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Topic subject(deleted)[FORTRESS] [SQUIRE] Arun the Champion of Battlefields
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=90065
90065, (deleted)[FORTRESS] [SQUIRE] Arun the Champion of Battlefields
Posted by Arun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The first to fall upon the battlefields in the movement against the darkness.

He didnt make much of an impression on anyone(he did alot of solo ranking). It is terrible losing great characters to things out of your control, but double EXP continues to reveal to me it is a curse and not a favourable to any character planning to get milage out of its character.

I have never done a hero warrior outside of the village, and it continued to prove a hassle just for preparations of detect invisibility, which i more often then not just disgarded not wanted to trade another weapon for two ten minute vials.

I know, I know roots, but they are a pain in the ass, and rot death is not worth it.

Powering to hero is incredible disadvantageous to characters, I didnt master most of my defenses, barely any of my skills and started far to late on my second spec to make it viable.

Thanks to those alongside me for going through the motions and aiding me in the powerrank.

Sorry Adekar for the quick delete, but i continually seems to not enjoy the warrior class, despite all its benefits, it just always comes off as a hassle and makes the character unenjoyable.

Thanks for everything, and for bringing back CF
90089, RE: (deleted)[FORTRESS] [SQUIRE] Arun the Champion of Battlefields
Posted by Glurgick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The majority of my chars have been warriors, a very high majority and I will say that once you get a routine down, it is very easy to be prepped with stone and protection.....and that is what Glurgick and Igbah used for the majority of their lives. Aura/shield also were used, but mostly I was just stone and protection. I used primarily fillets, and if you gear right, they are OP. I think I only died once to being held....thank you Minyar. Just off the top of my head, I think I had something like 200 pk wins with Glurg, and even more with Iggy. Don't lose hope man, figure out what works, and build off that. And, I know warriors are not for everyone, just like mages are not for me!

Just trying to help with my 2 cents, peace

90066, I'm going to say something that will aid everyone.
Posted by TMNS_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kill Red Dragon. Grab things. Barter at Weaver. Voila. You have 20 24 hr detect invis.

A hero warrior should never EVER be without detect invis.

Unless you are a rager without the head dying of plague on Eastern.
90067, RE: I'm going to say something that will aid everyone.
Posted by Tlingit2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Snow worm armor/Sea serpent has about the same affect.
90068, RE: I'm going to say something that will aid everyone.
Posted by Arun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It wasnt just that, i simply didnt enjoy the amount of time that had to be spent just to prepare for minimal protection. Warriors are just not a class for me
90069, RE: I'm going to say something that will aid everyone.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>It wasnt just that, i simply didnt enjoy the amount of time
>that had to be spent just to prepare for minimal protection.
>Warriors are just not a class for me

I think warriors in general don't necessarily need a large amount of prep time, but maybe for you to be able to do it without Battle powers they do. As you say, it may just not fit your style. A couple times I saw you die in some area and thought "I don't have a problem doing X with a character 20 levels lower, how did that guy just die?"
90070, RE: I'm going to say something that will aid everyone.
Posted by Graatch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>I think warriors in general don't necessarily need a large
>amount of prep time,

I think you're wrong. Very wrong, in the hero range. It's the main reason I delete my hero warriors, like Hayim. Having to gather stone skin and/or aura and/or shield after every fight, which for the most part are both one shot only and unable to be put in containers, is just incredibly tedious. And at hero, you can't expect to fight 75% or more of your enemies, whoever they are, scion tranny, battle warrior, empire shaman, fort paladin, tribby shifter, outlander invoker, whatever combination you want to mention, unless you have dam redux.
90071, RE: I'm going to say something that will aid everyone.
Posted by jhyrb on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Like he said.. you don't NEED to, unless you're obsessive compulsive and can't handle the thought of fighting without maximum protection. It's YOUR choice to do that, no one is forcing you.
90072, RE: I'm going to say something that will aid everyone.
Posted by Asyguest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think playing a successful hero warrior with relies ONLY on buyable preps is very doable, especially if you plan ahead and design a build better suited for doing so.

I tend to put preps into two categories: survivability and buff. Fly, enlarge/reduce, recall, teleport, etc. are all necessary to stay alive and safely fight the most basic of fights. With these things, you can do a lot. Tack on Squire protection by cabal power and you've got yourself some DR.

Stoneskin, aura, shield, resists, and other various things make you able to go toe to toe with tougher foes and/or foes that are willing to spend the time getting those things. You'll get more kills and die less and overall by more of a mofo.

The important thing is that the first group is mandatory (IMHO), but very easy to cover all the time. The latter isn't mandatory to being relatively successful, as long as you're not hoping to top Kostyan's PK record, but take more knowledge and, this is the part I dislike, time.

Without a jazzy prep bag you're not likely to beat on Scion Invoker or prepped lions, etc., but you should be able to bag a few kills, avoid most deaths, and generally contribute to cabal defense, etc.
90073, RE: I'm going to say something that will aid everyone.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
FWIW, my warriors have never prepped to that level. I don't think they've ever used shield or aura that didn't come from someone they killed, end even stoneskin isn't for every fight.

The flipside of that is, if I jump on a warrior and I can tell he has that kind of extreme damage reduction, I usually just run away immediately and try to raid/reraid/whatever again like ten ticks later. I'm not going to say I've never died to someone with that much DR, but I can't remember the last time I did.

Maybe you're more successful with the class than I am; it's not my best and I haven't paid enough attention to say either way.
90077, I'd daresay gear is 100% more important...
Posted by TMNS_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...as a warrior than preps are.

The exact opposite is true for most mage classes.
90084, But what Graatch realises is
Posted by Daurwyn2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Warrior preps are almost all single use and many have to fit in your inventory as they are limited. Equally, their limited nature makes them harder to keep hold of.

Mage preps are multiple use, and plenty of them are effectively unlimited when it comes to replacing them.

So a warrior has to do more work to prep, and gets less out of it. For example, you hit a cabal and the warrior comes out protected, you back of, and hit it again shortly after. There's a very good chance he's missing some preps now. With a mage, he'll probably just zap/brandish again. And when he has to zoom off to get the prep, he can probably gather 3 or 4 uses of it, in the time the warrior gets one (if he's lucky).
90086, Solution? Bring back large hobgoblins and purple potions :) n/t
Posted by Sanctuary on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
90094, Personally I like it the way it is
Posted by Daurwyn2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since those who prep their warriors to the gills are often the same warriors that won't fight solo and just gank anyway.
90087, RE: warriors and preps
Posted by Malakhi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My personal breakdown:

Well, nothing is going to compare to the ease and convenience of preping with a Rager. IMO, that is the main draw to playing a Rager, as well as the game-mechanics source of most of the fun to playing a Rager. Basically, you get to roam around as prepped as you'll ever be, ready for action, almost 24/7. Pure awesomeness. (Of course, there are substantial game mechanics costs to Ragers to make up for that convenience. :) )

That said, getting "minimal dam redux" for warriors for every fight is pretty easy if minimal DR means "protection." I've played a bunch of warriors, and "protection" was always a given. Stoneskin + protection brings you to about the effectiveness of Rager resist, and you can buy stoneskin (i.e., it's not time consuming to get) but that comes at the cost of convenience. Now, you don't need SS + protection for EVERY fight, but you do need them for particularly tough enemies that you can't kill in a few rounds. There are always a small handful of these types of enemies.

Then there are the enemies who are deadly and highly conservative (i.e., they won't come to fight you unless they have every DR available, and will flee immediately if a DR falls). These guys you need to bump up the DR to include shield, which IS time consuming to get and inconvenient to use. Fortunately, there are only a couple of these deadly+ultra-conservative types playing at any given time. Also, one way to avoid them is to just avoid raid situations because given the amount of DR they expend, they are going to want to increase their chances of actually being able to PK while the DR's active - so raiding situations where their enemies are forced by RP to respond. Anyway, the shield situation does suck for a hero level warrior, but like I said, it doesn't come up the majority of the time.

As for aura, I've never used it on a warrior. Too time consuming. :)
90092, RE: warriors and preps
Posted by Arun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its not that i dont know where to get all the preps, its just simply you have to spend that much more time on the bare essentials.
I hate prepping as it is, have that much more to do is just.. to much

Warriors have never been my prefered class anyways