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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectDregthun is done.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=90317
90317, Dregthun is done.
Posted by TripHitNdip on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not much to say really. I saw some really cool fights, really cool characters.. and I saw some really ####ty fights, and some really ####ty characters.

Enlilth is a phenomonal IMM and I highly recommend anyone wanting a great experience to try and follow him.

I usually always make some big goodbye, but I can't stomach it anymore. I quit for a long time after Kyaltaru... Made Taruksil, Karukinn, and now Dregthun since, and although I felt like I was successful on all of them, I see a lot of crappy character interactions, obvious OOC connections, and lowbie full looting at it's finest. Mixed with low player numbers, I just can't keep dealing with it, it's not fun to me at all, and was a good second wind to remind me I need to find other things to be doing.

Anyways, I'll reply if anyone has anything to say. Until then, you guys have fun in the fields. Take care.
90362, A huge up and comer like this deleting is a big blow to the Empire, something cf needs strong to help balance right now
Posted by Jeikdurr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Thun, the rp, the pk, the toughness..

I don't like mino speech though so bleh
90355, I'll miss the Dunn.
Posted by Jazon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I guess I'm not sure i believe all of your reasons for deleting though. Was there other stuff factored in? Was it not fun and if it wasn't..then I understand.
90360, Pfft
Posted by Guilo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now you have to come out of the shadows a day later and make me realize I was dumb for deleting!?

Full looted by CF crashing was the kicker. Then just trying for the love of god to finish my regear run and Zinsizin trying to pk me like I was the only person left in Thera left a sour taste in my mouth. But it would have been more than easy to bounce back, just bitched out from anger to be honest. Peoples motivation in pk dosen't feel like it's for the love of the game anymore... it feels like it's about complete dominance, laughing with your friends, and numbers numbers numbers.
90354, We had a couple of fights... sorry to see you go.
Posted by Droma on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I love logging in and seeing 3-4 Imperials I can fight. Our last battle in the Village was pretty one-sided, but I'm pretty sure you got 95% of your gear back, even with the lowbie looters around.

Hope I didn't sour anything for you and you come back with something you enjoy more.
90356, Nah you didn't sour anything.
Posted by Guilo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was pretty annoying to know there was literally not amount of tactics or skill that could beat you. I had around 65 dam and 900 hp during our last two fights, and inh stone/resist made me not even get you to covered before I was booking it. Hated that lopsidedness.

And yeah I got a lot of my gear back from that death. Really classy of you to stand around while there were still fights to look out for me. CF really needs to keep the players like you.
90353, I'm not going to say much since I'm still active...
Posted by Ckath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I did enjoy all our interactions, and we had some mutual respect even though we were advesaries in a way.

Good job! I hope you come back soon.
90357, Likewise brutha~
Posted by Guilo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
90346, Do not know why..
Posted by Aerthimes on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
..you decided to hate me but I was hoping to get some more mileage out of the fun RP angle it created. It always hard to give quick replies to Minos (I need the time to decipher it! =) ) but I liked it non the less.

Hope you had some good times jammed in along with the bad.

Good Luck with what ever you do next.
90359, Was just because...
Posted by Guilo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You tried to rank with me like four times or so.. then I step outside Hamsah and you're there with Moka and Coba in a 3v1 to gank squad me.. all because Moka was pissed at *another* Imperial. That whole feud was just retarded. No one ever got me though, so whatever.
90343, RE: Dregthun is done.
Posted by Melememelem on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
#### you for deleting. Was looking forward to real fun in the future. Sorry you had a rough time, we've all been there. But you had to know we had your back and you'd have been regeared in a day. Big sigh.
90358, You were my favorite.
Posted by Guilo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After you killed Karukinn on eastern when I had 4 hp and was running from Zri then put me on ignore... I was SO pissed. I wanted to make an Imperial just to see you from the other side, and it turned out that you RP'd a very very solid drow shaman.

You were by far my favorite character on CF, I think we would have really tore some #### up had I stuck with it. And to be honest.. after a day of rest I regret deleting, but oh well. Good luck on Empress... I'd really like to see you get it.

Big sigh back.
90341, I saw you twice.
Posted by Patakie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I couldn't really understand you much though its alright. I was still highly amused by our two interactions. I go through cf times as well. If you find your self back in the fields again maybe we will see each other and I could understand you a bit more that time.
90361, Yeah I like messing with Heralds
Posted by Guilo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was pissed IC due to my RP both times we talked so I was throwing tables around and yelling about getting offered tea. I figure you guys sit in there for RP, so I might as well make guest appearances and RP back.
90335, Was fun talking to you in the shrine.
Posted by TMNS_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glad I've played a mino before so I kinda can figure out what they are saying. Still was confused about a few parts though.

Hope you liked what I showed you with the special thingy. Especially when I made him bow to you :)
90340, I already knew about it.
Posted by Guilo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There's also an ice one from the other place. Pretty fun to mess with people. And how does playing a mino before help you understand what they're saying? =P It looks like normal speech from your end.
90342, People not knowing what I said and saying it back to me :) NT
Posted by TMNS_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
90323, RE: Dregthun is done.
Posted by Enlilth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Weak. I liked this char, was waiting to see what shook out with stuff.
90326, You were so cool.
Posted by Dregthun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had never even thought to try and make an Enlilth follower before, and Taruksil and Dregthun are like my only two Imperials in my whole 7 years here. It turned out that I liked you more than anyone even from the olden days.

I could have easily brushed myself off.. but I fought Sophia in Imperial lands, and Manno randomly comes after I chase her for a couple hours with 40% health and bashes me down. I come back to the notorious lvl 22 vulture in like 5 pieces of my stuff and I only had my weapons and 3-4 pieces left. CF crashes right after, and I reconnect to have nothing at all and nothing in my corpse. Stuff like that is so supremely irritating to me.

Anyways, good luck building up that Empire. You sure have been doing such a cool job as far as interaction and stuff. And thanks for possibly making me be the first Minotaur in Thar-acacia =P

90330, It's not hard to get to Thar Acacia as mino. You'd not be first nt
Posted by Alex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
90332, Ahhh, guess I just don't know about something then, huh?~
Posted by Dregthun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
90327, I'll add...
Posted by Adekar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know anything about how you were in the game, but I liked your role. You were probably going to place in the Top 3 for the Role Contest.

Oh well, best you're not playing if you're not having fun!
90328, I really tried to make it something different
Posted by Dregthun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was like my biggest hope that I would place and get something cool.

Thanks for letting me know. At least my spot can go to someone that will hopefully stick around instead of me winning it and deleting, that'd be pretty sucky.
90321, Weak
Posted by Adarmar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was looking forward to see how it will play out between two of us. Adarmar obviously hated you and saw you as nothing worthy. Me as player didn't saw you in action enough to realy judge though. Anyway shame on you for deleting could be interesting.
90322, Yeah...
Posted by Dregthun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was between you and me for War Master. We were going to have a blood reckoning for it once I took my second legacy. You obviously knew your business, it would have turned out to be pretty great I think. My legacies really catered to you.

Either way, it's all you now, so keep rocking. Only thing I didn't like about Adarmar was how quiet and independant you were.. but I'm figuring that was just your role and not even anything huge. Take it easy.
90318, Quite weak impression as for me
Posted by Derian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That thing when I fought the invoker, he was writhing I told you twice to pincer him (it could finish him) and you instead start to bash fully health orc and few others lead me to think you are quite weak. And I was really surprised with quick promotion.

And CF always had lowbie full looting to my knowledge. As for other things you mentioned I tend to think you are quite whiny rather than that really hinders playing.

Well just my experience, dont want to offend you.
90319, Or it just shows how silly you are.
Posted by Dregthun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After your little arguement on CB even with an IMM talking to you, and then a blood reckoning getting called on you and you rage quit immediatly.. I don't think you can really call anyone out on anything.

And second off. He was gushing, the orc was covered, and the invoker had shield of ice... *aka* no pincer, no bash. He could word any minute, I wasn't going to waste my time with it. And right afterwards, I caught him without shield of ice up and killed him and then Sigator together.

And don't worry, after seeing you IC and OOC speak, I'm not offended.
90320, Seconded n.t.
Posted by Observer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
90324, Honestly dude?
Posted by Blade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You talk and act IC like an actual RL 12 year old. Its almost disgusting, I was praying you deleted after you bitched out of fighting Melememelem.
90329, RE: Honestly dude?
Posted by Derian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was really angry. Full looted, spam killed 3 times due to Melem's orders and now she tells me complete #### to return what I got from kill I earned and demotes when I broke no law.

I was going to delete anyway, so I let me steam went out.
90331, you don't have to listen to the leaders of other sects
Posted by quas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
90333, High priest can demote other sect members n/t
Posted by NMTehW on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
90337, Yeah, but you need to be able to justify it.
Posted by TMNS_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Which is easier than other times, to be honest.
90339, Depending on how the matter is policed by Enlilth/Twist...
Posted by Scrimbul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The High Priest is well within their rights to promote and demote in the absence of another more specific authority such as the Sect Leader, but needs to be careful that:

There exists no sect leader in the sect you are going to police.

There is no Emperor for the matter to default to.

You need a justification ready because the matter will probably come under review of the empire leaders. Who you're empowered by also affects your authority in this situation.

I was praised for demoting and chiding Jalim's assassin (but admittedly wasn't aware his oddly uber-conservative behavior was because assassinate was broken) when he decided mouthing off to the High Priestess and disobeying her orders was a good idea and the spot for Shadow Lord was in contention.

But Twist also, probably because of how much time he was spending on Dupmasione, failed to notice when I was promoting on merit, again often either with another Sect Leader's permission to keep the Empire as a whole stong, or with no Sect Leader present to keep things fluid in that given sect, typically Shadow. When he figured out what I was doing when I deleted, our opinions differed. Enlilth has yet to comment on that specific situation. Another responsibility I usually took as High Priest was to promote Oaths, such as ones who were demoted for breaking Imperial Law or who had served admirably or had at least been around long enough that it served no purpose to leave them as an Oath.

If there is no Emperor, functionally with the ability to promote and demote in any sect the High Priest can function as a mini-emperor depending on how far they push it before they get 'the talk'. They are also the mortal arbiters of Imperial Law (though the inability to promote/demote from afar and without checking detect hidden tends to thoroughly hamper this responsibility, they have it worse than most Tribunal) with the responsibility to demote people who break or skirt it and promote again when they've served penance (Twist implied this often is in the form of a bribe). The reason this particular twist exists for the High Priest and them alone is they are the voice of the Immortal Leaders of Empire, and without a leniency in regards to the use of these abilities they won't truly have that title. All matters for them, like most Sect Leaders will be talked over in private and no one smart enough to be Emperor sasses their own Sect Leader on the cabal channel.

For all matters not related to Imperial Law, which in and of itself can be a broad spectrum of situations depending on your role, the High Priest needs to default to the Sect Leader even when dealing with someone being a smart-mouth unless for very specific situations. Mouthing off to someone higher rank than you is never a smart thing to do, but is entirely viable roleplay that you most probably won't be punished for if it's a different sect.

Edited to add: None of the above means the High Priest can make orders such as when to raid of other sects. They are arbiters, judges and overseers, not commanders/generals/tacticians.

Bard Repertoire Clarifications:
90349, I promo'd and demo'd where there was a sect leader
Posted by Daurwyn2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Basically as far as I was concerned, I was more important than their sect leader, so I was going to promote and demote as I saw fit.

Nothing gave me greater pleasure than some doofus mouthing off to me and saying that I was an idiot for telling him I'd demote him if he did X again, because I couldn't. So I did, and he deleted over it.
90352, Good Lord you like harping on that.
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I played solidly for about 2 weeks after you demoted me and it had nothing to do with losing chance for Shadow Lord. You already said at one point you only demoted because you knew it was me. I never technically 'disobeyed' your orders.
90336, Tell this to others? I know this already. :)
Posted by Derian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There is one exception: when the Imperial law is broken.