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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectAnd I'm done.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=90152
90152, And I'm done.
Posted by Kaelph on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There's no way in hell I'm going to look back on my life 40 years from now and think "Wow, I'm glad I spent 12 years playing CF. That was time well spent."

So I'll stop at 11 years and count my losses.

Sorry Thror

90230, For what it's worth
Posted by Taruksil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you were an awesome enemy. We had some epic freaking battles, that time I killed you with the two applicants and got some echoes was pretty sweet. You rocked me hard with DB a few times though, damn lightning DB's =P

When I deleted after you finally assassinated me in Darsylon, I wasn't mad or anything. I knew you were around and was trying to dance in the woods to bring you out, and you got me. Empire's numbers were just terrible, I had just died to a gank, then fought a ranger on eastern, then got jumped in the mausoleum, and teleported to Darsylon just to get assassinated, I was like ugh.. this isn't the build I want for right now so I decided to step out.

Either way, it sucks you are walking away. I personally thought you were classy and had plenty of balls and played a rager assassin perfect.
90170, Winner for most cryptic/vague goodbye! NT
Posted by TMNS_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
90163, And, belatedly, thank you immortals. nt
Posted by Kaelph on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
90206, RE: And, belatedly, thank you immortals. nt
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This was unfortunate. I had a soft spot for this guy (which basically meant I was going to make his life a living hell). You had some solid, consistent RP but it seemed like the losses were really, really taken to heart.

I hoped getting the Mark would help you overcome these by the concept of the faith alone. Guess not.

Good luck with the next one.
90215, Now that a bit of time has passed
Posted by Kaelph on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I feel more like writing a goodbye instead of just deleting my mud client and cf-related content.

This started out as tons of fun. I put a great deal of effort into the role and the RP, and was doing better than I had ever done in terms of PK ratio. I actually thought I had a shot at Commander or Drillmaster, until the ooc-perma-ganking and full sac's starts. His role was all about not letting his enemies see any emotion, because it was showing weakness. In the end I deleted not because of all the ####ty treatment I was getting at the hands of the Outlander perma (read: Isceth ie. CraftedDeception) but because it had taken me completely out of my intended role, and I had effectively broken role, and therefore didn't feel like the character had any integrity, at least from my point of view. It made it not fun anymore. I couldn't get into the Kaelph mindset when I logged on, knowing that I'd likely be regearing a couple times again. I stopped counting after the sixth or seventh full-sac in half as many days, but man. Nothing made me happier than when I saw the echo of you Isceth getting sitebanned. That's what you get for taking out your OOC frustrations about a game mechanic (my deathblow backfists) on a character you had no reason to harass.

There were lots of good times in the beginning and lots of good interactions, and I want to focus a bit of energy on some goodbyes.

Thror: This was my first follower. My third tat ever (Shokai, Neltouda, Thror.) Unfortunately it came when I had nothing left to give CF. I started praying for you at like lvl 11. You inducted me personally as the third villager, which was awesome. And then I didn't see you for 100+ hours. I felt like I didn't know where to go with the religion. I had the helpfile and the precepts, but I felt really guide-less. It started getting discouraging after a while, when religion and tradition was supposed to be such a huge part of Kaelph's persona. I almost threw my computer when, at like 140 hours, we finally got to talk again and you dropped the "Why are you coming to me for a blessing so late in your life." It sorta felt like a kick in the nuts of all the effort I had put into seeking your blessing. After some reflection I realized that you couldn't be that oblivious and must have been ####ing with me. But that was all too late. I see now that you're about messing with people in order to challenge them. You're right, I had no faith in you and that was my problem. Oh yeah. And (sarcasm) thanks for putting me up against Knacnar, the one person there was no way in hell I was going to beat, for my one and only single elimination fight in the rites. That was super ghey and I almost just quit right there.

Arlovaskhah(sp): Those were the good days, back when we were lowbies. I didn't have any mage kills yet but you told me to have faith and persevere, and I'd get in anyways. You were right, and nothing made me happier in 140 hours than seeing you finally get inducted when you had been dedicated for so long. Great RP, great guy.

Knacnar(sp): I still don't know what to think of you. I always got the sense that you were in it as a powergamer. You play like a machine, I never saw any rp out of you unless an Immortal was around, but when the rites came around you flipped the switch and started to do it more. I liked you until you took me to the first circle (that I know little about,) then proceeded to bitch me out for not knowing it well enough to lead mobs about on a complicated chase. It felt very OOC, given that we went down with you KNOWING i didn't know the place. Way to be a jerk, but hey, your build is tough and you can kill anyone in the circle so that's the way the cookie crumbles. Congrats on Commander.

Nurok: A dwarf's dwarf. I don't know how you do the accents so perfectly but it sounds the way I think a dwarf would talk. Solid presence, solid RP, you should have been Commander no questions asked. The good guy doesn't always win, but maybe someday. You were Kaelph's guide in all things Thror, and seeing you get showered with rewards and praise while I got the shaft was bittersweet.

Zinsizin: People think you're an a$$shole but I see a classy drow who knows how to RP a Villager. You should have been Drillmaster in Kaelph's opinion.

Sophia: Keep on trucking. Kaelph thought you were soft, but you're playing the kind of character that I tend to play, only in a gnome suit. Tough row to hoe, and I'm sorry if I came across as a jerk to you. That's what I get for thinking I can RP "hard" instead of "friendly."

I'm forgetting a lot of people but I'm tired of reflecting on this character and it's just making me feel bitter again. I don't like the idea that the actions of other people can take the fun out of something I do for enjoyment, and Kaelph was the perfect example of how sometimes events and a$$holes just seem to collude to make your life a living hell, far more trouble than the effort it's worth. I should have pulled the trigger and deleted at like 75 hours and saved myself the trouble.

Lesson learned. Maybe I'll roll something up again someday, but in general the CF atmosphere has deteriorated to the point that even I, someone who has always believed that sportsmanship and the bond of a common shared interest would keep it alive, have realized how naive that is. Everyone just keep on playing for yourselves whilst shafting everyone else because someone, at one point, shafted you. That way when I do get the urge to come back I can't give in, because CF will be gone, and I'll have to go do something like exercise or take a walk outside or read a book or socialize with people in real life.

P.S. I almost forgot. Whoever that nameless Immortal was who talked to me that day after the fifth or so full-sac, thank you. Being able to vent a bit was helpful. It's people like you, who actually care, that give me a bit of hope. Unfortunately it seems the ratio of class to douchebaggery these days is about 1:100. You seem to still possess the faith that I've lost, and I hope you don't eventually become as bitter as I am.

90217, I think you deserve a response
Posted by Knac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I was the first villager to hero.

That being said, there were and still are times when I feel like most villagers want to piggyback off me. Maybe it's my fault. I don't know.

Since that feeling was/is prevalent, if I go to an explore area, I kinda expect people who don't know the area to do almost exactly what they're told. Or at least so an interest in the area - maybe explore a bit, instead of just having me lead them around and looking at mob/get eq. Furthermore, as much as people may not know the area, etc., I do expect at least a decent amount of compatency (when to bandage, when to realize that I'm disarming, considering mobs, looking at mobs, when to use your skills, etc.) Maybe ask questions? I don't know about you, but I rather not die when I'm trying to be helpful. Oh, and if you want to fingerpoint at my occasional frustation, the way you presented your character to me made my more than a little annoyed. I'll leave it at that.

Given how much I play with this character, I can see it's understandable that you don't think I rped that much. I haven't really flipped the switch on anything - I did the same amount as I always did. Except I now have a position that dictates that I should be more commanding.

Also, the reason why I took you to the circle of rites is different than leading you to a hell. Not sure why you included that statement in your post. Especially one part of my build is pretty much giant spec 101 (which I will never do again - it's pretty boring).

Anyways, good luck with your next.

90218, RE: I think you deserve a response
Posted by Kaelph on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I said first circle I meant hell. You don't get exp for looking at mobs there, I was there mostly to help, not to explore which it turned out I couldn't do anyway because arial assassin is so fragile so I was just a burden. I was doing my best though and you bit my head off. Sounds like other issues were rubbing you the wrong way so it's water under the bridge.

What I meant was I could never really go toe to toe with you in the Village Circle so I couldn't really express my opinions around you if they were contradictory, because it would just end with "take it to the circle" and that was that. Guess that's the way the system is set up, but it's hard to be a "careful, calm approach" villager when you have a "run in and smash anything you see, strategy be damned because I can just overpower whatever I face" brother always bashing the people you are stalking/preparing to strike.

Apparently Kaelph rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. All about perspective, i was just trying to be somewhat quiet, serious, very traditional and honorable, mysterious, and it came across as 'holier than though." Not your fault. Thanks for the help, if it ever seemed like I was piggy backing you it was because going around by yourself all the time hidden is boring in a social game.

90232, Imho
Posted by Daurwyn2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kaelph did come across very much as you wanted. One of those who impressed me as a villager.
90233, I never had a problem with Kaelph either. Tough foe. NT
Posted by TMNS_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM