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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectAhtieli's goodbye
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=90235
90235, Ahtieli's goodbye
Posted by Greddarh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been trying to write goodbye for a few time but always got bored after few words. So here is best I could make myself to write.

I've been playing Ahtieli for 1400 hours, about 1000 hours I've been lich. I think that necros way too good from 36 till 42 and way too suck from 42 till 47 but may be this class just not my thing since Frismund did quite well at these levels from what I've seen.

I've meet a lot of cool people, I've met a lot of idiots. It's okey thanks for playing.. idiots, thanks for dying at me and making my day better.. especialy when you went to forums and tried to #### on me. This just made me want to play more.

If you did not threat me like a little child whos favourite toy I broke you would get desent rp/threatment and such in return from me.

Lich is very very interesting to play, it's hard to get tired of it since your abilities and tactic heavily depends on phylactery set.

Permaresist phylacteries exists, + con phylacteries don't. Now a days it's impossible to get as much permaresist as Zorzaul had.

Anyone who compares currient liches with past liches isn't a smartest person in the world for a lot of reasons.. I don't feel like I want go into details so be so kind to save such comparison for yourself.

I had funny barrier wand which is nearly impossible to get for necro untill 51 level :P.

My lichdome set was HARD. No really, it was HARD. I got it by pure luck. One of them was in Silent tower and I was lucky to get it in a week before it was closed. Another one was in hell and it was not first circle. I had only one item that I probably could get solo. Imperials did not have group(actualy there were almost no imperials at hero when I've been collecting lichdome items) which was able to get any items. But I must say I REALLY enjoyed trying to solve puzzle and find these items. All items were made specialy for my quest. It made searching harder and easier at the same time(it was hard to find but easy to recognize).

Oh, I got over 600 pk :P while I've not been actualy aiming for pk records. It was quite usual that I did not kill people I've found in cursed areas and such, especialy if they were up for some rp. I've been avoiding multikilling. I was not kill-everything-that-moves type.

I rarely looted, full looted, usualy I just threated some people that I will full loot him for doing something I don't like but rarely did it(Hello Twist =)). Probably the only full loot I should not have done, was full looting nexus warrior(?) who came to me with Padwei after I was killed and full looted by Fortress.

There have been a lot of things I did not do with Ahtieli but was planing too. If I had lich again I would have made a lot of things differently.

Scrumbil: Usualy I agree with most things you write and I really enjoyed your imperial. I respect you for not being ass to me when I was oath, though I did not expect you to be ass from the very begin.

IMMs: Huge thanks for everyone who spent time with me and my quest, I still have a lot of questions.. it would be cool if anyone gives me a hint:
1. Wtf what about that crown of Mu? Why was I asked to find it? Why did you ignore it later? WTF is it? :)

2. Who played High priest of arboria? I don't feel like I made desent rp with you but I've enjoyed every single moment.

Enlilth: You are awesome immortal, thanks for the hint about one item, it really helped me to solve that part of puzzle, even though I was somewhat close to solving it on my own... but who knows.. it's quite possible that I would not solve it without your small hint. You were really helpful and cool all the time, I really enjoyed your random popping and asking for somebodies head.

Iunna: You are cool, hot girl :) I'm glad that things turned into your favour. Good luck.

Auto-demotion was gay thing. I find funny that one my imperial got promoted to leader position during my vocation and another one got demoted. Though I told few people that when I come after vocation I will be demoted, since I was breaking cabal dynamic and there were no way to solve it. Empire politics don't really work the way it is now but I don't have an idea how to improve it except letting more people to take part in voiting.

If anyone got some ahtieli's imm comments saved in their logs/memory I would love to see them. Or just give feedbacks, it will be interesting too :P

Some muthsbursting:
1. Ahtieli only gangs and nothing else
- I got probably more solo pk when anyone else. At some moment solo pk was not too interesting for me, since it was way too hard to lose it. So I was training some other pk skills, I was interested in.

2. Ahtieli conservative and cowardly bitch.
- As cabal leader I follow one simple rule, always defend, always reraid. In most cases I followed this rule. As Emperor I tried not to let lowbies to do job for me(hello forties! :)) It's not my problem that people rarely tried to raid/kill me. I was dying quite a bit when people actualy tried to hunt me. I've died with lich emperor MORE than with my bard Emperor.

3. Ahtieli stagnates Empire. If not she a lot of people would play Empire.
- After I got demoted nothing changed in Empire.

4. Ahtieli and her russian perma, she always promote her russian friends.
- There were no russians who get promotion over at least half good as them non-russian chars. Usualy russians were only option and really good option and still they had to work twice harder to get sect leader position. I've kept non-russian fire giant warrior(I forgot name) as blade master even when I knew he is trying to take my place.

I didn't mind that somebody is trying to throw me off the throne.

It was funny how much non-russian players were telling me how suck this war master and only russian players were telling me how cool you are. :P I'm glad that you were war master.

Some vocal douches: I really tired of you at some point. But thanks for making me want playing. Still I wish you to grow up and don't be jealous when someone did something you'll never be able to do.

My posts at forums: There were few reasons why I began that. One of which was that I had to throw my furstration somewhere since I did not want it to come out in game.. It would be stupid deny that ####storms at forums did not affect me but I think I managed to keep more healthy attitude in game because of posting at forums.

I've met a lot of people and my memory not good when it comes to names. So if you have something to say... write and I will answer. If you want to throw some #### at me, be so kind to write with which characters you witnessed things you write, otherwise I'm going to ignore flame/####storm posts.

For now I'm enjoying eve-online and don't feel like I want to face immature douches that still exist in cf. But probably one day I come back to kick off your asses just to make you run and whine at forums.
90411, You are playing EVE? txt
Posted by LarcatDudeDude on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You part of the Russian AAA nap fest, or are you somewhere being awesome?

Hit me up, have scram will tackle :)

90334, RE: Ahtieli's goodbye
Posted by Enlilth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
liked the char, thought it was well played. The role was really good, and several of us were cheering for you to lich. Liked that you'd take on less than favorable odds.
90303, Good char..
Posted by marcus123 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was so pissed when I walked onto eastern with truesight down and ended up dying to centurions :(

Anyway, I won't be rolling anything up for a while either.. moving to Malta and I hear internet there sucks, so... But let's synchonize our comebacks and make a perma :)
90304, What?! There goes my plans of the Swedes to be the new "russians". :D
Posted by Arrna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So, why moving to Malta? Work? Damn, I'll really miss your über warriors. You've been my inspiration over the past years. Been trying to watch your chars and playstyle closely to learn. (Figured I'm doing decently by now.)
90313, Hehe, thanks
Posted by marcus123 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mainly moving there due to work, weather and wenches.. Well, and 15% tax kinda sweetens the deal too :>

And yeah, you seem to be doing quite well. Arrna was a couple of magnitudes tougher than Modion ;)

90366, It won't be easy
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
because you will have to play imperial :). I've quite poor cabal options so far...

1. I like Fortress but given my expirience with Baerinika, she does not really enjoy my playing style so I don't want to bother her with my presence in her cabal.

2. Same goes for Scions at least right now.

3. Battle - judging by Thror post I better play the other cabal too :P

4. Tribs/outlanders have poor cabal war dynamics, at least for my taste.. except may be lone evil outlander but I've hard time coming up with combo I want play there.

5. Nexus is gay :P

Once you were so close to catch me up but for unknown reasons I did not spam directions when I ran(and I usualy do that a lot) and you catched me with cranial.

p.s. As Ahtieli I hated arial mace spec villagers :P
90296, I saw a well played lich here!
Posted by Aurilimilis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With the couple years you were around you always made my few hero's life interesting. Cant say I have seen a have such a constant motivation to play against such odds. Really seemed like fellows would just be down right pissen there pants when you would log on. Then to see multiple groups come fight ya one on one and watch you beat there asses back classic. I loved this character, she always treated my corpse with respect. I was lookin forward to seein you reclaim the throne. You deserved it out of all those pricks. Again I will miss ass my corpses standing up staring at me. Made my day kinda better each sad time I got beat down. Then I finally just gave up on cf for a while to come back to see your gone. Good character all around cannot deny you beat ass. and much of it. So aint your fault the other people couldnt stop what was hot.
90293, Question for the IMMs? And Elhe, of course.
Posted by TMNS_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So, when I was Ixralleinda, I totally tried to convince Calbaseeti to commune lifesurge on Satebos or Ahtieli whenever we were hunting them.

I assume she didn't, because well, she's an IMM. BUT, would it have worked like I thought?

90292, RE: Ahtieli's goodbye
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If this starts getting ugly (or childish) - I'm locking it. It's borderline as is.
90291, RE: Ahtieli's goodbye
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ahtieli was great, I played a character against him and was more than impressed, and I played a character on his side, and was more than impressed.

None of that corrects the #### you are on the forums and out of character. You would have gone down as one of the greatest liches ever if you could have just shut that fat trap, and that is a fact.
90295, Small correction
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My chars reflects my persona better than forum personality :P

And yes it would be better to keep away of forums, thing is that my frustration would have bleeded through character then and I've tried to avoid at any cost, because it would be terrible given liches abilities.
90285, 600+?
Posted by Dwoggurd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> Oh, I got over 600 pk

Present PBF stats or it didn't happen.
Until then we still consider beront to be the greatest pkiller.

90297, Heh nt
Posted by Loller on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
90310, Ahtieli had well over 600 PKwins.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But less than 700. I don't remember exactly how many, the last time I looked. Just FYI since we can never publish the PBF :(
90284, RE: Ahtieli's goodbye
Posted by Kalisda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I came into this game when I believe you recently had been made empress and I always wanted a chance to fight you. And I got it with each character I rolled, and of course failed. I was almost always alone when I fought you or maybe with one other. Outcomes were always the same. I got killed by you with all of my characters. And you were nothing but a class act in every instance, I never saw anything bad from you and never really understood the posts about you from a first hand perspective.

I think you rp'd well and would do so at any opportunity over PK, as you did with Kalisda and Thendrell. My others were just random deaths in fights I should never have stayed around for, but I always had a good time playing when you were awake, since A. I had to be on my toes in case you showed up B. You would always raid and retrieve and C. You were tough enough to make me actually have to try and think of how I was going to go about things if you were around.

You roll another lich, it might just be reason enough for me to come back and try it one more time.

Still think you would have been a beast in scion.
90280, To all the rangers that let you kill them
Posted by A2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gigantic big F U to them. I hated the detect camo phylac more than any other.

I had plans on your hide that always got goofed up somehow. I started playing cf again with another druid just to try and go after you. Getting summoned out of chameleon to civilized terrain always made that go poorly though.

Anyway, I loved Ahtieli. I love any enemy that seems insurmountable. It's about the only thing that will keep me interested in a char in CF.

Much <3 to my russian-brother-from-another-mother, screw the haters, you're solid.
90294, Hehe
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You had a terrible timing with your druid, because you went to hero when I had quite a bit detect camo phylacteries. Thought they came to an end quick because of you :P Alas you've stopped playing otherwise I bet you would be a terrible pain in my ass, I'm totaly sure in it.. knowing how good you are with druids.
90269, RE: Ahtieli's goodbye
Posted by Malakhi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did not see the character Ahtieli much in game because we seem to have very different playtimes.

As a player, I felt bad for you because you were the subject of a lot of out-of-game forum character assassination (e.g., "ganklich," etc.) and speculation about who played Ahtieli and I tried to quash that stuff when I could. When you responded, I thought it diminished Ahtieli the character, and I was pretty bummed that the character assassination got so bad that you had to respond to it (and I think at some point, you did have to).

But then all that sympathy went away when you and your 3-4 friends did the exact same OOC out-of-game forum character assassination #### to Malakhi. From my perspective, all of you were OOC friends, all of you were lying (or at best grossly exaggerating) on out-of-game forums in an attempt to ruin the game for me in a venue (OOC forums) where I couldn't defend myself, and I was pretty pissed off. At that time, you had the only active character in your OOC clique, and that #### made it impossible for me to deal with Ahtieli in-game - I could not see you as a character anymore.

And honestly, it was something I'd expect from your friends, but I was surprised to see it coming from you - particularly when you have expressed a problem with "vocal douches" that rant about active characters. I don't see a significant difference between you and the scumbags that character assassinated Ahtieli - other than that you are way more skilled at CF than they are, of course.
90273, As I said you then I will say you now
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did not maintain that you were quitting to avoid pk and I only said that you avoided Gzurweeg in game. But probably thing is that you were pissed off by such posts did not lead you read my in a right way. Or may be it was my unability to explain what I wanted.

BUT from my perspective few times(about 5-6) your logouts (added with how your playing time was changing) it looked strange and shady. That's slightly more to be just an occasion but not enough to blame you for quitting. I suppose Gzurweeg saw more that's why he was blaming you for quitting. I did not so such much so I did not blame you.

If you want I can post you what I've seen and what make me think that you PROBABLY MAY have quitted few times to avoid pk. Do you want me to?

I'm sure most people will agree with my feeling.

But that "my feeling" did not turn into exact thinking/taking you as quitted. May be if I've witnessed 7-10 more shady logouts....

I knew who was behind Malakhi.

>From my perspective, all of you were OOC friends, all of you were >lying (or at best grossly exaggerating)

I was not lying. I can post what I've seen, do you want to?

>in an attempt to ruin the game for me in a venue (OOC forums) where >I couldn't defend myself, and I was pretty pissed off.

Any reasons why I would want to do so? You were always fighting me, I even killed you quite a bit of times, you kicked my ass quite a bit of time. So it's not like I posted something bad because I could not kill you. However you seemed to act a bid different at some point when Gzurweeg was on.

Also, it was Gzurweeg goodbye post, he can write there HIS take on chars he met. IT's not like he was trying to ruin game for you. You may like it or no. Once again do you want to see list of your short logins where Gzurweeg was online? Do you think you would do different take on Malakhi if you were Gzurweeg or Ahtieli?

>At that time, you had the only active character in your OOC clique, >and that #### made it impossible for me to deal with Ahtieli in-game >- I could not see you as a character anymore.

Next day or two after that flame war at forum I've killed you in game solo :P and another time I was reason of you getting killed by Tribs. Then you pretty much went for imming and I went for vocation.
90274, Actualy
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
if you want to discuss it, we should discuss it in a private way.

My icq: 106486821
My aim: elherus
90278, Logs:
Posted by Malakhi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would be interested in seeing the log of you solo'ing me. I can't remember it - and I'd like to see how I screwed up. Although I do have the log of me fighting the Tribs after you summoned me to the locked room.

ETA: I'll try to reload the ICQ and hit you up.
90277, Quitter
Posted by Gzurweeg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do you realize that a significant part of those talks was...

It wasn't a single incident, it was several months of many quits within 15 min when I was online.
I'm a veteran player and I can damn distinguish such blatant things for just coincidences.

You break rules of the game (quitting to avoid PK) and you get sad when people talk about it? Get real, please.
90279, RE: Quitter
Posted by Malakhi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let's settle this between us, then. Go ahead and prove it from your perspective. You log everything, it shouldn't be hard.

At this point, all I know is that we fought at least 20+ times (which might be more than I fought ANY other character), and you claim I logged out within 15 minutes when you were online "almost every time." Does that mean you have 180 logs of me doing this (90% = almost every)? 80 (80%)? 50? 30? 20? 10? 5?

Tell you what, you put up or email/PM me 20 logs of me logging out within 15 mins when you're online and I'll admit that's shady enough for you and your friends to character assassinate in the way you did.
90283, You're playing with facts
Posted by Gzurweeg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I already presented my numbers in my death thread. You chose to ignore them.

Not really looking to rehash it again, but a short version is:
We fought early in my life but once I got charged it stopped. During last 3 months it was pretty much you quiting almost every single time (with rare exceptions) and avoiding any fights when possible. Despite of me losing my unholy twice in that period.
90286, This is not what happened.
Posted by Grobbak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Least from my semi-omnipotent perspective.

No, I'm not going engage in a pissing contest. Just calling it like I saw

As this is the lich's death thread, let's not clutter it with this side

90290, This is what actually happened
Posted by Gzurweeg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You insist that:
- I'm a liar
- this is side non-sense.
Having much more clue than you are I suggest you GTFO.

Because I'm not a liar as I tell truth.
Malakhi decided to piss on russians and me in this lich's goodbye thread with a piece of bull.
All I do is correcting his attempt at making facts and accusing others.
90288, Having had a crappy hero around his time
Posted by Guy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can attest that sometimes he'd just bail quick, usually he'd be back a short time later, sometimes not.

My guess would be life got in the way of you getting more charges, pity.

Go Malaki?
90253, I don't have your history logged...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...and I'm going from (poor, old-man) memory, but in general I think it went like this:

Early years up through lichquest - most comments were positive or neutral.

I believe Lyristeon ran your lichquest. I could be wrong. I know it wasn't me. The crown of Mu was likely a form of a red herring, or the EEC acting crazy again, or some such. I'm not certain, it's nothing I've ever heard of though.

Immediately post-lichquest, some/most of the commentary was negative, about your extreme conservative playstyle. This was even after the "needing to build up some phylacteries" phase.

Later commentary was generally positive or neutral again - the above was likely a difference in opinion by those who made the comments and you as to what a "good set of phylacteries" consisted of.

In-game, I think your chars and mind generally had a healthy respect for each other (if they interacted much at all).

On the forums, I think you posted positively about folks who gleefully died to you, so long as they stuck to their role, and you posted semi-negatively about folks who refused to give you more phylacs (either through conservative play that meant exiting combat once you had a chance to PWK or refusing to fight you (without a gang)).

I really can't fault you for anything ON CF, other than that talk I had with you and that other person, wayyy back. Folks who talked about russian permas weren't noticing, as I was, how Dargin (for instance) was as hot to kill you (with good schemes to do so) as anyone I've seen this side of Ilix/Cyrn.

Good luck with the next one.
90254, RE: I don't have your history logged...
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>On the forums, I think you posted positively about folks who
>gleefully died to you, so long as they stuck to their role,
>and you posted semi-negatively about folks who refused to give
>you more phylacs (either through conservative play that meant
>exiting combat once you had a chance to PWK or refusing to
>fight you (without a gang)).

That's not actualy so but I see where it comes from. Things to consider:

1. I've posted negatively on people who died to me though not much as on people who did not die to me.

2. I've posted positively on people who did not die to me too.

3. I've hard time posting negatively on people who dies to me a lot even if I dislike them, because usualy I consider it as low thing to do.

>I really can't fault you for anything ON CF, other than that
>talk I had with you and that other person, wayyy back.

Yep it looked shady. Thing that I really like and respect you a lot for is that you always step out from wiz invis during our talks.
90251, Silly lich.
Posted by Padwei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always had a good time RPing with you from a distance, but hated
fighting you for obvious reasons. I think I primarily kept my battle
plans to keeping everyone else alive, because I could do nothing against
you directly. But you always did make logging on a little more exciting
and kept us on our toes.

Good luck with everything!
90250, That might have been me...
Posted by Dolce on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I interacted with you with a few of my Empire warriors, and a few of my non-Empire ones - you were cool in nearly every interaction I had with you.

I could never understand why everyone hated on you so much - you didn't multi-kill, you didn't loot. Pretty much, you'd log on, gather some zombies, and kick ass.

I hope you had fun.
90255, Sorry
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
for forgetting your char's name. I remember that one of your grand parents were russian(or sort of) but still I forgot name of char :P. I'm really glad that I've been playing at same side with you. And when I was told by one rager that you were planing to over throw me I liked you even more.
90256, Bastard Ragers!
Posted by Dolce on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why they would try and help a necromancer when I'm a warrior is beyond me - but I guess they wanted to kill you without my help.

I was also Carintsei a year back who became Elite Blade and was in running to be War Master but you picked a Russian over me! Damned conspiracy.
90257, RE: Bastard Ragers!
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well as I remember it was not sort of helping me but was like.. "hey you suck even your own war master want to over throw you".

Honestly I dont remember why I pick up someone over Carintsei, may be different playing times or something, I will dig in logs. Do you remember who I've made War master over you? This could have helped me in figuring out reasons.
90258, Just by going through the Battlefields... Maybe Kresin? nt
Posted by Carintsei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
90259, He was not russian
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
so no conspiracies :P. I suppose it was Arrna.
90261, Again, I don't remember if it was Kresin :)
Posted by Carintsei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Either way, I didn't care...
90266, It was Kresin :) nt
Posted by Alex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
90267, Did I pick him over you too? :)
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you, dirty russian, heh.
90275, You couldn't! I was Agar kicking your ass around the Thera. Heh, not at all but at least I tried:) nt
Posted by Alex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
90245, RE: Ahtieli's goodbye
Posted by Humbert. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry I was such an asshole with ganking you. You were great, whatever people said. From what I've seen in game I'd never expect a full loot or spiteful behaviour from you except after the two very nasty gankings Humbert/Nizi and Humbert/Goganop.

I am curious about one of your Lich items, and believe my char was involved in it. I'll probably PM you some time out of sheer curiosity :P

And yes I wish I could play chars like yours, but mine end up dying plenty even if they do get kills. No 95% ratio for me.
90247, RE: Ahtieli's goodbye
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Sorry I was such an asshole with ganking you.
Was somewhat upset about nasty Humbert/Nizi cheap ganging :P But not too much. Damned fortlanders!

>You were great,
>whatever people said. From what I've seen in game I'd never
>expect a full loot or spiteful behaviour from you except after
>the two very nasty gankings Humbert/Nizi and Humbert/Goganop.

While I warned you that I'm going full loot you, I had never said it seriosly I just was trying to stop you from killing my zombies :P Sometimes such warning worked but not with you though.

>I am curious about one of your Lich items, and believe my char
>was involved in it. I'll probably PM you some time out of
>sheer curiosity :P

I'm not totaly sure but as I recall you were reason of me getting one lichdome item. PM me at qhcf if you want to be sure.

90240, .... What to say... Respect!
Posted by KreoZeftaArrna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Awesome! Just awesome char. Every single interaction I had with you was top notch.

I fought with you and stole from you as Kreo. I fought against you as Zubi, I fought against as Arrna, I fought with you as Zefta and Kaer and I interacted with you as Lamanee, and I fought against you with Jaina. Every single interaction I had was just class act.

I have so many questions!
90241, Oh, Arrna
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Arrna was sure a huge step up for you. Really strong build, really good character. You were such a huge pain in ass when you had somebody with you. :P It was nearly impossible to reraid from you if you had friends on your side. It was ####ing terribly painful to defend from you too.

Jeez I hate drive + eyes of flame + cut off but I think I told you that million times already :P
90239, RE: Ahtieli's goodbye
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I rarely looted, full looted, usualy I just threated some people that I will full loot him for doing something I don't like but rarely did it(Hello Twist =)). Probably the only full loot I should not have done, was full looting nexus warrior(?) who came to me with Padwei after I was killed and full looted by Fortress.

I was rather suprised after the full loot/sac, since Gnuff and Ahtieli had been old ranking buddies. I wasn't terribly mad or anything, just a bit disappointed. Anyway, Padwei and the Fort gang came to the rescue and the good old Fort regearing train got me back on my feet in no time, in addition of me being able to salvage the contents of my container (which you had sacced, the contents were pretty much all that I got back). I didn't really get upset, as it was your loot and it was up to you how you treated it. The reason felt kind of lame, though.

I do admit enjoying harping at you about it afterwards. :P
90242, RE: Ahtieli's goodbye
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm really sorry about that full loot. I was totaly pissed off after being ganging down by Fortlanders. Still I think full looting you were weak thing to do.

I'm not totaly sure and can not find in logs(probably Gnuff is not exactly name of your char). But as I remember I realised that I did something ####ty quite fast and decided to return something back.. but I don't remember if I returned something or you've quited already.

I'm so sorry.
90298, No need to dig up the log, I remember the events well.
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was totaly pissed off after being ganging down by Fortlanders.

This is what you told me IC. Gnuff is exactly the character and you don't need to find the log since I remember what happened: I offered to help Padwei retrieve the orb, with you and some other imperial online. We kill Empire outer, whack the other imperial to writhing and then you come and PWK me. Then you tell me that I don't need to come back for my gear and that the loot was for coming with a Fortressite and you're doing it because Fort and Outlander full looted you recently. I run back to salvage what I can and find my container contents there (preps, food and such). The other imperial is apparently ashamed of your actions and tells me that he has nothing to do with the loot and that it's your doing. I tell him that it's your loot and you can do whatever you want with it. Then, I go regear with Fort folk and get a new set of equipment.

I had the whole thing logged somewhere, but the log is missing now, as half of Gnuff logs are somewhere where I can't find them. As for a full loot, shrug it off and regear is the best plan.

I recall you talking about quitting CF. If that's the case, then you'll deserve this old Finnish song from the 1940's to send you off. :P

90238, Two things...
Posted by TMNS_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One, we've talked quite a bit about this, but I will always believe that, especially after you got auto-demoted, you should have gone anathema and just taken it to the Imperials, because the Ahtieli gank-squad wasn't based on whether or not you logged on (your times were mostly consistant) but whether 2-5 imperials that SAW YOU LOG ON would log on their imperials (which even you noticed). I really think if you had pulled it off ala Istendil, you would have gone from a great character to an epic one.

The other thing is damn I could have saved CF a lot of trouble if I had just killed you when I had my delf village app and you were beating ass at the 30s. I'm pretty sure you would have deleted in shame ;)
90243, Sam
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
About anatheming, yes and no. Anatheming would mean NO pk dynimic for me, I pretty much told you my view on that few times. Also I didn't want to be anathema after being auto-demoted because of few things:

1. I was interesting to see if there is any gay who abuse that thing to anathema me.

2. I wanted to get Emperor spot again, laught at haters, anathema myself and go Scions(yea I know that I would never get induction into scions)

you know I love you... But only pure lack saved your villager from being raped by me :P (that was a joke of course)

90270, BTW, that kill on Aeinrez in the HLK was UGLY.
Posted by TMNS_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Real ugly. I'm minding my business, killing things, spammed an extra batter then BOOM lich + 5 zombies + pwk = DED.
90271, Oh, and I still think if me and Humbert got lucky...
Posted by TMNS_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...we could have got you.

Plus, remember lion vs naked unprotected lich :) Thanks for the ego boost!
90237, I had mixed feelings about you.
Posted by Kyaltaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I fought you a total of four times. Three times you ganked me with Tarleton and Gzurweeg. The first I got away, the second I killed Gzurweeg then got away, then the third you full sacced me and we had never even spoken one word to each other. I don't know how I got instantly on your full sac ####list. I thought that was pretty #### considering no RP was ever between us yet you guys took every single item I had.

The fourth time, I initiated myself with an assassin, I almost managed to kill you in Udgaard. You recalled writhing and I got a powerful fiend on you, but you lived. Then I got a tell "Stuupid ashole, you will die" after you apparently killed it.

You are so skilled, I really like the strength of your characters. But your speech is so hard to get over, and your attitude really sucks ass sometimes when you're in a foul mood. I just can't picture some all powerful Black sect lich saying "Stuupid asshole". So that really ruined anything I could possibly think positive of you afterwards.

I saw you fight solo much, I'm sure you had a heck of a lot of solo kills. But if there was any possible chance you could lose, more often than not, you roved with a ganksquad. So don't try and act all high and mighty. You preyed on the weak often. Although yes, I'm sure you had multiple good solo kills here and there, kind of hard not to in 1400 hours.

Not trying to be a flamer, simply trying to be constructive. I know a lot of it is negative.. just your inability to RP and attitude just really ruin every character I've seen you play... it's always the same person.
90246, RE: I had mixed feelings about you.
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I fought you a total of four times. Three times you ganked me
>with Tarleton and Gzurweeg. The first I got away, the second I
>killed Gzurweeg then got away, then the third you full sacced
>me and we had never even spoken one word to each other.
1. We fought more than that.
2. You also tried to gang me but that's okey.
3. I did not find in logs how you killed Gzurweeg. Either I miss it in logs or you killed him in your imagination.

>don't know how I got instantly on your full sac ####list. I
>thought that was pretty #### considering no RP was ever
>between us yet you guys took every single item I had.

I warned you in char quite a bit of time that if you won't stop pit sitting when I defend against villagers, forties or somebody else I'm gonna full loot you.

>The fourth time, I initiated myself with an assassin, I almost
>managed to kill you in Udgaard. You recalled writhing and I
>got a powerful fiend on you, but you lived. Then I got a tell
>"Stuupid ashole, you will die" after you apparently killed

1. I never said "asshole" word in cf.
2. Yea, you've been warned, you've got full loot for that.
3. Given phylactery set I had during Kyaltry times it was impossible to kill me with fiend.
4. Jeez I had to change my home town because of you, ass :P

>You are so skilled, I really like the strength of your
>characters. But your speech is so hard to get over, and your
>attitude really sucks ass sometimes when you're in a foul
>mood. I just can't picture some all powerful Black sect lich
>saying "Stuupid asshole". So that really ruined anything I
>could possibly think positive of you afterwards.

As I remember you mentioned about my speech thing few times in char that sure did not add me reasons to like your char. Because such thing is quite stupid.. english is not my first language and you knew it from very begin.

>But if there was any possible chance you could
>lose, more often than not, you roved with a ganksquad.

It's not so but I don't feel like I want waste my time proving it.

>So don't try and act all high and mighty. You preyed on the weak

Nah, only instance I preyed on the weak was group on group fights where I needed to take out some people as fast as possible in order to be able to deal with others. Quite often I was stopping hunting really weak targets who had to fight me because of their rp. Also I did not like to raid cabals with no opposition so they could fight me with powers when they login. Twist even kicked my ass for that few times.

>Not trying to be a flamer, simply trying to be constructive. I
>know a lot of it is negative.. just your inability to RP and
>attitude just really ruin every character I've seen you
>play... it's always the same person.

Given rewards I got from imms I'm sure have some ability to rp. I'm sure had somewhat healthy attitude in game especialy given all #### I was getting at forums from people who just quit from me to avoid dying.

P.S. your permaing with Imm was interesting to watch. At least I did not reward russians for permaing with me :)
90248, He did land a killing blow on Gzurweeg once actually. txt inside
Posted by Arrna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Jul 23, 2009|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Gzurweeg vs 3: Ixralleinda (3%), Kyaltaru (93%, KB), Calbaseeti (2%)

The only thing I could find between Gzurweeg and Kyaltaru.
90249, It does not mean
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was there but as I said I could miss it in my logs.
90276, I died to his fiend
Posted by Gzurweeg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
90260, Yeah, but there's a difference.
Posted by Guilo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had no idea Calbaseeti was an IMM. She was already near hero when I rolled Kyaltaru. She realized I was good so she rolled with me alot, and she would vouch that if it was one on one, most of the time I would make her wait in Galadon for me. She deleted and I kept going as if I never knew her. Wheres the perma in that?

You on the other hand with your other russian friends... can't tell me you didn't from the beginning tell each other you were rolling Empire, and killed people together. There's a huge difference. Not promoting them dosen't mean ####, they got their promotions elsewhere, and you guys still killed together ridiculous amounts.

>>>1. We fought more than that.
No we didn't.
>>>2. You also tried to gang me but that's okey.
You were a lich that I couldn't lag to keep around and would hit covered and word instantly. Why the #### wouldn't I gang you? It's WAY different than you ganging me.
>>>3. I did not find in logs how you killed Gzurweeg. Either I miss it in logs or you killed him in your imagination.
I fire and ice'd all you guys at centurions on eastern and got three oblits off on him and then fiended all of you and he died.

I didn't post all that to have a giant flamewar with you. Because you really are a decent person OOC. I just don't think characters with 1400 hours, that obviously make people log off and not even want to play CF, should have quit a long time ago. Or they should knock off ganging people and start giving themselves personal challenges.
90262, RE: Yeah, but there's a difference.
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I had no idea Calbaseeti was an IMM. She was already near
>hero when I rolled Kyaltaru. She realized I was good so she
>rolled with me alot, and she would vouch that if it was one on
>one, most of the time I would make her wait in Galadon for me.
>She deleted and I kept going as if I never knew her. Wheres
>the perma in that?

help permagroup
A 'permagroup' is defined as two or more characters who rarely do
anything without the other. In essence, if you very rarely adventure
without a particular person, you are part of a permagroup. (Logging
in and sitting in your guild or gathering items while waiting for
your perma-partner(s), for instance, does not count as "doing

When you both were on, you were exactly perma-group by this definition.

>You on the other hand with your other russian friends... can't
>tell me you didn't from the beginning tell each other you were
>rolling Empire

Do you realise I was playing solo 99% of time before I got lich, it was abou 450+ hours. Do you really think somebody rolled with me to wait till I lich? :) Or how do you think we were coordinate rolling lich and his gang?

It's not like you can fault me that somebody were rolling in Empire.

>Not promoting them dosen't mean ####, they got
>their promotions elsewhere, and you guys still killed together
>ridiculous amounts.

Not promoting means a lot because we were playing fair and did not give each other any benefits just because we are russian or like each other.

>I fought you a total of four times. Three times you ganked me
>with Tarleton and Gzurweeg. The first I got away, the second I
>killed Gzurweeg then got away, then the third you full sacced
>me and we had never even spoken one word to each other.
>The fourth time, I initiated myself with an assassin, I almost
>managed to kill you in Udgaard.

>>>>1. We fought more than that.

>No we didn't.

Really? How can you explain this then:

Along the Eastern Road

(Translucent) (White Aura) Cabnil is here.
(White Aura) Calbaseeti is here.
(White Aura) Kyaltaru is here, fighting a zombie of a storm giant commander.
A zombie of a storm giant commander is here.
A flesh golem lumbers along, vacant eyes watching for its master's presence.
A burnt zombie of a war-weary storm giant is here.
A zombie of a war-weary storm giant is here.
A zombie of a storm giant lieutenant is here.
A gibbering ghoul stalks new flesh here, its yellowed fangs bared.
A zombie of a war-weary storm giant is here.

<1637/1637hp 1184/1214m 1003/1007mv || 27100 8 AM> c 'power word kill' cal
You yell 'Die, Cabnil, you sorcerous dog!'
Cabnil utters the words, 'oculoqarquyl'.

Oh, jeez seems I was right :P

I've worded out after I lost more than 1000 hp, while I knew from very begin I could not do a #### with such group.

>>>>2. You also tried to gang me but that's okey.
>You were a lich that I couldn't lag to keep around and would
>hit covered and word instantly.

Yea look above losing 1000 hp sure means I worded as soon as I "hit covered". I can not lag you as well.

Actualy in most cases I've worse lagging abilities then you. I hardly could scratch you + calbasetti group. Why didn't I just always ganged you?

>Why the #### wouldn't I gang you?
Where did I say you should not? Or you want deny that you tried to gang me? You did gang me, that is okey in my book. You would be total idiot if you did not try to gang me.

>It's WAY different than you ganging me.

Nah it's quite the same. Ganging is always ganging. It's part of the game it's okey

>>>>3. I did not find in logs how you killed Gzurweeg. Either I
>miss it in logs or you killed him in your imagination.
>I fire and ice'd all you guys at centurions on eastern and got
>three oblits off on him and then fiended all of you and he

Okey then I just miss it in logs. That's possible and I said it from very begin.

>I just don't think
>characters with 1400 hours, that obviously make people log off
>and not even want to play CF, should have quit a long time
Um, quite a bit of my chars made people to log off so what I should not play at all?

>Or they should knock off ganging people and start giving
>themselves personal challenges.
I did, I even gave personal challenges to you, see proof above but some people like you or like Liethkim suddenly forgot that I was fighting them solo or I fought solo against them and their gangs.

More to say at one point I've tried to make sure that I've killed solo at least once every single enemy who is withing my reach and I was quite successful in that.
90287, I'm not trying to flamewar you, was never my intention.
Posted by Kyaltaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll respond one more time and leave it at that.

>help permagroup
>A 'permagroup' is defined as two or more characters who rarely do
>anything without the other. In essence, if you very rarely adventure
>without a particular person, you are part of a permagroup. (Logging
>in and sitting in your guild or gathering items while waiting for
>your perma-partner(s), for instance, does not count as "doing

>When you both were on, you were exactly perma-group by this >definition.

When we were both on, I would say I was with her about 60% of the time max. Including raids and defending. I had her half of the fights against you, and probably should have had more considering how strong you were.

I logged on and NEVER EVER quit when she wasn't on. I still went out and pk'd on my own, and had 0 problems doing so. She deleted and I kept going and never stopped. So by the helpfile you felt like throwing at me, I was *not* a perma with her whatsoever.

>Do you realise I was playing solo 99% of time before I got lich, it >was abou 450+ hours. Do you really think somebody rolled with me to >wait till I lich? Or how do you think we were coordinate rolling >lich and his gang?

>It's not like you can fault me that somebody were rolling in Empire.

You weren't playing solo 99% of the time, that's an exaggeration. And once you got lich, you still lived 3-400 hours longer than an age dead elf, so what do those first 400 hours really matter? Once you got lich, then people jumped ship and piggybacked on you.... for 1000 hours.

>Really? How can you explain this then:

>Along the Eastern Road

>(Translucent) (White Aura) Cabnil is here.
(>White Aura) Calbaseeti is here.
(>White Aura) Kyaltaru is here, fighting a zombie of a storm giant >commander.
>A zombie of a storm giant commander is here.
>A flesh golem lumbers along, vacant eyes watching for its master's >presence.
>A burnt zombie of a war-weary storm giant is here.
>A zombie of a war-weary storm giant is here.
>A zombie of a storm giant lieutenant is here.
>A gibbering ghoul stalks new flesh here, its yellowed fangs bared.
>A zombie of a war-weary storm giant is here.

><1637/1637hp 1184/1214m 1003/1007mv || 27100 8 AM> c 'power word >kill' cal
>You yell 'Die, Cabnil, you sorcerous dog!'
>Cabnil utters the words, 'oculoqarquyl'.

>Oh, jeez seems I was right

>I've worded out after I lost more than 1000 hp, while I knew from >very begin I could not do a #### with such group.

This is possibly one of the only fights I forgot about off the top of my head, so sorry. Let's say seven even ten fights, it really dosent change any fact that you never said anything to me in the beginning or RP with me with threats of full looting and ####ty speech afterwards.

>Yea look above losing 1000 hp sure means I worded as soon as I "hit >covered". I can not lag you as well.

>Actualy in most cases I've worse lagging abilities then you. I >hardly could scratch you + calbasetti group. Why didn't I just >always ganged you?

One fight where you stayed means nothing in the grand scheme of things considering you were a lich with Empress powers. It's possibly the strongest a character can possibly be aside from an AP Emperor with a huge weapon.

>Where did I say you should not? Or you want deny that you tried to >gang me? You did gang me, that is okey in my book. You would be >total idiot if you did not try to gang me.

Exactly, not so much the other way around.

>Nah it's quite the same. Ganging is always ganging. It's part of >the game it's okey

It's not when you're a lich Empress.

>Okey then I just miss it in logs. That's possible and I said it >from very begin.

The logs on dio's look it up. And the time you ganged me and full looted everything (Which was when I still hadn't had one word from you) was the time you got the fulminator gauntlets and held them for the rest of your time, so I'm sure you can recall it. I was actually wrong in memory, it was Hanstian instead of Tarleton.

Jul 29, 2009|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|vs 3: Ahtieli (36%,KB), Hanstian (14%), Gzurweeg (49%)

>Um, quite a bit of my chars made people to log off so what I should >not play at all?

Nope but you could sure change being a douche to people with them and not playing the most ultra-conservative prep-whores. Your characters never roll into fights and stick around for close finishes unless you are prepped to the teeth. Then you talk #### afterwards.

>I did, I even gave personal challenges to you, see proof above but >some people like you or like Liethkim suddenly forgot that I was >fighting them solo or I fought solo against them and their gangs.

>More to say at one point I've tried to make sure that I've killed >solo at least once every single enemy who is withing my reach and I >was quite successful in that.

You never solo killed me or came close, which is sad. And you usually weren't fighting against those gangs. It was normally landslide drives and crainal command denial with you getting out as soon as possible. It's not like you stood there casting and cackling into the night sky.

Either way, I hope you bounce back and actually make an indiscernable Elhe character, because I'm all for seeing it. I just think you don't need to act all high and mighty when for much of your life you sat on the Throne of Douche and talked #### in the process.

90302, I think you should both leave this discussion, permanently...
Posted by Arrna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As it is all about your own perceptions of things. All subjective and impossible to comment or verify objectivly for either of you.

But from what I've been reading here I must say that Elhe's forum persona comes off better than yours. But both of you are degenerating to the worse.

Both your chars was awesome. You both ganged, neither of you permad in my book, you both got a lot of solo kills etc. And that's that.
90314, And as I see it.
Posted by Kyaltaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your opinion dosen't mean #### in this discussion, it was between me and him and you weren't even involved with anything regarding our fights. You haven't even proven yourself enough to begin to act like some almighty mediator.

It's not all perception, it's not all subjective. And I could care less if you think Elhe has a better forum persona than me because I talk #### to the people that make the game suck, and could care less if that comes off wrong, because every character I ever tag myself to was liked, and that's the part that matters.

90407, Yes, responding with stuff like this sure shows how much you don't care.
Posted by Arrna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry, but all I can do is laugh right now. And btw, reread what I posted. (Or is my english that bad? Did it actually come off wrong? Not going to bother to explain anyways.)
90268, I don't believe this, honestly
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I got high priest instead of a russian, for example.
90301, I got warmaster over russians.
Posted by ArrnaZefta on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I was damned close to get Shadow lord as Kreo over russians, except that Kjrorh kept demoting me constantly, and Ahtieli/imms kept promoting me so I never got high enough in rank... heh

She also promoted me to elite when she was dread lady later on before some russians (I suspect russians.)

Although I'm a swede so we're pretty close by. So might be biased. haha
90236, Ahtieli
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't interact with Ahtieli much at all. You killed my healer once and seemed perfectly reasonable. I think you're a good player and generally helpful for the game, but your forum presence is not great.

Anyway, screw Eve. Play CF instead.
90244, Yea
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was gay ass at forum during Ahtieli times.