is why I went to the village to tell you that Zinsizin). For a char that has little to no allies and no cabal affiliation, this was absolutely crippling. I had planned on sticking it out through adversity but towards the end it just seemed like I was wasting time. I had vague hopes the imms would take pity on me and give me sand liz and take away armadillo.

Ah well.

Won't say I'm done forever but not sure when I'll feel CF again. I still enjoy a lot of the people that play but it seems more and more that the more I learn about the game and the players, the less I enjoy it (hence why I can understand why certain people wouldn't ever want to IMM).

I'm no angel, but that does mean I can't live my life? That line perfectly summed up this char's life.
90517, You were a cool cat
Posted by NMTehW on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like how you are not one to ride the bandwagon.
90512, RE: Dronstyrr deleted.
Posted by Adalephon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I remember that correctly I only got there after it was all over. We were in the area for exactly the same reason you were, looking for wands. I mayself before Adalephon had no idea where to start looking for wands, and after playing him, have a few places to look should I ever play a class that has A/B/S in future. Only time I think we ever met where blows were exchanged was in the ruins of Del-Tor. I could be wrong of course was a while ago.
90514, I had 24 it was over too quick to tell if you were grouped.
Posted by TMNS_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just expect very little from Toranna and was somewhat disappointed you didn't try to neuro her down.
90515, Meant to say 24 health. NT
Posted by TMNS_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
90510, RE: Dronstyrr deleted.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>The fact he obviously was using
>OOC knowledge about the "secret" when I spent time there was

That was my initial reaction to that character's note as well, but it turned out that we were both wrong.

Sometimes people surprise you!

Overall, I really respected that you didn't give up after you were painted into a corner, but mostly I think you painted yourself into that corner.
90511, Oh no doubt. As I said on Mergulla's board...
Posted by TMNS_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...that was my RP, consequences be damned.

PS Yeah, that's why I'm taking some time off. Anytime something seems 'off' I immediately think cheating and #### and I shouldn't.

Thanks for at least noticing I was doing my best to tough it out. All the posts about 'I couldn't find my wand, blah blah' and deleting in 40 hrs really 'grinds my gears'. Tough it out a while, and then see if anything is coming. But then again, this game is supposed to be fun.

PS #### you Twist for never interacting with me :) Seriously homey! I would have been your bitch!
90513, If we roll perma
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you will interact with Twist for sure, though this gonna happen in RoD :P
90516, What do you mean if?
Posted by TMNS_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm the leader of the cheat-ring, remember?