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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectNebodga's Done
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=90449
90449, Nebodga's Done
Posted by trewyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is the third time I've tried to write this... hopefully my computer won't crash this time and I can finish it.

Third time I've tried this role, third time it kind of sucked. You'll notice a glaring similarity between Neboja Grumm and Nebodga Grumm. Without enough allies I couldn't backstab enough people to make me look evil, so I ended up being a neutral with a red aura, and that blows. But this time I told myself I'd get to hero at least since I've never had a hero transmuter. This is probably the last outlander I'll ever play as well. I don't know if it's because of the purge, or what. But I basically felt like no one cared. I got my last name because I was an unholy terror to my PK range in the 30's. And that was a blast. I made the mistake of ranking out of it, because that was not fun. No enemies, no allies. Boring. Hero range sucks. After a while, the only interactions I got were the insult contests between people. (Which by the way, if I sent you one of those tells saying how pathetic you were, it was more or less a compliment). Most of my enemies were alright, even if they were guild sitting pansies ;)

Basically I was the only outlander on when I'm awake (which is usually very very early in the morning) and I had six or seven tribunal enemies. Normally that's the exact situation I love, being one against the whole PK range. But between deafen and manacles it became an exercise in futility and ended up only frustrating me. And the point of a game is to have fun, not get frustrated. After I explored all the areas I wanted to, I ran out of stuff to do. I was hoping someone would eventually kill me, but I figured out that no one could unless I let them. Meyvian (I think I spelled it right) and Fwipplethunt came the closest and I thought Nog was going to when he bashed me and cheapshotted me. My link had died and in the brief moment while it was down, my bash protections fell and I didn't know.

I never found my rods, except for my sienna. And this is the funny part. EVERY neo-transmuter I've ever played has had that same sienna spot. That's the 3rd time in a row. But no amber and no black. Which didn't really phase me. I kind of liked having the non-sleeks cause they can't get stolen. And believe it or not, I got MOST of my kills without using wands. Typically all I would use were my transmuter spells and arcane absorption until I got to hero and started doing retarded things for fun. Every now and then, I'd slap on a aura. But I couldn't even use barrier until level 43. I was really frustrated with a few mage players that would ONLY fight if they had EVERY SINGLE prep known to man. But like it says in my role, fear is a terrible thing to be afflicted with.


Empire - For ####s sake, raid god dammit! I'm the only outlander on. You are SIX people deep. #### I'm bored. SOMEONE RAID THE GODDAMN TREE! Okay... got that out of my system.

Tribunal - See above.

Fwipplethunt - Mean conjurer. I'm still disappointed I didn't get you. I was SOOOO mad I had to disappear for a while.

Arlettien - You were a swell guy. Really! I got such a positive impact from our one and only fight that you made it into my role. Good job!

Lamayinn - Deafen is over powered. It would work the first or second try, ALWAYS. I NEVER got that kind of results from scrolls of a near hero power. Deafen and dispel magic seem to be unaffected by save vs spell. VERY annoying. 12 hours long too.

Zaknyl and Irinam - Fun fights. Do something different! Neurological disruption didn't work the first sixteen times. Maybe it will the seventeenth! ;) I'm happy you finally did something different in that last fight Zaknyl. If I hadn't been chasing that thief, that fight would've been VERY different.

Moka and Racran - Thank god you actually came out of Hamsah to fight me. I was beginning to think they neutered all Tribunal applicants before induction.

Adarmar - True warmaster style. I hope you make emperor.

Ckath - Not much interactions with you, but the fact that all our fights leaned your way should say something. Given enough time I probably could've worked out a style to kill either one of you. In Nebodga's eyes you two are replicas, arial daggers.

Damgril - The enforcer?!? I was alone. Did my reputation really scare you THAT much?

Melememelem - It was fun to fight you at first. Then you got black sanc and it became pointless as I could neither do enough damage and hold you still at the same time before you would word. Stumbling on to you in the desert was the best thing I could've done to kill you, and even then I knew I'd need help.


Qaztou - I liked you. The only one my role worked on. My role was to be evil, but give out shinies and knowledge to make allies and you played into that hand nicely. I could've killed you twice in Darsylon but I let you go on account of our conversation. Look at the log and you'll see me twiddling my thumbs to give you time to run away. All in all, I hope you put to use that stuff I showed you.

Heclok - First friend. Even though you don't know all that much about rangers, don't let that stop you. I liked how you didn't rely on being in the wilds to fight. It made you look tuff! And if you've ever read the outsiders, you know that tuff is better than tough.

Jenella - All positive. Can't come up with a negative. That time in Yzekon was the most fun I've had exploring in a LONG time. That was my first time in there (I actually didn't know where it was believe it or not).

Isingald - Your bland style of role play kind of threw me off. The way you'd talk about how easy it was to save vs spells, using the word save, kind of left a bleh taste in my mouth. But in the end you kind of toned it down, plus you knew your stuff and that was cool. Didn't really learn much from you though, just so you know. You can only explore the elven vaults so many times before acting surprised gets old though. So I can understand how you feel.

Faarifior - Darkest elder nightreaver? Huh? What was all that about? I grew to like it though, so I'd give you shinies. If you'd been around when I was going to delete I'd probably have given you some more.

In the end, Nebodga became less fun to play than he was annoying, and I was working on some other roles I wanted to play. So I'll be back in a few days after I wash Nebodga off of me and polish up a new role! Thanks for the fun all!
90496, RE: Nebodga's Done
Posted by Jenella on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was good fun, I enjoyed having a very capable muter around. Although, it seems like time flew and is over all so fast. :\
90456, I wouldn't say mean.
Posted by Fwipplethunt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fwipplethunt - Mean conjurer. I'm still disappointed I didn't get you. I was SOOOO mad I had to disappear for a while

Honestly I normally have circa 50-80 kills with a char by this number of hours and I think I maybe only just hit 10 and that is with the best set of gear I have ever had on a mage in 15 years. But then again it really takes a lot to compensate for my inherent weaknesses and as the edges and gear come in and I start to get the hang of it I am learning more.

That said conjurer vs muter is a lop sided fight, I don't know how a few months ago that whole muter > conjie debate got started, dispel magic pretty much hurts. I got to give it to you though you tried some inventive tactics and that last time I was like crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Hitting my archon then magicing me was the perfect tactic. Had you used disrupt bone you would have killed me (woulda had one more hit I worded at 120 hp with no dam redux up at all)

You were also very persistant, I kept thinking, come on servitor he is wounded throw out that burst damage skill now! But it never happened.
90458, IF I had redirected to you ...
Posted by trewyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I had redirected to you after hitting you with neurological disruption that would've killed you too as the added melee would've been about half a disrupt or an easy 120-200 hps.

Figure in 3 neuros, one softening, two disrupt organs, so that's...

6 + 2 + 3 + 3 = 14 rounds of combat plus the extra 2 before my last disruption went in and you worded, so that's 16 rounds. Longest fight ever with you. I was just a bit slow. I decided to put on an aura just in case and right at that moment you bound him. My original tactis was to disrupt flesh, then organ, then bone... but that didn't happen. I got excited.
90455, Just one point
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can see why people overdo the protections against a muter.

Basically it's because if the fight goes bad, there's a fair chance they won't be able to flee any time soon.

So they need to make sure they can last a long time, just to be on the safe side.
90454, RE: Nebodga's Done
Posted by Rennec on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked your char even though we never interacted much despite both of us being in the tree. I also have a weird playing time but despite that out times didn't seem to match that much (I'm at GMT +1).
The thing I liked most was how much it showed that you were sphere sloth. A fat, lazy bastard of a transmuter!
90452, RE: Nebodga's Done
Posted by Ising on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yah.. thats a bad habit of mine refering to OOC type thingies in a poorly IC way.

But, I have to admit you helped me shape things up, though at times I could tell my sort of flat wandering drunk RP didn't give you much to bounce off of. (I sort of call that a success since I am neutral anyway.. sort of) You helped me shape the way I see neutrals and evils in the tree, and you were definatly not struggling to give off the evil vib, most of the time anyway.

I liked your character, and though you seemed a familiar player. I don't think we've ever had the pleasure of being allies. My memory tells me that we've in history always been enemies.
So it was good fun to around with you, even if we didn't have much to show each other.
90451, RE: Nebodga's Done
Posted by Irinam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I went out and perfected dispel magic just for you too! I tried it on the last glorious cluster in Hamsah and despite being 91% it failed concentration four times in a row. More than once on my long, boring drive to work was I thinking "Okay, what am I going to try on Nebodga next time?"

I thought you were a skilled transmuter and is was good to have you around as an enemy.

Good luck on your next.
90450, I have an unhealthy fear of transmuters....
Posted by Ckath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... And that death in the Palace was truly painful. I knew you were around but figured that your fight with Arlettien would slow you down.
I was always super careful when I spotted you around. (I'm somewhat paranoid and a big spammer of where/who pk/who group

Kinda funny though, as I'm no dagger spec. You raped me big time at lvl 30ish or so, even though I had sanc up. That was painful... I didn't dare to stick around. And I had 0 potions. Luckily you didn't check the nearby areas for me. hehe (Started in the feanwyn weald and II was just a few rooms away. heh)

Come back with something cool dude.

90453, Yeah, sphere Sloth
Posted by trewyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One lazy SOB. I let a lot of people get away because it was just too much effort to track them down.

Yeah, that palace fight was fun. I wish I had logged it. Not a dagger huh? Well, like I said, Nebodga's lazy. Definitely not the type to go look for himself unless it's in a corpse. And I had the regenerator of self edge, which cuts down the cool down time for all repair spells by half. So unless I'm bleeding the time to heal wasn't that long.